This is an Irish Gaelic Football team
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Quintessentially Irish
that poor white girl
well holy god
Gaelic football is not soccer you dumb burger
>Defending US Football
There is something extremely hot about the idea of a young, beautiful, pure white woman being defiled and fucked by a black.
It's something inextricably arousing and alluring, the idea of a beautiful woman from your tribe being sexually dominated by an inferior enemy, that makes my cock explode in ecstasy.
Does anyone else feel like this?
How common is to find red haired girls in ireland?
Shoo, shoo, shoo, darkies shoo, shoo, shoo!
>Does anyone else feel like this
No, you're just a faggot.
Common in all of the British Isles, specifically the Celtic parts.
Because you think of them as animals. Some people get excited by that. Liberals are unknowingly racist, that's why they try to hide their insecurities so much by pretending they think blacks as equal - because they are ashamed of the inner feelings.
So when you see an extremely hot, cute innocent white girl being defiled by a thug black, you don't get aroused at all?
Do you get aroused if you watch BLACKED or other interracial porn? If not, do you think you might be bi/homosexual?
im moving to south ireland in a month. am i going to get enriched
I'm not a liberal, I'm best described as a centrist or civic nationalist.
But that is an interesting observation. I wouldn't say I think of black people as animals though, but I do see them as distinctly separate and different from whites.
No. I can't tell if you're a hapa or something, but it's extremely gay to have all of this on your computer, black or white.
Why would it be gay if the two people depicted are male and female?
Also how come you don't get aroused? What goes through your head if you watch interracial porn?
Because you're aroused by the thought of black cock.
To put it simply - it's considered 'taboo' in society. Same reason why 'incest' is popular. People are like that. Whether you're liberal or not, you're watching it for the same reason they do.
>what goes through your head
Some whore getting fucked by some retard for money, the same thought I get with normal porn.
I'm not aroused by the black cock itself, but by the idea of a innocent white woman being defiled and fucking blacks.
Is that still gay? If so, how?
only you, rabbi.
White kid is the most obese
It's genetic
Nigerian anchor babies. Probably North Dublin.
It's Gaelic football you dumb cunt.
Are you going to make me explain it to you?
Love trumps hate
What town?
Assuming you're white, I don't understand how you find it attractive. Just seems cuckish. Not the fact that he's black, but the fact that you like it because he's black.
Well, yes, I would like an explanation.
The irish are basically niggers. I don't see anything wrong with the pic.
If you are aroused by a woman fucking any dude that isn't you, then that's extremely fucking gay
Most Irish are skinny, there's always a chubby country lad though.
The majority of them is about as irish as i am.
>tfw potatoniggers are becoming real niggers
But how if you're being aroused by the woman, and not the guy?
Must suck suffering from Downs.
>and not the guy
If it wasn't about the guy, you wouldn't care that he's a nigger. You clearly crave nigger cock. You probably have a scat/beastiality fetish.
Godspeed. I got knocked the fuck out walking down the street in Limerick by a random headbutt. The gang-crime has died down in the last five years, but avoid the scummy areas.
Are you going to uni there or working?
both. i visited and it seemed ok but i didnt see much. a lot of drunks but i just assume that was ireland.
I'm aroused by white women fucking any non-whites, it's just blacks are the easiest way to illustrate my example.
Where did all the niggers come from?????
I'm pretty glad it doesn't do anything for me either. I think it might be because I grew up in an all black neighborhood until I went to college.
So to me black people for the most part are loud, smelly, clueless, dumb, oblivious, all the thug types. So i have those memory's and it just disgusts me.
fuck off we're full
Africa, I suspect.
It is. If you're in UL as a student, try and stay north of the river. It's much nicer around Thomond/Cappavillage. It's a bit more expensive though.
Enjoy the Stables / Scholars. I spent many a happy drunken night in both.
Basically they took advantage of our Constitution, arrived over pregnant and shat out an "Irish" child. We changed it, but it was too late.
So it's all about the guy, making it hella gay.
im going to UL to teach so im not worried about expenses. i'll take your advice about living north of the river though. Thomas//Cappavillage it is. I'd like to live somewhere I can bike to work + far enough away that I can have a bit of a yard to bring my german shepherd
Well if there was no woman I would not be aroused at all.
But that's ok, I don't hate gay people anyway.
Would raid UK to get to bring her back here and make lots of babies...
Nice try but I'm a white hispanic, I'll fit right in.
Must be the Ballyhaunis under 14s gaa team. Only 40% of that small town is ethnic Irish now. Was reading the local news earlier and two subhuman Romanians were up in court for stealing an old woman's purse in a shop and the two subhuman Roma were based in Ballyhaunis and only in Ireland for 2 weeks. Sad.
Treason (mixing) will have no place in our society, sonner or later... the wave will fall
You can forget about Thomond/Cappa then, it's all apartments/dorms. You might be able to find somewhere around Derryduff or AnnaCotty. Stay away from Rhebogue, it's full of travellers.
>Only 40% of that small town is ethnic Irish now
What area will you be teaching?
Yup but of course the fifth columnist journalists in the country's media hail the place as a warm cuddly diverse utopia where the local cucks they interview love it and love being cucked into a minority in their own town.
Those are friends from the same Celtic tribe. I can see it in their eyes.
If you hate non-whites so much, why do you christcucks go around planting churches all over the world?
The nigress looks to be about 20 years old.
Fake. We don't have mixed teams.
if your dick is as thin as your country you'd probably fit in twice
This is the modern face of Ireland, get over it
These migrants mix perfectly with Irish culture, they go to pubs and eat big fry ups, they're more Irish than the Irish themselves
Irish are white niggers.
Yeah Africans make up 1% of the population. Good thing we changed the laws on citizenship. That stopped them coming.
Blacked is babies first fetish. Step up senpai. 2D can show you things you never even imagined.
Africans have no please in Ireland and if it weren't for the EU they wouldn't be here.
It's too late and you damn know it. They breed like rabbits.
>wage centuries long struggle against British oppression
>finally win freedom
>import niggers and ruin country in just a few decades
hahahaha irish really are subhuman aren't they?
Whoever made that picture doesnt think much of black men.
Hey you dumb bitch, you joined the EU so you drunken louts could get gibs, and now you have the gall to complain?
>>import niggers and ruin country in just a few decades
In fairness, we tried to keep them out but they circumvented our laws. We had to go to a referendum to change it back. See
Some of them bred with tinkers. That will lead to hilarity.
>says the person living in the US.
When I visited Balbriggan the locals chased me out with spears.
all of the african taxi drivers are way more sound than the dublin/polish taxi drivers
explain that
You know this will lead to the start of BLM in Ireland, right?
I was gonna say that most of the Africans we have here are actually grand but the taxi drivers are not. Wtf. They all smell, wont give change back and try to go the wrong way.
Not being a woman myself I havnt seen it but their behavior to single female passangers is notorious.
There are no Dublin/Polish taxi drivers left.
There were black people in my girls college course. She said that they are all obsessed with BLM even though a black person has never been shot in Ireland. Our police arnt even armed. She didnt have a very high opinion of them. Said they are all obsessed with dancing and fashion.
Yes she got blacked. I am a high IQ cuck.
Even Pikey women love the BBC. The ones we have wouldn't be seen dead with a black, so I guess that's one thing.
Pikey women bred would breed with mold if it bought vodka and slapped them.
Niggers > Tinkers.
>Yes she got blacked
Africans hate me. Irish taxi drivers are on average better to me.
Tell us more about how she got BLACKED. How many blacks has she been with before you? Are you ok with it?
Not really. I didnt tell one to talk a walk when he told her she was pretty right in front of me. I dont think he realised I was with her. He didnt seem to put out when I set him straight.
They were being nice enough at that party.
honestly d*bs are worse than nigs
She didnt really. Blacks are kind of dumb. There is no reason to see them as competition unless you are working class.
>Good thing we changed the laws on citizenship. That stopped them coming.
How and when did we do this?
I'm glad you still have to be in the country to vote.
Balbriggan otherwise known as Blackbriggan.
I wasn't even alive when we joined the EU but I ever get a chance to vote on leaving it I'll vote to leave and I don't care what the consequences are in doing so just long as we get out of the EU. I've seen Ireland go from an homogeneous country to a multicultural shithole. I want Ireland for the Irish and no one else.
How young are you?
The law was changed so that just being born here doesnt entitle you to citizenship. Funny how the yanks cant seem to manage that.
Not the fault of the EU, for once. This was just Nigerians taking advantage of the Constitution put in place to allow Northerners to be Irish.
It was because of EU laws that we couldn't just tell them to fuck off. I have no doubts that there would be no Africans here if we weren't subject to European law and EU human rights faggotry. There's no love for Africans in this country and they're generally despised.