They just suspended a black woman from ESPN for siding with the blacks kneeling.
NFL ratings are diving down lower and lower
NFL fans are leaving in droves with favoribility ratings cratering for the sport.
The NFL is FUCKED hahahahhah
They just suspended a black woman from ESPN for siding with the blacks kneeling.
NFL ratings are diving down lower and lower
NFL fans are leaving in droves with favoribility ratings cratering for the sport.
The NFL is FUCKED hahahahhah
Actually, she was suspended because she made a call on Twitter to boycott NFL advertisers. Not because she supports kneeling.
this is all part of a UN agenda to kill football and get americans to switch and watch soccer like the faggy euros and dirty spics
Also, this isn't her first offense. She was also reprimanded a while back for calling Trump a white supremacist on Twitter.
In support of kneelers dude.
Trump 2020
In support of kneelers, yes. But that isn't the reason they suspended her. They suspended her because she threatened their profits by telling everyone to boycott NFL advertisers.
Not much of a difference there captain nuance.
trump curse strikes again
>"I support kneeling!"
>"Boycott all these NFL advertisers and hit the NFL where it really hurts; their wallets! Also, I support kneeling!"
Which statement do you think is a suspend-able offense?
Why are niggers so stupid
Do these clowns not have any ability to foresee possible consequences of their actions?
Its like cutting down a tree thats hanging over your house
>billions of dollars paid to black athletes over the years
>better sabotage it.
yes, that has been our secret masterplan all along, you have seen right through us, burger.
Fuck the NFL.
They don't even let teams celebrate after a touchdown. After that shit it was all downhill.
Oh shit, I just realized its the "I made this comic"
They kind of do. They're just retardedly selective about what kind of celebrations are flaggable. As I recall, this webm wasn't flagged.
I agree that the NFL has definitely gone down hill though. Too many penalties, too many official reviews, to many commercial interruptions that can cause you to miss plays because they don't end the break early enough, too many "no fun" moments. I dunno why I still watch it.
i said from the beginning they'd cave eventually
every owner is quietly telling their players to knock it off now. THERE IS NO SCENARIO WHERE KNEELING IS GOOD FOR THE NFL.
ESPN is boned! Now both sides hate them. The salt on Twitter right now is quite palpable
You can't celebrate with your team like in soccer. Only the person who scored can celebrate.
>NFL ratings continuing to plummet
>Cowboys owner says he wont allow that shit on his team
>Colin begging to be hired, promises he will stand from now on
>this bitch got suspended
>there are still people who think hanfegg is better than football
jesus christ americunts. i mean basketball i get, it's a great sport, but football? it's just the pussyfied version of rugby
why do niggers break everything they touch? from NFL to Zimbabwe to mudhuts to Rhodesia?
What's the reason behind this
hey, it's happened before. they sabotaged american soccer leagues all the time, its where the resentment for the sport comes from.
>Only designated celebrator may celebrate
Nice """"'"'"'''"team""''''"'''""" sport this Armoured Handegg is
nigger felon league
ur dumb bro
the boycott is related to jerry jones comments on standing etc
This is your daily reminder that it is NOT okay to go back to watching niggerball and guzzling your pisswater and shoving buffalo wings down your fat, middle American gullet just because they go back to catering to your base, zionist-crafted sensibilities.
Professional sports are nigger tier. They want you to SPEND your time on them. They want you to PAY attention to them. Even before the obsolete farm equipment started kneeling and you took it as a personal affront to your ZOGbots, what kind of return on your investment were you getting?
>Nigger worship
>MIC agitprop
>Saturation of banking establishment advertisements
>Forcible confiscation of your tax dollars to fund stadiums where the profits are privatized.
Go for a hike. Go for a run, a swim, a bike ride. Go lift. Read a book to perfect your fascist worldview. Enjoy a Sunday dinner with your family. Stop watching niggerball no matter how much they try to tell you its all okay and you can come back now.
Death to zion.
75 IQ
actually, you're a faggot nigger lover
just saying things doesn't make it true, does it shill?
You're living in a dreamworld. Even if the NFL is haing problems with ratings right now, they'll issue some bullshit apology and in two weeks the ratings will normalize. People will always watch sports
so when did shills start paying for VPNs?
i have zero interest in this bro, i just understand basic human nature
This is a great example as to why multi-ethnic societies cannot function.
She is absolutely hideous.
It was never a winning position to begin with. The NFL's ratings were plummeting before this shit because Roger Goodell is an idiot who keeps ruining the reason people watch.
All this kneeling crap was just dismembering a euthanized corpse. It is amazing to me that niggers are surprised at all at this. The NFL literally regulates what socks the players can wear, and they thought they could do this? It can only go on for so long before the views get low enough to make the top brass start sweating. Looks like we hit that point. At the end of the day these niggers only care about how fat their wallet is, which is precisely why Colin Kaepernick said he'd stop kneeling once he was out of a job. They're so fucking fickle and impressionable.
I have loads of Philia towards jap girls though, explain that
Japs aren't an overwhelming ethnicity competing for control of Croatia. You would feel differently if they were.
Allright, I'll give you that one
>the absolute state of ESPN and the NFL
Friendly reminder that this is all due to a cop hating commie nigger getting uppity and people sympathizing with that. Never follow the lead of commies. Or niggers for that matter. Especially both.
I know die hard Democrats who loved football and are not watching the game now because of the kneeling bullshit. This issue has effected many people across the political spectrum. It's not just conservatives who are outraged.
Also the entire purpose of the protests are undermined by a single image.
Tutorial on how to piss off 100% of your audience
t. russian troll
if anyone has watched her show its obviously geared towards blacks. as a white its impossible to understand what they are talking about.
> salary paid for by advertising
> call for advertising boycott
Through pounds of make-up, years of grooming, hair straightening and as much civilization as we could drill into her, the Eternal Nigger still shines through.
fuck the NFL and fuck this guy MOST
>Friendly reminder that this is all due to a cop hating commie nigger getting uppity and people sympathizing with that. Never follow the lead of commies. Or niggers for that matter. Especially both.
Best post on Sup Forums all day! By a Leaf mind you!
ESPN has been in shambles since this guy died
The owner of the cowboys says if you dont stand for the national anthem, you dont play. Get fucked liberals
he looks like a Saudi Arabian more than an African
>muh 1st Amendment!
>only when whites use it
This country is a fucking disgrace
>most sport fans tend to be men, and if they're political, they're usually conservative to some extent
>let's go full SJWhore retard! t. NFL
>the fucking PRESIDENT calls out your anti-American BS
>that didn't work out
Gee, who could have seen that?
>ratings and ticket sales drop
>profits drop
>player lockout
>new deal with salaries chopped by 80%
Niggers BTFO!
>ESPN is owned by Disney
I want to see the SJWs go all out and start a boycott against all things Disney, especially Disney World. Just because the sheer panic from their execs would be fun to watch.
i don't get it. If you work at Taco Bell (for example), you don't start messing with customers. You serve like a faggot, or get kicked out of job. That's how business works.
Did these niggers thought, that money comes out of thin air?
>pussyfied version
Moron, they hit harder because they're wearing pads and helmets. That's why you see all the brain damage in NFL players.
this dumb nig doesn't seem to understand that the RW would totally support a blanket boycott of espn and its advertisers
>Did these niggers thought, that money comes out of thin air?
They thought they were untouchable in their power and place in society.
How little they knew.
The little man that they constantly talk shit about is the one with the real power over it all.
this lazy eyed nig was the first diversity hire at espn, other than linda cohn. he was clearly less charming and talented than rich eisen but his black skin got him the job. fuck all kikes and women
so when you call comcast customer support to get your goy vision back in service you totally respect the right of the guy to tell you why hiter was right and usa is too jewed over to save or you would be okay with some dude giving you a 2 minute lecture on why we need to build the wall before he serves you at dennys?
you fags are the people who make christian bakers bake but plug birthday cakes against their will and use the full force of the federal government when you dont get your way. youre all hypocritical as shit. kill yourself
This is a most eurofag post of all time
The preferred nomenclature is “niggerball.”
Footballtard meat-heads blown the fuck out. How will they EVER recover? Face it, soccer is the thinking man's sport. It's dominated by white men, not niggers, and doesn't leave its players with brain damage.
That’s eros, not philia.
Don't allow (((them))) to say she was suspended for any specific tweet.
Echo everywhere that she was suspended for her controversial personal views overlapping with her JOB, causing undue hardship on coworkers and ESPN.
nice try, paco
Soccer is gay as fuck. Like, actually homosexual. Its also not dominated by whites. The best players are South Americans and Moortugese.
Ice hockey and baseball are the white man's sports.
actually headers can cause braindamage. And stop talking about soccer, it's football.
>soccer is the thinking man's sport
Well, you certainly have plenty of time to think during those long, boring ass games with scores like 1-0.
Quality post, user. Everyone here would do well to listen to this guy.
Good, fuck niggerball.
Wow, I didn't know Disney owned them.
You don't understand the American public, user, with all due respect. People here won't forget they burned hundreds in merchandise; money talks. And as of now, the NFL has made such a stink with this shit, Americans are conditioned to associate the NFL with "fuck our country." It'll take years for their image to recover at all, with a lot of fresh faces.
>NFL ratings have been slowly decreasing for the past decade
>Decide to blame it all on a black guy taking a knee
White people are monsters
>thinking-man's sport
That's golf, user.
They oversaturated the market. They went from Sunday to Sunday and Monday to Sunday and Monday and Thursday.
NFL fucked up.
ESPN fucked up even harder. There's been a real and noticeable push at ESPN to make themselves "politically relevant" for a few years now and while it's been making them look good from a social media/twitter standpoint, many people who actually used to watch sportscenter and ESPN has told them to fuck off by not watching as much. Sure, social media makes them look "on the right side of history" on the internet, but sports fans are primarily guys, and a huge amount of them are older guys. I don't know a single older guy that is heavily into sports or the NFL that has a fucking clue who posts what on twitter. It's a completely tone deaf strategy and they're paying for it.
This is the same for the NFL. For all the people who think they'll just immediately bounce back and fans will forget, remember that, again, the majority of sports fans are older white men who couldn't care less about being progressive and remember things like a bad pass or a missed catch or a bad call by a ref FOR LITERAL DECADES.
The NFL will continue to make money but the current NFL will forever be associated with "fuck america".
We're talking about nigs here man. You know the answer to this.
>watches niggers in spandex
>calls others faggots
user I.....
This is like gamergate except noone gives a shit about felonball.
>thinking about the consequences of their actions
Niner fans were burning Kapernick’s jersey before he started the “protest”, he wasn’t playing well and all the archair coaches and quarterbacks wanted to see him let go. Imo, the kneeling wasn’t even about protesting, but instead a way to remain relevant. If it had been ignored or not made a fuss of, it would’ve been forgotten. However, the NFL is currently trying to break into foreign markets, which is why they have been playing a lot of games in London. They were hoping to make it a global sport and therefore believed the lie of virtue signaling was good for business. Instead of accepting what is, they double down on what they want it to be. We used to have season tickets to the 49ers for business and decided not to repurchase this year or advertise at stadiums, have cut satellite and cable, and it feels great. However get a ton of calls about, free services if reinstate service or free tickets when committed to advertising etc. I just say not at this time. There is a palpable desperation.
>Did these niggers thought, that money comes out of thin air?
>USA will finally win win a world cup
If I recall correctly, during his last season he promised to donate a certain amount of his salary to charity but it was on a weekly basis. As in giving $100,000 but only at the end of each week. I don't know how people didn't see that as tip-top hebe blackmail. Found the article while I was typing the post.
how to piss off everyone
Checked and agreed, 100%. Good on your company. A lot of people realized the Kaepernick meltdown was because he showed how ho-hum of a QB he really is, and that the NFL just let these niggershines snowball from there was likely the worst thing they could do, but (((ESPN))) and other (((outlets))) decided to try and spin it like the boycott had nothing to do with the poof-headed little faggot's disingenuous bid for handegg gibs. So here they sit, backpedaling in all directions to save their sheckels. I hope the whole racket burns to the ground, and they take the (((Susan G. Komen Foundation))) down with it, opportunistic little twats.
>tfw the hockey season just started
Why anyone would still watch the NFL at this point is beyond me.
>National Fuckamerica League
Weak tea. It's the Negro Felon League.
that tweet brings me joy. fuck espn.
Practically every single channel, magazine, media company, big or small, is owned by one of six companies:
Warner Bros
No, NFL ratings have been tanking for years now for a wide variety of reasons. This kneeling drama was just more kindling for the fire.