Of course there's going to be pushback. To investigate whiteness is a threat to identity, to comfort, to privilege...

>Of course there's going to be pushback. To investigate whiteness is a threat to identity, to comfort, to privilege, to status.
>But what is the alternative? Is the alternative then to back off? People are dying.
>You just keep pushing. You keep going. People push back when they are threatened. And I would love to say that this is not a threat. I would love to say that it is a win-win to address whiteness, but it's not.
>Some of what you have, you don't deserve. But when you can see your identity clearly as it is, the good and the bad; when you can see where your whiteness is more than your heritage, more than just culture, but also a system of oppression, you then have the power to do the work to redefine it to something that you can be proud of.
>You can't fake it. You cannot just pick up the positive and say that that's all that there is. This will be uncomfortable and it will be painful.
>But if you continue to do the work, you will have a sense of authenticity in yourself that you have never known. You will stop having to steal all of our stuff. You will have your own stuff!

How do we help this poor brave Woman of Color who is LITERALLY drowning in WHITENESS?


Other urls found in this thread:


niggers aren't people

We buy her a one way ticket to Africa and never hear from her again.

Why do these no-accomplishment anti-white people always look so goddamn smug?

Sounds like Sup Forums talking to Jews lol.

Send them to africa

You go to the front of the line on the Day Of The Rope, asshole.

fake news. i saw no "nigguh" or "homeboyz" in that article. clearly written by a white person

Because they get gibs, just for being anti-white.

at what point will these NoC finally be satisfied?

Have I mentioned how much I hate niggers?

When white ppl destroy whiteness duh, didn't you even read it?

>let her be shot by darkness

>"let me posit a line of reasoning which from the outset delegitimizes all possible criticism as mere reaction"

This actually seems like a balanced article 2bh, I like it.

>city becomes majority minority
>turns into an uninhabitable shithole

>country becomes majority minority

i guess what im trying to say is who will shelter, feed and educate the chilluns when whypepo are all gone?

Post a timestamped photograph of your nipple

>How do we help this poor brave Woman of Color who is LITERALLY drowning in WHITENESS?

She can go to a country full of black people?

There's plenty of them to choose from.

I'm ashamed to live in the same city as this dumb negress. Seattle used to be a great place, but now I can't walk around the east side without some nigger surrounded by his whitecuck cohorts telling me I need to let any bubba who walks by stretch my asshole out, much less trying to walk around downtown and not get beat up or stabbed by the "oppressed"

you want black people in charge? go back to Africa bitch.

Dont you understand when whipipl are finally gone america will be a transracial socialist utopia?

I'm not gonna do that but I'm white.

I don't agree with all the article but at least she's saying whites have a right to self determination as a group. 2bh I've come to a similar conclusion, "race" as it has existed is a system of oppression but each ethnicity should exist and do its own thing if it wants, or something like that, I'm not really articulate enough to express what I mean.

Still trying to work out what whites "steal" from blacks unless she means slang and stuff tho

>think those problem glasses are shopped in
>they're not

are they?

Either way

*sips milk*


This video is always relevant to that question.

> another middle class biracial over educated dipshit having fun manipulating white liberals

there's a reason why logic doesn't go to a HBC and talk about gun crimes and children out of wedlock. why would anyone want to put up with shit like this?

>identity politics
>actually believing the "whiteness" pseudoscience

>I'm not gonna do that
>but I'm white

She's already half white or more why is she winging about it.

I know this cunt in real life. Funny how her career came from her brother fucking a fat white woman who gave it to her and she's a complete fraud.

Because she's half black, so still oppressed by wipipl duh

you got any of her contact info?

> he thinks whiteness is a pseudoscience
> he doesn't know what halpgroups are
Back to leftypol with you

There is enough of dipshit in the mainstream, with actual power who believe it.
Just this week came out article where a college professor called the 'merit' a white supremacist concept. That is just this week. I saw them regurgitate this point many times before.

I don't have her contact info but she's a parasite who floats around community colleges here talking about how evil white people are. Meanwhile she's an Oreo who gets her writing spots because her flaming brother married (and regularly cheats on) Lindy West. This is the cunt who also came with the most SJW piece of shit blog I've ever seen. She's never been ridiculed or faced any sort of discrimination in her life. She's a part of this evil leftist "intellectual" cult that has completely murdered any sort of anything good coming out of Seattle.

It's just the pattern making them look kind of jaggy.

whiteness as in what sociology professors believe in.
you're thinking of something different that is real

sounds like a bunch of faggots

>Woman of Color
that's a demon.

Yes, I also saw Sargoy's this week in stupid.
Yes, reading her shit article made that last part obvious.
You don't seem to be aware of the oppression that PoC face by the white supremacist majority. To the re-education camp with you comrade!

>she's an Oreo
How can you use this phrase and simultaneously hold the position that white supremacy/privilege isn't real. The cognitive dissonance is staggering.

i like how shes 12% black and proud of her dumb coils. That fuckin shit eating smirk bugs me

I would like for her to just take a swing at appealing to my selfishness rather than my sense of morality.

OK, fine. Let us assume your thesis is airtight and unassailable. Whites are bad and only you can fix my whiteness. What's in it for me to do that? If I'm happy and that makes you unhappy, why should I care? I'm fine, fuck you if you aren't. Sort it out, nigger.

I actually know this pitiful coon. Her problem isn't white people. It's a obesity, envy and low self-esteem.

>How do we help this poor brave Woman of Color who is LITERALLY drowning in WHITENESS?
send her to africa then she can drown in blackness.

>be black
>can afford to live in globally prosperous, beautiful city
>hates the (((white))) factor

talk about 4d chess

Because she has a white and black parent, thus she's an Oreo. Fuck you and your faggot brother. Everyone know he cheats on Lindy and that bitch is going to be dead soon from her pill addiction anyway. Don't post your shit her. People here actually know you.

I will start posting pictures of your ape looking father and utterly insane cunt of a mother if you want.

You and I are essentially ghost cells in this leftist shithole. Godspeed, user. If there are two of us, then who knows how many there really are.

Most people feel this way in Seattle, it's just their terrified into silence by these pigs. This bullshit is destroying this town because people are scared to call out con artists like this cunt who manipulate and Alinsky things to get their way.

I appreciate your meme and trust that you enjoyed your shit in the woods

She does imply that here:

>You will stop having to steal all of our stuff. You will have your own stuff!

But come on. She’s not being reasonable. Whites aren’t benefiting by having blacks around. We aren’t stealing from them: they’re benefiting from us, both actively and passively.

Let’s ignore the institutional advantages gifted to blacks. Let’s pretend we deny them stuff.

SO FUCKING WHAT. Doesn’t matter. Black people don’t have a right to have access to us.


Evil triumphs because good men remain silent.

To me oreo means a black person that "acts white". Find me ANY source that uses it to mean any mixed person.

>Whites aren’t benefiting by having blacks around. We aren’t stealing from them
Literally all modern music, even the stuff you like was heavily influenced by or stolen from black people

Oreo means black on the outside, white on the inside. If you saw pics of her parents, you'd lel user.

Holy shit please tell me you actually believe this

Who even cares about that, I would trade all modern music in the world for a white ethnostate.

The nog is kind of right, jazz and rock both originated from blacks.

You had Sweden. Can't blame Blacks for that.

More like we bought "turn-key" culture to surrogate for our own cultural heritage wwhich has become taboo to celebrate. We didn't steal shit. We rented cultural space in our own lands is all we're guilty of. Wouldn't have happened if whites were permitted to celbrate their own cultures. Europeans game-overed music about 300 years before our farm equipment even encountered our woodwind. instruments. You'll pout when we begin to reclaim our own musical heritage and return to ridiculing the monkeyshines that have been passed off as real music for the last 70 years. Can't celebrate our own cultures, can't embrace or adopt others.

Damned if we do, damned if we don't. Keep pushing that logic. It's working out gangbusters for your side.

>raised by a white mother

>spends entire life fighting against whiteness

How the fuck does that work

>Our own cultural heritage [...] has become taboo to celebrate.
>[We] Can't celebrate our own cultures,
Give me examples of cultural practices that you aren't allowed to celebrate due to social opposition.
