pedo video of a little girl has come to the attention of the german police. most likely a family member so they have released images of her to see if anyone recognizes her. the only evidence we have to work with are her shirts. if we can find a store that sells both of these shirts then we can narrow down the search field and go from there. a krautbro has hooked me up with some sites to search for the shirts but we need more eyeballs here is what he has provided so far
a big retailer for basically everything
one of the biggest clothing retailer in germany
smaller as C&A but is used by a ton of people


Other urls found in this thread:

Why are pedos always fucking white

> just castrate them already, castrate all criminals in jail. It works for cats and dogs



>3 threads
>still not naming it Sup Forumsice

Be gone (You) shill.

Just because the girl is white doesn't mean the guy is as well. He might be German for all we know.

>he doesn't know



I found another strange person on that guys friends list from FB.


>Sprache/Dialekt: Deutsch

not going for creativity points here. too busy looking through clothing.

Fuck off pedo shill

Clothes are a dead end so far.

I've personally checked all the sites listed so far as well as some 50+ pages on girls childrens clothes

We need to shift the focus to contacting Schools and Kindergartens in Germany as well as stiring up shit on social media.

Delete this its a shit translation

Guys give me the best info you have. I wanna call the police. This might be a new lead:
(Pic related!)

>I've personally checked all the sites listed so far as well as some 50+ pages on girls childrens clothes
Same for amazon
Social media sounds good

That's the reason i posted it, it's for comparison.

That girl looks nothing like the missing.

Delete this whole thread and start over. Filled with disinfo

It's a shitty translation. Pic on right says Deutsch, which means german.

That is not clear at all.
Why not just make a CORRECT english language translation img??

So many disinfo agents out of nowhere, we must be close to something. Keep looking in the suburbs of Munich.

What are the equivalent walmart/kmart brick and mortar stores in germany?

I'm german, it's really translated wrong. Deutsch= german

Top right picture of picture grid looks a lot like her.

From what I saw that man and that child look absolutely nothing like the girl we're looking for.

Do not contact the police with that mans details, it'll only hurt the search and completely discredit our efforts as well as potentially damaging an innocents mans life.

If you want to contact the police request they release more pictures, the more background information we can get the better.

I know, he (Bosnian user) thinks it might be a relative

www.facebook com/photo.php?fbid=268798413231985&set=ecnf.100003054855937&type=3&theater

related to the fb that was posted

previous threads:
Look for specific details, are windows visible? Look for watches, and calendars too. Shelves, books - anything small that would get usually overlooked. Pay atention to finer details and then post here, maybe someone might recognize them.

Bosnian user says it might be a relative. Maybe he'll come back...

>Social media sounds good
yea we need to get in touch with german buyers. they would recognize clothing they bought from previous seasons. whatever the girl is wearing it isnt from a recent season. probably cheap H&M shit.

i think we have a lead guys

Girl in pic might be a relative of the victim.

bump for pedo justice

It’s not an American military brat so no Munich.

Try something like pic related. I’m on the train and can’t.

I brought this over from the last thread, guys. Could help to narrow the circle.

I had an idea guys, the police didnt speak of any dialect of accent. Germany has a lot of dialects and you normally hear it.

>no dialect
>spoke "Hochdeutsch", the official version of German
>"Hochdeutsch" is a dialect itself
>spoken in the area within the blue circle
>could also be in a metropolitan area where dialects are more uncommon, but there normally is at least some sign of a dialect
>anyway certain probability of the abuse happening in this area

Cops did a shit job, not enough screencaps from the video or the media didnt bother posting any without the girls face on

Possible match, but keep looking for more info.

From Bosnian user facebook?

it looks nothing like the girl except they are both in the same age.

I don't speak german but is there anything resembling the clothes on the Karstadt website?

If she had a thick regional accent, like the American south here, would they mention it?
I don’t think they do that here in the US for things like Amber Alerts.

Yeah I know, sadly some anons ran with it, without checking for german proof. Either way god bless everyone in this thread!

tryn to post it for ages now

You are just idiots. The girl speaks german, you think she would speak german with her BOSNIAN parents?

Kenan is also a bosnian gipsy name, the guy looks like a gipsy, her mother too. No way the blond girl is gipsy.


Well that's just fucking great. Anyways there were pics of background visible, like that chair one. I'll try to see if there are some plants and/or dust visible anywhere, that might cut it down a bit.

Lead, lead lead. Germananons add this guy on Facebook and research, this could be it:

And this:

Bosnian user said it might be a relative. Sorry I should have included that

>Top right picture of picture grid looks a lot like her.

It looks nothing like her.

Different skin tone, the entire lobule area of the nose is different, chin is different, cheek bones are at different heights, eye shape and separation is different, the child on facebook has a double chin from excess fatty tissue, the child we're looking for doesn't and has been described as thin, rather than chubby.

I'm a 3D modeller that does celebirty sculpts for movie/tv vfx for a living, my skillset is narrow, but I could tell you if someone was several generations removed from the kid so I can tell you with 100% certainty that it's not the kid and not even related.

Yeah it's k

>no earrings
At that age especially you don’t take earrings out unless you want them to close up.
A little detail but maybe something.

Amazing. She will be found. Usually these monsters disguise their kids with silly masks. Damn, I remember downloading vicky cp on limewire and thought it was eminem's latest album.

dont know, the hair looks blonder on one pic. Also the mouth dont seem to fit.

Nope, definitely not her.

Focus on first guy's FB and please guys let's not do anything until we're sure, don't want to ruin an innocent man's life.

>when sheraza made you download cp instead of movies

ahh the golden times

wrong eyes and nose

It looks like my help is no longer needed, gonna pass it on to the germanons
Still gonna keep lurking though, if any arknet user is needed
>I remember downloading vicky cp on limewire and thought it was eminem's latest album

yea and morpheus tons of cheap virus


nose, hair, eyesockets don't seem to match, though not much detail on what the coppers gave us, hard to tell really


Thanks for help

>le internet activist

Cringe. This shit should have died with the whole channology project.

You should know by now we are not your personal army. Kill yourself and also sage, take this trash to reddit.

First thing I notice is that the hair in the FP pic is too dark.

I think they do, they also do it if a foreign accent is involved.

fucking kill yourself you useless subhuman

means nothing, really, my sisters had blond hair till 6 and after that a more brown-ish tone
also light

but it's probably not the same gal

Appreciate the efforts user.


this whole thing stinks of an alphabet agency or private intelligence service seeing how data is gathered in an online world in real time by providing the smallest amount of evidence. I am sure someone smarter than me can elaborate on this subject. But we do know they have been monitoring here and this whole thing stinks to high heaven

bump for pedogenocide (when?)

That's actually a good find. Her haircut also looks very messy, was probably done by the abuser. I'm afraid she might be held captive and doesn't go outside at all.

This has to be the guy, that picture caption is incredibly creepy:

possible recognizable features
stuck up nose
ear pierces
slightly strained eyes ,probably from staying up late or excessive phone use
bow shaped lips

bottom left pic looks latest
odds are she lives with a "normal family"
probably goes to school

need more material to go on

Fucking hell:

>Translation: "Daddy won't ever give you up, my little heart" something like that. Creepy as fuck. Google translate isn't translating properly, because the guy is illiterate. The woman in the pictures is not his wife, seems divorced from what I can see.
>If pics released by german police are recent, then it's this kid's sister (definitely has one and they look alike), but I can't see any pics of her on the profile. Can any german user add this guy as friend?

If you fire up edonkey today, there's lots of cp vids from chinese users. It's like they don't care at all. They didn't even deactivate the file search by other users. Could be honeypots tho.

Hi guys it's me Chris Hanson have a seat right over there

So we will focus here: the area where it’s no accent like a newscaster basically.

Has anyone been keeping track of what’s being done?
One user said he’s email the schools tomorrow morning. One emailed a police department.

4-5 yo girls will always have messy hair. They hate to have it brushed too.

Fucking pervert spotted. Kys.

Rundown pls

to distract from real crimes

i remember when i tried to download some random movie and instead got a video of a japanese school girl being dragt into a van and raped by 4 guys...

not gonna lie i beat the shit out of my dick that night but it's kinda fucked up

No. That guy he found is a Bosnian and has absolutely nothing to do with Germany. Let's please not ruin an innocent person's life.

Sorry for long link, posting one more time. She has a similar cotton lace/polyester applique. This is a daisy pattern with 5 and 6 petals on the flowers. It's a generic product usually from China. I wonder if someone would purchase lace like this for a special even like a wedding. I don't know.

Searching schools is useless, German children go school with six years. They are in a Kindergarten before.

From the darknet video of her?

That's a reasonable concern, such thought came across my mind as well, when a guy from last thread asked why is this in Sup Forums not in Sup Forums

found the nigger


>this whole thing stinks of an alphabet agency or private intelligence service seeing how data is gathered in an online world in real time by providing the smallest amount of evidence.
im the OP for all of these threads. there were previous threads posted about this girl and everyone was basically saying "nothing we can do with these pics" but i thought we could make progress by IDing her clothing. follow the links. im not part of any government agency.

could be a stolen child who was taught 1-2years of german by the time she was taken

>Daddy won't ever give you up, my little heart
probably a bitch wife who got custody of the kids and he wants to see them also
don't go straight to pervy street every damn time


Can a native German translate this?
>Die Bild- und Videoaufnahmen des sexuellen Missbrauchs des betroffenen Kindes wurden erstmalig im Juli 2017 auf einer kinderpornographischen Plattform im sogenannten Darknet entdeckt.

>Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt am Main und das BKA gehen davon aus, dass die Tathandlungen in dem Zeitraum von Oktober 2016 bis Juli 2017 in Deutschland stattgefunden haben.

>Die bisher erfolgten, aufwendigen Fahndungsmaßnahmen führten nicht zur Identifizierung des äußerst vorsichtig agierenden Tatverdächtigen. Von diesem liegen keine Bild- und Videoaufnahmen vor.

>Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt am Main und das BKA gehen davon aus, dass das Opfer auch weiterhin dem Zugriff des nicht identifizierten Tatverdächtigen ausgesetzt ist, sodass ein fortgesetzter sexueller Missbrauch des Kindes nicht auszuschließen ist.

>Da keine weiteren Ermittlungsmöglichkeiten bestehen, hat das Amtsgericht Gießen eine Öffentlichkeitsfahndung mit Bildaufnahmen des Opfers angeordnet.

>Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt am Main und das BKA hoffen, mit Unterstützung der Öffentlichkeit das bisher unbekannte Opfer und den unbekannten Tatverdächtigen zu identifizieren sowie einen nicht auszuschließenden andauernden sexuellen Missbrauch beenden zu können.

He probably tailored the shirt himself, therefore, a shirt can't pinpoint his general location, because he didn't buy it from a store.

Any Germans able to help with the following?

1. Contacting the German Police and see if they are able to release any more pictures with pertinent background information.

2. Creating as big a list as possible of all the Schools/Kindergartens in Germany and email as many of them as we can with the childs details.

Daddy/Daughter dates aren't necessarily bad things, memeflag. I know dads that go on "dates" with their daughters and it's absolutely not pedo. Its more of a "show you how a man should treat you when you're old enough to date" thing.
Not saying that's what is being depicted in that FP post, but that's not much to go on.
Would hate for an innocent to be v& for something like this if he didn't do it.
Need more info.