Enjoy lads
NOTE: HISPANICS ARE LUMPED IN WITH WHITES FOR THE WHITE NUMBERS (and yet are still below blacks for certain crimes kek)
Enjoy lads
NOTE: HISPANICS ARE LUMPED IN WITH WHITES FOR THE WHITE NUMBERS (and yet are still below blacks for certain crimes kek)
thats right. blacks steal from you, blacks rape, you, blacks kill you. but despite all of that your women still love us. how shit are white boys when even their own women would prefer us "criminal subhuman" blacks over your pasty asses?
>but despite all of that your women still love us
Last study I saw, blacks and asians men were selected the least on all dating websites
yeah like last month you colossal faggot
>black men so disliked that the only way for them to fuck is to rape or get into fetish porn
>black men so disliked that they aren't a choice like everybody else, they are a FETISH liked by cucks
Women desire whoever they perceive as being a member of the dominant group. You can engineer their perception to find any male attractive. Hell, take a look at Prince, he looked like a literal fudge packing faggot but he scored a ton of pussy because that’s was what was pushed in the 80’s. Now the Jews are pushing the hood rat gangsta shit so thats what many of them will find attractive. In one generation, they can have women who find literal white Nazis attractive if they wanted to. Women’s sexual selection is determined by others, its one of their greatest weaknesses. This is something you can test yourself in a social experiment. Have all the girls in a class except one fawn over the nerdiest geek in class and and the girls who isn’t in the experiment will find that geek somehow attractive for reasons she doesn’t understand.
so, if you subtract Hispanic stats from white stat, white people only account for 51.2% of arrests
So in order to cover up the fact that white people get arrested less as a percentage, they tried some statistical Jewery to try and obfuscate the numbers.
wtf is wrong with this country? we can't even get accurate data from our government now? Next year their gonna lump asians and blacks together probably to reduce the percentage of black crime
choose one
>show stats for Native/Pacific Islanders
>roll Hispanic stats into white stats
really turns on those walnuts
Stealing a rotten banana peel from the floor that was used by a white man, isn't stealing a full fresh banana from his fruit bowl, Jamal.
>still 2017
>thinks we'll have the total 2017 numbers yet
you are one dumb nigger
What race are they hiding the mudslimes behind? Are they "Asians" or white?
usually rolled into "asian" from my experience, unless they are a halfbreed
Also note: Population proportions are different.
If blacks are 13% of the U.S. population (39,000,000) and commit 41,562 robberies in 2016, that's a per capita rate of 41,562/39,000,000 = 0.0010657 robberies per person.
Whites are ~58% of the U.S. population (174,000,000) and commit 33,095 robberies in 2016, that's a per capita rate of 33,095/174,000,000 = 0.00019020 robberies per person.
Therefore, the relative black per capita crime rate compared to whites is 0.0010657/0.00019020 = ~5.6 which is a 560% relative increase over whites.
But they wuz good bois who dindu nuffins, we just need mo' money for dem programz.
Even with spics added to whites blacks are still disproportionately violent.
I'd love to see these numbers with the races separated.
they supply the numbers in the report, but they made it so you have to subtract the whites and hispanics yourself.
Hopefully some useful user will see this and help sort this shit out. I'd do it myself, but its time to go
>spics lumped in with whites
what did the (((((((FBI))))))) mean by this?
Are there statistics on rape by race? How many white men raped women of each race versus how many white women were raped by each race?
One last bump, because the shills are usually sliding at this time of day