Former nazi of 20 years removes swastika tattoo and "white pride" tattoo after befriending black woman

Former nazi of 20 years removes swastika tattoo and "white pride" tattoo after befriending black woman.


Thoughts? He’s a straight up chump that’s what I think

>I made a black friend! I guess all black people are just like my friend!!

He was never a Nazi, he never understood the ideology. He just did it to make friends.

Your daily reminder that tats are a degeneracy started by jews to more easily identify you to the government

4D chess.

alt-lite faggot probably

good riddance. let him get dissolved by diversity.


webm story?

>tattoos for non-utilitarian purposes

Disgusting. He was never a natsoc to begin with.


wtf I love having black children now

Yeah I'm sure "the gubment" in the Pre-Agricultural era 12,000 years ago when tattoos originated were really advanced in their psyop tactics.

there's a difference between tattoos and (((tattoos)))

>be neo-nazi
>never read up on your own ideology
>ink up with shitty tattoos
>join in on the crude racism because it's good stress relief
>meet nice black person
>"hurr nazism is sick and wrong"

every time.

It's a story from Delaware, I think. The Blondie was part of a group that jumped a black bitch (not related to race in anyway) and killed her in a bathroom, blondie started bragging about it on snapchat about killing someone and the chimps chimped out.

Good for him, a lot of "neo nazis" are just guys who are angry and want to take symbolism that makes others mad. His clearly not into natsoc ideology. Glad he got over his hate in life. However natsoc is still good.

Good, he obviously is at their nigro level.

Just for context to Eurofriends most of these people covered in tattoos are from nazi prison gangs where it's either join the Aryan Brotherhood or get beaten/raped by blacks daily. This dude was probably in prison for 20 years

One less degenerate low iq representing nazis.


TFW Sup Forums defends Nazism people who stand for everything opposite of what the United States stands for.

If you knew anything about the Nazis they weren't pro-white. This faggot is just your typical wigger gangbanger who doesn't actually know shit.

This. He's a living embodiment of the 80s-90s Hollywood caricature of the low IQ Nazi / White Nationalist. And he doesn't even lift.

Most of these types end up in Antifa; they only join movements for attention or to be edgy. They pivot between popular movements.

theres a lot more to go

These guys get it. He wasn't on board because he understood the implications of the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurity all our precious bodily fluids. He just wanted violence.

If he was really on board he'd understand he could have both, he's old and past reproducing and she's passable iq then I'm ok with them being happy.

This, they are degenerate scum educated by Jews that National Socialism represents their violence, criminality and subhumanity.

This. We never wanted his type anyway. Seriously, he just looks like trailer trash. We don't do the tatted up WN1.0 thing anymore. Those guys belong in whatever prison gang that recruited them back in 1996.

We are a movement of workers, families, for children etc..

Nationalism is about self determination of people, not edgy hatefulness. I always think people like this are either undercover cia agents or autists.