Interacting with strangers at 2:30am in 1987 America

ps: french qt

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The 80's were so much fun.

Everything was great befor 9/11 it seems. Too bad I was born in '98.

Who's brave enough to do the 2017 edition?

So women weren't always narcissistic, stone faced, instagram obsessed degenerate snobs? And they were actually approachable and didn't scream rape when a kind stranger greeted them?

Moral Degeneracy is what's been going on in the previous decades. I can't wait until society collapses so we can start anew.

"Get the camera out of my face before I shoot ya mf ass"
"Why you talk to my girl you son a bitch"
"You're invading my safe space sir, get out before I call the cops"


After seeing this, I feel reassured knowing that I am right to think we are truly experiencing increasing social decay and breakdown of social cohesion in society. I'm not crazy.

You're just being paranoid guys, the future is bright.

They did one for 2014 at the same shop.

Theyre all on vacation at disneyworld. If you did the same thing in nyc or chicago that year ppl wouldntbe as outgoing.

>tfw that culture is never coming back

>11pm instead of 230am
>edited instead of one take
Really makes you think. But the location is also not a bad one anyway, its obvious that society is worse now but it had already started long before 1987. Plenty of places in 87 you wouldn't want to march around at night with a camcorder.

Schlomo Weinstien cenobites are the absolute worst kind of cenobite. Whoever made this, I am impressed.

I will never know what society used to be

I thought it was called a 7-11 because it closed at 11pm?

I guess modern phones made us more antisocial. People tend to avoid talking to strangers and that ruins the feeling of a social society.

>scream rape when a kind stranger greeted them

This actually happens?

well it doesn't

>And they were actually approachable and didn't scream rape when a kind stranger greeted them?

Not if you are good looking

You have to be a huge moron to believe that these interactions are not possible nowadays. Move out the shithole you live in if that video is classified in the fantasy section in your mind.

>being on camera 30 years ago was a novelty
>everyone acting goofy and having fun

>today cameras are everywhere
>people inherently cold


There are places where you can interact like that now. I don't think you'd get away with the camera though since people would be worried about getting plastered all over the internet.

> cashier isn't Pajeet

Truly a paradise lost. I think about this shit all the time when I go into 7/11 or other stores and your greeted but this ugly, unfamiliar, ethnic, imported frown that can barely communicate with you. After awhile you just internalize the alienation in public spaces and stop being outgoing yourself.

Fuck this shit, I want my comfy, simple White America back.

Brettvett1. Loads of videos of him interacting with strangers.

That America still exists you overly nostalgic cunts.

Well tough shit, you nazi scum. In 50 years, you'll be the minority and the white race will be soon wiped out.

i wouldn't mind filming her toochplace

No fuck you. I'm allowed to be overly nostalgic for an era I love dearly but can never experience.

it still like this youre just an autistic dumbass.

Hey man, I know the struggle but if you look hard enough there are some wholesome girls

honestly not that bad

>tfw this is what Donald Trump meant when he said "Make America Great AGAIN!"

You are but it is detrimental to your grasp on reality


Just checked him out. Pretty comfy.

people still interact like this in the american south.

Of course. But if you don't see aswell the society's degradation and growing degeneracy you're deluded.

I have to go back.

Japan is exactly like this.

We're definitely declining but I'm just sick of the over dramatic wallowing this video induces. I mean I live in the past too and of course worry for the future, but to pretend that it isn't possible to experience the type of social situation in the OP video, which is always the theme of these threads, is more delusional than anything.

I miss paying for things with nothing but cents

Back when young Americans worked jobs instead of "going to college" for no reason.

>expecting a chill dude accosting strangers
>it's some psycho obsessed with pitbulls
hearty kek

life was still like this in the 90s and some of the 2000s before the internet became infested with normies. you could run around with a camera and take candid photos and videos and people wouldn't mind. these days if someone came up to you with a camera in your face you assume they're taking footage for something bad enough to monitor you.

Brett himself is a bit of an oddball, he's actually in prison right now for robbing a bank or something.

But the public he interacts with reflects the OP video. That America still ultimately exists.

Shit forgot to take off my memeflag

Is open 24 hours kiddo

I'd do one at the koreatown 7/11 but you faggots would get angry without at least 3 bums starting fights in 4 minutes

smoking in the 7-11, and everywhere else. Good times

>for no reason
Well how else will they take loans at interest to learn Jewish brainwashing?

get a better 50s family this one looks kind of retarded

This reminds me how much i hate americans.

I don't see why it can't be both.

Why do you hate freedom?

In that case it's a request

I hate americans. What's freedom got to do with it?

>I can't english

do this shit at any vacation spot where people are happy to be there and you'll find the same thing even today.

No and even more so since the mindset nowadays in those places is something like this: "Finally i can be in peace and relax with no niggers or other scum getting into my face. God do I hate people!"

I don't think I've seen a white person working in a 7-11 since 1987.

in what way?

>So women weren't always narcissistic, stone faced, instagram obsessed degenerate snobs?

They were still female, they still didn't know what they wanted, guys still chased them and had trouble figuring them out, etc. Human nature hasn't changed.

But it's true that they were easier to get along with, in general. They were more honestly girlish, not trying to be as aggressive as men yet. It's funny, the 80s were the age of androgynous singers and women wearing suits with shoulder pads, yet the sexes were still more clearly different in natural ways than they appear now.

>guy goes around ROTMOG'ING nigger pitbulls


I wonder if that French QT died in any of the many terror attacks

she stayed in America to get WHITE BRED and now has a pure aryan family of 4 in Wyoming

That is... horrifying. Nice.

I lived 2 years in Japan. Whilst it taught me about the superiority of homogeneous society, it is most definitely not like this. Japanese are highly introverted in general.

go make me some fucking waffles NOW


Nah she is now a 50 yrs old milf

Maybe both?

7-11 in sweden is open from 7am to 11pm

We gotta go back!

>No, we don't have 7/11 in France, we have some other..
>You have "Seaveen Eleveen" right?
Fucker got me.

craziest thing is it was actually still (mostly) like this in the 2000s. libs HATE when you say this but it is the truth that everything changed massively after obama, esp once he won the second term.

That's not true.
Shopkeepers are 100% on guard, watching everything, kicking out people who try to steal, while I wait in line, while I make sure the guy behind me is not pickpocketing me, while I scan for where to hide if the guys being pushed out pull out a gun... That's what I say it's like in the south.
I saw a fistfight turn into a gunfight in New Orleans.
No. It's nothing like the 80s.

I love this video.

Wait there were no weird looking smelly pakistanis working in 7/11 30 years ago???!!!

>people who barely leave their homes and never talk to people they don't know talking about how society is less friendly and social

You people are a goldmine of laughs

I am English, i can assure you that America is not the definition of Freedom

This is the very same 7/11 in Orlando were I saw Eric Paddoc yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle and snort coke-boogers as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen sushi boxes in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the boxes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent them as not being rung up as COMPED” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each box and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

same hh


>New Orleans
There's your problem senpai, that city is far too niggerfied and overrated as shit. Tbh, you can go to pretty much any smaller town with a double lane main street, be white, and get hellos and howdoyoudos. Also, it's hot and humid down there all the fucking time so people are always irritable.

While today is certainly worse than before like the 80s, it's not THAT bad. Just watch Ice poseidon live IRL streams to see what I mean

Then blame all the whites that still did business with term after they replaced all the cashiers With Rajiv

>That America still exists you overly nostalgic cunts.
No, it doesn't.
However, women were cliquish in the extreme, and cliques ruled the society much more than they do now. You could not shift cliques. If you are not in their group, they would ostracize you. It is much easier to shift between groups today.
That's led to a more general prevalence of just being a snobby bitch whore to everyone. In the old days if you approached a female from a clearly defined higher group, you were ignored or even assaulted, but no civil authorities go involved. Today, every bitch is a snowflake and the cops arrest you and you go to prison to be put on the sex-offender list. It is not an improvement.
>yet the sexes were still more clearly different in natural ways than they appear now.
Beards, fashy haircuts, and gym physiques are the hyper-masculinization of Metrosexuality. That's an old story.
Modern men are passive-aggressive twat bitches much more than they used to be. They've assumed female characteristics much more than women have assumed male characteristics.
OTOH, you were more likely to be physically bullied or beat up in the old days, if you were male.

>I saw a fistfight turn into a gunfight in New Orleans.
>No. It's nothing like the 80s.
sounds pretty fucking 80s to me.
Literally, alot of my dad greatest stories from the 80s start with his brother whooping some dudes ass then both of them getting shot at.

not to mention new orleans is not indicitive of the American South, its a party city were degenerates congregate to do fun stuff.

how long were you there in the first place?

>people defending the 80s video
That 80s video is beyond degenerate. They are swearing, making sex jokes, and talking about partying

ha being this mentally fragile

t.never a teenager

I was a teenager. I didn't swear, I didn't make sex jokes, and I never partied. Not everyone is a degenerate.

the swearing, the jokes and party's talking would be far far worse with nowadays teens. But it's not their fault unfortunatly

I was a teenager last year. I never once partied, only swore twice as far as I remember and I deeply regretted it, and never ever made a sex joke. What you're saying is bulllshit.

Dear god, why?

I didnt party, but I made millions of sex jokes.

I talk about the average teen not the isolated nerd

I'm a Chad

Because if i got caught saying that I'd be grounded forever.

It's not about defending the 80s lifestyle, it's that social cohesion was still strong in the 80s which allowed people to be this friendly and open. Hedonism, multiracialism and ubiquitous entertainment destroyed this cohesion.

i've watched a video picturing the old town in my city 40 years ago. People were incredibly outgoing, happy, always smiling. Nowadays the place is flooded with turks, africans and arabs and people mostly keep to their own circle of friends.

OP. i JUST watched this maybe 4 days ago. it randomly appeared on my youtube feed at about 2 am.

odd that i just watched this and you just posted this...yes. even odder is wondering WHY it randomly started popping up on youtube feeds.

how and why did you watch this OP? were you looking for it? randomly appeared on your feed? something strange is afoot.