((((Feinstein)))) is running for reelection, Bernouts have already vowed to primary her ass

((((Feinstein)))) is running for reelection, Bernouts have already vowed to primary her ass.

How is it possible that someone can be loathed by both the left and the right and still be in the Senate for 25 years?

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Those who vote don't decide anything, those who count the votes decide everything.

Ok Joey.

California. Everyone is gonna be shocked when they find out the voter fraud numbers.

Yes, (((how))) could this happen indeed...

How are bernouts on gun politics?

>How is it possible that someone can be loathed by both the left and the right and still be in the Senate for 25 years?
Yes, (((how)))? I have a good theory.

Califag here. Never underestimate the stupidity of this state's voters.

You seem to forget that Sen Leland Yee in California got almost 400k votes while he was sitting in prison under federal indictment.

Feinstein is a national treasure, it's you who are wrong!

a lot do support the 2nd amendment beleive it or not. Vermont is a constitutional carry state and barney sandwich has voted against certain gun control bills.
Literally anyone is better than Feinstein though, she's called for just banning and outright confiscation of all guns from us peasants, however she herself has a CCW and carries daily.

subtle and subversive image. I'm stealing that for my sockpuppets.

Same reason Diane abbot is in parliament here in bongland
>Both stupid as fuck and have no idea what they're talking about
>Both have made fools of themselves on national televison multiple times
>Appeal to young clueless socialists
>Mocked for being stupid as fuck by many people
>Dumbass labourshits/libshits see this as a reason to support them more
>Get brownie points from feminists for being
a strong WOMYN
Seriously though look Diane up the fact she remains in parliament is a fucking travesty.
She has frequently answered elementary maths problems wrong

jesus christ, this sheboon is worse than maxine watters

someone popular was running against her... I forgot who.
Get her ass the fuck out of there.

Looks like the Joker kek

who the fuck voted for this person
>that last comment about mao

>DNC still rigs the primaries, even for senators
>Feinstein wins primary
>Nobody votes for her
>She still wins another term
Screencap this

If i lived in Londanistan I wouldn't have voted for her at all. At least I don't live there, especially with an MP like that

Feinbitch is 84 years old. Holy fuck this is embarrassing. Lets get some young people in office.

Founding fathers really fucked up putting in NO term limits at all.

I think Corbyn's election as leader of the labour party was rigged as well. Seriously what causes leftist parties to be so corrupt aside from the obvious answer?

its getting real hard to not believe in reptilians

You think Feinstein is bad?

Just you wait and see what comes after her.



Nope, the founding fathers put in place provisions to deal with something like this, namely only whites could become citizens.

You know how anti-gun she is? Well, when she was mayor of San Francisco she had a concealed carry permit and carried a gun in her purse.

Civil rights for me,
but not for thee.

Well, as someone who voted for both Sanders and Trump, but would much rather have Sanders, I'm pretty much radically pro-gun.

I'd say Bernie supporters are more pro-gun than Hillary supporters were, but that's more relative to liberals as a whole. I'd say most want some form of gun control, unfortunately.

How could McBrain Tumour run for president as a non-natural born US citizen?

I am glad they have the female Joker. Thats so diverse.

it only matters if you're black or a dem

They brought up up when he ran but it was a US military base at the time so there's no genuine question about it.

Natural born means born an american citizen, not someone who becomes a citizen later in life.

rigged elections

I'm glad that you're okay with it


that's what the DNC and RNC are. they want consistent voting, so they will throw massive amounts of cash at people who will vote faithfully. Feinstein has always been a team player.

the fact that she's getting flak from berntards shows you just how fucking crazed these leftists have become. She's been considered one of the most "progressive" senators for decades.

people are too lazy to pay attention to politics besides presidential elections and meme ballot measures
CA is probably ground zero of massive voter fraud ops also

>IQ test instituted
>Hardly any dindus pass
>Disproportionately white and Asian
Das rayciss

This whore doesn't even look human. I can't wait until this disgusting parasite bitch fucking dies

Because 90% of the population is apolitical

lol like bernouts have any sort of influence. no way she gets primaried out

So the Jews put Trump in office?

Tertiary issue at best.

They're motivated mainly by income inequality and money in politics.

/ourgirl/ is standing up for gun rights saying "No Law could have stopped the Las Vegas shooter"
This fucking timeline

You say that now but there's growing antimosity among the democratic voter base and Trump is enough to get social alienation up to where there will be a bloody purge of DINOs in the house and senate come 2024 paving way for a populist candidate much in the same fashion as what happened with Trump and Republicans.

lol, no. bernouts can get a fast-food dipping trending at the peak of their power and attention.

>appeal to young socialists
>((((Dianne Feinstein))))


alright, I'm gonna explain this again, I'll start from the top.



get it?

Change to a voter ID law, and watch her, as well as other communists like her lose their jobs.

It's as if the law against murder and assault wasn't enough so we need more laws to make sure it really doesn't happen again this time!

Why should she walk away from all that money and power just because old?

Fantasic i hope she wins so when america goes to shit and starts to fall apart we can blame it on a feminist jewish woman

maybe not by platform or ideology alone but they'll still be the most likely voting bloc to back an anti-establishment candidate in the next election, that along with elements of the more center left democratic partisans who will continue to abandon ineffectual neo-lib politics, there's a formidable force right there. You're forgetting that a lot of who you call bernouts in the last election were just left leaning people who were fed up with the corruption and ineffectiveness of the current representation of """"leftist"""""" politics. Your labeling the lot of them socialist ideologues is just a straw-man argument that ignores the reality of the political paradigm shift that the left in America is undergoing.

the reason she's held on is that she fights extremely hard for her local constituency and accurately represents them and their insane limousine liberal donor class

>10 years max allowed to be a Senator
>12 years max allowed to be a Representative
>no appointees over 60
>Max Ret. age of 60
>Peoples in their 30s-50s allowed
>the young and old are useless

the rightwing geniuses have more great ideas.
how about you include the voters in you great plans?

if someone good ever came along chances are you'd have them eliminated from the start.

why not let the voters decide who should represent them? oh right, the righteous don't trust the stupid voters

>How is it possible that someone can be loathed by both the left and the right and still be in the Senate for 25 years?

Says the leftwing retard who allows his nation to be destroyed while he virtue signals on an anime nazi message board

These deeply entrenched establishment types are loved by boomers.

this from the people that just realized at the end of 2016 that free trade was bad

big money will always be able to line up the candidates that will get them what they want. even if it takes decades.
ordinary working people don't have the time money or know how to get what they want.
limiting choices doesn't help them

and in 10 or 20 years the righteous will say the left did this to them


Oh, we realized it a long time.

It's the normie Republigoyim who thought it was muh free markets. Too bad it took a nigger Democrat pushing for a trade deal, and wanting to use Republican votes (let that sink in a moment) to ram it through the lame duck session no less, for them to wake up and smell the Jewry.