Toronto is becoming Canadian Chicago
So many fucking shootings
Toronto is becoming Canadian Chicago
So many fucking shootings
Gray SWAT uniforms are A E S T H E T I C
More views of their gear?
Reminds me of CS:GO
Google Trilcorps industries: Canada uses slaves in jails now, similar to the US except as Canadian prisoners are not paid anything for their work they are slaves in the most traditional sense. It's an expanding industry already responsible for making every licence plate in Ontario. Kinda makes ya think, they already busted CIA niggers dropping crates of exotic weaponry in gun strict Chaicago and gun laws in Canada already make as much sense as a football bat
Gee... Wonder what possibly inspired the developers of the game...
Why don't you outlaw guns? Oh wait..
Justin Borque did nothing wrong
>if people kill each other on your streets, you win
tfw you live in toronto and the coons and mafia pastaniggers are getting more uppity
2 weeks ago some slav left a baby in a car during one of the hottest days and it died. I saw the cops from my apartment and walked by the little memorial thing where it happened. This city is fucked.
> Invite a basket of jungle monkey cultures to a concrete jungle
> Have no sound culture
> Denigrate national pride
> Have no real economic engine
> Be soft handed on idiocy
> Have insane costs of living/taxation
> Have no conceptual framework to unite people
> Have nothing to offer young generations
And you get your own version of Chiraq.
I've been to Toronto several times and failed to understand the city and its makeup. Everything is ran by a handful of monopolies. Cost of living rent/housing is nuts given what little is offered. Taxation/cost of everyday products like food/etc are insane. People are divided into ethnic neighborhoods. There's no sense of national pride. There's normalcy in that everyone keeps their heads down and tries to survive this concrete jungle they've all found themselves in. High rise condos dot the skyline compelling one into a possible dream of moving up the tiers of unaffordable box apartments. People who say they love the city seem to say so out of a defense mechanism related to not knowing any better ... Literally have never stepped foot out of Toronto and/or don't feel like they belong elsewhere. There is no real economic engine. Most young people work shit tier service sector jobs. People live bundled together in condos going to and from work from dusk to dawn. It seems like a place w/o a soul. Like they invited and solicited hoards of foreigners to come there so as to try to build a city overnight.
Get in here
The Maple Syrup Massacre
Polite Rambo
canada is such a mess
I don't get it.
If white ghosts feel this jittery about this few murders in a large urban city, why don't they just move to Owen Sound or some other quiet location?
>As of June 1, 2017, Toronto’s crime rate is not being talked about. It’s not news when the airplane lands safely.
>So far, Toronto has had 19 homicides — 18, or 48% fewer than a year ago — and 15 of this year’s murders have been committed with a gun.
"diversity is our strength"
In chiraq there are multiple shootings per DAY
If 40 people are shot in a year it's a bad year. That's like one night in Chicago.
Come on user
ayo dawg I heard you like antisemitic conspiracy theories so we flooded your country with low IQ hajis and africans to abuse ur welfare
It's always African muslims, especially Somalis doing those shootings. Look at the most recent shootings in Toronto in the past two years. 9/10 times it's a Somali. Literally the worst immigrants ever to enter Canada. They bring nothing but crime and violence.
nigs gonna nig
Sup Forums is always right
gee, what could be the cause of this violence
>no economic engine
So basically every city in the US except for NYC/SF?
> Shaddy ass eastern europeans
> Shaddy ass Greeks
> Shaddy ass Italians
> Carribean Islanders
> chinks
> flips
> Colombians/Venezuelans
I miss any groups...
Yeah, its like they imported some of the worst cultural breeds en masse , built a high rise concrete jungle, and figured they'd have a self-sustaining city grow overnight.
They probably feel after 2-3 generations of suffering, they've have a normalized population and economic foundation reminiscent of New York. Maybe so, but New york is a artificial competition concrete jungle shithole too as is Chicago.
If one had a choice, I didn't see the appeal...
I prefer the Chad Chirac
>2 weeks ago
>one of the hottest days
>in Canada
>hottest days
>in canada
>in september
Isn't that like the SJW capital of Canada? I can see how that would lead to hopeless disaster.
>most multiculti of all of Canada
>violence increases
I'm always surprised that Windsor isn't a crime ridden hell hole do to it's proximity to Detroit.
Meh, I doubt it.
Chicago is fucking bad man. They have tons of shootings and most are only a dozen or so neighborhoods.
well it's not like they can swim lol
>Toronto has had 19 homicides
In Chicago they call that Saturday
dude there were many day when it's been like 27-29 degrees within the last few weeks just google it. I'm in toronto not nunavut u fucking eskimo faggot
Its pretty bad for Toronto. Remember, if you wake up and find shit in the toilet, it isn't really concerning. If you walk into the kitchen, and find shit on the kitchen table, that would be a problem. It's really a matter of context.
> except for NYC/SF?
Lived in both.
Major Cities survive on being leeches of all of the other surrounding cities/states.
NYC survives off of kike high finance leaching off the productive. It is the epicenter of marketing/bullshit/finance. It is a shit tier concrete jungle hell hole as are all major cities. People who often pride themselves or speak positively about them reflect the average libtard who likes to believe the world revolves around them and the silly shit they do at their 9/5.
SF used to be a regular middle class sprawl for some time. Only recently via millennials looking for a false sense of self-worth and excitement was the city reignited. It was reignited by a slew of social media/marketing/b.s software companies. All of the major tech companies that actually develop sound technology are located in the southern peninsula known as Silicon Valley (bay area) : Sanjose/militpas/etc .. Suburbs. The worthless leech companies congregate in SF. When prices skyrocketed, the culture left as well as the city's soul. Now its filled with a bunch of self-important yuppies who are too busy working 24/7 to even (live) in the city. They are domiciled there but rarely get out and about. It's why cities are said to have no soul.
So, I have no clue what you're getting at with your comment. However, major cities tend to :
> Lack souls
> Attract people without one or destroy people w/ one
> Foster companies that leech off of and undermine productivity and human value
> Idiotically expensive
> Via artificial conditions :
> Harbor self-important dickwads
> Insensitive sentiments
> Create a localized hive mind
> Survive on the desire of people wanting to feel bigger than who they are
and for that.. yes, they're basically all hell holes that should be avoided.
That being said, it doesn't stop the average pleb from flocking to them and joining the fold.
People crave excitement and activity even it undermines the very essence of their humanity.
That guy is wrong. Toronto is up to 47 gun homicides
Toronto has one of the lower crime rates in Cucknada