>NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s Senate campaign announcement ad has been blocked by Twitter over a statement the abortion rights opponent makes about the sale of fetal tissue for medical research.
Blackburn, who is running for the seat being opened by the retirement of Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, boasts in the ad that she “stopped the sale of baby body parts.” A Twitter representative told the candidate’s vendors on Monday that the statement was “deemed an inflammatory statement that is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction:
Twitter said the Blackburn campaign would be allowed to run the rest of the video if the flagged statement is omitted. While the decision keeps Blackburn from paying to promote the video on Twitter, it doesn’t keep it from being linked from YouTube and other platforms.
Blackburn took to Twitter to urge supporters to re-post her video and join her in “standing up to Silicon Valley.”
Blackburn was the chair of a Republican-run House panel created to investigate Planned Parenthood and the world of fetal tissue research that earlier this year urged Congress to halt federal payments to the women’s health organization. Democrats said the GOP probe had unearthed no wrongdoing and wasted taxpayers’ money in an abusive investigation.
The panel was created after anti-abortion activists released secretly recorded videos in 2015 showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing how they sometimes provide fetal tissue to researchers, which is legal if no profit is made.
Twitter Done Goofed
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>provide fetal tissue to (((researchers)))
This. Not enough foreskins to feed Moloch
oy vey goy, keep killing your babies, we'll make good use of the leftovers!
@Jack is a pedophile.
Fine with me; lying to constituents should be punishable by public execution, not twitter blocking.
How did she lie?
"Sale of baby body parts" never occurred nor was ever supposed to occur nor was ever discussed, planned for or explored
this logic was used to attempt to restrict access to health care, ie treason. She should be publicly executed.
We will never, ever take anything back until public executions for treason begin.
Nope, you're a stupid cunt who didn't read the article.
>The panel was created after anti-abortion activists released secretly recorded videos in 2015 showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing how they sometimes provide fetal tissue to researchers, which is legal if no profit is made.
>how they sometimes provide fetal tissue to researchers, which is legal if no profit is made.
>provide fetal tissue to researchers
Jesus look at this leftard REEEE.
I read the article when it came out. Fetal tissue is not "Baby body parts". What they were doing is in the interest of advancing science and health care, and guess what, pretty sure it never occurred.
Lol, aligning oneself to any sort of political affiliation.
IF you don't believe treasonors should be slain, you are a treasonor.
>reee i hate thing so maybe if i blurt out strong language without any facts people will take my side
>Fetal tissue is not "Baby body parts"
It literally is
>attempt to restrict access to health care, ie treason
when the weed hits too hard
Lmao you fucking idiot Veritas proved they sold baby Parts
>purposefully damaging the health of your countrymen
>not treason
okie dokie
fetus != baby
btw, please chew on the fact that I aborted my british-scandinavian-german baby with aplomb.
Suck my dead baby. Choke on it.
>everything i don't like is treason
ahahaha holy shit are you literally 10
>if you don't support whatever i'm doing you're harming me
>if you're harming me you're harming the country
>if you don't agree with me you're treasonous
thats some publix brand bait right there
Serves her right, all these basic bitch cuckservative GOP faggots that were cheering the banning of the Dailystormer will now be getting a taste of leftist corporate censorship themselves.
>i bet you're upset that i flushed my own genes down the toilet
ooh im steamin mad now
woman != voting rights
btw, please chew on the fact that I won't protect you when the mudshits come to rape you.
Lick my MGTOW shirt. Choke on it.
Shes not a cuckservative, shes a centrist conservative at worst.
i hope this is true, it gives great insight into the mind of these people.
>have an abortion
>unable to mentally cope with the guilt and negative emotion
>unchecked feelings turn into rage
>start calling for executions and spouting other batshit nonsense
Twitters right though, stem cell tissue isnt "baby parts". Fuck that science hating bitch
Daily Dose:
Why are all conservatives proud of being retarded?
Why can't you accept retarded people for what they are?
>tfw its been a holy war this entire time.
jfc you obviously just read the HuffPo (((rebuttals))) when this shit was happening.
The openly discussed how they would alter abortion procedure to maximize the amount of money they would make off the baby parts.
It is a federal crime to alter abortion procedures for any reason other than the health of the woman getting the abortion.
Also, it was great to watch unfold.
Veritas released videos once every few days. The first video said they made something like $200 off the baby corpses. Every left-wing agit prop shitpaper then ran articles about "$200 IS ABOUT HOW MUCH IT COSTS TO PACKAGE AND SHIP THE BABY PARTS! THEY'RE NOT MAKING MONEY DOING THIS! ITS ALL DONATIONS TO SCIENCE!"
Then the next day they release a video where the abortionists are bragging about making $1000 a pop, after everyone had settled on $200 being a reasonable amount to cover costs.
because they shouldn't be put in positions of power that lets them make retarded decisions
Mitt Romney is such a faggot. Tried to be a choir boy and still called a racist white supremacist in 2012. Fuck you Mitt, and the rest of you cuckservative pieces of shit. He will never get over the fact that Trump is president and he will never be.
Literal video proof and oral confession is still not enough for a cultist shill.
The best part is we didn't even realize it until recently.
This has to be intentional. There is no way they are not aware of Streisand effect. Twitter has to be secretly right wing.
Good jpg
Didn't they have a bunch of pedo symbols on their translation page?
I wonder if they send all of the baby fetuses along a common route of exchange which utilize destinations of distribution, and then, depending on the locations, send them to a destination of distribution that served as the core of the operation that serviced multiple other locations of distribution within a select region. What a crazy thought.
>Fetal tissue is not "Baby body parts"
Are you ok mate? It's a baby long before it's illegal to abort, doesn't matter if you think it's ok or not to do the actual abortion, it's still a baby and it's still baby body parts.
>they did it to advance sciene
>they probably never did it anyway
They already admit to doing it, must be nice living in a delusional world created by your own insanity, or it's just pure retardation.
>I aborted my british-scandinavian-german baby
Thank goodness, you knew enough that you would be a degenerate parent.
It's really not hard to ignore people that you don't like. I'm just contributing what I can in my own way.
Stay strong, champ.
I'm considering sharing info of a different subject matter in the stead of things.
Twitter is angling to be declared a common communications carrier.
Great. I'm looking forward to it.
There is video proof of Planned Parenthood discussing the pricing structure for not just baby parts, but entire, intact, living fetuses.
>supplicating yourself at the altar of the FCC
For what purpose?
>Black supremacists flooding Twitter on a daily basis, calling for violent crimes against whites
Twitter: ...
>Republican candidate makes comedic exaggeration regarding obstructing a bill that would allow Stem Cell research
For fuck sake, I don't even agree with Blackburn but this is just petty.
free speech. Everything they do here is going to be counted watch. facebook and twitter. Fucking can't wait to see this happen.
Are you still mad at me for some reason?
I guess that makes sense.
Funny, I thought you were mad mad at me. Like I said, I have no reason to exert aversion towards you anymore. Sometimes I say things I don't mean.
They won't be in favor of it but blatant political censorship will be met by lawmakers and the stakes will be raised.
The GOP has the Senate, House, and Presidency, do you think they will just sit back and let Twitter (and Facebook of course) censor them?
It's happening soon, too. Watch for it. Zuck knows, he already sold out of Facebook.
The official answer is no, I am not mad at you. If that makes you feel better.
so Antifa attacking Americans should be lined up against the wall and executed by firing squad, got it. I agree.
the retards at twitter only draw more attention for deleting it, so they completely fucked up in surpressing it. I would have never seen or heard about it otherwise if they didnt mess with it. Now the video has likely 10x the views it originally would have. I hope retarded lefties never learn the Streisand effect, never correct your enemy when they're making a mistake.
Make sure you help them out.
it's already completely legal, all we need is the go ahead
commie insurrection has been illegal since 1954
>which is legal if no profit is made.
If no profit is made then you have not sold anything.
It was the big tech companies that were pushing net neutrality through the rule of law while conservatives opposed it believing that net neutrality would be best maintained by private corporations. So now the private corporations are engaging in blatant political censorship to prove the conservatives wrong.
>I own a company that sells you an aborted fetus leg for $1,000
>Pay myself $900 and use the rest for gas.
>No profit was made for my company
me too. gosh darn it!
Using all of the income towards business expenses could be possible, I didn't consider that. On the other hand so long as people aren't making additional income from it I'm fine with it.
And liberals continue to wonder why they're losing votes every single time they pull this shit.
*tips* m’lady
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