Because you guys are the authority on racial things, I want to know.
What will happen if we mix all races?
Because you guys are the authority on racial things, I want to know
arabs, arabs happen
Wont happen,so piss off.
you get the average American
If race is the only thing that matters. Why is antifa mostly white?
Chicken sandwich?
>Total 6,785,600,000
>2,297,000,000 33.85% Caucasoids
>2,125,000,000 31.32% Mongoloids
>810,100,000 11.94% Negroids
According to this it would be a dark-ish hapa-like thing. Though arabs, indians and the like are probably included in caucasian. So it woud be a thai-brown hapa?
I will write a note to my 10th generation son that he should kill as many people as possible in such scenario.
Loss of racial traits is a huge loss of identity. Witch is essential in nature, its a higher form of life the normal persons life, much higher.
but won’t that just mean the formation of new races and racial identities? Wouldn’t that be like one of your ancestors from the technogoth tribe wanting you to kill all the other germans for tribe mixing?
Extinction event.
just look at Brazil
Things more or less stay the same but culture would be based heavily on trivial things like what brand you like and what music you listen to. I assume there would still be culture clashes that get physical over something like being anti-skub or pro-skub. Also everyone will dress like retards so they retain snowflake status.
A niggerborne disease has a somewhat harder time infecting other races, as the niggers are resistant to it by exposure. No races means ebola will be on steroids.
You would have a shit-skinned slave race ruled over by pure-blooded Ashkenazi Jews.
If everyone mixes, and all the cultures religions and other identities are stripped away we will become slaves, mindless drones with no purpose nor identity
No more social solidarity
Pic related has white-asian father and black-latino mother
>Pic related has white-asian father and black-latino mother
Just looks like a generic Arab or South American
You mean my country?
You'd get niggers.
See north Africa. It is a mix of whites and blacks. See their space stations, their inventions, their infrastructure, their prosperity? Me neither. The average IQ of the planes is about 85. With that human civilization would fall back into the stone age. Mad Max.
Once everybody is exactly the same, we will reach perfect, peak diversity.
>this is what liberals actually believe
all races won't mix stupid goy. that's not the plan.
If we all race mix, we will become Jews but without the Jewish gene.
>Just looks like a generic South American
Latin america is race mixing central. If you want to know what a race mixed society/culture looks like just look south of the border. That is the future of the USA to be honest, full of identity less mongrels.
We need to find the jew gene and insert it into ourselves then? Insert some ayran genes with it so we become great warriors that can smell blood from miles away.
The Jew gene needs to be contained like a virus and quarantined in Israel or Madagascar.
But what does it do? Destroy your empathy and give you a big nose?
white people lose 50 points iq and tge rest of the niggers reach koko the gorilla-tier intelligence.
If you don't know what the Jew gene does then you need to lurk more faggot.
worse, creates an illusion of self.
a caste system would eventually emerge when the light-skinned ruling class inevitably forms.
all culture will die and we get bladerunner tier dystopian world