I have been single for the past nine months. Before that brief relationship nine months ago, I had been single for about two years. That is a long time to be alone right? I take complete responsibility for that extended period of “singledome.” I was finding a new job and really I was finding myself again. I was not feeling confident or content with my life and I was scrambling to figure that out before I brought anyone else into my life.
Being single in your (very) late twenties is hard. A couple of months ago we went to a minor league baseball game, after a lot of rambunctious cheering I received a ball from a player with his phone number. Never one to turn down a baseball player, *wink wink* I text him and we all met up with him and his friends at a nearby bar. The night was long, hilarious and made absolutely no improvement to my love life. This brings me to problem number one of dating in your late twenties.
>You are no longer 24.
Being 24 and being 29 are vastly different. At 24 I was young, naive, full of hope and open to all possibilities. Cute and funny guy with no real job, ehh he’ll get one! At 29 I am cynical, low on patience and know exactly what I want.
Problem number two…
>You are over meeting men at bars.
Remember when you wore tight skirts and four inch heels every night to impress a bunch of men at a bar that were really only trying to sleep with you? Long gone are those days. It’s a win if you fix your hair at 29. Meeting the same intoxicated, over confident bachelors has lost its appeal. Not to mention there is still a crowd of 22 year old girls with tight skirts and perfect contouring at these bars. Who has time to compete with that? You work FULL time at a job you probably hate no less.