Daily reminder that the biggest kebab remover in history was not a serb, but Skanderbeg an albanian

Daily reminder that the biggest kebab remover in history was not a serb, but Skanderbeg an albanian

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daily reminder it was a Romanian. Vlad the Impaler.. the most handsome and brave .. like all Romanians

albanians are themselves kebabs, so it doesnt count


Looks jewish

fpbp. The Kaziglu Bey strikes fear into the very abyss of the saracen’s befouled soul.

Christian albanians are based af. M*slim albos should all just convert.

>not know about mohammed ali pasha
the ottomans had to make the brits get rid of him for him you know that ?

Daily reminder
Skanderbeg is a Turkified version of the name Prince Alexander. And Alexander was the prince of Epirus named after Alexander the Great. Op is a faggot

beg- means prince
Skander- Turkified version Alexander

>kebab remover
>anyone from the balkans

more like removed by kebab

Wouldn't it be the Portuguese or Spanish?

George Clooney?

Nein Hans! Nicht him!




zrinjski is real kebab remover



Skanderbeg held Albania Ottoman free for 25 years.
This was during a time, when everybody was afraid of the Turks.
Plus he had to hold off Venice and Serbia, because those bastards took a deal with the Turks.
He even beated Venices ass so hard, that they had to pay Skanderbeg money

Compared to todays standart it would be like
>Alaska declaring independence
>going to war with the rest of USA
>AND Russia
>beating Russia + make them pay money

he wuz a serb tho


Are you back again faggot? Do you need some help being reminded of your ancestry? How can you remove Turks, when you are Turks?

This faggot was posting about Albania all day yesterday. Fuck off you fucking roach. Sup Forums doesn't like Albania, no matter how many of you newfags come from google everyday, stupid fucking roaches

Daily reminder: the Albanian language has no commonality with any other European language and has no record of the name Albania until around 1200 AD, when the Turks first started their Ottoman march into the European mainland. Fuck off you fucking mongrel, stop making these threads every day. WE DONT LIKE YOU. YOU'RE NOT WHITE. YOU'RE NOT EUROPEAN. YOU HIDE BEHIND MEME FLAGS....fucking roach

No they should be culled. Fuck OP, this is the same guy from yesterday with a Catholic father and Turkish, I mean Muslim mother. He's a fucking roach, through and through. Die OP you fucking colossal faggot. Stop spamming this board with your roach heroes.

Mods, do what you did last night, and delete this faggot's thread. This has nothing to do with politics but with some roach seeking approval and forgiveness for his people's roachness. Move this shit to /bant/. Fucking crypto-roaches

He declared independence from the Ottomans and called his state Albania.
Why do you think he was a serb?

Because you faggots love Turks, only the Slavic and Romantic people hate turks, why would a turk want freedom from his own people?

Y U so mad Cucknada?
Do you habe relationship problems with your currynigger boyfriend?

Wow look an Albo diaspora worshuping German dick. Blow me you cypto-turk, you'll never be welcome here. How does , make you feel? Got enough hair in your unibrow?

>Serbian diaspora


Because Albanians are descendants of the Illyrians, which lived there ever since humans lived in this region

>biggest kebab remover is from kebab country

Daily reminder that the biggest kebab remover in history was not a serb, but Hunyadi János a Hungarian.

Hugo Weaving.

>implying that albania is not a wild kebab country itself

I bever had the honor to have a unibrown.

I have Green-Blueish eyes and a blonde Beard though.

unlike you shitskin "white" serbian Diaspora

IKR? I myself have blonde hair, my granma even got red hair


actually that was me you dog...

Nu-Sup Forums needs to go back to plebbit, faggot roach lover

ya dude I must be Serbian, it's not like all of your neighbours literally fucking hate you (Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Italy, Montenegro and even Bulgarians). You need to go back to Asia Minor Mehmet

Nah OP is using the same meme flag he was using yesterday, either way, fuck off Eggzon LOL

fucking retarded names too, Bekim, Eggzon etc....fuck I hate how many of you fuckers immigrated here

tbf nowadays jews are the most efficient kebab removers

based albo

Albo posters=newfags=nu-/pol=plebbit fags, this influx of Albo posting came after the vegas incident, that's because mongrel Albos watch CNN

fuck off albo new fags, get in line, Sup Forums hates everyone

top kek
who is hating whom? the last time I spoke to people from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia and Macedonia, they said the are still hating the serbs

Deal with it, nobody likes YOU
YOU commited war crimes
YOU tried to steal our land
and now that we are slowly getting back what belongs to my people
YOU are spreading Fake News about albanian origins

daily reminder that even skenderbeg(who is far from the biggest kebab remover, tho still bretty good) was half serbian, half greek. just fuck off, rashim.
m8 i loved romania until i actually went to your country a few days ago, fuck, the memes are real, you people are fucking gypsies.

Albanians have never history, they are the mutt brothers of Chechen migration

Firstly, it's Egzon(one g) and secondly, my cousin's wife is named Egzon so never put disrespect on that name ever again you dog you cat you pig

>who is far from the biggest kebab remover


Skanderbeg and Hunyadi were allied and were going to fight the Ottoman Turks together in Kosovo. However, Skanderbeg's travelling army was blocked by a Serb loyal to Turkey and thus Hunyadi's force was exterminated because he was expecting reinforcements.

You guys are literally kebab enablers. Absolute traitorous filth.

>You guys are literally kebab enablers
says the guy who bombed us in order to save kebab

Lol ya sure buddy, you don't speak to any of those people....NO ONE wants to affilifate with Europeans biggest purveyors of organ trafficking.

>He still thinks I'm a Serb even though I showed him I was czech yesterday

you're a fucking mongrel retard, your people all deserve expulsion from europe/death

Eggzon can blow me, kill your muslim monkey mother you literal garbage human, make sure you're facing mecca when you cut her throat you literal fucking roach

>vlad the impaler
More like vlad the cuck who was forced to convert to catholicism thanks to the hungarian king Mátyás.
>inb4 some gypsy propaganda about how he was a romanian because he lived in hunyad (because romanians have no history )

Do you realize that none of your theories makes sense?

Albanian language has the most in common with the Illyrian language AND NO OTHER LANGUAGES

Your people are fucking Turks, get it through your head you stupid fucking mongrel



Anyone who doesn't believe me


>In the three-day battle the Ottoman army under the command of Sultan Murad II defeated the Crusader army of regent John Hunyadi. Calculating that he would need more than 40,000 men to defeat the Ottomans, the Hungarian regent sought to join up with anti-Ottoman Albanian forces, possibly led by Skanderbeg. The Ottomans in their base at Sofia received word of the Crusader army's march route and realized the danger of such a coalition

>In September 1448 Hunyadi led the Hungarian forces across the Danube river and camped them in Serbia next to Kovin, just outside the Serbian capital of Smederevo. For a full month the Hungarians were encamped there awaiting the German crusaders, the Wallachian Duke as well as the Bohemian and Albanian army.[4]

>The Albanian army under Skanderbeg did not participate in this battle as he was prevented from linking with Hunyadi's army by the Ottomans and their allies.[4][5] It is believed that he was delayed by Serbian despot Đurađ Branković, then allied with Sultan Murad II

>As a result, Skanderbeg ravaged Branković's domains as punishment for deserting the Christian cause

Serbs, the so-called kebab removers, literally prevented Albanians from helping their Hungarian allies in at least trying to fend off the Ottoman Turks. To go even further, they literally let the Turks settle in Europe.

On the day of the rope, Serbs will be genocided like the treacherous rats they are.

which is why you are muslim, turks love you and give you money and every christian nation you've ever encountered wants to genocide you. fuck off, you'll never convince anyone on Sup Forums that you're some kind of a based nation when you have fucking bill clinton monuments and george bush streets in your shitty non-country.
he is diaspora, they never think of hiding the fact they have some knowledge of local history to appear more credible. literally the worst shitposters



To me you all look the same tho

This too
Serbs are literal roach fuckbuddies who gained the title thanks to the retards online who think that killing a few Muslim Bosnians is ultimate kebab removal


garbage people


So, a Serb?

by this definition swedes are also turks
>what is Greco-Anatolian

dude I like hungarians but you need to remember that you're Huns and therefore historically, NOT european....being euro is a prerequisite to kebab removal, you're part of the Golden Horde my dude

>What is immigration?

The fucking state of Albanian Burgers these days

And now his people are mudslime turk rapebabies. His efforts were all for naught.

please tell me this is bait

>Serbian diaspora whose ancestors let the turks settle in europe and actively betrayed their christian allies telling an actual kebab remover hat he is

Comedy gold. On the day you will be exterminated, you know this, so you're squirming like a worm online.

>hat he is

what he is*, forgive my typo's

> being this retarded
I mean sure we aren't Europeans originally but what do the finno ugrics have to do with the Golden Horde especially when we had wars with them you dumbass Serb Anglo mutt

>As a result, Skanderbeg ravaged Branković's domains as punishment for deserting the Christian cause
even on wikipedia, they can't hide properly, so they do this type of shit to imply that they are better than serbs, but it's just way too obvious.
also, a few serbian rulers have allied with turks during times, but in general we have always been fighting against them. and most importantly, when it mattered, we kicked them out and genocided them, while you accepted their faith and became their basically only ally in the region. the only albanian claim to "kebab removing" is a half-serb, half-greek ruling their shithole and fighting off turks for one generation, leading to complete cuckery all the way to today. fuck off, you'll never be accepted

>taking a meme this seriously
at least you are making this easy for us,we know we are dealing with absolute morons now

Skanderbeg was a Serb and of semitic origin xaxa

Do you understand what the darker green areas of the map mean and how they're associated with the little box on the left that indicates percentage? stupid burger

The good old "must be a Serb" meme, please get off my board new fag, your plebbit is showing


>the damage control

Classic Serb damage control tactics

>t-the source isnt real
>its biased against muh Serbia!


please learn your history, Mongol

Serb it is

please fucking leave white lands you fucking roaches, you're not welcome and never have been, every single neighboring country hates you

100% certain that the original kebab remover was
Richard the Lionheart.

>tfw you inflict 10x as many casulaties on a force that ambushes you
>tfw when you lose 2 guys to kill 700.

>what is truth
You had literally allied with the Turks against other Christian nations several times

Albos are literally the only real Moooslims in Europe. Bosniaks are so and so, but you guys are literally niggers of Europe.

>let the turks
grab a history book nigger,what are you even talking about

>kebab removers
>muslim majority country

these people are the stupidest people in Europe, the Turks have left and they're still Muslim....that's how you know they're Turks themselves ;)

>every single neighboring country hates you

Oh the irony. It's funny how scared you are because you know what the future holds for your people, so you're damage controlling hard online.

>let me explain your country's history to you

> Hungarians are avars
whats next saying that we are Huns just because the autistic Europeans called every nomadic group that since the Huns for centuries

I have no idea what's going on.
Serbs are arguing with Americans...What?

>you had so many other choises,but you chose to ally with them,,how could you?

Albania is literally one of the least religious places on earth, far less observant than Bosnia. By the way i'm Catholic myself so don't try your tricks on me.

Didn't the Mongols remove the most kebab?

I'm Czech you chimp, or can you not read?

Indeed how could you?

No you're not. You're a pathetic Serb diaspora wewuzzing hard from an ocean away. If Serbia is so great, why don't you go live there? It's one thing to defend your nation, but this is just pathetic.

diaspora albanians try to convince Sup Forums theyre white for the 50th time this fucking week

do you fucking see where the Avars settled? do you see that they have mongol/turkic origins? are you dumb?