Reminder that Millennials destroyed the west

>Most lazy generation
>Blame everything on others instead of owning up to their failures
>They indulge in degeneracy
>Starbucks is their ideal job
>The men are all manlets
>The women are all clones of each other
>They all want suicide by communism thus proving they are useless
Gen Z prep the gas chambers

fuck boomers

STEM major here, things are starting to get tight even in our corner, I have no idea how the rest of my gen is going to get by.
I believe in personal responsibility to the end, but you can only do so much when handed a pile of shit

t. boomer

not an argument, boomers didnt tell you to be lazy degenerates who engage in unchecked faggotry

Found the boomer.

Say that again, cuck.

Please, the West was destroyed before Millennials were even born.

This literally describes boomers though.

Riddle me this-
>Our women our fucked up due to endless propaganda as to what they should expect from life
>Workforce is fucked because of mass immigration (legal and illegal) plus women doubling the number of workers, halving wages, plus encroaching automation
>Culture is fucked, there's no underlying values, everyone's desensitized to everything
>Family life is fucked since both parents need to work (in most cases), resulting in emotionally stunted children
>Education is fucked and is more propaganda than knowledge
>Home prices are fucked because people decided to play with them as speculative assets
>More and more pushes to take away more and more freedoms to solve problems that will only get worse (Terrorism, gun control, free speech)
>Greater rift between left and right destroying any sense of national cohesion
>Europe is actively falling and no ones stopping it
Plus other things I'm probably forgetting.
I'm going to come out okay (probably) due to certain career choices, but the bulk majority of my gen is about to take it up the ass on all fronts
So tell me, what do you think we should do?

this thread is for actual countries, sorry but u have to go back mongoloid

Nope, BOOMers were examples of lazy degenerates who engage in unchecked faggotry. No need to speak their degeneracy. They Live. Just OBEY and enjoy the downward spiral.

>meme flag
show that leaf faggot

>Blame everything on others instead of owning up to their failures
Sounds exactly like white poopoo on Sup Forums

People are the same regardless of time. Boomers just hate Millenials because they're not wasting their money with rent or any other kind of "coming of age" ritual which convenientliy serves to increase someone's wealth


Nice try, Johnsonberg, but it didn't go too well when the last time some Germancucks of your kind tried to make us go back.


>doesnt waste money
>broke because you spend your starbucks check on more starbucks and avacado dip for your mothers tendies and (((netflix))) subscription

Hey cunt, I'm still waiting for an answer

>by Joel Stein

Milennials were born at the worst time. It's really the previous generations that allowed all of this shit to culminate into what we see today. Of course, milennials are still pretty shitty, but they were drawn a bad hand.

>encouraging inter-generational warfare and resentment, causing further separation and alienation of the youth, more broken families and cultural decay
>falling for Time magazine's social engineering

Shouldn't you playing bingo or whatever you old farts usually do in retirement homes?

Millennials are the only generation which support the Democratic party even 45% - 46% non White Gen Z doesn’t.

shouldnt you be focused on a national identity? hapa life has to be awful

OP is true but the chick on the time cover is pretty so I'm gonna split the difference.

Gen Z fags are no better all beta soy boys who just play on Snapchat and instagram all day worshipping niggers

Though Old People are more or less 50/50 on the issues. I think Trump won 50 + voters by 3%?

>baby boomers import millions of illegal immigrants so they don't have to pay their workers fair wages
>outsource work to save money
>millennials forced to get college degrees that still won't guarantee a job


Illegal opinion.

Boomers are on track to become the most despised generation of all time. Stop being social leeches and expecting to be taken care of in your old age after you fucked everything up for the rest off us. Shut up and die off already. Entitled faggots.

>millenials hate boomers
>boomers hate millenials
>gen x goes unnoticed
If it weren't for the fact that they're such an unremarkable generation I'd say they're the true kikes in all this, manipulating the other two against each other.

They do have a point when they say how badly the boomers fucked everything by taking everything for themselves.

That being said, millennials have a very simple complaint: we don't have it as good as the luckiest generation in history. The fact that they don't have every possible advantage and just most of them is somehow a massive hindrance. Not sent off to war at 18 to be mowed down by gunfire in trenches? Irrelevant. My parents were able to buy a house for a lot less.

I'm 29 but I can't bring myself to admit I'm a millennial. It just means being part of a generation of narcissistic, entitled twats.

I'm a mech engineer who works 8 months in UAE a year. bretty gud money. Should have enough to retire in 4 years at the sweet old age of 34.

Going to do voluntary work helping kids from my working class primary school prepare for the grammar school entrance exam as the inbred posh cunts get to go to better primary schools and get tutors to help them out.

Hopefully sneak in some ideas about Strasserism and revolution.

>Lazy generation
Based on this clickbait Time magazine cover sure. But there are plenty of studies that have demonstrated a higher willingness to work for no pay etc.
>Blame everything on others.
Based on who?
>Indulge in degeneracy
True. But who enabled them? Their hippie parents.
>Men are all manlets.
Actually the tallest generation.
>Starbucks is their ideal job
For literally no one. Millenials are the statistically highest skilled/educated workers so far, no one wants to have a degree but work retail.
>Women are clones
All women are like that idiot.
>Suicide by communism.
For the ones in liberal arts universities yeah. But they're just as fringe as Sup Forums is. Its a retarded number, and its sad that these are also apparently "the future" but they're not a majority.

Shit thread desu senpai. Reeks of the typical "LE BORN IN THE WRONG GENERATION" kind of idiocy that a teenager thinks is poignant.


>meme flag

Typical ignorant boomer.
Also, not an argument.

>Blame everything on others instead of owning up to their failures
How am I to blame for my grandparents in the 60s electing politicans that opened the flood gates to the third world? Be specific please.

>millineals destroyed the west.
>boomer and gen x running companies and today's govt.

Saged, fucking slide thread


The West has been in decline for the better part of a century

Millennials are no worse than any age group the food on the extreme Marxist college freaks accounts for about 10% of millennials

The other 90% are normal people

Ding Dong

"I'm 20 but music today sucks I was born in the wrong generation"
>types that on a smartphone
>Drives a Prius
>is in ANTIFA

kek. millennials were born into a world destroyed by baby boomers and then were blamed for it being totally fucked.

Last time I checked everything was going to shit well before most millennials even got out of high school. But yeah, it's 100% only their fault.

>Joel Stien

This is divide and conquer Jewery at it's most base level.

Left vs Right
Old vs Young
Black vs White
Men vs Women
American vs everything
EU vs Those wanting to leave

It's never a simple clean cut case of disagreeing and ripping off the band-aid is it?

They literally play guilt, jealousy, and division like a goddamned Stradivarius.

You continue to subscribe to this generalist bullshit taking the time tested bait. Over and Over again

Highlighted the actual pinnacle of degenerate faggotry and beginning of the end of western civilization. Clearly boomers are responsible.
Typical boomer still can't accept the fact.

Gen X here. I don’t give a fuck about my boomer parents’ generation nor about the Millennials. No dog in this fight. Both equally useless.

Think it’s bad now? Wait until Millennials have kids and they form their own cohort. Will make their parents look like they wore a burka.

Who taught the Millennials to act the way they do...?

>the manlet are all manlets
Why is this so painfully true? Gay frog water?
t. manlet


Shit gets to the point where the young white male feels a stronger satisfaction from knowing the workplace is absolute shit that needs to collapse asap than shame from not working any job.

Her name is Lanie Morgan. She's only done a hand of porn vids tho. I'm sure she isn't in the industry anymore.

>Blame everything on others instead of owning up to their failures

Hey, remember when Millennials single handidly started Iraq and fucked up the entire Middle East?

Remembered when they made climate change denial national policy?

Remember when they trashed the whole economy with the housing bubble?

Remember when they inflated healthcare and education to astronomical levels?

Remember how they rejected Bernie, the only guy capable of actually fixing our shit?

Oh, shit, and remember when they put an insane, degenerate, grossly unqualified shitgibbon in the White House over a dangerously smart woman purely to protect the fragile egos of sissy white men?

Yeah, fuck those Millennials.

/End thread.

> Mememe generation
The gringos are copying our memes huehuehuehueheuehu

>so much shit dumped in the water by older generations we'll never even know
>lol why are you kids so retarded?

I hope the sun explodes.

> Too lazy to house train your puppy
> "Fucking dog pisses in my house"
> "Fuck this dog, I'm taking it to the pound and getting a new one"

good one boomer


Millennials will never accept blame for anything and will just pass all of it onto Boomers and this thread isn't going to help anyone.

BTW everyone but especially godless Millennials needs to have a massive priority shift through rediscovering philosophy and probably sucking it up and going back to religion.

Everyone especially millennials these days are way too ego driven and personally obsessed to have a positive change on society, we need to start becoming more conscious of how our actions affect others and try to unite as a cohesive nation again.

gen z are 10000x worse

This isn’t Reddit. Nazis have rights bernouts don’t. Bernie can’t fix shit and only millennials support the Democratic Party.

Hahahaha. Your tears are delicious.

Boomers should be gassed, along with Jews and large dogs.

By Joel (((STEIN)))

The West was in decline before Millennials were even born. Picture related is why

You mixed up millenials and boomers.

Sup Forums eats it up, too. For being so "knowing" of the juden ways they convienently forget about the juden habit of setting children against their parents.

We learned from the best, old man.

How would millennials even go about reversing boomer policies like the immigration act of 1965/Bush era immigration policies and no-fault divorce? As much as you might want to slander them as godless and unable to accept blame, there is nothing they can do aside from a revolution.

Kill the boomers and use their tax funded pension to fight the Jews.

Yes goyim fight amongst each other. It's the x generation that caused it not the actual people in charge.

Muh wrong general genital generation

Millennials still have a role to play, what's left of us, that is.

Didn't even have feet on cover baka

>cause bunch of problems by believing in idealistic lies
>do their very best to not be accountable to anything in their lives; can't be bothered to fix what their parents broke
Both are pretty bad, but only one of these two operate out of malice.

What's worse, malice or ignorance?

>Bernie is the only guy capable of fixing our shit
>A lazy, entitled bum without the slightest semblance of how economies grow and who lived on the taxpayer dollar his entire life is going to fix a thing

Uhh we only have 2 political parties that can possibly win and we are second in the world for prison population

Again Millennials are the only generation to support the Democratic Party. Boomers (Americans 50 +) may be split on voting they didn’t give us Obama. Hell even 45% - 46% Non White Gen Z doesn’t favor The Democratic Party. In Cass County North Dakota the Median Age for European Americans is 32. In Los Angeles County California it is 45. In Malibu, CA it’s 55.

Millenials started the Iraq war? How the fuck do you figure bud?

you missed the part where they are gonna save us all, ya dingus!

kek, and the republican party is vying for the repeal of the immigration act of 1965/Bush era immigration policies and no-fault divorce?

Face it, there is nothing millennials can support to revoke those boomer policies, and no other way to revoke them but a revolution.

>So tell me, what do you think we should do?
You already know the answer fuck face.


Poes law. Who knows? I think it's sarcasm, maybe not though.

You torched the world, handed us the ashes, and tell us we started the fire. Fuck you.

but he's right you literal faggot

>oy vey its all a plot goy
own up to your shit millennial scum and stop blaming jews for your career at starbucks

i may or may not be saying that i'm not possibly the opposite of a gen z
and i may or may not think that we, hypothetically speaking, aren't not different than the fags who might have, not necessarily, came before us

>Boomers create an endless supply of immigrants through the policies they enacted during the 60s
>This endless supply of immigrants drive wages down because of the supply/demand aspect of labor in a free market
>Boomers cry because the kids aren't working hard enough to get a hold of depressed wages and job hunt for an entire year 9 to 5 just to get a job
>Failed legal policies surrounding divorce lead to broken families in the marriage department
>Kids grow up without fathers and have no proper discipline as a result because mommy is all nurture and no nature
>West slowly falls apart from internal conflicts with migrant populations who have no loyalty to the country and poorly raised generations lacking father figures

Well then who's fucking fault is this shit then? I hope the MRAs win the divorce court battle, at least shit won't be so fucked up in the parenting department.

>he thinks Gen Z is saving anyone

Fucking this at least you can find millenials who recognize these issues and want to fix them i cant think of one boomer who isnt happy with basic bitch liberal or conservatism

You're not gonna get one because boomers are functionally retarded from all the LSD and losing wars they did back in the 60s

>can't afford car
>can't afford marriage, feminism killed dating
>drinking is for depressed people
>no decent jobs available

Holy fuck nearly half of 2000's HS graduates are virgins holy shit.

It's funny seeing Americans name generations and push the blame on them
Instead of calling out (((them)))

when things get worse and no more boomers around, by your logic you should be fine with us gassing you too then since you wont be able to blame anyone anymore

>boomers v millenials
fuck this.

t. Millennial faggot who blames boomers for their problems

>Feminism killed dating
That was the personal kicker for me, I probably wouldn't be here if not for being set on the path starting at "Why are women like this? I've been told I'm supposed to date, why is no one dating? Why is everyone being left out to dry but a select few?"