I have been single for the past nine months. Before that brief relationship nine months ago, I had been single for about two years. That is a long time to be alone right? I take complete responsibility for that extended period of “singledome.” I was finding a new job and really I was finding myself again. I was not feeling confident or content with my life and I was scrambling to figure that out before I brought anyone else into my life.

Being single in your (very) late twenties is hard. A couple of months ago we went to a minor league baseball game, after a lot of rambunctious cheering I received a ball from a player with his phone number. Never one to turn down a baseball player, *wink wink* I text him and we all met up with him and his friends at a nearby bar. The night was long, hilarious and made absolutely no improvement to my love life. This brings me to problem number one of dating in your late twenties.

>You are no longer 24.

Being 24 and being 29 are vastly different. At 24 I was young, naive, full of hope and open to all possibilities. Cute and funny guy with no real job, ehh he’ll get one! At 29 I am cynical, low on patience and know exactly what I want.

Problem number two…

>You are over meeting men at bars.

Remember when you wore tight skirts and four inch heels every night to impress a bunch of men at a bar that were really only trying to sleep with you? Long gone are those days. It’s a win if you fix your hair at 29. Meeting the same intoxicated, over confident bachelors has lost its appeal. Not to mention there is still a crowd of 22 year old girls with tight skirts and perfect contouring at these bars. Who has time to compete with that? You work FULL time at a job you probably hate no less.


Other urls found in this thread:


Problem number three…

>You don’t have the energy you did when you were younger.

It used to be easy to hit four social events in one weekend. But between work, the gym, sleeping and running errands you are struggling to make it to one now. Being a grown up is no joke! There is so much to get done all the time. You don’t want to spend valuable hours sitting at a restaurant, hoping an attractive man will walk through those doors and sweep you off your feet. You want to know where these men are going to be dang it!

Good single men. In addition to the research articles I found on the web, I have collected data on places and events good men go to. Basically, I just asked good men. They know where they go better than anyone right?

stop spamming this shit

The good men went for the ovaries that are not dried up, no one wants an autistic child.

>That is a long time to be alone right?
??? i-it is?

>Dear Nice Guy, I Wasn’t Ready For You Before — But I Am Now

>I don’t know you yet but I’m so ready to date you. Seriously, I am.

>For a long time, I dated bad boys. Yes, I was that girl you blame for always coming in last.

>I guess I dated bad boys because, somehow, I liked their unavailability, sexy sideways glances, and late-night calls. I fed off the chase and mystery they provided me. I saw them as a challenge that I always happily accepted. Let me tell you, I’ve dated so many jerks throughout the years. A lot of times, I ended up being disappointed with how it ended with them, and wondered why I always had such blind optimism about these guys I clearly knew were jerks to begin with.

>But to be honest, I don’t regret any of it now.

>With all that being said, I’m ready to date a Nice Guy. I’ve learned all the lessons I need to learn from bad boys.


Nice guys will always get their chance after a woman is past her "bad boy" phase.

You're supposed to get married while your young. Where have the good men gone? Married to good women. Did you not expect the dating field to narrow with age?

fuck off fucking ugly fucking roastie FUCKS god fucking dammit these fucking articles these fucking threads FUCK OFF YOU DONT DESERVE A GOOD MAN YOU ARE UGLY FUCKING WHORES NO ONE CARES BE ALONE FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF

You posted the same thing 10-15 hours ago

Go to bed



Its the womans fault if they dont marry young and fuck around instead through their 20's. Then you get to pick from other divorced men with children.

Tough shit women. Welcome to how young men feel.


Turn off your computer, eat something healthy and quick like a piece of fruit, and go for a walk ,user.


So frustrated and angry American goy

Look at that crazy comment

stop spamming this shit and this post in a nutshell:
>be roastie
>fucks all guys in a 300 km radius
>is finally wasted and needs something to leech off
>decides to find a "nice guy" to leech off after destroying herself and what she could offer, almost in her 40s, that means, no more suitable to have children.
>complains about how the "nice guys" don't give a shit to her anymore
>inb4 women have to enjoy life before getting married, a-user!

It is. I'm in my longest dry spell since I was 14 and I'm about 3 months from the 2 year mark.
I actually think the article in the OP is pretty different from that one. The author of the OP article is specifically taking responsibility for being a dumb cunt, has regrets and is trying to be a cautionary tale whereas the dumb cunt of that article has no regrets whatsoever.

>Being single in your (very) late twenties is hard

Women do not typically age well, it is true.

I'm a 25 year old dude who has been shagging up a 30 year old divorcee mother of one.
She says she wishes she was younger and could repeat everything with me. I told her I have other plans right now that don't involve getting locked into a serious relationship. I genuinely don't mind her age, or her having a kid. She apparently did everything right. Got married. Stayed with the miserable husk of a man for 8 years. Had a child with him. He cheated, was a drunk and she decided to leave.

However, I have met the exact opposite of this woman at her age who are single moms by default, useless garbage heaps of women who can't function correctly etc. I would never consider anything other than a fling with them.

She asked me why I don't date younger girls. I've fucked younger girls. Girls my age and in the age range. But I told her, they fucking suck. They are useless, dumb, consumer whores, narcissistic shit brains who can't make up their minds on anything and live vicariously through even bigger narcissistic whores.
The way of the modern man is this. Either enjoy fucking hotties but never have anything worthwhile. Or shack up with an average and still feel kinda sad that even that average has probably had more fun then you. I've decided at this point in my life to go with option A. I don't even care about marriage. I want a bunch of kids some day and that's about it.


>over 50 sexual partners
>dormant Herpes Complex
>liver damages and anemia
>hates her own nation and people
>finding men is hard


Via your social circle, which in Finland tends to be a small one. If that fails, go to a tech conference.

60% of the men are single, they are good providers and so on. Also, they are well above average intelligence so your kids are likely well if in that way as well.
Good luck.

I think there is some startup sauna. Go the and find someone with a future.

For women yes, they monkeybranch not out of sluttiness or hypergamy but out of pure inability to be alone. Some kind of biological or socio-cultural fuckup in evolution that assumes that one partner(sex) = forever protected and taken care off from then on.

Also for women "alone" = having multiple one nighters, having a guy on the side she is fucking + 2-3 beta-orbiters who would GF her up in a heartbeat if she ever got that desperate (she won´t).

t. Divorce-raped

This is why Mormons, Muslims and men in olden ages had MULTIPLE WIVES.
One is interesting and deep but vapid in political or practical aspects. Hippie gf golucky girl for watching movies and philosophizing with. Walks in the forest and small adventures.
Two are mothers and caretakers of the home, some sex but not much, keep eachother company.
One is wild crazy in bed but not fit to function other than that and will likely cheat & leave = no kids with her.

Men are so mean.

Lmao you are forgetting about 50 things on the "tick list" for women. Some of which I actually agree with. People are fucking annoying and someone you want to share many, many years with need to have AT LEAST some very strong positive characteristics. Booring people should be gassed and this is coming from an introvert.


>Tonight, at 11pm, one of TV scientist Dr Emily Grossman’s friends will call her. ‘Are we ready?’ she’ll ask. Emily will say she is, and start ‘stabbing my belly with hormone injections’.

>She will do so every night for two weeks, with her friend on the line for emotional support, until she is given a trigger injection to release ten or so eggs from her swollen ovaries. Thirty-six hours later, Emily will go to a clinic to have those eggs sucked out and placed in a freezer.

>Emily is one of a growing number of single, thirtysomething women choosing to put motherhood on ice in the hope of starting a family with Mr Right, if and when he shows up.

>‘I see my ovaries every other day in a scan during the second week of injections,’ says Emily. She’s just embarked upon her third cycle — three cycles are recommended to get the maximum number of healthy eggs. The total cost is close to £10,000.

>But Emily is not daft. In fact, she is one of the brightest thirtysomethings around, with a double first in natural sciences from Queens’ College, Cambridge and a PhD in cancer research from Manchester University. This week, she was named, with astronaut Tim Peake, as an honorary STEM ambassador, working to inspire Britain’s youth in science and tech.

>‘Ideally, I wouldn’t go back to them. Ideally, I’ll meet someone in the next few years, but . . .’ She shrugs. Emily has lived with two men, one during her 20s and a second lengthy relationship that ended last year. ‘In my 20s, I wasn’t thinking about marriage and babies. I was having lots of fun and was more focused on my career. I’d always had in the back of my mind that, one day, I would get married and have kids, but it wasn’t a primary objective.

And now she cannot find a suitable life partner.

Men are so mean.

There is about a 70% chance that shit she told you about the ex was made up

>I have been single for the past nine months. Before that brief relationship nine months ago, I had been single for about two years. That is a long time to be alone right?
Dunno... isn't that average?

Roasties btfo

Men are just shit. Lets face it. Our dads were great men, because they were born in the age where men were supposed to be good. They went to work and made a living and treated our moms like queens and took care of their families. Maybe that's just my parents.

Now men are legit retarded. First of all, most of them don't care about physical appearance anymore - they don't dress nice, they wear cheap clothing and they are too lazy to shave their facial hair properly and instead have adopted a shitty "hobo beard" trend. They are too lazy to work out so they've started adopting the "dadbod" trend, which basically means they're all turning to fat lazy pieces of shit. If that isn't enough, most men our age are porn-addicted freaks and 20% of them suffer from porn addiction-induced erectile dysfunction, so they can't even fuck us right. And if they can get it up, they have all of these whacky fetishes that our fathers surely never had. They spend hours a day watching violent shit on the internet, or pedophiliac animus if they're part of a different subculture, and when they aren't doing that/being lazy, they're playing vidya. They don't bother learning crafts or skills and handiwork like our dads did. They cheat on their wives/girlfriends/etc and betray their families, refuse to pay child support and accept their baby momma to pay for all of it because they don't want some "gold digging ho", they complain about alimony when women are more employed and earning just as much as men now a days, so it only makes sense to split things 50-50. But they complain about this because the average 20 yo male feels entitled to that which his ancestral males EARNED. But he didn't earn it. So he sits and whines all day on Sup Forums about bitches and whores while not realizing that the problem is in himself.

What is the point in keeping around these useless, lazy sacks of shit? They need to go. So do the gold-digging, cock-riding whores that coddle them and live off of them.

>I take complete responsibility for that extended period of "singledom"...I was finding myself again
The only thing you were finding was new cock. So you rode the cock carosal for most of your 20's and now that you're expired nobody wants you? Take this shit to Sup Forums you stupid roastie, SAGE goes in all options


I know the guy. Not personally, but through affiliation. He's older than her. He's not the worst fellow in the world but no angel. I've seen him out at stripclubs sucking roastie titties while they were still married and right after she had her kid.

A man will never ever be perfect enough for women, UNTIL...

Until women realize their looks are fading like a hamburger wrapper in the sun.

Then they will settle.

Until then, they have a list of perfect man qualities.

>refuse to pay child support and accept their baby momma to pay for all of it because they don't want some "gold digging ho"

You're literally a coal burner. All the good white men know it and avoid you, so you got stuck with the shit betas who will happily drink the nigger cum out of your trashbin cunt.


Problem # 1: Self Deception. You're a woman, you never will know exactly what you want. Feelings change faster than the weather.
Problem # 2: Limited Location. If you want to meet men who will have more than a cock to bring to the relationship try picking one up at the local library while you read books on taking care of multiple cats and knitting.
Problem # 3: If you think you've got low energy at 29, give it 6 years and a few more failed relationships. In one breath you said 4 social events were easy, and then complain that BEING A GROWN UP IS HARD. It was never easy to find a relationship partner, your naivete (see your Problem # 1) is what had you fooled that it was anything but hard.
Easy Relationships are for Easy Women.
Get a hobby, find someone who shares it, spend time with them and the hobby and grow old together.


Even fat women have such a list.

>What is the point in keeping around these useless, lazy sacks of shit? They need to go. So do the gold-digging, cock-riding whores that coddle them and live off of them
>useless, lazy/ live off of them
kek wut ? That double think, this gotta be b8

She need some Dove

>That is a long time to be alone right?
Fucking normies.

Stupid cunt wastes her prime years being a degenerate slut and then wonders why no one wants to settle down with her used-up ass. Sad!

Lord have mercy.



Well, she had already fucked every chad dick south of Haparanda, her ovaries are drying up and she has some sub 700 days to find a guy willing to commit and make her pregante.

Or die as a childless single lady.

I think she has a chance to raise intelligent offspring. The is are better with programmers.

Fucking autocorrect. The odds are better, not the is are better

It is.
I've had my fair share of fucking around, but then I had some whore gf 2 years ago, ended it, concentrated on work and haven't fucked since april.
Now I'm in my late twenties and feel like looking for a nice girl to wife and have some kids with. It's just a normal stage in life, I guess.
Either way, being alone for a few years isn't an exception. Doesn't mean it's any fun though.

I'm so done with shagging filthy whores.

All men need to read this and absorb it.

A woman who has had just a few sex partners is worthless as a wife.

And so many women have had more than 50 different cocks in them by their mid-20s. Men need to learn to avoid these women.

7 & counting. please leave

I legit work with her.

I feel the same way as a male. It's because we're in shitty jobs that makes us feel inadequate and by the end of the day we're dead tired or caught up with chores.

>Being single in your (very) late twenties is hard.

Bitch I'm 26 and I've never been in a relationship. But you know what? It doesn't bother me because fuck taking care of your used up whore ass.


Bait but whatever. And what exactly do men get out of this deal? So say we make good money, dress impeccably, groom perfectly, work out, have good hair, at least 6'1, big dick, charming, a whiz around the house and a great father what does any woman have to offer that's worth that much time and effort?

You all think that the wet hole between your legs is worth more than any one man can posses. You divorce us because you resent that you had to 'settle'. You're all literal whores, fucking anyone who glances at you because even though you are too good to settle down your hidden self esteem issues need the constant confirmation of attractiveness that being a whore brings whilst you guzzle down huge amounts of alcohol to drown the sadness that the Chad you have your heart set on will never marry you.

Why would he? He has everything I listed before so his entire life, from 14-60 is a never ending revolving door of 18-25 year olds.

And now the beta uprising is beginning and you know you'll be stuck, alone with aching ovaries begging for the sweat release of death. At least the cats won't starve if you do.

Still, she will find her beta, no doubt.

They settle, resent ever moment until they divorce your ass and steal half your shit and your kids.

Everything that happens to a woman is some man's fault.

She anteriorily took my advice.

thats a due right? look at the hands

Two of those are the same story.

will we ever have a testimony of a real woman or we just keep getting those shitty bait articles that are disconnected from reality

every single male needs to know this. EVRY ONE. no you wont be "the one who finds true love" you too will get shafted, trust me.

All legacy media is detached from reality

Sounds like she stoped fucking her ex and he had to find it elsewhere.This will happen to you too.

will post a comment on her week two post, lets see if it makes it past moderation.
>she wants a boyfriend
>90 days
>check calendar

>single for nine months
>something is wrong

Four years goin strong

The pussy is just a man-snare for a lot of women.

Once they gotcha, they are less horny. For you.

Women are constantly playing a game, many of them.

>I have known many, married one of them


wait that`s the girl from the milo debate about girls in science!! holly shit this is gold, the poor cunt actually is freezing her eggs because no guy wants to be with her
>‘I develop a real relationship with my eggs over those two weeks. I do yoga and meditation and imagine the hormones helping them grow into nice healthy eggs.
> I have that moment where I feel my little eggs being sucked out of me and I say to them: “You’ll be safer in the freezer than you are in my body
>You’ll be safer in the freezer than you are in my body
oh my god this shit is hilarious

>tfw career is also hobby
>narrow field
>only small amount make it enough to make a living
>meet partner in same field
>understand eachothers work, love what we do
>LTR from 23, married by 26
>mutual support and understanding make a strong base for relationship
Feels pretty good. Honestly I don't understand how actively looking for a partner makes any sense when you can find someone organically by doing what you love to begin with, and build up from there.


And nice guys will harvest the fresh crop of generation Zyklon.

I could care less. She's a nice person I enjoy spending time with and occasionally fucking. I'm younger, I'm good looking, financially not doing that great but all in all pretty independent. Week before I met her I was fucking some skank who annoyed me, but was hot.
The divorcee in question is looking for something more. I told her she wouldn't find it with me beyond friendship and dicking. She's working on her Masters and is taking care of her kid so basically I told her we can keep doing this until you feel comfortable enough to start dating again.
She never put any restrictions on me, nor did I on the prospect of seeing other people. I'm just focused on getting myself out of my student loans, so unless a girl throws herself at me I'm content with this. I almost got married at 22. I don't care for it right now.

It's "couldn't care less".

No I meant I genuinely could care less. As in, she's a good person all in all, but I don't care for the prospect of being with her. I do care about being her friend and providing her with MUH DICK. If I decide to care less I will stop all of it.

I did that for a while user. Dropped her when she decided to get crazy. She tried to ruin my social life, claiming I was in love with her (I wasn't but she had a nice pussy and paid for my food when I stayed over). Enjoy it while it lasts user. But remember to get while the getting is good.

It's almost as if being a slut for most of your 20's makes you less marketable to sane men who knew you growing up...


>be 29
>date 18 year old white girl

Roasties can't into this feel. I would rather be black than female.

Good luck with wizardry.

i hate women

I'm a good guy and have given up on women

Woman's sense of entitlement is hilarious

Blogspamming shameful whore.


We had this exact thread yesterday. but you already know that because YOU posted that one too
stop replying or sage if you must



They were raptured away along with the good women.

you guys told me that they don't want black cock.....

I work with Computers user. It's also my primary hobby.

How do you propose I find a woman who is both compatible with me (I hate most of the faggots in the computer field) and isn't a cumslut?

It's nice when it works out, as it apparently did for you, but in a lot of cases work just isn't a place to find women. I can go an entire day and interact with only men.

Think I'm seeing this with one of my former university classmates. She was a cute girl and, at first glance, seemed like the innocent-type. She, however, never had her bed cold and would jump from guy to guy, even doing a string of off-again-on-again stints with one person in particular. She's 33 now and has out-of-the-blue reached out to me. Seems fishy as she's never shown any interest, never initiated any sort of conversation when we were around and has just suddenly wanted to "catch-up" and act like she's known me as a close friend and lost contact for over 11 years. My friend says she probably knows that a) I'm single, b) I'm employed and make a decent living and c) I own my own house, which is most likely why she reached out to me as her options are dwindling away fast.

Shes 29 and still think she can picky. The absolute STATE of modern women.

She chose to throw away her prime years 15-19, and instead followed the path of whoredom. You lost bitch, you had a chance but threw it away. ITS OVER FOR YOU

Read: After being a self-centered bitch and treating men like expandable pieces of shit instead of respecting them like you want to be respected, you've finally realized too late that you fucked up your life by trying to live out "Sex in the City." What makes you think being "independent" is compatible with having a meaningful relationship. How's that feminism working out for you?

>I was finding a new job and really I was finding myself again

Translation: I was hooking up with random niggers at bars.

Sounds like her biological clock is ticking, user.

Fuck her with a rubber if you decide to have sex with her.

>And destroy the rubber yourself

It's hit or miss, most will likely just be online. Festivals and conventions are pretty good, but the technical kind with workshops and presentations, not comicon. Hell even game jams can be worth attempting.
After that it's narrowing down from a pool of tumblr-tier nerds and looking for the odd ones out who won't have a Dr. Who fetish.

>"Sex in the City."

All of the female characters on that show were male homosexuals with vaginas. Lifestyle, attitudes, etc.

And American women bought into it.

(((They))) did their work well.

dont worry sweetheart. That is why we created the boyfriend pillow. All you need now is 3-4 male named cats and you will be okay.