Re: Zero

Is this show the definition of forced drama?

Pretty much all the problems could be solved if he could tell about his ability, but he is not allowed to because of reasons.
Then Subaru keeps acting like a retard making everything worse.

>Pretty much all the problems could be solved if he could tell about his ability, but he is not allowed to because of reasons
The reasons for his not being able to tell people about his ability are described in the story. Unless forced just means "the author wrote it that way" in which case every single piece of fiction ever has forced drama.

>because of reasons
Get fucking oFF.. Retard like you are killing the threads of Re:zero. 3 fucking thread of the same autist faggots shit.

>Muh bad writting
>I can't selfinsert
>Muh solution.

>because of reasons
I don't think you are using this colloquialism correctly.

Just like how Lelouch could easily rule the world if he could use his ability on a person multiple times. But he can't because of reasons.

Yes. I was thinking about the same thing snd until now I thought forced drama was a meme

it's not forced because the MC never actually nanages to make anything happen. in fact he is trying to force drama himself and each of those women is flatly rejecting his drama.

you fuckin tard.

>his ability has a clear limit
>he can't say particular words in a particular order

Oh look, shit arguments in a redundant rezero thread

no one said you have to watch it, by the way.

>it's popular though

so what? watch something else. i will never understand people who shit on something but still keep fucking going with it. if you don't like the taste then fucking stop consuming it.

it's not complicated

No this anime is an absolute masterpiece! I know because I heard anons say so!

The main character is self-absorbed and stupid. The author is very good at writing bad people doing bad things.

Contrary to popular belief, selfish people who try to use and manipulate others are rarely successful or capable. The vast majority fail in ugly ways.

Subaru is an ugly person, and most people don't like seeing him be ugly because he reminds them of themselves.

He's an unrealistic character. The writer couldn't accurately portray an unintelligent character so he made Subaru unable to realize painfully obvious things.

I enjoy the anime though. I mean I know it's LN adaptation so my expectations aren't "the better be the next evangelion or lotgh."

The irony is, the people who criticize this show are the ones who are called out for simply wanting to "self insert" but can't because of Subaru's uglyness.

The anime has pandering and misery porn written all over it.

>unintelligent character so he made Subaru unable to realize painfully obvious things.

Pretty sure what his geass could do was one of the first things established in the show.

So far Subaru can't talk about his ability just because Satella doesn't want him to.

No seriously. It doesn't take a genius to realize you have a power to time reset after dying- especially since you maintain the memories of the previous timeline and you suddenly teleport.

Instead of writing actually manipulative and intelligent characters and have Subaru constantly fall in their trap, we have this this garbage.

As if you don't want to act useless so that you get to be despised by these qt.

People want to self-insert into good people devoid of negative traits. People who see negative traits reflected in a main character cannot self-insert.

If you are implying that the people who criticize the story because they are not like Subaru because they cannot relate to his failures, then what you are telling me is that all of those people have never failed... ever.

Everyone fails. People who do not recognize failure are people you should never listen to. They are incapable of learning from their own mistakes and are very ugly people... Exactly like Subaru.

Hahaha you have no idea what you are talking about.

He has NO proof that he will be able to die an unlimited number of times, he has no idea if it's a set number or anything. He has to live like every life is his last one.

No you misunderstood.
when you said
>Subaru is an ugly person, and most people don't like seeing him be ugly because he reminds them of themselves.
I just replied by saying that the people who criticize this show are dismissed as those who can't self insert as the main character because he is too ugly.

I never was talking about that. I just said that it took him a painfully long time to realize that he had his return by death power (whether limited or unlimited).

>main character acting both out of character and completely illogically isn't forced
just stop.

People are not wired to experience death more than once. Just look at atheists in today's world. They deny the existence of everything they cannot see as if they know nothing beyond their small point of view exists.

This is a common mental trait. People will think that they are hallucinating, dreaming, have deja-vu, or some other 'explanation' to deny the possibility of repeating time loops of any sort.

Subaru is simply a normal person plunged into extraordinary circumstance, thinking he has a handle on a situation he does NOT have a handle on.

This is called arrogance. Pride that makes an individual assume they know everything, and thus, know very little.

It was actually a pretty accurate representation of how long it should take a person to find out. He just got seemingly transported to a fantasy world for fucks sake. The probability of having a strong looping dream is infinitely more likely than that.

>The author is very good at writing bad people doing bad things.

In the new episode Subaru kept rambling and forcing himself on Emilia instead of mentioning the witch cult.
I don't see how that was well written.
>he didn't want her to think that he was with the witch cult like Crusch did
He was clearly attacked and the carriage had blood some knives from the witch cult.
It made no sense that he didn't mention it.

out of character in what fucking way? he was never actually happy, every time he was confident and smiling it was a front, characters pointed this out all the fucking time. emilia is dense as fuck and even she said his pretend-confidence was easy to see through.

>just because Satella doesn't want him to.
And how does that make it any less legitimate? Should the antagonist of the story let the protagonist do whatever they want?

The author did a good job. If you want to defend what you just said, give examples of "painfully odvious things". Exclude the lunch scene with money-loli.

>there are people in this thread who would willingly fuck up even worse than subaru in the genuine hope they'd get spat on or stepped all over by smarter, stronger women


Then why do they complain that Subaru is ugly if they do not want to self-insert? If anything, having a main character be ugly and end up reaping the effects of his own pride and hubris is something very different and difficult to get correct. The author of this story is clearly aware of Subaru's ugliness. LN readers say that Subaru does eventually learn, but only after it is too late, leaving him to live with the consequences of his own actions.

Personally, I cannot self-insert because I am aware of my flawed nature and do not expect people to know everything that I know. However, I find there to be great value in a fatally flawed main character.

People who criticize the story, calling Subaru stupid and a poorly made character, and then comparing his actions to their own personal intelligence are projecting. Essentially, attempting an incompatible self-insertion.

Now, if they were criticizing plot points and questioning deeper aspects of the story beyond the premise, then sure. However, those are usually people who aren't complaining about how bad the story is, but rather analyzing and trying to gain context of.

Is this show worth watching from start to where it is now all in one night

Why are you guys replying to obvious bait. This always happens after every episode of the show.

What I like about Re:Zero is how you can easily weed out those who can't get context, doesn't "watch" what they are watching, and those who are dumb to understand what is going on even though it is fully presented in the show.

People seem to forget what happened in the old episodes.

NO. I had to think and think and deduce and deduce and talk and talk with a friend about the show to understand subaru as a realistic hikineet

>In the new episode Subaru kept rambling and forcing himself on Emilia instead of mentioning the witch cult. I don't see how that was well written.

Subaru is an idiot who does not trust anyone to understand the larger situation and demands they blindly trust him without explanation.

THAT is a kind of person I meet every day.

>It made no sense that he didn't mention it

Yeah... because Subaru isn't meant to make sense. He is meant to show the consequences of pride getting in the way of reason.

I was referring to those criticizing plot points and the presentation and execution of the themes in the story.

>knives from the cult
Fucking this.

I was responding directly to OP who justified his point of calling everything forced drama because Subaru is an idiot.

what do you mean unrealistic? hes legit what half of Sup Forums and all of r9k is lol

The writing stinks of plot convenience all the time, but since it stacks the odds against the MC and not in his favor like in a Gary Stu anime, it's suddenly genius ("deep", "the anti-SAO"...).
It feels like the author is the real witch, he dictates the rules and directs the characters however he want (even if it means removing their brain cells). That's obvious, he's the author, but the whole thing is horribly inorganic.

That's rather depressing. I see why they like this show then.

>very good at writing

That's why he's writing LNs yes

Not only is the drama pretensions and forced but just about over conflict is so painfully artificial with the excuse of "muh Magic"

Oh, you want to tell everyone that you can respawn? Nope magic evil hands out the ass.

It's absurd.

There's actually a good reason why she won't let him talk. If people figured out that someone cursed by her could time loop based on objectives set by her, they'd seal him away for eternity.

just wow, reddit:zero everyone.

Seriously though.

Why are the knives no big deal when the cult seems to leave them everywhere?
They leave them behind like fucking plastic bottles.

Shouldn't they be recognizable by now?

i don't understand what your comment has to do with my comment. i think you just wanted an excuse to post that retarded new ""insult"" you came up with

>heh they both start with "re" heh this is gonna be so epic heh everyone will think im cool

Stop it with that self-insert shit, it's never a thing except when the character is written as a direct avatar like in videogames.
And you're supposed to be projecting when you're writing and reading fiction. Writers use their experiences and feelings, readers project their own experiences and feelings over the story and characters. It's usually a bad sign when it doesn't happen.

>Shouldn't they be recognizable by now?
The hell you saying. Everyone knows about the Witches Cult. Didn't you watch episode 16? All the leaders know about them.

I mean their knives

sorry you can't handle good writing nerd

so read the novels.

oh wait. you can't read japanese

>apsurd in a fantasy setting

holy shit you're retarded

Ooh. You got him. Damn. He's super done now. Nice, dude.

Yes it's forced. Welcome to shitty writing. People only say it's great because they haven't seen better.

This is pretty entertaining watching all these speedwatchers get fucked.

This is definitely the kind of Anime you need to watch SLOWLY and PAY ATTENTION! Because so much world building happens in the dialogue, if you watch it enough. It's very subtle, and very very well-done! So far I've watched each episode twice... more times for the early ones, which were really filled with interesting information!! It's like Game of Thrones tier, it's crazy!

Weak falseflag.

>All these retards getting baited and not spamming reports.

All of you deserve these threads just for not being able to avoid it and report.

Just watched the episode.

From what I've read. It's actually the same as the LN. The only difference is how Beatrice acted. Word said are actually the same, how the events played are also the same.

Also on how the episode ended, it's actually the same as Episode 7. I don't know why people are so mad about that.

I'm pretty sure that Ep18 won't have any OP and ED as the author himself stated that Ep18 has been the most worked on episode by White Fox to date.

In short, people are complaining over nothing. People are forming opinions over fake spoilers. Typical Sup Forums.

Point is nothing in your comment makes sense.

You think that by have big titty girl overreacting and kicking cuck in the face to which he twirls on the ground and spits blood everywhere just to be yelled at about pride somehow avoids creating drama.

Fuck off back to /reddit/

I agree, it's really something you got to soak in while you watch

I... what?

Subaru throws hissyfits, that isn't "forced drama", that is flaws, of his character

stop bringing up reddit because you don't know how to have a fucking argument without needing to phrase every statement like it's the last word faggot.

There's nothing wrong with magic in fantasy worlds, you see a good fantasy world would keep in reasonable.

In this shit fest it can literally do whatever the crack head writer wishes to artificially extend the plot, it's painful to watch desu.


Well even magic should have its own logic.
If it contradicts its own set of rules then it's absurd.

I just fucking hate how he's so damn obsessive over emilia like fuck give her some room.

He acts like he has to spend every second of his life watching her.

So the way to convince Emilia to go along with your plan is dragging her around and threatening her like a potential rapist.
It seems like a few more deaths are needed before the MC grows up. You guys will keep pointing to how distressed the MC is, but after 16 episodes I can not honestly believe the MC doesn't learn acting like a retard won't convince people to be your friend. I could forgive up to ep 15, but this episode is merely forced drama in order to worsen the outcome of this loop and heighten the payback for the final successful loop.
The show would more dramatically improve with an MC that would, for instance, try to discover who still remember Rem (I kept wondering that the whole time) and why they forget Rem (gotta be the white whale as this also happened to the other merchant).
But all we got is a proven retard. Even Higurashi with a similar plot isn't this bad. What's the point of having mysteries when the MC lacks thinking skills and everything boils down to "he's suffering from great distress so he can't think clearly"?

Well yeah. It is a japanese light novel.

Dude's died I don't know how many fucking times and during all of those times he's been alive he's never ever ever decided to sit down and train and do random shit since he's effectively immortal?

In this last ep?
Forced as fuck. Running like a faggot when he fucking knows he can die and start over. That he can save her and put it all right.

He's shown talent at fighting, and could theoretically spend a lifetime learning how to sword fight from that sword master, and his shadow powers can be honed and mastered in that time as well. He can even learn other skills and more about the world and all of the people in it.

Fucks sake, I would have loved to see this guy do more and more outrageous shit in that world and have it work out because he's done things that gave him insight into the minds of these people and world.

He's a goddamned ninja/assassin with martial arts talent and he's being trained by a sword master. Dude should be running around doing cray shit and getting away with even more cray shit.

BUT we're instead treated to him acting like a little bitch and popping off like a weak toothless pup in more and more contrived moments of drama.

He's seen magic in that world, he's a straight up otaku. He realizes what's going on after the third time.

This is bullshit.

If he simply thought he could see alternate timelines through really realistic dreams then..that actually would be more interesting.

If he only found out that he's been dying and that every death has been slowly corrupting him and making him like beetlegeuse, the man who's been torturing him and doing all of these negative things?

The mind break and anguish and fear of death would have hit him and the readers like a brick.

That would have been a better "he has a full mental breakdown" worthy reason.

Except that progresd is undone with each death. All his efforts would be completely wasted. He isn't immortal, his consciousness travels back to the past, not the body.

>He's seen magic in that world, he's a straight up otaku.
So what? Are you saying there can't be magic in an hallucination/vivid dream. Cause there as sure as fuck can be.

You're right, and in stories people like they desperately want someone they can empathize with or even like.

But when the MC is the source of all of the negative drama and does nothing but be a complete idiot. It's kind of hard to watch.

You honestly have to disengage and tell the audience "it's okay to hate this guy". I's sort of...something that doesn't pop up in much media. A protag who's created to or becomes someone who's detestable and unlikeable.
He's just...doesn't actually do anything to warrant the care of the other characters beyond a certain point.
They for some unfathomable reason put up with him. And the blue haired ogre girl has for some reason fallen horn over heels for him.

It would make sense if these people who've all known him for not even a few weeks decided to kick his ass to the curb, broke off their relationship with him or something, but...he's just...accepted unconditionally no matter how crazy as fuck he's acting. He's not someone they've known for years or close family. He's literally a fucking stranger.

Shit get, fuck you

I'm pretty sure his skills improved after each death when he was learning how to tend the house, example being that he went from cutting his hands up while cutting fruit to doing it really well.


Kill yourself

That's just his knowledge tied up to his consciousness. He doesn't actually retain muscle memory nor magic progress.

Satan please

What a wasted get.

All these numbers!

Fucking waste. Fuck you Ultra-Satan


>Reddit:Zero thread

Oh shit.

It's forced suffering.

>Be Subaru
>Be effectively immortal
>Run away from the bad guys screaming "I don't want to die"


Idk why I like Anastassia so much

She just seems nice even if it's business she at least gave him something out of it when she could have walked out

Thank you for your unsolicited 'sagely' wisdom.

Now fuck off.

His physical progress yes, but not his mental progress.
He'd still be able to use tips and tricks to overcome his physical weakness when it comes to sword skills and magic. Like keeping a pocket full of those fruit that brings back his mana, or something like that.

He'd still have the skills of a sword/knife fighter but just lack the physical training necessary to capitalize on it. But that would be part of the drama.

How would he be able to hold his own against the witches and stabilize the time line so he wouldn't loop backwards again and become even more of a demon. What thing could he do to make things fall into place so that everything works out.
Who can he save and who would he have to sacrifice?

That is drama I would have loved to see.

he still feels pain, so I don't think dying is a pleasant experience

I'm actually ashamed because this will ruin the thread. Brb, offing myself.

you're going this on purpose, aren't you?

Muscle memory is stored in your brain as neural pathways which are clearly being retained when his mind is transplanted to the past.

woah, look at mr. einstein there

should i keep watching this show? im on ep 9.

>upset at people talking about huge shit of a GET
>has to make another post pointing it out

Nice blog, where to I subscribe. Lurk for 2 years before posting, newfriendo

What was Priscilla bent out of shape about?

The jew loli called him pathetic for being incompetent and worthless.
The dictator with the cat dick called him for pathetic for being so self righteous about personal problems.

But what was the lucky bitch's problem?

Have you not seen the world he lives in? He's the bottom of the barrel, the lowest in this world. I sincerely doubt he would accomplish anything.

Forum and board discussions help too in-between each episode. From little missed nuances that the watcher could have not noticed, to actual skipped content from source material that can be explained.

Really, the only negative are the cliffhangers that drive you mad; otherwise this show is better watched without marathoning it.