Sup Forums's thoughts on Christopher Columbus?

Sup Forums's thoughts on Christopher Columbus?

Just *try* and convince me he wasn't an awful person.


Columbus was a Portuguese Jew from Madiera, not an Italian. He learned of the lands west from Church records and sailing with Norwegians to Iceland as a younger man.

so hes even more Italian than regular Italians

He was also a heck of a nice guy, so you injuns just need to stfu.

Great man with great balls to take 3 rubber dinghies across an unexplored ocean.
Landed among a civilization that were sacrificing humans every 5 minutes.
Brought th word of God among peoples whos name sounds like cacophonous laughter in Hell.

He was on the right side of history & laid the groundwork for MAGA (on millions on Indian corpses--obviously a WINNER!)

War in 1800s killed more than he ever did. Fake anger

Why should I *try* convince you anything when it's obvious you've already made up your mind.

How about you try and convince me you're not a fucking faggot.

He was a slave oner and as far as i know he supported indios extermination

All people are awful, so what?

This. This is the way the west views it, or should view it. I find it remarkable how many people are taking on the perspective of the indigenous peoples, as if thats the culture to which they belong. His story is part of the foundation story of the United States which is essential to the sense of identity of the american people.


How many people did he kill? If you include the numbers killed from disease, I know you're a retard.

>falling for the divide and conquer

he was an awful person but that doesnt have to do anything with discovery america

why? why anybody has to "convince" you out of your own stupidity?
>historic figure
>awful person
you're mentally a toddler
gfto sage

>He learned of the lands west from Church records and sailing with Norwegians to Iceland as a younger man.
complete bullshit.
the whole point of his expeditions was his belief he could sail directly to asia, thus saving a lot of time and money.
he was a merchant, trying to find a cheaper way to get silks and spices from china.
he literally found the americas by accident.
the objective of his next two voyages was to find a way around/through the americas so he could get to asia.
that's why the east indies are called the east indies, and indians are called indians.
the moron thought he was in south east asia, primarily because his longitude calculations were terrible.
he gets a lot more credit than he deserves.
he wasn't some kind of genius.

Columbus never landed on the mainland. He didn't do shit to the feather niggers. I don't know where this meme that he genocide the Native Americans comes from.

Oy vey delete this

Yeah, as much as I think Columbus is a great explorer and he's definitely worth noting, he didn't land in North America so I really don't know why there's statues of him in our country

None of that presupposes him knowing about lands within sailing distance westward. In fact, it explains his thinking regarding Asian trade.
Part of why the European elite knew he was wrong was Eratosthene's ancient calculations and part was that the elite thought the Mongols would have already invaded by sea.

Also, why the hell do people always blame Europeans for bringing diseases to the America? Do people honestly think that anyone in the 15th and 16th centuries had any fucking clue what bacterial and viral infections were or what caused them?

Oh Columbus was, objectively seen, a horrible man. But, since I believe that the ends justify the means, he is redeemed, seeing as the continent of uncivilized natives and nomads, endless jungles and empty wastelands, is today a sprawling hub of western civilization, with booming economies and many revolutionary scientific breakthtoughs to its name. All thanks to Columbus.

Very resonable position.

How was he at all "awful"

His contemporary discovery of the American land mass led to future expeditions and eventually colonization.

he was such an awful person, even his own spanish government tried and charged him after his lovely indian genocide

He was rather dim and incompetent and forced to rule newly discovered savages with no experience of governance. He asked for help governing and was denied. He had little control over his men, who then went on to kill rape and torture. By the time he was arrested he was sickly and mentally worn down to the point of worthlessness.

>Just *try* and convince me he wasn't an awful person.
I'm not saying he wasn't awful. I'm just saying he was far better than any person living in the Americas at the time.
What does it feel like belonging to a race that never even figured out the wheel?

He wrote about raping carribean bitches.

I mean they were savages so it's not exactly wrong.