Looks like Antifa vs The AB is happening, they're trying to meme against them for some reason. Who are you betting your money on Sup Forums?
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>and then they go to prison and have no choice but to join the ab
Wait, are they saying they're going to run the prisons? Okay, they can all get arrested if they want and take tyrones meat
op made the memes because, ofc, he is a faggot.
how is everyone in antifa a brain dead retard
i have some pics we can turn into memes
AB would never take in an Antifaggot
can't wait until these soyboys get a taste of American History X IRL
AB doesnt care about politics its the color of your skin that matters in prison and if your willing to put in work. one of the heads of the AB himself is a jew
heres another pic we could meme
so, if more antifa get busted more nazis get created?
This can't be from them. I refuse to believe it.
But yet I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
AB is lone of the hardest prison gangs in the US, responcible for 25% of murders in prison
Do they really think they could do a single thing about that? Aren't most of ANTIFA members 20 year olds who live with their mothers?
AB would literally not help them and would leave them defenseless so niggers could rape them.
Can we meme a day where Antifa visits prisons to front up the Brotherhood ?
It would be hilarious to see it happen.
AB has been reduced in alot of the cali prisons and alot of their shotcallers and members have either been transferred out of cali or locked up in SHU=special housing units. same with other gangs like the mexican mafia also AB stopped branding and taking in new recruits because of that but that doesnt mean they still dont hold power over the prisons since proxy gangs like the woods or nazi lowriders still do theyr bidding
They could become peckerwoods - probably smarter than joining the AB, but you're more likely to becoming a victim. It's lose lose.
Personally, even a as white nationalist, I would never join AB in prison. I would just keep my fuckin head down. If you join AB you're just gonna get more charges, most likely.
Top kek
I hope this is real with a burning passion. AB is not to be fucked with. Meme it into reality
>a meme brigade challenging actual murderers and criminals
Kek I hope it’s real.
Who cares they're both idiots. AB is a prison gang anyway.
JFC good luck pussies. I worked in a jail for 5 years in Texas. All the gangs are race based, but there are only two primary white ones, Aryan Circle and Aryan Brotherhood. The black and spic groups don't fuck much with them for a couple reasons but mostly because the black and spic groups do a shit ton of infighting and fight each other (nig v bean) constantly. I'd say about 80% of the whites in AB and AC are some of the coldest dead eyed motherfuckers you would ever meet and they lift. All fucking day. They also are usually the ones running the contraband because the nigs and beans can't organize shit.
They would not hesitate to fuck each and every Antifa fag up for good, if only for being race traitors
if you want to start a cali street war between antifa and real WP street gangs do it between them and PEN1 theyre a known cali white street and prison gang AB doesnt give a shit about stupid politics in or out of prison all they care about is money drugs and inside influence in the prison system
"omg like...i totally wanna punch some nazis in the face right now lmao"
> watch antifa get murdered and field dressed with a broken toothbrush
I can only get so hard on a Monday user.
Are things reversed in America, right wingers are cucks and left alphas? Leftists are notoriously feminine pussies.. why are they punching you and bullying you in general?
Over here men’s men are right wing and the faggots are left
The delusion
your fucking stupid. ever here of Texas Syndicate one of the biggest mexican prison gangs also the aryan brotherhood arent really real AB they just took the name TAB texas aryan brotherhood but last i heard there was alot of infighting over ideology
What are we gonna do for november 4?
>infighting over ideology
You mean over control of the drug supply. Prison gangs don't fight over ideology, that's retarded, they literally don't give a fuck.
nothing just let the cops take care of them if your in murica. do you think law enforcement are just going to let them try an armed revolution on the streets
Laugh like retards.
So their plan is to get arrested then punch Nazis in prison?
>making memes to take on a prison gang
they have truly ascended reality to a level of pure retardation only ever realized in the last moments of coma victims lives.
>implying prison gangs will see their memes
>implying antifa would get physical with men who are locked in cages working out all day
>implying antifa is going to start organized crime in prisons
that last one im hoping for.
pic unrelated
Meanwhile, in the real world...
If you will reread what I said, both the black and bean groups spend more time fighting with each other than AC or AB. My point was that Antifa deciding to call out any prison gang is fucking retarded
I spent 5 years at a few of the units in Huntsville fuckface, and Texas Syndicate spent more time trying to fuck with the nig nogs in the tank than do anything else.
They've been allowing them to do whatever they like.
In Berkely they were beating people literally right in front of the cops, and they did nothing.
no the last i heard here in texas was the whites were split over some christian bs ideology. im in texas and i used to know a few TAB
Styx is LIVE NOW with James Allsup, Brittany Pettibone, Roaming Millennial and others
awww poor kitty :(
Antifa's gonna have fun going against a predominantly right-wing organization who probably has more guns than them.
huntsville aint shit dummy try terrell unit faggot
Probably just trying to incite violence as they like to do. Maybe trying to get other groups to protect them when Antifa eventually go to prison?
so what they will do? get arrested so they can go fight nazis in the prisons?
aryan brotherhood is a glorified illegal cigarettes seller. they arent fucking hate group or kkk 2.0 or some shit. just a biker gang that sells drugs and contraband. more liberal msm boogeyman bullshit to scare people and push identity politics.
Arayan Brotherhood is a prison gang if your an Antifa type and end up in prison your going to need all the help you can get, it's as if they are literally retarded.
You are 3 months late faggot
I think Sup Forums should respond to punch nazis with
>lynch commies
Punch a NAZI, Lynch a Commie!
>martial arts don’t mean shit in the gutter
Oh boy oh boy
Oh boy, let me grab my popcorn.
This can't be real. AB is a well-established criminal syndicate. Highly organized and unified in the goal of making money with the veneer of a racial interest group. Antifa is mentally ill fags who can't even agree on what their goal is.
can we meme them into doing this?
You're fucking a white mare etc.
Yet Antifa was declared as domestic terrorists
Antifa is gonna get killed. That's the point. They want to say "Nazis are killing us!"
>You're fucking a white mare
Of course they're starting a meme war with them. The AB likely has very little internet presence compared to Antifa, and Antifa probably thinks "We're safe! They're all in prison." This will obviously blow up in their faces, but hey.
We need to come up with a way to make sure the AB sees their retarded memes
Actually post this on twatter or jewbook, you retarded niggers
do thisit's really simple
well...shit....I can get it to the NLR....but not sure how their AB relations are right now....
Who is the Aryan brotherhood?
I've never met any white supremacist group.
Not saying I know everyone.
I've lived in a number of large cities throughout my time.
I have known more punk, anarchist and communists than any other.
I guess its really a war on the Normies.