New California law allows jail time for using wrong gender pronoun

>California health care workers who “willfully and repeatedly” decline to use a senior transgender patient's “preferred name or pronouns” could face punishments ranging from a fine to jail time under a newly signed law.

>The sponsor, Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener, has argued adamantly that nobody is going to be criminally prosecuted for using the wrong pronoun.

>“It’s just more scare tactics by people who oppose all LGBT civil rights and protections,” he said in a statement last month.

>But the language seemingly allows for the possibility, however remote.

>The bill itself is aimed at protecting transgender and other LGBT individuals in hospitals, retirement homes and assisted living facilities. The bill would ensure those facilities accommodate transgender people and their needs, including letting them decide which gender-specific bathroom they prefer to use.

>Among the unlawful actions are “willfully and repeatedly” failing to use a transgender person’s “preferred name or pronouns” after he or she is “clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns.”

>The law states that if provisions are violated, the violator could be punished by a fine “not to exceed one thousand dollars” or “by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed one year,” or both.

Say it with me, Sup Forums!



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Do you think it is acceptable for Christians to place flyers like these in gay-owned coffee shops?

Those of us actually living in America know all about the danger Commiefornia represents, memeflag.

California: Where intentionally giving someone HIV is legal, but calling someone Jane will get you locked up for a year

This will be btfo by the SC

> Sen. Scott Wiener
>San Francisco native

just put the wall at cali borders and call it mexico already


Next OR?
>You can be fined $250,000 in NY for not calling people ‘ze’ or ‘hir,’ if that’s the pronoun they demand that you use

How do we stop the american's curse? They will make a movie to promote gender pronoun, create a rare gender sauce and force their shitty laws into Europe.

>infect someone with aids
>call someone he instead of she

the absolute state of the state of california

can someone just nuke california already?

The fetus probably didn't have HIV tho.

will some user in california please ask to be identified as adolf hitler and film the results. fucking please.


>literally canada

at least we still have guns to shoot faggots with


This will be struck down if it gets to the federal court system.

All courtesy of this guy.


Growing up as an Orthodox Jew, Chai Feldblum dreamed of becoming America’s first famed female Talmudic scholar. After her mother was killed in a car accident when Feldblum was 15, she lost faith in the concept of God, but the Jewish idea of tikkun olam—taking action to repair the world—remained.

“What changed when I became secular is I shifted to the vehicle of law,” says Feldblum, who went on to lobby on Capitol Hill, attend law school, and teach at Georgetown University before being tapped by President Obama in 2009 to serve on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Today, Feldblum is Washington’s strongest champion for the idea that antigay and antitrans biases constitute discrimination “because of sex,” something Congress banned in the workplace in 1964. When a company punishes a woman for having a wife but doesn’t punish a man for having one, or a boss fires a transgender male employee because she hired him thinking he was female, that’s sex discrimination, Feldblum says. “Nothing but sex has been taken into account in those two scenarios.”

aren't yous due for a nice earthquake or something down there soon

I can call op a giant fagg but if I say he is a giant faggs I go to jail?

>Go to jail for refusing to use one of one million imaginary genders
>Not a crime to deliberately expose others to AIDS when you know you have it and keep it from others

Just dont even acknowledge transgendered fucks. Nothing they can do if you ignore them

Democrats have become so progressive!

An actual violation of free speech. Not surprised coming from The people’s republic.

What manner of Pepe is this?

I'm not even going to try to talk to those mentally disturbed degenerates anymore just to be on the safe side.

I can see this going all the way to the supreme court.

Maybe if they make CA PC enough, all lefties/commies will flock there like roaches. Good news for the rest of the country.

The fucking trannies are taking over

It's gotten so bad Californians are starting to mass emigrate towards other states, chiefly Colorado (and everyone hates it). The worst part is they are voting for the same policies that caused them to flee.

They're like a self-destructive, non-self aware virus.

What if someone like me goes to California and can't speak good English and uses wrong pronoun?

We don't have different genders for pronouns in Finnish so half of the time I use the wrong pronoun anyway (usually refer to woman as he, his). I remember once on a vacation, my mom asked the waiter to bring a sharper knife
>"I need petter k-nife, pleace"
but he didn't understand, so my dad said
>He sayce he vant k-nife"
and my mom somehow knew my dad was using the wrong pronoun and got really mad.

>be americuck
>call a Trans faggot a he
>get jailed

LAND OF the free hahahaha

>mein fuhrer


I love being in AZ. Its like bizzaro world. Nothing is rubbed off and CA fucks sink next to us. Bretty good

Bebop pepe

My health care provider is now legally obligated to call me "my Lord." Really.
Unintended consequences are lulz.

You retards keep voting for Shitstain McCain, you can sink with them for all I care.

This is how it starts. Pass a strongly worded law that only affects nursing facility staff, then expand it to all healthcare workers, then all government workers, then everybody.

this. this is disgusting. it's gone way too far. we all know commiefornia is just a hellscape of liberalism but the aids blood shit and now this? when is the big quake going to hit that will drop that shithole into the sea once and for all?

Meanwhile you can literally kill someone with aids and they lowered it to a misdemeanor


FUCK McCain.. that senile fucker PROMISED to repeal Obama Care yet EVERY TIME he votes to keep it. FUCK YOU!
You lying shitbag!

Arizona is's for the people who couldn't afford Moreno Valley.

YES! You just read my mind.


> Wrong pronoun = JAIL TIME

> Knowingly spreading HIV = slap on the limp wrist


Nigger-tier humans get abortions, so how is this bad? You do fucking realize that those babies will grow up to be just like their parents, right?

They wont put a female behind bar. It's exclusively to attack white males.

fuck this godamn shit
today im dying from a tooth infection so the dentists tells me
i cant see nothing wrong
i says well doc, so its infected, pull it anyway
he says how do i know that your not just..
i knew what he was implying and said i dont got to hear this
as i said that he kept repeating yea yea yea, tryign to make an arguement from it,

walked out the door told them id go die somewhere else
he showed me a picture of the tooth like half of it. told him its my health, and this isnt the first stupid ass one.

so fuck it theyre all sex changers and have you on meds for life for this new healthcare they give to you
and if you dont want to be for life patient of theirs or a sex change patient
fuck you and fuck off the godamn law doenst care about whatever excuses they make up.