Marine Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer starting instagram drama with Dan Bilzarian

How the fuck entitled can you get? And I say this as a guy who served 2 tours with the US Marines, losing 10 Marines and 1 Navy Corpsman my last deployment. Dakota Meyer won the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions in 2009: awesome, bad ass. Why the fuck doesn't he do something else with his life, or at least try to act a little humble? All he has done with his life since leaving the Marine Corps nearly a decade ago is (from a friend who was close to him) show up drunk at speaking events and he managed to knock up Sarah Palin's daughter, yet some how has not even made an attempt at politics. He basically has zero original ideas when it comes to international relations, just going with the Syria intervention like a blue pilled cuck and saying typically brainless jarhead things like "Bomb the shit out of isis!" And now I find out he is actually delusional enough to think that he would stand a chance against Dan Bilzarian in a fist fight...Dan Bilzarian has millions of dollars and spends time getting trained by coaches who worked on Mayweather and Tyson: Dakota Meyer has noticeable man tits and there is no way he even still fits in his dress blues.

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I don't really know much about either or these two people or care, but to say 'dude, why didn't you stay and help people?!' when you're being shot at from unknown people at night in a large open area is a bit ridiculous. I value my life and would probably get the fuck out of there as well

>losing 10 Marines and 1 Navy Corpsman

How'd you manage that? Aren't they microchipped or something?

>Why the fuck doesn't he do something else with his life, or at least try to act a little humble?

Hi Dan

You are a shit person and nobody likes you

Please stop being so pathetic and act like a human being instead of a little baby-sized turd puddle

you should be thankful that you and your friends were given the opportunity to die for greater israel. shabbos goy

that chinlet with a beard is a pretty funny guy
I've seen him roleplaying with insta-sluts tryna trick virgins into thinking he's cool
you don't even fuck them, dan, what's the fucking point you friendless, talentless, faggot LMAO


Dakota Meyer is married to Sarah Palin's daughter. Hes making moves.

You're no Marine.

>ZOGbot faggot gets into a panty-twisting tiff with a wannabe, wash out ZOGbot faggot
Macadamias motorized.

ITT: Homeless army grunt is mad that a marine is successful. I bet you sucked that Navy SEAL tranny's cock.

He forgot to pullout, that's the only move he made. And way to aim low. I mean jesus, potentially good for a career IF Sarah Palin was still reliant but I would be seriously concerned about my children coming out functionally retarded

>You are a shit person and nobody likes you
Says the autistic fuck posting on Sup Forums.

Alaska is relevant.

Hey Dan,

Meyer is right you're a washed out wannabe sailor who is living off a trust fund and is so wrapped up in his own narcissism you can't see how you're wrong. No one is upset with Dan not fighting back it's his asked a cop for his gun during an active shooter.

Isn't the guy with the beard the same idiot who asked the cop for a shotgun and the cop told him to go fuck himself?

You think just because he got a MoH he stopped being a retarded Muhreen? Those idiots would impregnate a piece of warmed fruit.

What if the cop gave it to him and nothing happened? Would've been topkek.


lmao dan is one workout session away from a widowmaker heartattack. dude is unhealthy as fuck.

2 faggots hair pulling on social media... who gives a shit? Fuck off with this crap.

Dan is an idiot but is this how a MOH recipient should act??? they are both a couple of clowns


Lel I remember when Bilzerian cucked the founder of

Sounds super fucking gay, faggot

Far left looks like if he had a younger awkward brother Steve

Exactly, somehow I couldn't see Smedley Buttler or Dan Daily taking to instagram to call some celebrety out or even giving a fuck about their existance if that technology existed back them

>being this butthurt

Dan Bildashian is a trust fund LARPer who shat his jocks when the rounds went live and ran away (but somehow found time to turn his camera on and film himself running away).

Dakota Meyer is a MOH recipient who found his brothers dead and killed the sandnigger trying to steal the bodies with his bare hands.

If Bildashian were as based as he pretends to be he would have taken Dakota's criticism on the chin and moved on. He decided to cry like a faggot and call Dakota retarded.

Bilzarian came back once he dropped 2 girls off at the hospital and got his gun, also stayed to help for 3 hours. He was in Vegas dropping off 8000 lbs of food and water, and also donates a shit load more money to veterans groups because than Dakota Meyors lol worthy Tshirt #ownthedash. Dakota Meyor acts just as self entitled and washed up as many of my buddies, only difference is with them they get called out on their bullshit vs everybody is trying to constantly suck Dakota Meyers cock so he's basically in an echo chaimber of sycophants for the better part of the past decade

>Obama awarded medal of honor
I would just throw it in the trash because how worthless it is.

>a guy who served 2 tours with the US Marines, losing 10 Marines and 1 Navy Corpsman my last deployment

Does losing more men give you a higher place on the totem pole?

>Should have entered politics after he entered Ms Palin

As if Palin was ever a political colossus

>Dan is a supreme fighter

Dan get off /pol, you're getting desperate

I think Dan is a douchebag (his persona) but seriously people bashing him cause hes fucking running away from danger and dying? Holy shit. I bet none of those fuckers would have even gone back with their rifle like Blizerian did and to think he donated to the victims as well. Fuck that MOH douchebag he shouldve been there helping not on Instagram.

dan pls go


The dude mainlines roids mixed with blow and lifts/ trains with coaches 3-5 hours a day. Dakota has been drinking himself to death for nearly a decade and has put on 45 lbs of fat, at least. You tell me

Both r faggots that need to have their throats,slit.

why the fuck does anybody cares

>Dakota has been drinking himself to death for nearly a decade


I've never met a Marine who gave a shit about medals who wasn't either a boot or an officer

Dan is infinitely worse though so he gets a pass.

Dan is an autistic fuck who posts on instagram

Afghanistan is a big place


So one guys is actually a decorated veteran that has killed terrorists and fought to save the lives of his fellow soldiers, while the other is a larping faggot that owns guns?

One litterally injects his MOH citation into every single daily interaction, even like this one which litterally has nothing to do with Afghanistan...guy is worse than Walter from Big Lebowski

Who the fuck is Bilzerian and why is he a meme?

No self respecting service member would reduce themselves to an online beef. This cornball is no better than those
psychopaths who troll malls at Christmas with their wives who fucked other men while they were deployed, looking for other retards trying to pull off a scam. Just another "someone please pay attention to me!" asshole.
Service doesn't guarantee you heroship.

> Losing more boys out there makes whatever point your trying to make more valid.

Did I get this right?

dude is def a sociopath

I have no time for these 2 idiots.

Says the autistic fuck posting on Sup Forums
I hope you know that in mass shooting drills, they practice on simulated social media where shills are sent out from the drill to insist that the drill is real, to argue with simulated doubters/conspiracy theorists etc.
In the event of a drill gone live, which has happened several times , the drill participants take to social media, as well as contracted out PR agencies and insist that the drill is not a drill. this is to protect the families of the victims, since the drill is supposed to be real since it cohencidentally went live. This is why during training, they practice establishing a social media presence which insist the drill is not a drill.
soros has the ability to put thousands of fake protestors anywhere any time for an anti-gun protest or blm protest, therefore this is a drill gone live, made up of an innner ring of the injured witness types who are trusted to talk to the media like Corrine Lomas, who was a Dr. Phil hack and now plays a conspiracy theorist white trash witness.
"Morgan Starnes, 23, social media manager for a Vegas PR firm and recent graduate of the University of Oregon, was enjoying the concert with a friend that night. Here, she recounts her terrifying experience to correspondent Adrienne Gaffney."
Here is your typical example of the crisis actors that filled this Sunday night concert
She works for a PR firm, PR is the definition of propaganda!
The number of these media hoaxes has increased dramatically since the 2012, Smith Mundt Modernization Act, which altered the original act to allow foreign propaganda, to now be used on domestic audiences, in other words its legal to hire Crowds on Demand, and crisis actors and lie to the public, and because of non disclosure agreements, its illegal to talk!

>Oblivion randomizer in full effect

Why are these two faggots arguing about Vegas?

As a civilian you have no body armor, no helmet, no weapon, no radio, no backup, and no cover fire.

The only thing any civilian should be concerned with in that type of shooting is to vacate the area, take a position of cover/concealment, and when LE secures the area, leave.

If you want to help afterward, great, go ahead.

Marines are subhuman scum. That's all you need to know. Kissinger was right to say that they are just dumb animals who exist to get blown up.

Dan.. when will you come out of the closet ? Just admit you are gay.. Everyone already knows.

And wtfuck are you doing?
If you aren't Dan, stop sucking some other dudes cock, I'm sure he can speak for himself.

That's why you're canadian and would never win the medal of honor

Dan has a broken dick from abusing steroids too much. He can't get it up.

To be fair, you're fat

This infograph is really fucking bad.

either it's someone that needs to calm the fuck down, or a lefty trying to show how crazy the right is. Real, fake, half-real, there is no excuse for poor quality.

>And now I find out he is actually delusional enough to think that he would stand a chance against Dan Bilzarian in a fist fight...Dan Bilzarian has millions of dollars and spends time getting trained by coaches who worked on Mayweather and Tyson

There's nothing wrong with not wanting to risk your life to save others.

Some people are sheep, some bad people are wolves, and people like Dakota are the sheep dogs that protect the sheep from the wolves

Dan Bilz larps as a sheep dog when he is in fact a sheep

No, I mean statistically speaking you're probably obese. It's almost a guarantee


>muh sheep dog

im a navy seal and won the medal of honor you faggot nigger

one is a decorated combat veteran MoH recipient, the other a piece of shit poser.

fuck you.

Dakota, get off of instagram, get to the VFW and back into PT

Bilzerian is a narcissistic bag of dicks (Vid related)


Turdzirian was kicked out of SEAL Buds for a gun range safety violation.

Turdzirian is a trust fund baby. His dad was a Wall St raider.

Dan's instagram is full of negative comments. He is losing this war with Meyer in the court of public opinion.

Litterally has nothing to do with who would win in a fist fight, get Meyers cock out of your mouth hero worship is dangerious

And guess who looks like a bigger faggot. The MoH recepient starting drama on social media for attention. Not Dan this time.

>guy on left: your average Sup Forumslack

nothing wrong with a guy wanting to improve himself. id say this image makes him better than most of you faggots ever will be

Ray Donovan reference?

you are doing exactly what you are assuming i am doing.. .worshipping some useless attention whore who has done nothing but fail multiple times to be a professional soldier

granted he should back off. the first comment was enough to rip away the blind following the little bitch's followers.

He has bigger tits than the chick next to him.




I'm sorry, obviously DM is a bad ass but he is absolutely delusional if he thinks he can best DM in a fist fight...

Doesn't change the fact that Bilz is a pussy. Whats the nigger saying? Err'body wanna do gangsta shit til it's time to do gangsta shit. Also, you're a faggot.

cant even do steroids properly


Too bad he was too much of an entitled pussy to get through buds or deploy and actually fight.

Dude is a never was and he cannot shoot for shit, so getting his rifle after running away is not exactly impressive.

Especially since there are countless examples of actual veterans running into the gunfire to pull out wounded concert goers.

Is this Dan guy some kind of sand nigger? He looks like one.

Dude litterally ran TOWARDS automatic weapons fire with just a .45 and stayed to help for 3 hours, also donated 8000 lbs of water and food...give him some credit where it's due...meanwhile fat ass Dakota Meyer chirping from behind a keyboard, and anybody who points out the blatant neckbeardedness of Dakota gets blasted for his unrelated MOH he won nearly a fucking decade ago...I've never won the MOH but I've been in combat, and from my buddies who served with me about half are doing extremely well in life and half are slowly drinking themselves to death and poor...Dakota Meyer is acting exactly as entitled and drunk as the latter group, only difference is because he gets paid money to make speeches and "run" a tshirt company, he gets away with this.

Dan get off the internet

Shut the fuck up Muhammad. First of all guy wasn't kicked out of the navy for neglegence, it was a technicality and he was honorably discharged. People get barred from serving for having flat feet or astma, it's not hard to get disqualified. Second of all he was running towards gun fire, AFTER he got the 2 wounded women to safety. WTF should he have done, charged up the stairs with his dick in his hand and stormed the shooters hotel like Normandy? Jesus H Christ

Two grown kikes fighting on a board designed for teenage girls. Jew retardation in action.

Dan never actually served in a combat zone and lives off his dad's trust fund...

There are zero videos of him charging into gunfire. There are a couple of him asking a police officer for a weapon and treating people who have already been pulled out.

How is he any better?

Haha. Nice butt hurt.

Still never completed BUDS. He never deployed. He can't shoot for shit, and he lives off his Dads trust funds.

But you can just keep sucking his cock.

He was absolutely dropped from BUDS for safety I.E. he was that fucking guy at the range...

But that is a "technicality", right?

You hear gunfire in the backgrond, Dan is running towards the building. Hense running towards gun fire. Don't be a pedantic cunt

Guy has a net worth of 100 million dollars from poker and is a trust fund baby, who TF cares you cannot say without honesty that you wouldn't live the exact same frivilious life style if you could

remember that guy with an iq of 60 who shot 30 people in Australia. he probably would have gotten a medal of honor if he served in the military.

Did yoy even watch this video?

He is no where near the shooting. He is just sitting there like a fucking scared bitch with a pistol and eventually he helps people who are brought to HIS location.

By actual veterans, emts, and police officers who ran INTO the shooting to pull people out.

Running away to get your shitty weapon (that you suck a shooting) and then hiding behind a barrier at a safe distance is laughable. Kind of like his military service record.

It's more about him posting the video during the shooting and using the tragedy to promote himself as some bad ass than anything else.

Maybe, but then if I had such a shitty military service record, and if I ran away from Las Vegas, i'd probably also be just as butthurt as he seems to be.

Money can't buy pride in all things.

Well it helps if you can actually fire a weapon accurately...

Everytime I watch this video I laugh. This is exactly like those guys who heard automatic gunfire in Iraq and claimed a CIB/CAB for it.

You can even hear how far away it is.

I am willing to bet Dan asked someone to film him "running towards gunfire" to boost his credibility.

Just such an absolute tool.