Baltic politics

Is it more right-wing or left-wing?
How big is religion in politics? Iirc Lithuania is stupidly Catholic and Estonia is largely atheist and agnostic.
How do they feel about the EU?

Other urls found in this thread:


Right wing. Although all of the parties and the president are massive EU cocksuckers who don't care about the people. People view EU as a source of gibs, mostly positively. Religion, I don't know, I don't see its influence.

Do the politicians all fear Russia? Or is it just to galvanize people for votes?

The Baltics and Poland are all reactionary shitholes.

I'd say neither, all of the anti Russian bullshit in politics and media is there to give EU and NATO more influence here

So they would be pro EU as long as you weren't flooded with immigrants?


I wonder what it feels like to have her take down your whole shaft in her mouth while she caresses your balls with that stump

Her arm loogs lige benis :DD

muh dick

You perverted fucks never disappoint


wood berry

I spent some time in Vilnius in 1996, fucking loved the place.
Most locals I spoke to seemed to lean more to the right. I got the feeling much of that was a consequence of only being a few years out of communism.
Their attitude towards Europe was one of pragmatism not any kind of ideology.
They knew authoritarianism when they saw it no matter how it was dressed up.

Fairly right wing, although with differentiated opinions of Russia than other right leaning people tend to have.
Here's an interview with a prominent rightwinger from Estonia

>tfw no cripple gf

Does she have a nose ring? Why?

>Lithuania is stupidly Catholic
total nonsense.

Estonian politicians are biggest EU cocksuckers: they would do anything that the EU tells them do but they will end it where the EU stops, unlike
in Sweden where they will try to take those migrant cocks what EU does not even give them. Our only alternative party is runned by (partly) polish jews (the party has pretty good support so i think it is good to keep the immigrants away) but even them are called (by our newspaper) nazis, etc.
The politicians have imported a lot of migrants recently but they only live in big cities such as Tartu or Tallinn.
The biggest problem is that people are not aware what is happening in the world because they only read local news papers, CNN or BBC

you are an autist

sa oled ekre kääbik

>non country tier

It's hard to truly describe every person as always and how Politics work.
I guess i'll start nevertheless. Considering Politics no Lithuanian loves their politicians most of them just steal as much as there is available, therefore most Lithuanians dislike their Parties and so on. Most politicians are EU cocsuckers obviously since its free gibs atm, somewhat similar applies to how people view the EU, however theres skepticism with the refugee politics. I believe most baltic people don't rly want refugess or immigrants on welfare since we have enough of our own who work non-stop just to get trough the day. Refugees either way tend to land in countries that have great social benefits and theres really no such thing in Lithuania, people work day to day to pay the bills and buy food as well as try to somehow get enough pennies saved up to get some warm cloathing for winter. I personally believe that many of right-wing/more conservative people stem from the fact that they have somewhat harder lives, thus the reason Lithuanian people are the way they are. However the younger generations are getting more Left-wing since the quality of life is getting better step-by-step.

Just in general my opinion of refugees in western Europe not sure if my countrymen thik the same but I guess its my take on the situation in a sense(just wrote down my inner monologue): "Obviously the western Europe might want to show how morally rigtheous accepting every person in need is and it might be true, however in practice when their economy cant take the burden on the tons of people that need help and they cant allow themselves a nice Vacation in another country or have to start thinking about every purchase they make since the balance is so close on their credit card eventually they might start t reconsider"

You know it's true


As an IR major who has worked in Brussels both for NATO and EU, and now works in our civil service, I cringe every time I read these threads.
By the looks of it, most Balts replying are teenagers with a very superficial view of the political process.

>Is it more right-wing or left-wing?
The standard "left-right" paradigm does not apply in the post-Soviet space.
>How big is religion in politics? Iirc Lithuania is stupidly Catholic and Estonia is largely atheist and agnostic.
Politicians attend mass every Christmas and Easter, its a great photo-op, but religion does not play a big part in our politics, since the last party pushing for "christian values" turned out to be filled with bunch of crooks who were in politics only to support their personal economic interests.
>How do they feel about the EU?
EU is mostly seen as good, lots of funding for infrastructure and renovation comes from the EU.
If you're interested in some more scholarly material, read these:


>As an IR major who has worked in Brussels both for NATO and EU, and now works in our civil service

we are all experts on politics and history on Sup Forums

American should be taking tips from this country. They know how to disarm their citizens

>worked for NATO and EU