>be white
>marry another white
>decide to not have children and adopt a nigglet instead
Why do white people do this shit?
>be white
>marry another white
>decide to not have children and adopt a nigglet instead
Why do white people do this shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Perhaps they're convinced that it's nurture over nature and they're going to show everyone by raising good blacks.
Would you rather they adopted a spic baby instead?
Some of them have that kind of value. A lot of them are pre-emptively failing, in a clean way because they know the system is against them.
If all the judges are controlled, and all the witnesses are controlled, it doesn't matter what you initiated. The outcome is chosen.
Because Whites/Europeans are FUCKING INSANE now
Virtue signaling (attention)
I mean just look at the picture. Even without the black child those people are soulless shells feeding off only the adoration of peons
This triggers me.
boy, should they have done some research beforehand
that is one gay dude
No, i hope they'd had a kid on their own.
Adopting should not be on the table.
(((Christian))) morality
"Slave" morality
Hey fuck you buddy! Tim Tebow is a good man. He's a shitty QB, but a good person.
Maybe it’s cheaper. Like buying off-brand.
Genetic dead end anyway.
whites have low fertility rates due to ancestral incest
Sex is just to much work
What if your a man who can't have children?
They are not White. Mental illness - xenophilia. Shit like that should be encouraged. Race-mixing counter-intuitively just leads to the purification of the White Race, as all the weak anti-racist genes get bred out, leaving behind only the Whites who are repulsed by non-whites on a genetic level.
This shit will bite shitskins and kikes in the ass hard in a few thousand years, when Whites actually evolve into universally monstrous racial supremacists they fear today.
That's why you don't accept anyone who is not 100% European from North America into your movement. Beware of Spencer - negroid loving traitor on a genetic level
For mongrel genetics often breed mongrel rhetoric
"White" racemixer is a subhuman and so is any "White" that forges any relationship with nonwhite that are not directly exploitative
DNA you are born is not enough to be a part of the Blood Community (although not being pure in race banishes your chance to join no matter how accomplished you are).
racial awareness + noble living + pure bloodline = White/European ethnicity x
Whites and asians have the lowest amounts of consanguinity.
This explains a lot actually
is there any other race than whites that adopt children of a different race than their own?
That guy is not wrong. Slave morality and Christianity are one and the same. Healthy European man is the best child of evolution out there.Just look at the strongman and the world around you. We have to go to a deeper root of dysgenics and meekness. So what did allow a lot of Lebensunwertes Leben to exist? Let's find out.
Culture is a racial manifestation first and foremost. Long ago Natural Law was integral to the European Culture. It doesn't appear out of nowhere, that's why it's natural. Weak die off from the evolutionary race, strong pass on. Catholic Christian Universalism and jewish "cultural marxism" and critical theory destroyed that selection, as well as vaccination, saving half dead newborns and such. Biggest mistake of the colonisation was not to exterminate conquered species to zero. Imagine the world today without negro, jew, pakistanis, chinese, indochines and southwest asian monkeys, central asians, Australian aboriginals, redskins and arabs. You can't claim with a straight face that it would be less prosperous, more environmental and free world.
Catholic Church has been more and way longer cucked
>create universalism
>protect judaism and talmud circulation since 1180s
>prevent genocide of European jewry in 1220s
>oppose Iberian Blood Purity Trials
>demand baptising colonised niggers and amerindians instead of murdering them all
>successfully demand Monarch to throw in prison based Columbus for cleaning the Americas from the filth
>oppose racism since 1800s
Thanks to the Catholic Church and Christians European jewry, spics, masses of mongoloids and negroes exist.
maybe their infertile and don't want to wait for a unicorn in the form of a non-FAS/Down Syndrome/crack addicted white baby. There are plenty of nig babies that are perfectly healthy and not wanted by their mothers. The only white babies people give up for adoption are the ones with expensive medical problems.
People who are even CAPABLE of being friendly with nonwhites shouldn't reproduce, let alone adopt
>be white
>posts pic of three brazilians
Barbie doesn't want to "live through" pregnancy.
Women were a mistake.
Its the closest you can get to having a little black slave, and that shit was always in the vogue for hip rich white people.
this dude got KEKED, he's too beta to mind tho
Ever met a black couple that adopted a poor white babay?
Ever shop at a black owned business?
Ever eat Black food?
Ever use an electronic device invented by a Negro?
Ever be the only white person in a black church?
Man you better get with this cultural appropriation quick you racist!!!!!
We're falling into the last stages of nihilism during which nothing means nothing anymore.
Only blood and war will free us from this misery.
Everyone wants to own a black. When you are parents you own your kid by law.
I'm black but adopted a baby white girl, but we're are rare as fuck.
Say what you will about millennials, but even our most cucked know how cringe this is. This is pure, 4X distilled Gen X.
Wtf? I hate white people now.
I think its because little niglets and chinks are treated by whites as exotic animals.
It's like buying an iPhone in rosegold. It doesn't mean anything, it's just superficial.
for the same reason why people prefeers inferior animals as a pet
So they can grandstand at (((charity))) dinners while their Mexican maid raises the thing.
>Those great genes gone to waste
Fuck white people sometimes
Look closer chinese tattoo on the right wrist. Obviously dyed her hair. Nothing of value was lost.
Idk how to feel anymore
Hey John, I’ll take, what being a cuck really means? For 500.
White babies are hard to find, sterile roasties take what they can get. Why do you think so many of them have small dogs? Same same with niglets.
good point, except the blue eyes. day of the rope she will be put in a camp forcefully made to breed children taken and trained to be white Nazi warriors
It's like owning a pet
One or both could be infertile, thats the only excuse i can come up with. Why a nigglet? Maybe they actually and truly don't care about race and could had just simply been a coincidence?
I doubt these all except the first. They just like to virtue signal.
"Altruism"! It´s the new social currency. We gave become so rich and overfed that money and material wealth is no longer a sign of success. If you want to show the world how superior you are in these days you adopt a niglet.
Return of Black slavery... the legal way!
they're all brazilian, priscilla
This is a white COUPLE.
They could have adopted from Russia, a lot of babies there have fetal alcohol syndrome, so there you go for virtue signaling. The kid with fetal alcohol syndrome still have the genes to make a non-violent non-stupid baby in the future though.
China has a nationally famous ballerina that used to be a man, when she adopted, she just keep going to hospitals until she found one where there was a Chinese woman with a Chinese baby that was healthy but unwanted, she didn't do stupid things like adopt a tar baby or even a white baby. Raise your own people. I think God had intended for gays and sterile women to be there to raise the babies of couples who couldn't do it, but if their own people.
>we're are
Nig's story checks out.
When is he going to come out?
Look at the expression on the little niglet's face, a chimpout waiting to happen. I've seen this in the face of diapered monkeys.
White Guilt
muh slavery reparations now
It's a perverse exposition of having it all.
Thus, why not adopt a niglet and elevate them to premium status?
I understand the positive outcome of elevating a human life.
However, I know the sensibilities as to why one does so being misplaced.
Pretty much. It's equivalent to a millionaire charity ball to help niglets in Africa. Everyone overlooks the fact that their very actions lead to exploitation of people and suffering all across the world. However, lets gather, toss some money into some overpriced art and celebrate that, without us, those niglets would be starving.
Liberals see minorities as helpless children, it's no surprise they love to adopt them. They'd adopt adult ones too if they could.
The couple is Brazilian, so it's not likely that they're pure whites to begin with.
And how does that makes them non-white?
They literally have blue eyes Nigel.
I'm not defending it, i'm simply telling you the truth. My brother and his wife adopted, they waited 3 years and it cost 30k to get a white kid. They pretty much just give you a niglet the next day if you will take it.
Christian morality is proto-communism
Democrats have always used owning blacks as a sign of wealth.
Agreed. It should be on the slab.
Flouridation and mental assault from the media that white children are little opressors
Just a reminder to white people.
If you racemix, that kid will still hate you and all whites, and he will identify more with his black half (just like Kaepernick adn Obummer!)
And even if you adopt and nurture and raise them with a loving environment they will STILL hate you and all whites.
There's no cure for niggers, they just outright hate whites, get this through your thick head.
It's virtue signaling at it's most masturbatory. Two people, virtue signaling eachother for decades.
That is the ONLY reason.
>value of white children inherently higher
has someone called this racist yet?
Kek white people its going to disappear and whites know it, cant imagine how this makes you feel, aren't whites like only 13 percent of global population?
I dont blame you guysmfor being upset I would be it too
Having white kids would be racism, this on the other hand can ease the guilt and put a perpetual, smug smile on their faces.
>heh, not to brag, but some of us are a bit more forward thinking than others you know, removing ourselves from the gene pool is actually a necessary step to end systemic racism and the patriarchy
>why do white people do this
Because Hitler didn't win
You can tell he's a fucking cuck, can't you? Also, she does not look white. She looks as black as the Kardashians, who exclusively date niggers.
uma desgraça
Yup, he got called rayciss when he was filling out the paperwork because he didnt check the box for niggers or downies, and yes there is really a form you check off what you will accept.
Fewer cucks in the gene pool is always a good thing
Is he gonna adopt a baby king penguin?
legal pet monkey
Good for him!
So she can dump his arse and still have a pussy that hasn't been "ruined" by a child
>a spic baby instead?
Or a nafri baby
hey Sup Forums what was the name of that super liberal christian blonde who adopted all those africans?
Not much choice otherwise given the illegality of slaves.
and so the employees called him racist? holy shit what bullshit pressure tactics. I guess they have to balance out the inventory.
Being a cuck is not genetic, it's trained with millions of dollars of Jew propaganda
>the legal way
Like weed
Would they do it without access to social media? If they had no means to show everybody what they were doing and knew they wouldn't be getting any attention or reinforcement as a result, would they still?
It was a nig state employee, some secretary at whatever agency was in charge, DHS or CHS, i don't recall which.
Look at this inbred bongistani.
Is that Bruno Gagliasso?
More than 1 billion chinks
More than 1 billion pajeets
Niggers and nafris everywhere
Well... when we white people will disappear there will be no more hope for the human kind
Not like there is a shortage of black people to choose from.
They usually cannot have children if that's the case firstly secondly, it gives them a free pass to say whatever the hell they want
Pick one
>genes to make a non-violent non-stupid baby in the future
pick one
Clarifying: that’s brazilian actor Bruno Gagliasso and his also Brazilian wife