New party "For Britain" from Anne Marie Waters

Why is everyone so fucking dumb when it comes to design. This logo is awful. Probably took 30 seconds. Ripped from the Barbados flag and looks like a devils pitchfork. Has she been trolled by her designer?

Britbongs are so fucked. Their only good ones are locked away and all they have left are honeypots like UKIP and EDL

Quiet, goy. We're trying to give them the "real choices" they want but we only had an old clip art CD for design in the ZOG budget

Yeah it's kind of retarded.

that old trick. I really wouldn't be surprised if she was set up by some lefty designer.

Should have something like this instead of the pitchfork desu

We're so cucked, we are now officially mermaids

a fucking cup of tea would be better then a pitch fork. they're just asking to get the piss taken out of them. new racist devil party coming through.


even that is better and thats saying something

Searched duckduckgo images for "for britain"... fuck sake

Its Britannia's trident. What the fuck is wrong with that? You cunts are never happy with anything, I swear....

you have no taste. taste in design is something you acquire over time. art and design is not subjective. you objectively have shit taste if you think its a good logo.

My problem with it is that it looks shit

> Ripped from the Barbados flag
You're giving the designer too mush credit; they probably saw a Maserati on the way into work that day.

I think the parties policies & intent is more important the the logo it uses tbqh. Its not like there is a pressing concern regarding islam or anything. Lets just autistically quibble and whinge about the design of the logo instead, surely that will be a productive endeavour.

Another kosher nationalist lolberg party?

>labour red
>ukip purple

Cx boys

Brand image is very important too though.

if you don't think branding is important then you are a moron. The logo should fully reflect the party. At he moment it's saying cheap, low quality, no effort, tasteless, barbados, maserati and satanic. its a fucking joke.
It also represents how everyone has no taste due to the relativism created by the post modernists. It's a complete shit show. Have some fucking standards.

Stop putting women in charge of things you fucking bafoons.

Why at you so dumb that you follow some progressive bitch who hates Muslims because "muh wimmin rights"

>the absolute STATE of the uk """"""""""right wing"""""""""""""

Fucking kys fag. If you can't tell what controlled opposition or just plain dumb, then you're no use

No, Britain needs a rebrand.
There is no British culture anymore. It's gone. Not because of a few niggers and halal stores, but mainly because the British people are just Plain Fucking Thick, and degenerate. Look around you. Look at these whites, alcoholics and single mummy around us.

Britain WILL revive as an extremely right wing patriarchy once again soon, and it will be Muslim.

That's the hardcore pill you need to swallow.

There is nothing wrong with it. In fact it is classes better than the retarded excuses for a logo by either UKIP or AfD.

'for britain' is such a shitty name as well. its too on the nose. we need a more nuanced name that will attract the most voters. subtlety breeds credibility

nothing wrong with the pitchfork per se but the design looks ugly and rushed. clip art

Its not a pitchfork it is Britannia's trident

>"rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves"
>"Britain NEVER EVER EVER shall be slaves"

Its a good visual hook, one that a lot of folk could do being reminded of.

>Be Irish
>Start party called 'For Britain'

>controlled opposition
For fuck's sake, can't someone just have a different approach to you or just be plain stupid, Joe? Christ, everyone's got a state agent's hand up their arse according to Sup Forums. AMW is just a dumb cunt who is being persistent.

Fuck it I'll vote for them.

Share Blue please go.

>Britain never shall be slaves
>literally slaves of kikes
Britain makes me criiiinge hard. Glad I'm using this anti white male nations welfare before the shithole collapses . Can't fucking stand it, nor modern British people

Go fuck yourself, calling me a fucking shill.

>reading comprehension
I Saud controlled opposition OR just plain stupid movement by a fucking retarded left wing progressive feminist hitch

Cunts like you are why I gave up on this shithole. Not the muzzies, not the shitskins, not the left. Just cunts like you and the so called "right wing". Just as fucking thick, politically. Attack low hanging shit like a few turban nuggets, yet fail to a dress the nation is in total social decay with no breaks.

red/purple colour scheme is choccy bar shite, trident is a good British symbol, but don't literally rip the one from the Bajan flag.

I wouldn't expect much from a party run by an ex labour lesbo 2bh lads....


>cunts like you and the so called "right wing". Just as fucking thick, politically. Attack low hanging shit like a few turban nuggets, yet fail to a dress the nation is in total social decay with no breaks.
What the fuck are you on about, I'm talking about you throwing the accusation of "controlled op" around like it's nothing, I didn't say I supported AMW or anyone for that matter, I said that you should stop being so flippant with that accusation because it's become meaningless as of late. Stop being a knacker.

Holy shit dude

I said controlled op OR just useless retardation (meaning a group of idiots)

An example of "plain idiots" would be a group of Churchill worshipping boomers who "yay we fought those nazziiis, and we fight or muslims (border patrol wise) while we have lention as our main priority"

>arguing about logos
Bloody hell did I walk into Sup Forums by accident?

Unironically want this guy to be PM right after I flock this shithole.

>Satan's pitchfork
They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Satan for Britain?