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stop posting

space weapons are banned and russia/china would know about them and would throw an unholy shitfit if they existed

Nice source faggot

Is that an ion cannon? Omg

>At the classified level, space weapons have been secretly deployed by both the US and China. According to the National Institute for Public Policy, China “has the capability of attacking, destroying or disrupting the 500 US satellites circling the earth at heights of between 1,200 miles and 22,000 miles”.

>There has been speculation that the US and China having developed space based weapons such as Rods of God, which drops large rod-like projectiles from space with pinpoint accuracy and devastating results. The effects of such a weapon was depicted in the movie G.I Joe 2.

RFG isn't explicitly considered a 'space-weapon'

thanks, glad you like it

>tfw this will be pyongyang

>Exotic Weapons Systems are located on Earth and in orbit. In the beginning, I would expect a number of EMP detonations over NK while at the same time “Rods from God” [RFG] projectiles would be released from orbit. It should be noted that North Korea has taken extreme measures to harden their bunkers and systems against EMP attacks.

>Each RFG Platform releases 12 projectiles the size of telephone poles. These projectiles are made of Tungsten and are coated with ceramic and have a guidance system similar to the JDAM conventional bombs.

bretty much

I duno about exopolitics but I want Tesla technology and I want to believe the breadcrumbs Trump has dropped.

i really hate you guys sometimes.

>implying that anyone would ever use tungsten KIWs on Earth
>implying that we've been developing them secretly and have gotten them to the point where we're ready to put them into orbit, and no other country has noticed

>implying the other countries aren't in on it
>implying the government tells everyone everything


Now i dont want to be a faggot
but isnt that what happened in one of the newer COD games? fucking rods dropping from space destroying a whole city

There has been a slow leak of info through various forms of media for decades.
They do it to
A) See how we react
B) Get us used to it so we don't start killing ourselves like the broadcast of War of the Worlds

Go to be, Alex.

I remember seeing it
i think it was Ghost never played it but i remember fucking rods just dropping and it was called Odin or somethin
But whatever i wouldnt doubt this outcome

fucking dropped

Are you telling me your garage ISN'T full of water filters????

GI Joe 2, Channing Tatum dies in this one edition.

Not the first time he's been fucked by a huge rod

I hope the titanium rods are zeroed in properly and don't hit Sweden, Israel, Brussels, Mecca or DC by accident on the first few tries :S

Where do you really hope the Space Emperor does not hit, while fixing the targeting system?

>titanium rod

tungsten, not titanium

When they see what's coming they won't have shit to say.

>implying they don't exist yet

>honestly believing this tripe

Nothing is going to happen. North Korea is a distraction that was set up by the democrats who are backed by China. It's just to make a lot of noise and make Trump's job complicated. Stop being rubes.

oh man, that would suck, hope he doesn't hit California either


Yeah ok.

>space weapons are banned
what else is banned but still exist?

Trump mentioned he and Obama talked about "High flying assets" when they met at the White House.

I doubt they could hide a fucking space laser from China, Europe, or Russia.

They're probably researching it, but it is banned from being in space until like 2040 or something. Not that they have a functional design for yet anyway.

Why would they need to hide it when they're all involved

stopped reading there

You can't hide things in space. It' Where are you supposed to hide it?

No, a "rod from God" sends a telephone pole size piece of Tungsten or similar at great speeds from space to it's intended target. A nuke without the fallout

At least this is how I understand it

In the dark part, duh.

Thanks for the (you) and the bump anyway faggot

I would understand that if everyone had one, like nukes, but they don't. If the US had a functional space laser everyone would be scared shitless since no one else would even have one. Something like that basically eliminates MAD.

I hear from the grapevine that he's working with SpaceX.

Yep, just leaves a giant plasma crater

Global warming is a Chinese hoax!

That's my point. Having a giant top secret space laser is ridiculous.

if it's been thought of, it exists

what would happen if they put a railgun platform in space?

I don't know what part of tungsten rod made you think space laser, but the point still stands that you would only need one of these things that can be handled by all allied countries

>Space weapons built in secret by the USA
If they really do have god rod weapons and they are the only ones with them then Good god im sorry we lost the revolutionary war , they'll have the world hostage

People have thought of a lot things, doesn't mean they exist.

You get the idea, something that could effectively destroy a city from space..

The idea that Russia or China would collaborate on this with us is laughable.

I'm sure EVERYTHING that exists is publicly known, right?

Just like the US government performing experiments on its own people would surely never happen!
Oh wait, they declassified MKUltra

>I doubt they could hide a fucking space laser

Sure they could. There is a mysterious mini space shuttle that stayed up in orbit for over a year. Nobody knows what the hell its been doing. Space Command (yep, there is such a thing) ain't saying....

He said if it's been thought of, it exists. That's obviously false. We thought of everything from warp drives to teleportation, doesn't mean they exist.

Nothing ever happens....

Did you guys know that ALL patents have to go to the DOD (Department of Defense) before they ever see the actual patent office?
We've had free energy and the ability to cure cancer since the early 1900's, but that shit doesn't make money.

Something that fires a tungsten rod from space is way harder to hide to though. It'd be a pretty big structure in space. I mean, sure they could say "Oh it's for research" but it's not like they could hide it that well, especially from other countries that are also looking up at space.

Nope not even close.

That shit would've been leaked faster than nukes.

Just think about the weight and size of the tungsten rods and how we would get them up there.

It's simply a waste of money and a waste of good tungsten.

>F-35 bloatfighter
On second thought maybe that are doing something that dumb.

There was a larper on the other day talking about anti-matter bombs saying he worked for the factory that made them, was pretty cool, i like the idea of the US just having an ace in the hole like that

It could range from new ICBM's to unmanned spacecrafts filled with nuclear shit.
Even if those rods would exist that could take out an entire city, they would never disclose that information because of small things like North korea. Maybe use it as a show of force if war against Russia were imminent.. but yeah..

>We've had free energy and the ability to cure cancer since the early 1900's
go back to /x/

If you think curing cancer wouldn't make money, you're retarded. People would pay anything for that like they do for drugs that already cure other diseases. Pharma companies have funding research into this for a while because there's a massive amount of money in it since it's pretty much guaranteed that a sizable portion of the population will always develop cancer.

And that's without even mentioning the fact that there is no one cure for cancer since they're all different.

Good luck fags!
>our economy is still recovering from communism and we're basically a kleptocracy
>lets put tungsten rods in tactically and geometrically feasible orbits instead of fixing shit and paying off the mob to not turn our country into a landlocked pirate nation.

no such thing as 'rods from gods' retards




you literally just vibrate it to death with its own resonance frequencies, and it was published and well known in like 1912 - 1916, something like that, but the gov shut that shit down because pharmaceuticals are better at making money.
A) Keep the population nice and healthy and they only need one treatment for any illness and never need to return
B) feed the population preservatives and make them constantly sick with various things that have no cure, just long drawn out symptom reducers

>god rod weapons

i like this name

i have seen them through my telescope, it's real , also i have seen giant satellites with many arms like an octopus smash smaller satellites out of orbit

literally fucking heretics to death with a giant metal boner

I remember that thread. That was a good one. Wonder where he went


>You literally vibrate it to death

Hm no. Try reading something that's a conspiracy site. There's no "magic frequency" that can kill cancer cells and not leave anything else irreparably damaged. There have been papers from 80 years ago proving that lobotomies are a valid cure for brain disorders. They're not. It doesn't mean anything.

Again, no. Humans have been getting cancer since literally ancient time.

Seriously, go back to /x/.

That's not a conspiracy site*

>the us doesn't have unmanned spacecraft that seemingly stay up for nearly a year without anyone knowing what they're doing.

EMP cannot be controlled, US would invite war with all of Asia if they were to fuck it up.

>I haven't heard of it so it doesn't exist

What you're describing is a limited hangout. Sup Forums has been limited hangout central since the Podesta emails. I first remember reading about rods from god in 2003.

I have heard of it. Where have I said I haven't? I'm just pointing out it's bullshit propagated by literally one guy. Royal Rife. There's no reason why cancer cells would have a "resonance frequency" only associated with cancer cells. It's retarded.

>Trump dropping breadcrumbs
>Tesla weapons

is that galvatron?


it's kinda like how you can break glass (or anything) if you blast it with the right frequency, and you absolutely can target it so it doesn't harm other things, like laser surgery.

yes. let's thrown a space rod into the ring of fire.

We likely already dropped one on Sept 23.

The little guy from NK has been really quiet for the last few weeks.

M8, cancer cells are just masses of cells. It's not like comparing glass to the walls around it, which are completely different and have different physical properties. If there was a frequency that could kill cells, it would also kill all of the healthy cells.

behind the moon with the transformers that are hiding there too

It would be idiotic to use a spaceweapon against the Norks
Right now everyone is playing a safe little game where we pretend not to have any space based weapons at all.

However, if the US blatantly breaks the Outer Space Treaty, shit would go into the dangerzone real fucking fast.
Satellites are really really fragile. It would be relatively simple to destroy all satellites in orbit. Just send up rockets and rockets of chaff into satellite orbits until a Kessler cascade happens. Debris from the initial destroyed satellites will destroy more satellites and so forth and so forth.

If the US goes "Hey we have space weapons", China or Russia might decide that if they can't have space, no one can and there'd be little anyone can do to stop them.

So if he US is going to reveal space weapons, it'll be against Russia or China in a decapitating strike to remove their ability to launch rockets

it has been aleady broken, see here

>Related news also on Sept 23rd.

>Chongs dong
But yeah, I'd believe it

>space weapons are banned
No they aren't. The treaty you're referencing only bans the deployment of WMDs in space, not all weapons.

That means a cosmonaut can have a shotgun in his capsule to defend himself against bears

Ground targeted space weapons are almost always going to be WMD due to the cost of getting them there in the first place

USA would invite a war with the entire world if they put weapons in space.

Pretty sure a giant tungsten cannon classifies as a WMD. Although he could've clarified.

Oh friends.

We don't need weapons in space to weaponize space anymore. We have scalar weaponry that can fire electromagnetically charged rounds at percents of light speed that can shoot down anything at all.

That sure is a reliable website you got there.