This is a genuine question to all Sup Forums users.. But do you TRULY want a World War to happen? with many deaths and buckets of blood? Do you truly want this to happen? If you ask me.. I say yes.. this world is becoming something i very much despise and it would bring me much joy to see to all crash and burn.. then for us all to restart.

So, again.. How do you feel about WW3?




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World War 3 is unlikely to happen as that would probably end the world. All conflicts in the war will either be economical warfare, cyber and eventually space. Maybe when we finally have off world space colonies you might see some major conflicts again, but with the nuclear bomb offering absolute destruction I don't WW3 will break out.

We need to live closer to nature, or go insane. Maybe WW3 would be the best way to achieve this? Our culture is turning everyone into monsters, in a soulless non-fun way.

ONLY If we destroy Africa first

does it even matter? we've been subverted and betrayed. the world might as well burn. Africa first of course.


We need to depopulate the Earth. But that depopulation needs to come from countries unlikely to be at the center of armed conflict (Africa, Asian subcontinent).


>We need to live closer to nature
>Nuking the planet will help

I agree, the problem is the economic warfare will prevent the spread into space for long enough that societies just break down on their own.

Space? Do you think North Korea is even close to having their own space station or the brainpower to even build a fully functioning computer?

world needs more love
not enough of it going around

yes as long as it didnt get to nukes. when i say that i mean from a country like Russia or china that could actually hit us for a sustained period and would likely just mean the end of the world for everybody. i would love for NK to launch one of their shitty meme missles and either have it blow up on the launchpad or hit LA and get drafted to go fight. the world needs another big war to harden us

I dont want ww3
I want the social contract to break into a million pieces and i want the fed to lose most of their power if not all of it

What normies and retards don't understand, is that war is necessary. War is what creates strong nations and even stronger people. Look at Sweden, they haven't participated in wars for an eternity and how fucking cucked they are now.

Yes, drop the bombs and fire those ICBMs now. Death to humans. Aliens did nothing wrong.

ww3 is bad, don't do ww3 cause it's bad.


it has to happen, I don't want suffering, but suffering is apart of reality, it's not going away, and so too must ww3 happen, Our society is falling, there is no stopping the war, the west will lose its grip, society cannot contain all the niggers, it's falling apart.

I feel for my loved ones. I care not for those who will perish beyond them. I think you should think the same, to avoid losing your grip on what matters.

sterilizing Africa and the whole middle east in general really would solve a lot of problems

There might be some Marxist brought about revolutions (parallel to Russia 1917) but these will be short term, even though very unlikely.

I hope and fantasize about mass violence, but I know its very unlikely and I have no weapons or training. I just want to see undesirables suffer for their existence which upsets me and is an affront to this fair island and the earth generally.


Sterilizing them here is one thing but we can't play God like that dude. Just deport them all and let them collapse or reach equilibrium on their own, fuck every shithole in their proximity.

i think that one of the only ways to fully remove the government from its position would be to end up in at war when unqualified and clueless individuals are in high up positions (which is the case now)

if we end up at war, then we can take out the jews and inbreds running the gov when they're down and truly work on making anarchy an achievable outcome.

you clearly learned nothing from this sjw invasion into the west

We need to get rid of the (((hangover))) from WW2.
WW3 is the only way.

this, seriously

>he doesn't want to see death and destruction
>he doesn't want to temporarily go back to the stone age to rape and pillage
>he doesn't want to build up a new Natsoc society