Radical centrism general - /rcg/

The left failed us, it bankrupted thousands of nations and brought degeneracy into every house

The right failed us, they are cucks who fail to do anything to fix our problems, and always sell out to businessmen

We need a new ideology pol, a radical centrism that gasses both the left and right.

ITT we build our new ideology. Let me start

What can we do?

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Ok whats your stance on healthcare?

i have no strong feelings one way or the other


whats your stance on jews and muslims?

>kill everyone with an opinion
>try to form a centrist government
>country becomes trash
>people start begging the government to step in and save the economy
>official government statement: just like, be reasonable, starvation is just as good as prosoperity, omg why people have to care so much

im building this with you guys, waht's the best radical centrist position on healthcare?

I'm not a radical. No, I consider myself more of a based centrist


Checked, and had a sensible chuckle

Don't need a new ideology, just need patriots in office.

lets just take the best out of the left and right ?

3 2 1 GO

Left: renewable energy
Right: no gun control
whos next ?

Horseshoe theory is for fags. Being in the middle of two shitty cultures, welfare homos and military fags, doesn't solve anything.

Force Harvard professors off their moral relativism and into something practical. Use said moral to denounce exploitative corporations and government officials, and rile up the general populace with said moral judgements. The purity spiral will be overenthousiastic but righteous.

Whatever degenerate sells pornography and bad loans deserves to be pogrommed, and that's what's going to happen.

Jewish digits

>What can we do?
Embrace the Blackpill and kill yourself, that's a good start for a centrist I'd say.

>"Le rational centrist"
Go to Reddit faggot

>radical left: criminals get welfare and whyte wymmin
>radical right: (((criminals))) get gassed
what does the radical centrist do?


Im ok with that
there are two centers user

I suspect this will fail because you can't really build and ideology out of "I don't really know what I wan't and/or I don't have the stomache to do anything that might actually be effective in doing something about established problems".

free gas

Bitch about le horseshoe.

thats virgin centrism, we're propposing chad radical centrism


i deleted because i got the wrong digits

So this then?

Careful, fascist.


To ensure the commies don't ruin our countries like the commies ruined Russia, and the eastern block. Or how Nazis ruined Europe, and world politics, we must kill them when they get violent at all.

If the Russian people offed the Bolsheviks they'd be fine. If the German government killed the communists Hitler wouldn't have spied, or co-opted them.

Really we must kill those who kill for political beliefs while not getting involved with government. It's the only way to not become radical.

i got you famalam

Centrism is not having an opinion
Stop this meme.



maybe the military can be ourguys?

Or how do we call a paramilitary radical centrist militia?

If 100% of your labor is taken away you're a slave
If 50% of your labor is taken away you're half a slave.
A radical centrist is a moron with no principles. Centrism is what got us into all situations after the revolution in '89. Just do what works for votes.
GET FUCKED and stepped on. You're no snake.

Just live ur life. Errr I am gonna kill all natzzies and
gummies ! Fuckink Faschist is just make yo a stupid. Make your aims true and make your money pal

Patriotism should be an element of this new political system.


already answered

if you have the government involved at all it'd become totalitarian. If you censor any of it, it could become popular and niche.

"maybe the military can be ourguys?" Calm down Bolshevik. I can't wait till the jew's try to be radical again.

The economical system should be libertarian. The government holds the least power possible only to provide the basic to the poor.

radical centrism is not necessarily anti-totalitarian tho, its radical and centrist

if that means purging all communists and fascists, its stil centrist

also, wahts your favorite radical centrist leader? syngman rhee? vargas? LKY? Not peron tho he was a cuck

>We're going to kill anyone who would kill for their politics
>Get the military involved? Whoah Nelly, too radical for me!

Fuck authoritarianism

You don't understand power politics what would stop the military from just fucking over the government at that point?

Your Bolshevik buddy didn't really think that through, because the "radical centrist" would have to become totalitarian at that point. If you just have the military killing people and not listening to the government you want to prevent from becoming totalitarian you created a much bigger problem. The military would be the government.

The only time I'd see that being needed is if the military is already at that point. You would need something to actually fight that off. Today though we have a bunch of useless waste of life larping in the streets about anything.

You mean capitalist?

How are you planning on getting the organised manpower together that you will *require* in order to do what it is you want to do, without a large organised force of armed men, i.e an army?


So classical liberalism.

I'm not planning anything just shitposting thoughts.

I mean it could just be a militia instead of the actual military. That could be dangerous though. I'd prefer something smaller in scale since we don't need something like a 1st world military to handle larpers.

In a perfect world it'd just be a common belief to be held that those people must die to preserve society.

I mean that's how socialists work today, they hold societal beliefs that they push onto everyone.

Brainlet normie scum. Regressing mongrel filth. You are not politically incorrect, reported and saged.

Radical centrism is the true red pill. Gas fascists / anarchists when?

>What can we do?
Get gassed

LARPing is Live Action Role Play. People who pretend to be something they are not, doing things they would never actually do in real life. If they're out killing for their beliefs then they're not LARPing, by definition. If enough of them are doing it you are seriously considering a purge then you will need more than a rag-tag assortment of farmer Joes with shotguns.

What exactly is radical centism and how is it correct?

Are you guys authoritarian?

Why is there a radical centrist (Hitler) in the gas chamber?

I'm sorry but antifa, and the groups in Charlottesville are larpers. Even the KKK today isn't what it used to be.

You can be a larper, and kill people. They're not Bolsheviks yet they just have the potential. I refuse to treat them with the dignity that there movements are even able to do anything besides hurt others, riot, and destroy lives. They're a waste of time, and hold back from actual progress.

Look at BLM and the fucking WE WUZZ shit. They killed people screamed for the death of whites, ruined their local economy by destroying and looting business, then gave up a few days later.

All it would take is an armed militia to handle shitty commie black bloc tactics. Have them form in a line with anything that can block rocks and march over them like the riot police do.

>live in Cucknada
>consider yourself a centrist

How is centrism going to fix the catastrophic demographic projections of the near future? Honest question

every socialist country has militias

The PLA for ex is not the army of China, but officially the paramilitary wing of the CCP

This thread is for high conscientious-openness ppl only

Well, very soon we will all start modifying our DNA and none will be black anymore

>What can we do?

Patience is key to attack.
Fight what battles you want; but asking to form a group of any kind is completely out of the question.
If you're trying to do so; turn in your 'radical' card immediately.
Everyone fights their own way.
Pick your target, verify, and fire.
Metaphor being much more effective than violence, of course.
The more we can do separately; the less chance of being found.

"In short, Duke; a shitstorm..." -Penn Gillette, Hackers

the middle is on the right you faggot. kys


>Radical centrism

Nice oxy moron

Fascism is radical centrism. It's third position politics taken to its full extreme.

Not forming a group is sheer insanity, it's either you and your sane political faction or some idiot like Richard Spencer.

The political clout of the left can only be met with growing organisation that is seen as more responsible and authoritative.

thats the point



Centrist think tank Third Way launched a $20 million campaign in January to help Democratic voters reconnect with the center. They also consider themselves "Radical Center." Pic related. Same corrupt party with new buzzwords.


limited universal healthcare

everything treatable using only the WHO essential medicines list (the lists are used for making hospitals in poor places) - publicly funded
medicines on the extended list + things on the essential surgeries list - heavily subsidized
everything else - you are on your own

angsty redditors haven't figured out that radical centrism is literally Nazism.