Cheeto meme magic wont screw up this timeline

>Cheeto meme magic wont screw up this timeline

Other urls found in this thread:

>Viral marketing done right
Rick and Morty fans are probably the worst part of the show. Jesus Christ, what an obvious trap.

all those numales who paid hundreds for a packet on ebay could have waited until winter

Did anyone even read the fucking ingredients.

>People going crazy over vinegar, corn syrup and soy
It's ogre.

Surely you can just buy a bottle of the stuff from any supermarket, it's not going to be that different, is it?

I work at a McDonalds. Saturday was annoying. My store was promoting the sauce for some reason, even though we didnt have any, so I had to spend all day directing everyone to a different store.

These people have nothing
They don't realize, nor could they fully articulate if they understood
But deep down they are missing fundamental metaphysical aspects that make them human
This is not sauce to them, it is a depiction of their god in gold being carted through the village
They must be there to make an offering and to witness it's divine form so they can tell their offspring how much they worshipped this cartoon
Many such cases! Very sad!

you obviously have too feeble a mind to understand the truly deep meanings behind the humor of Rick and Morty. A couple hundred meaningless dollars to express my understanding of this glorious show is a small price to pay for the enlightenment it provides. Pathetic is what you are.

its literally cheap tasting teriyaki sauce with high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar

i want off mr bone's wild ride

Is that the rick and morty sauce?
Cant wait to see ameritards pay $100 for them

>tell their offspring
this is where you lost me


>Joao this salty because he is not gonna get to pour some meme sauce on his monkey soup

Mc nuggets suck balls who would willingly eat that shit. That's something you get when you have no options.

>implying numales don't fuck

Women are trash, least you forget

Numales are not like /r9k/ permavirgins

They actually manage to find either a similarly autistic broad or a feminazi who enjoys riding their ass with a strapon.

They simply make horrible influence on children and society as a whole.

numales do not have sex. its why theyre such pathetic cucks. they think that blue pilled attitude will get them laid.
i think theres a huge virginity overlap between hard-left numales and r9k robots.

my gf was a super femnist before we started dating but i just gently reminded her that it was a kike plot to divide european men and women so they can bring in their negro hordes. she dropped that nonsense. women just want a male who isnt a bitch, and numales are bitches.

>a feminazi who enjoys riding their ass with a strapon.
been looking for ages and haven't found one yet.

god damnit

ah, sweden

timeline shift = sumerian 894 | eo 149
Forty Seven 894
Change Your Life 894
Neverending Life 894
Christ Reborn 894
Japan Earthquake 894
London Attacks 894
no turning back 894
end of the world 894
Lightning Bolt 894 Satan?
False prophecy 894
Judas Iscariot 894
the road ends here 894

Kingdom Of Heaven 894 --> Mt 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Intentional Timeline Shift in English Gematria Equals: 1692
other words with 1962
Truth Of The Great Sphinx
Is A Mystery As Deep As The Sea
The Resurrection And The Life
Exterminating Reptilians
Eternal Child Forever Young
The Builders Of The Pyramids
The Lion Shall Lie With The Lamb [ Isaiah 11:6 And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, And the leopard will lie down with the young goat, And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little boy will lead them. ME Effect]?
President Hillary Clinton
Truth Will Set You Free
Government Ufos Exposed
Inter Dimensional Portals
So No Coincidences On My Way
Staircase To The Milky Way
saturn creates the matrix
the great american solar eclipse
Saturn is the Keeper of Time
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

sounds like you dodged a bullet though. imagine if you did have the sauce and had to deal with these people

Doesnt mcdonalds list the ingredients?? Seems to me you could make that cheap shit sauce at home if u had a mind to


leftists on suicide watch

People actually paid 3000 for a fucking sauce packet on saturday. You think the suicide rate will go up after this news?

>Did anyone even read the fucking ingredients.

binging with babbish made it pretty easily

>But deep down they are missing fundamental metaphysical aspects that make them human
I strongly suspect creatures like these are literally --- not figuratively --- mindless. Living automatons.

See kids, this is what happens when you watch childrens cartoons all day long when you're in your 20's. Don't do it

was there an apology anywhere in that apology?


That makes my soul feel good

I went to McDonald's on Saturday and didn't realize it was some stupid meme day or something. Lots of guys in skinny jeans, glasses and beards. They were all standing around waiting for the sauce like it was going to magically appear, even though they were told there was none. Sad

Rick & Morty making McDucks some bank.

We're obviously lacking the proper IQ to get it.

They planned this

i would really like to try that sauce...
but i would have to walk like 10minutes for that

not really worth it

What's leftist about Nigger Rick and the biggest food chain on earth that's ready to replace niggers with touch screens?

People lined up around the block for hours just to improve their karma. Something that's worth no real value and isn't even tangible.

I watch cartoons all day in my twenties.

That being said, I watch GOOD cartoons and I support myself. Anyone who likes Rick and morty after the last season is a retard, good God. I even took down my poster I was so mad.

"Eating at McDonald's"
Absolutely degenerate and disgusting

>more saucce for the queers


Why is the Rick and Morty fanbase so cancerous?

Why are you so fucking mad user?

Hey man there's some good cartoons out there, it's fine as long as you aren't an absolute sperglord about them in public. Same thing with movies, books, comics, vidya, etc.

>thank you for the dollars, a million times over

Go to any chinese food place and order szechuan chicken. Or just make some by following an extremely basic recipe.

Sure you could, but those particular sauces didn't get associated with a cartoon written by functioning alcoholics. That's the key difference.
I wish I could expect a lot of cancelled bids, then again, these are the same people who sperged out over not being able to get a fast food sauce packet.

*6 million you mean

mcdonalds is really sucking leddits dick on this one

all this shit over tendies