Top Bants from Catalonia

spaincucks btfo

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Bahahahaha high IQ catalan farmers BTFO low IQ spanigger police.



Spain BTFO. How will they ever recover?

Smart rural farmers vs retard city folk. Where are you now cannacuck?

It's true.

I can't read this french-spanish bastard tongue.

>yfw your army is composed of tractors and angry women

you may not like it, but this is what peak physical performance looks like

I am ready for the butthurt tomorrow when Puigdemont cucks out and does not issue the independence declaration



Things that never happened, leaf edition.

>implying french isn't a catalan-german bastard tongue and spanish a catalan-portuguese one

Even if Catalionia is basically communism, wouldn't it be good for you? You know, like California leaving the U.S.


Poor Catalonian dirt farmers can't even afford American tractors


Really hope you're kidding m8

>Ever wanting an overweight inefficient (probably blacked) American tractor.

You forgot this part
>There's audio recordings from the organizers saying "Remember, no violence.... For now. We will have time for killing them later".

They'll go off on murdering their own people like they always do as soon as they get what they want.

fuckin juicy. do you have a link? which side said this, loyalists or rebels?

I can't find the other audio but there you have one.

Being this retarded... gosh!

New holland is cheaper then the tractors in the picture.

Fake and gay

But hurt socialist Muslim rape babies BTFO


>yfw your army is composed of tractors and angry women

and they're winning

Spanish police = rats in hats

You brought it upon yourselves Manolos.

You romance niggers all speak the same language. Stop Larping as separate peoples.

As funny as this is, you haven't really accomplished anything long term.

You are a very well informed guy on the issue, I see

Who is dat? Context please

I'm safe here. I'll rent an atic on a tall building to watch you beg from the other side of the border and I'll piss on you from my balcony.

If that's what winning is to them, I'd hate to see them lose.
Spain will stay united as it should.

Manolos BTFO

An independentist and one of the organizers of the barricades.

An American should know better than to mock poor dirt farmers

Still recovering from your wounds from 1-O? Hahahahaha

t. Institut Nova Historia

Btw he clearly says les Borges which is in western Catalonia and his accent is also from there while OP's happening was in northeastern Catalonia, so those are different events.

Why would they want shitty yank engineering?

Everyone knows JCB is the best

Just let him, he must be a Millenial NEET with no idea about hard work.

How dumb are you?

Answer: really dumb

Massey Ferguson is American you moron


lel, is this true? funny if so

Leave while you can Catalonian's. You will never have this opportunity EVER again!

> Declare independence while you can, Catalonia. Enjoy liberty. Be free!

the amount of commiecucks and shills from /leftypol/ flooding /pol right now doesn't surprise me.
> thinking a couple tractors btfo the cops
> this is their "greatest" moment of victory since the referendum controversy
> What is going around the tractors
> What is flying over in helicopters
> What is moving the tractors by force

Lol you cataKEKS also ignore the hundreds of thousands of Spanish Fascists that marched in Catalonia and Barcelona yesterday and made you cucks cower in fear and you were not even seen.

Also this Spanish fascist played the Spanish national anthem from his apartment building and you catakeks began to sperg out.


Why are the fucking euro-mexicans in a bunch of threads? What the hell is going on over there?

unironically i did get the OP image from /leftypol/ so good fuckin detective work mate

interestingly, 4pol is divided 50/50 on this issue, if we can believe the strawpoll

Do catalonians have their own language?


spanish region that wants to secede from spain and that nobody cares about will declare their independence tomorrow, with less than 50% of support from that region, no support whatsoever from spain nor european countries.

The prime minister of spain, which is an useless cunt, will be authorised to block that region and use any mean necessary to do so (that is, the army).

That same region is flooded with jihadi muslims and commies (which are the bunch of fuckheads wanting to separate from spain while asking for more refugers at the same time), there is a call for urban riots if spain does not allow them to secede, and basically we are about to witness anew spanish civil war. Which is even funnier because catalans have no army whatsoever and they are about to get steamrolled by the army.

the fuck is that flag

Which border?

I kind of want them to go through with the Catalonian indepence, just to see their shitty farmer's face's after they got BTFO'd by export tariffs.

Oh damn. Sounds serious.

Why dont they just give them "independance"? Pretend they are their own country, but everything stays the same as it is?

Because liberals are literally too scared to fight back. I cant wait for the dems to turn on their voters just to watch these libs lose it

>Protesting government with agricultural equipment is now Commie-core
Times change fast

This is beautiful. Spaincucks BTFO! Viva la Catalonia! Viva la independence!

Do Catalonians even have their own language?

lol whenever something is anti-right, it's always leftist faggots flooding and shitposting on this board.
But it's futile because we will win and they will loose.
they are the bad side and we are the good side.
They fight for the destruction of their people, we fight for the liberation of ours.
Also they keep ignoring that most Catalonians themselves want to stay with Spain.
The Fascist movement has grown in Spain a lot and it's mostly young Spaniards who are turning into the ultra-far right because they see the destruction being caused by communism and nonwhite third world immigrants.

Like I keep saying, do not be surprised if you start seeing the Swastika flying in European streets 5 years from now.

poor farmers, they are gonna be killed in the future, in the hands of catalan commies, so retard

Some Google Chrome translation to English of the article.

Is that the COMPED guy?



yes the do

Not really, a non event. It'll just shake things up and the media will have something to report for the next couple of days. It'll be forgotten by the end of the month.

2 state solution for Spain when?

Not anymore. Franco destroyed it.

More like we catalans are fighting to liberate our people and our nation from the subhuman commie castilians. We're too good to be in the same country as untermenschs like you.

basically they have almost all the competencies a country can have, but they are the kings of deception and playing victim but fortunately nobody no longer buys their bullshit.

The complain they have to donate too much to the central goverment and that they deserve all their money because they own 20% of Spain's GDP, but ignoring at the same time that such amount of GDP came from Spain invisting a shitload of assets about 50 ot 60 years ago.

They claim they once were a country that was conquered by force (which has been dispproved every single time even if they have brainwashed their citizens into believing otherwise)

Also, all the power they have and like to boast about come from banks and businesses that are now fleeing to other regions of Spain due to their economy management to being trustworthy.

They have pleaded the EU for help and the EU just told them to obey the law and stop pissing Spain off.

There's a lot to be said, but we could just sum it up by saying that these guys are just a minority of brainwashed idiots claiming something that has never been true and pissing everybody off


Spainbro, I don't want to open another thread for this, but:
When is Catalan PM going to either declare independence or shit his pants? Will there be a live stream (with someone translating) anywhere?
As I said, this event could shake things up on a market for a couple of days.

yeah they do, even if they try to convince you that Franco destroyed it. It's just another lie they like to use to plsy victim.

It's a nice language similar to castilian, french and italian, and has been living in armony along with spanish for a shitload of years, although they are trying to suppress it from catalonia while at the same time claiming that muh language was forbidden by franco's regime and i am oppressed.

As I said these inbred fucks are the kings of deception snd bullshit, but the only ones buying their bullshit is themselves

>They have pleaded the EU for help and the EU just told them to obey the law and stop pissing Spain off.
Catalonia expecting the EU to be on their side is the funniest part.

Why would they? Catalonia is not a part of the EU, Spain is. And many other european countries have their own separatist regions. They'd be stupid to give them a precedent.

it's Rajoy, this meme is older than the vegas shooting i know that's hard to believe

remember to always do the opposite of what jews want

Pleased to answer any question you have mate, tomorrow the Catalan PM will have a meeting at around 6PM (spanish hour) and I believe he will offer a speech in about half an hour or an hour.

Being the delusional liberals they are they fell for the human rights and democracy meme

So here is what makes you an idiot

If they really are such a pain in the ass, let them go

Oh... you wont?

You two idiots deserve each other

Thanks for proving spaniards are not white

in your opinion, will independence be declared?



So roughly 19:00-20:00 CET. Nice, I can sleep all day, nothing will happen untill then.

>why would they

Because they have been telling their citizend that the EU would not let them down, that they such a powerful country EU would not be able to let them fall, that they would be independent and they would still be in the EU.

That they contribute more to Europe than Germany and France.

There is a shitload of bullshit that has been told to the citizens and worst of all those brainwashed idiots and swallowed it all.

It:s nonsense, that's why I say nobody no longers buys their bullshit, it's pathetic

Isle of Man

i am catalan myself and I would not like to be left in the shit. My job's here, my family's here.

Fuck, If I lived in another part of Spain I would be the first one to tell them to fuck of and to not come back ever!

Basically these guys are destroying their land, and that land is were I live in.

You're not the only American with this kind of opinion. Apparently Burgers don't get it, you don't have that thing called history or tradition.

Only rural and suburban smarties voted for independence.

City people got trapped.

Why are spaincucks so mad about the independence? Sounds like you hate the catalans so you should think country is really better off without those inbred commies. You should be glad that you won't have to deal with catalan shit in the future.

>i am catalan myself
Xarnego detected. As always the most bitter haters of Catalonia are fucking xarnegos. Go back scum if you don't like it here.

Its your job to oppose them then. Not to convince the capital to send in tanks

None of his changes my mind. Spaniards are not white. Your living standards are equivalent to CHINA these days

What does tradition have to do with it?

I am not interested in living with my brother if my brother is a shithead and insists on living alone. In this scenario why would i force him to stay?

Spaniards are equally idiotic. These sorts of conflictsvan concessions destroy their economy

>Andalucian rapebabies
>"too good"

I am noy going anywhere shithead.

We are the majority.
Spain has our back
The Guardia Civil and the military has our back.
EU has our back.

You have nobody to back you up, better get your tractors ready, they will be very useful against the spanish tanks mate.

Thanks for the insight, EU bitch bou

Spaniards hate us but the biggest haters are xarnegos (how we call spanish immigrants in Catalonia), and that guy is one of them. Just like the turks in Germany and algerians in France, xarnegos resent being economic migrants in a foreign land where they don't belong and also feel inferior in every way to natives so they exteriorise these feelings as hate towards catalans. Many xarnegos integrated and are good people I must say, but the majority of them is low class scum.