AltRight Official Attempted Sexual Humiliation of 14 Year Old Under Threat of Doxing

Richard Spencer-Appointed AltRight Official Attempted Sexual Humiliation of 14 Year Old Under Threat of Doxing

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From the article
>I have uploaded a video to PewTube because the dozens of people that put it on YouTube all got their accounts banned. Please mirror it if you can. Somebody is really keen on not letting this recording get out there. It’s a recording in which a man is attempting to sexually humiliate a 14 year old boy, demanding he sing a song about “daddy’s cummies” under threat of doxing (Internet slang for a public revealing of someone’s identity, with subsequent abuse and harassment). The man doing this act of perverse extortion goes by the name TheBigKK on most of the Internet. It’s useful to listen to the whole thing, including the mania he enters at 7:22 up until the beginning of the maniacal laughter at 7:38 or so to get a real idea of the kind of sick individual we are discussing here. It might seem odd that Google might want to help cover for some random Internet pervert, but it turns out this recording has a fair amount of political relevance.




TheBigKK is on
I'm not sure if I'd get banned for linking directly

He used to run the Sup Forums Discord server back in the day and got kicked off for sharing an invite link to the server on the HWNDU stream


that guy is a confirmed furry and dates a tranny. AltRight has many twisted ind.

Is this the thread where we call Weev a jew?


I don't understand how someone like this could be in control of the official alt right discord. The fact that they are willing to dox a 14 year old is fucked. I don't know if I trust Spencer but I trust some of the guys that seem to trust Spencer like James Allsup.

4 chan declared alt right by alt-right activists and proceed to destroy Sup Forums I mean alt-right by accidentally destroying themselves by all of them being actual faggots that could not hide their queerness. ya you really fooled us.

>altright official

Is it a small organization of delusional faggots or a label that libtards want to give literally everyone that isn't them?
Make up your fucking minds.

Islam will dominate the Earth! offical server. It's fucked.


please hurry


Jew the fuck is Richard Spencer?

So Richard Spencer and his merry old band of faggots tried to commit deviant acts to a 14 year old? Color me surprised.

white nationalism is degeneracy

Fuck off Samir


Anyone got any HWNDU clips of this faggot dropping his spaghetti when he tried his hardest to be a edgier version of Sam Hyde? I want to laugh at him.

uhhh the Alt-Right discord server was banned 2 months ago. He's never had any affiliation with and was never an appointed official of anything other than the discord server he created himself.

Stop fucking lying and trusting that faggot jewnigger (((weev)))

Don't trust Spencer or any other of these "alt right" faggots. They should be avoided like the plague.

No you fucking moron, some furry faggot who only access to the altright discord server did this. Literally nothing to do with Spencer.

>globalist appointed shill does something

is he the one on the left or right?

>access to server run by Spencer
>nothing to do with Spencer
Spencer is a fag and the alt-right is a gay bathhouse

Shut up shaun you fucking queer. This has nothing to do with Spencer or the Alt-Right.

>nothing to do with spencer

So he made some random guy with a hidden past the administrator for the server. How was Spencer supposed to know about KK's past actions?

This is only the tip of the iceberg. "succ for Spencer" is very, very real.

Excuse me, Spencer didn't intend on a pedo furry to control the discord. He just didn't know about KK's embarrassing past.

How come Shawn hates alt right when he appeared at hwndu with identity Europa

It's not just KK, it's a myriad of other fags and degenerates who fill the alt right. Grindr Greg, Jack Donovan, Millennial Woes, Ghoul, ect. Dicky Spencer and Mike Enoch even went to a bar with Milo and gave him the Roman salute. Dicky once also banned Mathhew Heimbach from one of his speaking conferences for being "homophobic".

The alt-right is a gay bathhouse.
All I could find atm

>A movement made out of fat magapedes, Kekistanies and furries Dox little girls.
Not surprising. Internet was a mistake; the slippery slope is real.

Because he's a short faggot

It's not. And until you have substantial proof, fuck off. Thebigkk outside of the discord server was as irrelevant as you and me and never had any leadership role in the Alt-Right.

Weev just infights all the time like a typical kike, he should be cut out

Keep dreaming, I'm sitting on a goldmine here and I'm going to bust the altright wide open. Stay tuned, motherfucker.

He was doxed by an unknown person (presumably libshits) had his life ruined and immediately blamed all white nationalists. He was never really mentally stable.

I'd like to see you try, queer.


Weev haven't banned N4UK, even though it's to show disrespect for other Bongs safety, when N4UK gets off saying stuff non-GCHQ operatives go to jail for saying.

N4UK never mention Joshua Bonehill either, a travesty of justice he should be enraged about.

>AltRight Official
What is an AltRight Official?

Man the spooks are really pushing this. 3 stormcuck threads on this guy in 2 days.

Your time is over weev, the weebs own your movement now.

Big words coming from a guy who mindlessly worships homos, pederasts and jews

What the fuck is an "altright official"? Another anonymous faggot on the internet with delusions of grandeur?

Degeneracy is good and I love black cock.

dided he worked for the Alt- Right??

Who appointed him anything, did i miss the strawpoll for the election?

Explain to me why this degenerate faggot was ever accepted into the movement. I hope this turd sucker isnt posting on the Dailystormer.

He used to run the old Sup Forums discord and was a huge power tripping faggot. Until we BTFO'd him and posted all his info for the world to see what a degenerate furry faggot he is.

>alt-right guys are freaks

More news at 11.

you BTFO of him?

Is that why hes getting famous and you are just yelling at jew shaped clouds?

>"head of alt right"
>Sup Forums discord group

Hmm unfortunately this story makes it appear that white nationalists do dox people

You know how it's sometimes said closet faggots make for the best operatives since there's kompromat against them that way? What a surprise, the alt right is full of them.

>Getting famous

Hi Pengwuin/Nathan/Wolfcuck


>kikes know the alt-right is done for because of PR

>kikes pretend to turn on Spencer/Alt-Right

>this opens the door to the creation of a new movement

>with new ecelebs

>regurgitating the same talking points under a new banner

>inb4 Weev and Anglin embrace "American Nationalism"

fuck all kikes.

So why would they pick Shaun, of all people, instead of people like James Allsup?

Weev is such a fucking faggot about this.

>hurr durr Richard spencer is more successful than me
>he needs to be taken down
>such an edgelord xD

Infigthing gets us nowhere.

>kikes know the alt-right is done for because of PR
altright isn't over you fucking tard. Spencer is still fighting the good fight. All this infighting is caused by your bullshit fantasy drama you create in your fucking faggot discords. no one gives a shit about you

Tfw you will never be discussed
Tfw no friends
Tfw no anonymous gf

This never happened. What the fuck are you talking about.

Sage this shit.

Why isn't he listening to what Anglin said what all of this?

I'm guessing because he joked in a way they don't like. Which is gay. But maybe it was a liberal.

>run by spencer
>he did like one QandA on there
Not how it works, friend.

>all this drama is because of you
>no one cares about you

If Anglin and Weev are sincere, let them change their stance on Israel.
I've gone out of my way proving Israel is the diaspora so let them find their integrity and name all Jews responsible for white genocide.

Otherwise this trick is exposed before it even begins.

Sup Forums falls under the umbrella that alt-right describes. it's not a club with memebers and leaders, it's just a general description of the marketplace of ideas in the new ethno-nationalist, far-right zeitgeist.

There are plenty of good reasons to not take on a name or identity with a specific ideology; it makes you easier to attack and classify. Sup Forums has historically never identified as alt-right and never should. The terms that describe this amorphous rightist zeitgeist are going to change over time, and so will the movement.

But- if you genuinely think Sup Forums isn't a part of what "alt-right" currently describes, you're delusional, like some leftists going "HEY DONT LABEL ME MAN, I'm not a COMMUNIST, I just believe in a global revolution of the proletariat seizing the means of production".

whatever you say moarpheus no one really gives a shit about you and why you get piossed off at spencer ebcause he wouldnt fucking tweet you back after your insane mentally ill rants on twitter. Just go away no one outside of Sup Forums gives two shits about you.

Just stop being Zionists.
America First or GTFO.
That's my only demand.

No one has any idea who the second or third people are. Speaking at one conference doesn't make them "leaders" you fucking autist.

>sage this shit
yes it did you fucking faggot. you are too new to know. all this shit started immediately after trump got elected.

Wait wait wait, Spencer himself appointed that fucking faggot?

Another possibility is that someone had already created the discord and Spencer just used it to do a q and a and it wasn't anything official

it is but its all fucking faked. it all started at the exact same time right after trump got elected. kekistan all of it is shills.

Fuck man, this kid has no hope. Thanks for the links.

What? People adopted the label "Alt-Right"?

Get a grip of yourself my man.

(((Weev))) is a literal jew indo-euro faggot just trying to get attention by attacking irrelevant autists.

i dont give a shit about your little piss ant debate faggot go eat some cock or milo cock you piece of shit. Also this all started because you are fucking GOP shill pieces of shit MUH DADDY TRUMP. Go fuck yourself when trump says DACA is going to come back or amnesty for fucking illegals FUCK YOU. They are still etting in thousands of immigrants he hasnt even stopped the H1B1 bullshit fuck off.

No one appointed him he setup a Discord that Spencer came to for an AMA, Weev is a shill looking for ammo to use against Spencer.

no they didnt. it came out of nowhere.

Maybe but like I said the video is fucked. They should not dox 14 year olds. In fact they should not allow people in who say they are under 18! At least make people lie.

>irrelevant autists
Essentially the alt-right.

TheBigKK is a massive furfag and his faggotry extends far beyond most peoples' imagination.

I only realy trusted Domigo. Shame we don't see much of him anymore

nice argument. this is exactly why im winning. Tell Enoch if he decides to do the right thing with Spencer and hold Israel accountable as well, I'll help them with Weev, Anglin, and getting the Alt-Right back on track. If not, that's fine too. I'll continue letting you Jews kike one another.

>"alt right official"

lol dude moderated a discord server

Yeah. Well they need to provide some explanation and address this

It was the official altright Discord you lying faggot Spencer shill.

eceleb shit kys


He actually got banned because he got doxxed and people found out he was a raging furfag. I was in the discord chat when it happened, everyone was calling for his head.

Spencer didn't create/host that shit it was just modded by autist KK and some guys who wrote for Spencer, I remember Spencer didn't even meet that autist until a month later during the AMA, barely talked to him, and then the server was shut down a few weeks later by (((them))). Weev is a fed informant just looking for a reason to attack Spencer, probably figured some irrelevant rando Spencer had interactions with once upon a time was as good an excuse as any. Stupid and irrelevant.


stop right there faggot. There was never a Sup Forums discord you're all a bunch of faggots and should fuck off to your or saged

Spencer played the media and Hillary Clinton into namedropping his new, exciting brand of race politics and it sort of merged with the Trump populist movement.

Spencer played them. He duped them into catapulting white racial politics into the mainstream and he didn't need to lift a finger. The guy's a genius.