Should homosexuality itself be a crime?

Should homosexuality itself be a crime?
are gay rightwingers any less 'valid', for lack of a better term?

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How can you criminalize love?

It should be

Do you think placing flyers like these in gay-owned coffee shops should be allowed?

I think that homosexuals should either take medicine or get the bullet if they refuse, don't use weak bait

What exactly does the medicine do?

Should mastubation be a crime? Its a man jacking a man off.


im eating some vitamin gummies
any other medicine to make the gay go away?
oh wait that doesn't work

I can't care less if even a small percent become heterosexual, then good, if not I don't care



What if none of them actually became heterosexual? You just want us dead, and conversion therapy only increases our unhappiness and suicide rate. The government, at least in developed countries, has no interest in harming some taxpayers in the name of others so you are not allowed to harm gay people just for shiggles here.

You can't live in fear if you're not alive anymore


As I said already I can't care less as long there is a clean society without AIDS-ridden monkeys abusing kids

The simulated birth is the beginning of a psychodrama-packed weekend spent almost entirely naked. First, attendees of the retreat strip down, and tie on blindfolds. Naked and blind, they are led to mattresses laid out on the floor. Staffers swaddle the men in blankets, tight, to “simulate the womb.” The men then wriggle out of their plush blankets—meant to approximate a birth canal—and staffers “come and kind of nurture these new babies…you know, kind of wipe water on their face, and kind of clean them up, and it feels very real,” Hoffman said. Next, the men play out boyhood, with a “crazy, fun father who like bursts into the nursery and says ‘Come on, boys, let's have some fun together!’” (Downing sometimes played the role of “father.”) By this stage, both participants and staff members are nude. The men are lead out of the “nursery” and into a field, where a “wild party” begins. There’s a waterslide, fireworks and “brotherly dancing” around a campfire. The naked men fling mud and throw cake—laid out for just that purpose—at each other. They’re all “just expressing their little boyish energy” for about an hour, explained Hoffman, who now lives with his wife and child in Jerusalem, where he works as a conversion therapy life coach.

Afterward, everyone showers together. “It's just carefree, you know, if there's cake on my back, can you help me get it off my back,” said Hoffman, adding that the nudity “becomes very secondary.” He explained that if men got erections during the weekend, they were encouraged to talk to a staffer to “process it,” talk about what might be causing it until it went away. In gay conversion therapy, sexual attraction is never just sexual attraction; there must be some sublimated drive, deficit or trauma to be dealt with.

Both Levin and Unger attended PCC’s entry-level weekend: Journey Into Manhood. The core theme is a loose interpretation of the Jack and the Beanstalk fairy tale, in which Jack (played by a staff member) is reclaiming his beans—his masculinity. The participants are awarded a satchel of beans to wear around their necks at the end of the weekend. The script dispels any ambiguity early on:

Jack : So what is up with the beanstalk?

Elder [a second counselor]: The beanstalk is a masculine image, a phallic symbol.

Jack: So the beanstalk is a big penis?

Elder: Well, symbolically, yes.

In another Journey Into Manhood scenario, participants are blindfolded while facilitators bounce basketballs around them in a crude reenactment of grade school gym class, while shouting scripted epithets such as, “Catch the ball next time or I’ll shove it up your ass” and “Hey, guys, let’s get that little queer in the shower.” For another exercise, called “Facing the Feminine,” the floor is littered with “feminine objects,” like a wooden spoon, an apron and a tampon.

Participants are blindfolded while counselors shout "Don't touch your penis, it's dirty!" or "I was really hoping you would be born a girl!" or "Can't get it up!" and "You're not the man I thought I married!”

Toward the end of the weekend, participants are emotionally raw, Levin remembers. That’s when cuddling begins.

Spirit Guide [a counselor]: Can you connect to that boy inside you now?

Jack : Yes.

Spirit Guide : Would that little boy like to be touched or held?

Jack : Yes.

Jack and the Spirit Guide then cradle each other on the floor, and the lights go down. Music comes on: Spiritual “life coach” and singer Shaina Noll’s saccharine rendition of “ How Could Anyone .” How could anyone ever tell you that you were anything less than beautiful?/How could anyone ever tell you you were less than whole?
Eventually, all the men are on the floor, staffers cradling participants. Unger remembers staffers whispering “I love you,” “you’re beautiful,” and other affectionate phrases during the cradling—which Downing calls “healthy touch"—as “How Could Anyone” played over and over.

All proven fags should flayed to death.

Wouldn't that just encourage gay men to lie and marry women? That would just lead to more gay kids.

AIDS is admittedly a problem unproportionally amongst faggots, but child abuse is very rare, among any sexual orientation
>inb4 paedophilia
that's a mental illness

since when is faggotry hereditary?

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Summary of twin studies: htmlf

doi: 10.1038/ng1195-248

doi: 10.1017/S0033291714002451

Hamer 1993:

doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.1991.01810360053008

Straight males carry gay genes:

Fecundity increases in female relatives of male homosexuals:

Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:

A novel predictive model of sexual orientation using epigenetic markers.

Authors: T. C. Ngun [1]; W. Guo [2]; N. M. Ghahramani [3]; K. Purkayastha [1]; D. Conn [4]; F. J. Sanchez [5]; S. Bocklandt [1]; M. Zhang [2,6]; C. M. Ramirez [4]; M. Pellegrini [7]; E. Vilain [1]

Female relatives of gay men have 1.3x as many children:

Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28

you learn something new every day
thanks user

>Should homosexuality itself be a crime?

Homosexuality should be treated like farting, peeing and pooping - a disgusting part of life that isn't acceptable table talk unless you're at a scat convention.

>are gay rightwingers any less 'valid', for lack of a better term?

My transsexuality is a shameful secret which I will always hide, even if I transition. You can be a faggot and a rightwinger - no good person would dig into your hidden personal life and then tell anyone about it without asking first.

I will never treat open trannys and gays badly, but I refuse to make my faggotry a part of my social identity. Liberal faggots need to learn that not every gay or tranny is comfortable being public about it.

It isn't even fun unless it's disapproved of, and you know it.

Private property, so private rules. If they allow flyers, then tear that one down, they're weak-stomached cannots.

Gays and trannys are born that way. They keep it quiet nine times out of ten, and many, many gays and trannys are virgins.

Trannys take HRT that destroy their sex drives, so they already willingly take the same medicine child rapists are forced to take.

>templarp flag

Genetics are no excuse

Homosexuality is a mental illness

Government get out of my bedroom

Flag related

good work user

Naw, gays really aren’t too bad if they’re not the “pride” types. They also tend to not rely on public assistance. They’re productive and don’t really bother me as long as they’re not all loud about it.

My identity as a Christian, heterosexual white woman from the south isn't a laughing matter.

But my religion isn't limited to Christianity - Ila was the son of Manu (Hinduism's Adam,) who changed sex and married Budha, who was the son of the moon god Soma. Thus, Hinduism not only provides a mythical basis for transsexual legitimacy, but suggests that the Somavamsha (Of which Krishna was a member,) which includes hundreds of millions of people came from the womb of a transsexual.

Within this context, recent advances in womb transplants, stem cell grown vaginas and artificial ovaries are further signs that god condones transsexuality;




God loves me, and will give me the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Many gays and transsexuals are virgins who never have sex. I'm not complaining, but society is designed for heterosexual cis people - we just don't have opportunities to have sex.

But what you say is true - sodomy is evil. No one, gay or straight, should ever stick things in their butts or have unprotected sex with random strangers. And gays are worse about it.

The evilness of sodomy and homosexuality is what's attractive about it. I noticed once LGBT started getted accepted that I didn't want acceptance as a transsexual - I suddenly realized that being a liberal transsexual in a gay, communist society wasn't my childhood dream.

I see these trannys, and they don't care what they look like - what happened to the dream? How did the Jew get them to give up their dreams of being beautiful women, and accept lifes as ugly SJW's?

I don't pass, but I won't let that corrupt me and fill me with hate. I'm going to promote the best interests of the people I look up to - I'm going to promote traditonal society and gender roles.

Because when I die, at least I can look out with my old eyes as my last breathe leaves my body, and see beautiful, young, virgin women and know that I at least assured that what I want to be exists.

This. Even in national socialism, homosexuality isn't something for the government to regulate. Just give people the right to refuse to make a cake.