Give me one objective reason why interracial relationships are bad?

Give me one objective reason why interracial relationships are bad?

Protip 1: muh superior white race is not an objective reason
Protip 2: you literally can’t

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Mixing with wh*Tes is bad because wh*Te genes are shit tier, Somalibro.

Interracial relationships are not bad. In fact, they should be praised.

Now hear me out, I'm a civic nationalist, the reason we are winning over racial nationalists is because white women love to have sex with black guys. If you try to stop them from having sex with black guys, they will never follow your ideology. Civic nationalists recruit black men, and these black men are the carrot on a stick to get white women to accept civic nationalism.

Niggers are animals

the way that the baboon treats the white female is fucked. no sense of compassion and takes advantage of what the white female family has because the baboon doesn't want to work for anything. BLM said that they wanted whites to give up housing to blacks sure i got a tree house with a swing set for you to swing from since i know you all like to be swinging from trees.

>Mixing with wh*Tes is bad because wh*Te genes are sharrrgghhhashdjadhask

Don't talk to me wh*Te subhuman

The kids have no racial identity.

Is this okay?

>Don't talk to m-

>half nigger retard babies
>no dad

>The kids have no racial identity.

Wrong. A single drop of nigger blood turn them into utter savage nog supremacists.

Halflings drag down the mean I.Q. of the superior race.

Because bestiality is wrong.


They aren't. Every white man should have three wives. One White, one Asian, and one Black.


over the course of entire human history never on this entire planet has reproducing interracially been a winning survival strategy. if it were, there would be no races left but quite frankly there are.

Because I also would not fuck a dog

It reduces the white fertility rate.

Why do people always mean black dick in white chick whenever interracial sexual relationships come up?

I mean "interracial" could just as easily mean gook on spook but no one ever thinks about that.

We all have disgusting fetishes, but we don't all parade them and the mutant trophies thereof around the streets.

I'm not opposed to legit interracial couples in a stable relationship, but this picture look ill as fuck, it doesn't look normal and it's not normal
Girls on the right loves negro dick

>I'm not opposed to legit interracial couples in a stable relationship

Slavic beast !

Yeah well women like to fuck dogs too

You're always posting these threads. Go suck some black dick faggot then kys

I'm inside your eye and judging you according to my own distanced perspective, of your past behavior.

Oh it is that story line again.

I'm not a racialist. Anyone who can't see how this has been exploited is not in touch though.

>Go suck some black dick faggot then kys
I'm sorry
Did you mistake me for your whore wh*Te mother?????

Because niggers.

Jesus titty licking Christ how hard is it for your donks to understand.


The whitebois on Sup Forums are scared of interracial relationships because they know they can't compete. Sorry whitebois, but black is just better!

I'm a white girl who's gone black, and I'm never going back!

Brazil already tried and failed.

My sister is married to a mulatto guy from Belgium and he's a doctor. Handsome intelligent man that plays violin like a god. Why should I care?

Have fun living in a shit 3rd world roach infested bombed out country.

Keep googling pictures of black people and being poor bitch

1st if you are diluting a good gene set with a bad one, then that is objectively bad.

2nd interracial breeding increases the odds of mental disorders, suicide, and violence.

So from the white or north east Asian perspective, you are breeding down IQ in most cases of mixed breeding. As a double whammy your children are at a higher risk for many disorders.

In the case of a low IQ race, your offsprings IQ will be higher, at the cost of higher rate of disorders.

So for a High IQ race it is always a negative.

For a low IQ race it is an exchange of health for IQ

Because niggers literally look and smell like feces.

Some interracial relationships were just meant to be happen, such as WMAF. Even the statistics say this is the most ideal mix.

>tfw no white gf with cute feet

Can you believe it? The first thing every Nork woman does after gaining freedom is seek the nearest BWC.


ITT: insecure little white bitch boys whine about black men because they feel sexually emasculated and they don't want further competition for the women they are too obese and stupid to land anywy

lowers average IQ.

By all means, have your oreo kids.

But when your good looking mixed race boy with a 92.5 iq (avg for mixed race children ((100+85)/2=92.5)) is competing for a job against a 100 iq white boy, dont get mad when your mixed race boy doesnt get hired. Its not societys fault. You burned the coal so you pay the toll

This is disgusting. You fucking scum are on the same level as coalburners.

Your sister, husband and law and future nephew will end up in a shallow trench 10 years from now ;)

what a load of fucking bullshit
>Good gene, Bad gene
Yea its obvious you dont know shit about ehat youre talking about.
In fact the opposite to everything youre saying is true, retard.
If you breed with someone that "look" like you, the offspring is more likely to inherit bad genes due to lack of variation.
Of you interbreed, the offspring will have larger gene pool, and do not get disorders or genes that are hereditary because they are recessive.

Kill yourself.

It destroys both groups, blacks beat the shit out of white women, they also have like a 95% chance to bail if she gets pregnant.

They are just shit.

Also, they both get put up against the wall on day of the rope.

The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.

In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity.

>This is disgusting. You fucking scum are on the same level as coalburners.
Gooks just love the BWC. There's nothing anybody can do about it. You'll have more luck trying to make the Earth not rotate.

You don't understand this at all do you?


a 15 year old white male has a higher respect and IQ than a black man in his 20s

As a bitch ass white boy, I submit to the Black Man.

Haha. Do you think your edgy coming here and trying to pwn white kids?
Also, take a shower, cocoa butter smells like shit.

As much as seeing pic related unsettles me I'd be a hypocrite if I said interracial relationships were all bad. I'd rather just say that niggers are bad.

True story

Cause niggers are animals there's your reason. I'm not even white nobody should be mixing with nogs.

Cook the rice
Pay the price

>The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
No, turk is.

>Gooks just love the BWC.
So do latinas and non-ghetto negresses. So what though? By fucking them, you're knowingly harming your race,

Its more fun to meme le superior BBC. Not only here, but within the MSM it seems as well

Who cares. Whitey and Blackie will die. Asian will win.

They look like they crawled out of my toilet and started walking around, making ooga booga noises and stealing shit.

mixed race people are objectively the most beautiful

Cook the rice
Asian males pay the price

See, we cucking them.

1.Your children will never resemble your image.
2.On average you are lowering the IQ of your children.
3.On average the chance of your relationship failing and your children living in a broken home is higher.

Literal shit tier citizen of this nation

good bant 2bh considering that everybody agrees that we whites are truly masterrace

preservation of superior culture. Western cultures have proven themselves to be superior to every other culture. Many believe that race and culture are hard to separate

less fathers + more kids = more welfare

Good we never wanted you, now kys


>Let's start by looking at his body
Do you know you're gay?

I don't care what black men do. I really don't care what most white women do. I do care about what the one white woman im with has done though. The desire to preserve ones own culture and heritage must be voluntary. Any person who must be forced is cancer and not loyal and must be purged anyway.

Holy shit what countries?

>Al-qaida umbrella
you can't make this shit up

Show your flag faggot OP.
>1 post by this ID.
Apply red pills and herbs and spices as required
t. Nigger that doesn't belong in Britain. Race mixing is bad for the children. It turns out that human beings aren't fucking corn and your precious hybrid vigor is complete bullshit. Yes you get an occasional outlier that gets lucky and looks decent and has an above room temperature IQ. But again they are the outliers and not the norm. Sweden of fucking course was advertising the almost guarantee of race mixing causing a serious birth defect as a good thing.

Get learned faggots. Anny actual medical research into race mixing shows significant negative health and psychological effects on the offspring.

“Ah yes, and here we see in its natural habitat, the rare species known as the turkish nigger. Theyre numbers are falling due to other species
Predation, even though the males of this species will impregnate anything that moves.

thou shalt not commit adultery

adulterate = alter the quality of a substance by mixing it with a substance of a different quality

this is what adultery has always meant, the church is just stupid

The only people who hate interracial couples, are the same people who are ANti NATURAL SELECTION

get that in your head you thick Nazis and nat Sox , whatever

sure thing kike


You can't end the science. Whites have superior IQs. Interracial mixing is bad because it is unscientific, even animals in nature stay with the same species.

it lowers the overall iq of the human race.

Occasionally they look good, but then you get abominations like this.

I never said you should marry them, but you should definitely fuck them and make sure their males feel impotent.

>everybody agrees that we whites are truly masterrace
You mean wh*Tes only agree

>those lifeless eyes
(((you))) can keep her

Objectively, Swedish and Ukranian women are the most beautiful.

>insecure little white bitch boys whine about black men because they feel sexually emasculated and they don't want further competition for the women they are too obese and stupid to land anywy
pretty much this -- i've seen obese black men and believe me, they get NOTHING
if you want to pull hot chicks, you have to be hot yourself


I was at the beach yesterday with my girl. Saw a buff black guy with a blonde girl. Saw a bunch of other buff white dudes walking around lonesome. The white guys were taller and larger but lacked contrast. I wondered why the blonde girl was with him. It didn't seem to be due to any physical superiority. I can only assume she has been swayed by popular culture. She knows whites are going extinct and she's jumping ship so her children aren't lynched when the reverse day of the rope comes.