Germany NO
Germany NO
per year, month, or week?
Per year.
Not sure how is that a "NO" though... That's still a lot
and it's not even a cap. it's a guiding value.
If 1 million people show up at the border, we're still gonna take them in.
it'll be more like 500,000 a year.
>That's still a lot
At that rate it would take Mama Merkel over 5,000 years to get the billion refugees she wants
What are you on about? Even this is total shit. It's the maximum of illegals - or rather, the number they aim for, even if they do get 200.000, they wont restrict said immigrants families etc.
Remember it's (((Merkel))) and her puppets, nothing has changed.
It's totally dependent on the other countries again. If Italy and Greece turns them away we're good, if not we're fucked like in 2015.
thats a mere minimum
a whole fucking city every year, guaranteed
still no border control
still no deportations
four more years
nuke us already
What about those already here? What abojut the families of those already here? Nothing but a smokescreen.
This is really good but how will Germany manage to deport 200k a year?
Even if she keeps to that it's still ridiculously high
oh fug well you can always come here we are going to push out the asians and niggers shortly.
That's how much they want to let into the country every year.
muslims are multiplying like rabbits. good luck germany. america has a mexicans and nigger problem
>Germany need to cap their muslim pet import because it's time to pay 1 trillion of reparations
if you manage to bleed our treasury dry do it
raising taxes will be the tipping point for the majority of the working class
Krauts, realistically speaking : What's stoping Germany from importing workers from Ukraine or Russia?
We took in ~1.5mln People from Ukraine because we don't have enough workers
So as you can see, you don't have to import people from god knows where in order to fix your problems
>it's not even a cap
shhhhh, not so loud
>What's stoping Germany from importing workers from Ukraine or Russia?
That's not the "diversity" they desire. In fact, importing based, eastern frontsoldaten would have effects to the contrary of what they're trying to achieve.
educated people from eastern europe wont secure Merkels political existence, low iq sandniggers from the middle east living off welfare will
They'll just smuggle them in through illegal immigration. Give zero ground.
You are getting a small town of jihadis per year. Imagine Germany in 10 - 15 years from now.
You deserve whats coming, for being such a cuck faggot.
It's fake news. She didn't agree to that.
The 200,000 number is "a guideline" in Merkels own words, it is not a limit.
Merkel still needs to be assassinated.
The only acceptable number of refugees would be pushing back 300.000 per year until they were all gone.
Imagine Germany in 10 years. Just close your eyes and do it.
>Imagine Germany in 10 years
it will be broke
skilled people are leaving the country on mass already
once nobody is left to pay taxes the social system is going to collapse
also your gets are worrying
That's a new city like mine per year. Jesus Christ
I love Germany my dear Kraut. I'm not an aryan, nor white. But I love Germany and it's excellence.
Save it, for the sake of mankind, don't let it die like this.
Looks like everyone forgot they still have to form a coalition including the fucking GREENS. There will never ever be any form of limitation regarding illegal immigration as long as the greens have any say in this. Because muh unantastbare Menschenwürde.
And even without the fucking greens, it would be bullshit because that number may be exceeded under 'extraordinary circumstances' making it absolutely meaningless. They next time millions of illegals waltz towards germany in a single year, they are going to be let in. Every. Single. One. Just as before.
And anyway, does anyone think we are going to turn away the 200 001 enricher coming our way? LMAO, as if. He's going to get asylum just like all the 200 000 before him.
Smart Adding a division /year
So what are you going to do?
>Sonne, Mond, und Sterne
:D :D :D
If you faggots are well aware that the government is pushing the trigger, and in 10 years the bullet will sink in your skulls, why aren't you doing something like becoming journalists, creating some media or entering in politics? Are you just going to wait to live 2027 the dystopian Neo-Berlin capital of the caliphate? 21 century is going to be the date of the death of you krauts. Death by KEKS.
Why the fuck am I getting so many gets?
Lord KEK is talking trough me
The German robot must always obey its programming
>today we must exterminate the Franks
>today we must exterminate the Jews
>today we must exterminate the Germans
>implying this is a success
>implying the whole "dispute" wasn't staged to get people to think that 200k/yr invaeders is somehow conservative
>implying what really was needed wasn't -200k/yr
She literally invented the "Die Türken haben Deutschland nach dem Krieg wieder aufgebaut." Meme, kek.
only a tiny percentage actually was granted asylum. ofc they stay anyway, so who even cares
Merkel managed to oust the SPD in only 2 years
imaging whats going to happen to FDP and Die Grünen in 4
CSU is already on the brink in Bavaria, in fucking Bavaria m8
the Union will fall apart
Neuwahlen before 2021
>trusting Merkel
I would rather trust the gypsy conjurer at the next street corner
what a fucking faggot, apathy is a seed for self-destruction, you are a cancerous corrupted social cell
Per day my freunde
Someone's gotta replace that aging population
They wont tell people at the borders to fuck off.
200.000 are the legal ones they say we have to accept. This number is the number of a small town each year, this is a new invetation to fuggis.
The illegals we will have to accept too.
And family reunions.
We are FUCKED!!!!
>This is really good but how will Germany manage to deport 200k a year?
>will Germany manage to deport 200k a year
>will Germany deport
This is completely unenforceable and the EU would make sure it stayed that way.
Hoisted by your own petard, merkel?
D Merkel
Death by jews.
Third time in 100 years.
>I would rather trust the gypsy conjurer at the next street corner
Here's a tip for you: don't.
>all illegals still welcome
>no deportations
>family reunions
>200.000 legal each year is an invitation
>family reunions
So... in average times 8? And that's just the first wave of closest members of the family.
If we still have elections 2021 AfD will get majority. I honestly doubt this "can" be fixed. Probably not or with a lot of violence.
>Trusting Mufti Merkel.
Our second fence line is complete and we are planning on extending the fence network to Romania. The niggers are starting to show up with guns. We're gonna very quickly reach our 2% mandatory NATO spending I think.
Germanistan will try to Blitzkrieg us and Poland after 2018.
Go so over the top, even 200k seems low when previously even that would have been far too high and out of the question.
All going to plan.
Stay strong user.
When the war begins, can I join you and decorate a Freikorps death car with Christmas ornaments to really bring in the holiday spirit to the migrants
>checks flagg
Yallah Ahmed, its already dark outside. Run, run as fast as a honest citizen of London, who runs into a group of people.
Even Trudeau doesn't allow anywhere near 200,000 into our massive country.
USA, I hope you're watching Germany. When they take your guns, they will turn you into the next caliphate like Auntie Angela did with 'her' country. You have been warned.
Caption this shit.
i love germans
they are so open minded
the best ppl in the world desu
Things WILL inevitably go to shit. This isn't some sort of slow boil where they're bringing over hard working Asians and with a long period of time you become Khazakstan 2.0, This full fledge middle-east African migration. No workers, loads and loads of rape and murder.
You WILL be feeling the full effect of their low IQ savagery and when that starts to happen, maybe if half of Germany hasn't already fled you can take your country back.
200k a year? God, you'll be replaced.
Merkel already said they all have to go back once the war is over.
But I fear it will be much harder to get rid of them.
see Weren't you guys aware that this represents such a "drastic cut" because Germany had already been getting 800k to 1M refugees per year?
>they all have to go back once war in the Middle East is over
Ah, so they'll be leaving any day now
Fake news to keep the normies quiet.
We will literally take everyone who shows up at the border. 200k is a guideline.
>Merkel already said
Fuck, they've been sending shitskins back to Afghanistan by the planeloads. It only got stopped when there was another bombing in Kabul and some Green Party people complained.
lol, you are retarded. the 1m was a one time thing, that even Merkel wouldn't dare to repeat, and neither would she be able to. But with this "cap" of 200k (it's a lot more actually, because there are tons of exceptions) it basically means, that each year 200k will come. Even if world peace were to come about, Germany would still take 200k third worlders, because hey, as long as it is below the limit...
You are an idiot if you believe her.
She desont give a fuck about Germany.They wont go back, just like Gastarbeiter never went back.
>sending shitskins back to Afghanistan by the planeloads
One plane full of 20-30 criminals every 3-4 months to be exact. That's around 100 per year.
>and it's not even a cap. it's a guiding value.
Even worse, it is guiding value... and it literally only applies to family reunification and relocation schemes... people who turn up in Germany by themselves are not counted.
It is basically the CSU giving up 100% completely and utterly.
Plus, 200,000 that is a fucking ridiculously high number! I am ok with 200,000 ever 20 years, but fucking EVERY YEAR????
Fuck it.
I don't even live there and this shit makes me want to die.
>ard and zdf do nothing but talk about the challanges that inegration will bring about
but riddle me this, why would you want and need to integrate refugees, that will have to return soon?
Thats the trick!
They put refugees and migrants and illegals and legals ALL IN THE SAME POT. So if you say anything against any of these groups you are being a fucking racist nazi!!
They do the same shit with Europe = EU.
gastarbeiter vote right wing tho, so be thankful that's the case
They dont.
Gastarbeiter are turks.
You mean the Spätaussiedler (Russiangermans) who are NOT Gastarbeiter but german.
yugos do
is this bait? bro merkel wants as many immigrants as possible
Back in 2012 we considered 200000 already too much. The CSU is truly controlled co-opposition.
You mean these? Which also count towards Russiangermans and not Gastarbeiter.
If they will work its ok but if they will not, the old AK-47 should solve the problem
Godspeed. Eastern Europe has found itself in the role of savior of Christian Civilization.
Who could have seen that coming? But I'm very, very glad you guys are there.
She does, but nobody else in this country.
Even the people who clapped at train stations and volunteered to work in shelters got disillusioned by the incredible sense of entitlement and greediness of the Arabs in the first two weeks. Rest of the country woke up after the Cologne mass rapings.
>rest of the country woke up
Not yet, you have seen the results of the election.
Many want to continue on the same path.
Thanks Merkel! Here's hoping for re-elections next year.
Have you seen the opinion polls since early 2016? Over 76% of all Germans are against mass immigration. They just didn't vote AfD because every media outlet in the country told them "They are bad Nazis.".
Yes, which shows they did not wake up yet. What does their personal opinion matter if they dont show it with the only chance they have every 4 years? Otherwise their opinion means jack shit till next election.
How is it that all of our """conservative""" polititians seem to be false flagging ultra communists?
200k/year young virile men who sponsor wife, siblings, parents, breed "Germans" on whitey's dime
Still ethnic replacement, just slower
top comments on always read like a afd general
All of Germany seems lost....all of Germany?
A small Part called Sachsen resits the evil Fuhrer Merkel^^
I don't know man, but atleast Juncker called out CSU/CDU for the faggots they are. Ofc Seehofer wants to shut Juncker's comment down, since it wont resonate well within Bayern
You voted 15 years of this communist troll