Why is America mocked so much in other countries? Is it jealousy?

Why is America mocked so much in other countries? Is it jealousy?

Jealousy and virtue signalling. So tiresome when you have to listen to it every break of every day at work.

Same reason why people say trump is stupid or a successful perosn is an idiot

Obviously not, they are clearly not stupid but it makes the attacker feel better to degrade the superior subject

Success breeds jealousy.

>largest white population in the world by raw numbers - 220m+
>elected Trump while Europe slides further to the left
>objectively the most right wing Western nation by far
>not mega-atheist commie pozzed like Britain/Germany
>birthplace of modern right wing populism

They can >56% all they want but at the end of the day they know it's true. WE are fucking carrying the torch while west Europeans slide further into marxist degeneracy.

>So tiresome when you have to listen to it every break of every day at work.

lol who cares?

>other countries focus on americans
>americans focus on americans



They're jealous of our burgers.

i love america and what it stands for. But most of them are tilted as fuck and will go full retard if you personally offend them. No chill

they mock what they don't understand or can't have

It saddens me to see that while at 56% we're still the least Marxist Western nation to exist

Because America is like a hillbilly neighbor in the village of white civilization, who struck gold when digging in his backyard.

Now he is rich, but still backwards and often cringeworthy. Instead of acting civilized, he still shoots guns in his backyard, rambles about jesus and has trouble having sex with his wife due to morbid obesity.

Giving burgers to americans was like giving booze to monkeys. They simply weren't ready for this.


to add to this. I feel like americans celebrate others success' but with Australia we have cultivated a 'tall poppy' syndrome

>Most visible worldwide
>Most successful in various areas, despite lots of failures
>Gibs always focus on the winners of the game, never all participants. E.g. Spanish/Portugese empires participated in massive colonialism (the e.g. everything below texas) and yet nobody cries at mexicans about their evil colonialist past).

Pathetic fucks gonna be pathetic fucks.

There are 2 types of americans

>The real americans

Freedom loving, helping others type, family can be traced to the very beginnings of the country

>fake americans or americans who failed at being american

Selfish, exploitive, often imigrants or generation born from fresh imigrant parents,


Because they are consistently ridiculous and easy targets to make fun of.

Generally though, as a Brit, we are allies and defend each other. But it's still funny to talk mad shit about each other during peace time. When the Muslims try shit though they get fucked up by both. Same with Aus, leafs, Irish etc.

Literally who: the country

Do you stand up for your flag every time you post?

we know full well who the true smooth-operators are; but we've been on top so long we don't want to admit failure to the master race

Americans are like the kid in school who thought he was one of the cool kids but was actually a fucking loser

The popular kids let them hang around with them in school, but only so they have someone to shit on and bully for their entertainment. They constantly fuck with this kid and treat him like dirt, but he's deluded himself into thinking he's cool because ...hey, he's hanging with the cool kids.

Americans think the rest of the world respects and admires them when we actually see the country as an unstable mad max style circus, with gun-welding niggers, campus SJWs and life ruining college and medical fees

I still don't know what nationality I'm talking to. The fact that a Russian lapdog for his entire history is trying to punch up is comical.

America represents everything I despise

Your politics is a shit show of 2 sides calling eachother cucks and nazis. lol

Because this is Sup Forums and completely ragging on people and their cunts is what we do here, faggot, i love brits and aussies i'll still talk mad shit as much as possible

it's like Americans only have one answer to the question 'Why does everyone hate us?'

I mean it's got to be jealousy, it couldn't be anything else right???

And I am not sure anymore what shade of brown person I am speaking to.

yes we dont have your freedom, 1 and second amendment, etc

Here in Poortugal its "cuz Drumpf and gunz"...

Meanwhile we had a military weapon depot broken into and robbed clean (the guns were laying there behind an ordinary metal fence with a single guard that was nowhere to be seen), with machine guns rocket launchers and mortars stolen, and the governmente shits itself and does nothing.

>homicide rate
>mass shootings
>no culture
>blind cult-like patriotism

Huh. I've gone from centre left to far right but my opinion on America has barely changed. I'd be more than willing to just deport every single non ethnic brit to the new world, those countries should have never existed and it shows.

Because it's a country populated by military worshipping, hurdurnumber1 retards that are willing to mindlessly slave away their entire lives as long as they get to feel superior to their neighbors.

The world is tired of the Good Guy USA narrative.

America is a failed social experiment,

If I were an American right now i'd be absolutely black pilled.

Good idea, thanks.

They want our Freedom Fries.

>posting low tier burger
Leave my nation traitor

who cares our deficit is at its lower eveeerrr!!
and look! benfica vs sporting!

>largest white population in the world by raw numbers - 220m+
yeah but it does not matter how many you have if they are a hated minority with little political power
>elected Trump while Europe slides further to the left
Trump is a faggot sorry i have to break it to you and wont save your nation and the ethnonationalist you have are pathetic compared to identity europa and compared with e europe
>not mega-atheist commie pozzed like Britain/Germany
yes better to be a gay tolerant israel loving christian and christian killng one at that
>birthplace of modern right wing populism
this one i wont bother
also brith place of all degenerate low IQ culture and more

>no snake-arm
0/5 for being fake and gay

lol sad but true, I was pissed off when the prick came on tv and said he dindu nuffin and maybe no guns were there at all to begin with

Muh guns, muh fraydom, muh jaysus, and muh healthcur?

because you guys are too full of yourselves, for americans the world is america and only that matters is america, everything else is irrelevant,

just like how they use america to refer to the united states when its a whole continent with many countries.

0 humility, just read the american posters of this thread, you can taste the arrogance.

They hate us cause they ain't us.

>spread jewry, cultural marxism, rampant capitalism and degeneracy all over the world
>lol why dose guys dont like us??

will break this as easy as i can nobody wants to be you

Gommie scum kill urself xdeedee

>tfw America only looks like a shithole on statistics because its flaws are all condensed into flyover states and inner cities which are easily avoidable

Suburban America is the last vestige of a more tranquil past. Enjoy your EU trade laws, migrant quotas, and commie politicians Eurocucks. I'll use all the money I don't spend on income taxes on a lifeboat and send it towards that sinking ship you call a continent

their lips will never touch thousand dollar sushi
everyday. comped.

1 year of work in the other countries is only like 2 months worth of only sushi.
that's how poor the rest of the world is.
they eat welfare meat at aldis, publix, tacobell etc.they probably work there too.
enslaved into wage slavery.
and then they have to apply for welfare.
which is no big deal for us..
as long as your lips never wrap around our comped thousand dollar sushi..
we'll chip in on your welfare. consider it comped.
after all..
100 thousand dollars is NOTHING to us.

commie politicians like the president candidate Bernie Sanders for europe is still time to reverse the trends and deport people you however wont deport half your populations also retreating in an white enclave is still bad

i can't go a single day without hearing about "drumphie did thing" mixed with "ooga boogas are people muh racism DROMPH", its fucking crazy here and its your fault

Hate us cause they ain't us


>MUH 56%

Yeah sure.



>220M+ white population

>being this asshurt
God dam I love being a burger

im not i like you to be honest but lets be real here anything you have is inferior to europe

So you're jealous you nothing better to talk about over there sven? stay jealous and get blacked like your supposed to.

USA is more like a whole hillibilly village on its own, with one jewish family living in a house of solid gold, and all the others pointing at the gold house from a distance and shouting "see, we're so rich here!".

america is great and beautiful but its people are absolute garbge

making fun of sweden because blacked literally zero self awareness

i mean you have been doing that since the very birth of your nation

obsessed little loser you are. stay irrelevant.

>when an American says your country isn't white

>includes hispanics as white

>hispanicas are 1/3 of the population

yeah fuck off

Could it be because your country is shit?

>being this asshurt
muh loser irelevand the state of americans shittalk
just pointing out that making fun of sweden for blacked while you were doing it for the better part of 200 years is pretty stupid

better irrelevant than a fucking virus like the USA

you fill up the world with degeneration

so fuck off and watch rick an morty or stay 16hrs in the queque for a fuckign sauce

Reminder that American hospitals forcibly remove infants from their mother's arms and place them in ICU isolation for days in the critical time just after birth

If you resist this policy, the hospital will call CPS and have your children taken away from you

and what country would that be meme-flagger?

Listen to the average leaf bitch about America and you will realize that it's exactly that: jealousy

only in america

fun fact is white is a meme made up by them to make up for the fact they lack a unique ethic identity and background

What kind of achievement is the largest white population by numbers and not by percentages?


>coming from a kraut
wew lad take a peek out your window and watch your ex get blacked in the street by achmed
your precious little continent stole them, brought them over here, then waited for us to get a few generations in to finally risk our lives and die so that the people you fucks stole could get a chance at a free life. by all accounts americans are better. as i said before. stay irrelevant

the largest cuked white nation

>haha yurocucks are so blacked prep your bull's wife ahmed

Estonia, the asshole of the Baltic states which are the asshole of Europe. About the size of Maryland with less people than Alameda county California, about a third of whom are Russian overlords.

Try asking the swathes of Europeans that have emigrated to make it so.


Coming from a German that means absolutely nothing.

The real crime here is the unnecessary c-section that's pushed on every woman here, not some nickle and dime shit that you don't know what the description means.

Nah you are just a non white gypsy,the white race and ethnicities are different things.But its true that the US has no culture and history.


>not one white girl
>but but WE ARE WHITE

it means that hospitals are charging women for the privilege of holding their baby for a few minutes before the babies are ripped away and placed in isolation

they were labour tools you werent supposed to fuck them and that does not change shit if i shake the family tree of the average american at some point a monkey will fall out of it its just fact
also oh god stop with the nigger memes europe stole this and that

>refugees welcome ahmed lmao you are a cuck

That's England, shithead.

the use it the same retard


People hate your interventionism.
The stuff about american culture and food is mostly just bants. Although you do have some weird shit.

The first picture was, fagflag.

This. Arriving before 1850 shows you came here for the opportunities, not the handouts.

>usa full with niggers and manlet breeds

Literally jealous that we invented everything