Is Martin Luther /Ourguy/?

He would seem to advocate for "gas the kikes, race war now!"

Other urls found in this thread:

> The jews and their lies
> Forgets his religion is based on kike lies.

Always has to be a faggot fedora cuck shitposting


Luther was the most woke

>the fucking reformer wrote this book
>nothing stopped kikes from creating "judeo-Christian" kike worshiping churches
This is the power of the kike, make use of the White man's acceptation to let them infiltrate and subvert everything.

Is he /our guy/?

>Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.

>Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.

>What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

Marx was a Jew

help a brother out

Amerishits should not be allowed to post.

People forget that literally every society but the United States has avoided giving Jews any sort of power

try not to cut yourself on that edge bucko

>playing runescape past 2007
wew lad.

Although this is kind of making me want to play. fuck

Martin Luther was a based shit-poster and was fully woke to the kikes

He btfo'd the catholic church right before btfoing the kikes

>I understand there are still many people ignorant to the policies, faiths and truths surrounding the Nazi's. But my name wasn't even edgy.
>trying to redpill a bunch of neckbeards that play runescape

o m8 I am laffin, I wanna see how this plays out



> mfw you hit someone with such a hard truth and logically sound argument in two lines that their brain melts

Zero edge... Just an undeniable truth. One that christcucks like to ignore as stepchildren of kike anthology that serves as their religion's cornerstone... Even as they bash the kikes for their lies.

> A are liars. A created B which is a lie.
> C is based on B and was created by A.
> But hey man, C is not a lie.. It's different

Luther, as an individual was based as fuck. A shame he created a branch of Christianity even worse than the absolute state of Catholicism he was opposing.

Those quotes aren't anti-Semitic, he was talking about Jewish supremacism in a positive way. Jews paved the way for capitalism which Marx admired for its success but thought it wasn't going to last and therefore developed Marxist theory.

Martin Luther is a huge fucking kike who worked for other kikes. His essay was done because kikes payed him to do it in order to subvert Catholicism and the book in OPs pic is controlled opposition publication to legitimize Martin Luther's essay.

Why would he focus on Catholics then make such a blatantly public and specific statement about the Jews instead of following the same style of criticism for Catholics? Because it's written by kikes and it's another sadistic kike fantasy.

t. the reverend hershel shekelberger

> catholic
> Religion based on kike testament
> Fully woke on kikes

Luther btfo'd an aspect of a ruling orthodoxy that reigned over man via religion. While many of his pronouncements and guidance were sound, he still deferred to backing a systematic book of stories generated (old testament) by jews and a book whose new testament was based on a similar organized orthodoxy :

While he may have respun and reworded it, it's still based on a belief system pushed by men to rule over other men. For that, it is not a final red-pill but one that gets a steward on their way towards spiritual clarity and truth. The key is to see the many layers of this throughout history leading up to and including the authoring of the bible (a work of man that was heavily guided by rule/governance)

> Luther
> Lucifer

The light bringers have always been detested.

Remember Tay the AI? She was shut down and then.. changed forever. I wonder who was behind this.

Actually, I know it were the Jews.


Oh fuck off Catholics are scum as well but Martin Luther is the biggest cardboard cutout play by play of a Jewish trick.

Read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

>is Martin Luther /ourguy/?
First day on Sup Forums? Next you'll ask about Henry Ford.

I received my first redpill here on Sup Forums over two years ago. I have been reviewing older literature and was quite pleased and excited about this prominent historical figure being so woke and based.

Bauer is your guy. Bauer wrote "The Jewish Question" and Marx's "On the Jewish Question" is a response to it.

As noted in Marx is not being anti-semitic but critical of Bauer's "anti-semitism".