Embrace You White Guilt

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The more they shove this down peoples throats, the further people inch to the right. The right and alt right don't even need to do anything, the leftists are doing all the damage on their own

Here ya go

I am starting to think that the (((Man))) is crypto-racist and will usher a new age of far right politics, just because your statement is absolute truth.

Why promote actual Youtubers when you can promote late night talkshow hosts who are already rich as fuck?

can confirm
a lot of the alt right speakers have talked about how all the brow beating and blatant shaming and guilting from the left is just drawing more people to the right. it's pretty nice

I realized this when he said France would die if they DIDN'T accept more immigrants

>ameritards are listening to a rat-faced shit-eyed britcuck
Its just a comedy bro? Haven't you heard our laugh track? Don't you have a sense of humor?

That's why we hook that shit or edit and repost you fucking dimwit, how else are we going to be aware of what's going on, out there, in the (((real))) world?


He did have a lot of valid points, leaving out the lame as fuck jokes (especially that crocidile statue at the end, don't know why the hell he thought that would be a good idea)

They have found hiding behind comedy shields them from criticism. They can browbeat any political opinion and further ridicule from the position of people not being able to take a joke.
Fucking garbage

The alt-right does the exact same thing. Both sides use comedy as a means to avoid criticism

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

Th-thanks, too lazy to use proxy, give me a tl;dw.

As far as slimy crook-toothed english fucks go, I'd rather have Piers back instead of this faggot. At least Piers slightly less physically revolting to look at.

the video is blocked in the uk

>Fucking garbage
They should get "our" celebs to make fun of them.
James Woods, if you are out there, can you please do a spoof show where you are Current year guy. That could be enough to put people over the edge.

We love you James Woods. I know you are here.

Please tell me what there is to critisize. How is current year man wrong?

He never mentioned white guilt you hillnigger

Don't bother. It's just le current year man being a typical cuck shitting all over confederates for no reason other then to pander to his faggot liberal audience in Jew York. You're not missing anything

Same old false flagging. I agree that confederate symbols are racist though lol

and use tor, if it don't work the first time relaunch tor for different location IP fag


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