It’s never been harder to fill a job in America

>According to a chart from Deutsche Bank economist Torsten Slok, it now takes 31 days to fill an open job in America, up from 23 days in 2006 and about 15 days in 2009.

>In the Philadelphia Fed’s region, the report said, “Pennsylvania staffing firms struggled to find qualified and committed workers.” The report added that, “Staffing contacts reported spending more time and money on recruiting labor and refilling positions after the initial hire quit, sometimes after just a few days. Workers appear to have less loyalty to the job, and more job-hopping is showing up on résumés.”


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This is why we need more immigration to fill those jobs up real quick like :^^^)

>get hired on to a trade job in the Midwest
>have no experience but get on the job training
>do it for 2 years for experience, move on and get hired by contracting agency sending me everywhere to do the job and paying me good money for it
>life is good
>go to LA
>find out that employers here want you to volunteer for an entire fucking year before considering to hire you
>wage is so shit that most people here work a second job
People need to be more willing to relocate for better opportunities, I think that would help a lot. I honestly can't believe people work in places like CA and say "Yeah, this is fine."

Maybe if millennials actually worked instead of playing on their phones and Facebook all day they could get a job that actually parts money?????

more college/uni degrees = more supply, demand goes down, your paper becomes worthless. especially since you all do the same thing (same in netherlands) but on the other hand tuition goes up (wew that inflation though) and debt goes up. GUESS WHOS HAPPY

They treat prospective job candidates like trash and then wonder where have all the workers have gone. Why in the world would a normal person want to go through the job hunting process so employers can pull everything in the book to disqualify you and mentally abuse you in person?

>get myself a Sup Forums job because people need Sup Forums folks
>turns out they're pumping pajeets instead of taking folks getting a Sup Forums job

Maybe they should lower their standards a bit, such as not requiring everyone to have 4 year degree minimum to even be considered.

Yep, it's everyone elses fault that you can't find a good job. Suck it up and quit being an entitled little shit maybe? This is what's wrong with the current generation, you think that you don't have to do anything and you'll just be making 6 figures because you "deserve" it since you're an 'adult' that lives with mommy and daddy still.

the same lie they told us every year in germany
to get the goverment open borders and let cheap worker in.

Fuck off, you out of touch cunt.

>worked at a small family owned gas station 6 hours a day 5 days a week while at trade school
>made decent enough money because parents help with bills and shit. Just do good at school and that keeps going and i can pretty much save money or blow it as i see fit
>paid weekly
>Go a week without a paycheck because "we cant afford it right now"
>ok, just add it on next week if you can
>2nd week
>no pay this week either
>hey so what the fuck.
>other employees also get shafted
>boss dodges phone calls/doesnt come into work
>entire staff quits
>threaten to file a claim with whatever bureau we had to
>boss pulls us in and hands us cash for our pay. never go back into the store.
>word gets around fucking fast around town about him
>he had to work for 24 hours by himself. close down the store for 8 hours to sleep for almost 2 weeks until he found new employees who werent aware of what happened
Its been 2 fucking months. Ive put in at least 1 application a day to every place around me and they only callback ive had i had to turn down because it wouldnt work with me going to school. I fucking want to kill myself. My parents can afford to keep me afloat until i do but i feel like a fucking nigger spending my gibs on anything but food and gas.

See >These fucking companies are the equivalent of roastie princesses with their impossible lists, when really their only requirement is that you be Chad. This is what happens when HR is run by women.

Yeah. Meanwhile they have plenty of good people at home but most companies don't realize they've ran them off for bullshit reasons.

Employers are fucking spoiled.

You can thank King Nigger for this by raising unemployment benefits to last 2 fucking years.

And here I am shamelessly not working and smoking pot every day :)

Yeah, no shit. I live near Seattle and can't get shit for work and it's been a while since I've been out of high school.
Doesn't help that I don't use Kikebook or anything.

Here's the excerpts from the report that Federal Reserve puts together to help them gauge the state of the economy.

>its hard to find qualified employees

Maybe companies should stop asking for 25 year olds with 12 years of experience?

NEET bro checking in. Don't be ashamed to milk gibbs from socialist states. Bleed the system until the system has to be replaced with a functioning society.

I got a job delivering pizzas at dominos recently. Actually walked into the store and asked for the job, got an interview the next day and was told that I was hired.
Then they waited for a week and a half before letting me go to a new hire orientation so I could start working.
There's something really fishy about an economy where fucking pizza drivers have to wait for two weeks for a background check so they can start working.

Fucking this. And stop asking for a PhD for a job that i could do even if i didnt have a bachelors

>graduate university.
>work in supervisory position in retail for a year to gain experience.
>Get seconded to a management position for 9 months due to manager illness.
>After 9 months, tell my boss that if I'm not given permanent management position I'm leaving.
>She says there aren't any positions available.
>Leave and get a much better job for another company working fewer hours.
>Old job rings me out of the blue and ask if I can come and do some shifts here and there when I'm free because their experience pool literally halved when I left.
>Offer to come in on one my days off if they pay me double what they did originally.
>Mfw they agree.

It's all about putting in effort for the long game, get shat on for a bit, gain knowledge and experience then use it when and wherever you can.

The market will fix it

Honestly NEET bro, i want a job in my field. I dont see the wage slave meme as a bad thing. However with how the current job hunt is going, im beginning to look at NEET gibs as a possibility. How do you do it? I dont even know where to start

>get a job at some packaging food company LA
>start next day after giving some info. No resume needed.
>11.75 bucks, 1 day free.
>after a year pay is up to 12.50, some benefits, and received some "approved chemical manager" or something for learning how to use them.
>can now get a job somewhere else handling chemicals, and making at least $15/hr.

So far, the problem I've seen is fucking LOYALTY. People who come get a job just do it for 1-2 months, and leave becuase "they don't have time for themselves". Truly pathetic.

Go to a temp agency. They will hire you next day to work alongside illegals as a cog in a machine. I did this and got a soul crushing job next day working in the packing dept of a warehouse

they have lowered the standards
for women and minorities

That only works when the govt stays out of it. Too late for that now

thanks Obama

>spend years learning programming languages
>so a pajeet can take your job for 1/4 the pay and absolutely trash-tier programming skills

I'm not into programming but I've heard stories from friends who do this, like how they got a contract job to fix some code written by a pajeet who, instead of using a function to update the date automatically, he enumerated every single day, month and year for the following 3 years.

>applied to every job at home depot
>get interview
>says he will call me back in a week
>he doesnt
>then I call him
>says someone transfered to this store
>>exact same positions they have needed still are advertised online
maybe if they werent really just ghost jobs and real ones, people wouldnt bitch about all these retarded standards.

Why are you here? Go back to watching your television brainwashing while the politicians you vote for sell out your nation and your kids future. That's all your generation was good for.

It's funny you blame the current generation when your generation is the one that both raised them and created the conditions they live in. You are more responsible for the current state of culture than those just coming of age.

This user knows
Of course, add in debt for a degree and the added level of soul crush that comes with knowing you went to college for a biochemistry degree, yet here you are packing shit for minimum wage and loyalty is hard to find

When you say minorities you mean blacks and mexicans. Asians get the short end of the stick there because they assume you should have a degree and if you don't you're worthless.

Start with food stamps and medical. You should only have to prove you're under a certain income level. I don't think there is a requirement to have kids. That's usually for cash aid. Give me a minute to pull info.

>when really their only requirement is that you be Chad. This is what happens when HR is run by women.
This is so true it hurts.
t. fitguy with a face like a ogre.

The market is the problem here nigger. If these companies had their way they'd just open the borders and speed up the race to the bottom even more.

Can i get those TPS reports?

>can't find someone with a PhD
>10 years of experience
>30,000 to start
This is why we need to bring in more street shitters

Thanks NEET bro. Is that acceptable though if parents aren’t below that level?

You may be my shadow. My warehouse job involved unpacking large boxes of flipeez hats and repackaging them into smaller display boxes. I hated it. Temp work is the devil.

asians are considered white in the eyes of a liberal, i meant skanks, niggers, and spics

No shit, I've seen jobs that require a bachelors that offer $11/hr. It's complete nonsense.

Mine was packing refurbed cable boxes. Was a pleasent surprise when you flipped a cable box to check ports and 10 cockroaches fall out

I love your type of people. Make a shit wage at a shit job and worship your masters like good goyim.

>employers want employees do a lot of work for minimal pay
>employees want employers pay them a lot of money for minimal work

>employees wants to feel valued for the contribution they bring to the company
>employers see employees as cubicle cattle and treat them as such

>employees want to move up the company ladder; they expect it
>employers would rather suck you into a exhausting game of office politics; making you believe you actually have a chance
It's the ultimate stand off. Thank god I work on my own.

It's becuase of the "must attemp to hire American" bullshit

They create jobs that will be impossible for an American to fill simply so they can hire some h2b slave

file unemployment.

Maybe forcing everyone to get a degree and 15 years of experience is a bad thing. Maybe more businesses need to be willing to hire less educated and experienced workers supplemented with more extensive training. I understand there are some jobs that should require a higher degree and some experience in the field, but why the hell do I need two years of cashier experience to work at a vanilla restaurant chain besides the restaurant being too lazy and stingy to train/trust me to do my job?

Also, globalist jews, outsourcing manual labor jobs, the college jew, liberal arts degrees, hyping up the wrong STEM degrees, demonizing trades and manual labor jobs, etc.

Employers can hack that standoff by paying the govement to bring in more surplus labor

Temp work is just another union busting tactic.

i worked at a place where we made cardboard stands and shit for displays. It was actually a pretty rad job once i got to know people. I wish i could go back. If you were good you could get hired on and make 25$/hr+ after about 6 or 7 years. If you fucked up at school or just never could afford it, temp work for a decentish company is the way to go

Id be willing to make a shit wage at a fulfilling (good) job or a good wage at a shit job, but when every aspect is shit im left wondering why i went to college

> unemployment benefits to last 2 fucking years.
Wrong. It varies by state, bust most limit you to 26 weeks to include the first week where they hold your check.

Not wrong, but not right either, because while the government keeps on pushing AA for all sorts of minorities under the sun (except vets, those are a completely different story who earned AA, compared to niggers who haven't finished 8th grade), due to understaffing the current employers get crushed by overdue work, management obviously sees a problem in the workers and not in the fact that they don't employ because reasons, or employ specimens who waste oxygen and resources.

I thought unemployment was only for if you got fired. I might have to soon

>I live near Seattle

Theres your fucking problem user. $30 an hour in Seattle aint shit; in most places in the country you will live like a king and be able to pay cash for everything.


currently looking for a job as a recent university graduate, at the moment i wait for the decision of a entry level position after 4 interviews from hr,departement,ceo, manager board over the course of 2 months... fuckers always take their time -.- and last phase was still 5 ppl for 2 positions... shit is fucked up

It also helps avoid obamacare shit.
Sadly my field only seems to hire temp-to-hire now

you start somewhere. If your superiors see you are putting in effort, and trying to advance, they will help you.
You have 2 options; go to college, or work your ass off until it pays off. Both will take you around the same time if you start soon, and get your priorities sorted out, which most retards do not fucking understand!

Also, I'm no chemist or some shit. Those are things you can learn as time goes, and little opportunities that appear. I could do that, or learn to use forklifts, and get a certification. Same pay upgrade, but now you now something else.
Fun fact. the company where I work took someone from production( packing veggies), and gave him the job of a mechanic. He;s making like 15, and knows shit about mechanic


t. boomer

>Theres your fucking problem user
What, you think I don't fucking know that?
I'm waiting for NatSocs to move into the NW as well. It just sucks that you can't find anything unless you know people.

It's never been harder to get a gf in America.

>apply to the home despot
>get the job immediately
>job sucks cox n dix
>tender letter of resignation
>boss is mad because I was a good employee and actually showed up early and worked more hours than I was scheduled
>get calls sometimes asking if I want to come back
>lol, no thx, gg no re

meh, life is good. I'm starting to get more experience, better pay, and some connections. I'm 20, so in a few years, I won't need to worry about debt, an shit. But your a leaf, so what do you know?

You're gonna need balls of steel or parents that will fib for you.

You're going to have to research if you can say that you are renting a room and if you need to factor your landlord's income. maybe just a phonne call, but be prepared to sit on hold for a bit. It might be faster to just walk in and ask in the morning if its not busy.
>renting a room in a house with other people. Do I need to report their income or can I just provide you with my rental agreement?

You can either actually pay rent, or fib a document saying that you do pay rent. I had a family member sign a rent document out of state once for a certain job opportunity that isn't related to welfare, but I needed to prove residency.

Check out the subreddit for shitty programming. Sup Forums is also a gold mine of gold standard shitty programming.

captcha peters only

bullshit image with white woman at the back

>apply to shitty job where underage, and college kids apply because they want the new iphone
>wonders why they don't take him serious

come on boys, if you apply for a job, go somewhere where your average joe applies to. Use your damn head.

nigga NO. if you get fired you get disqualified usually. Your boss ran out of money and let everyone go. Just file and claim laid off. they will ask for your inocme history and thats where you get paid. soemtimes it helps to wait before filing because your 3 most prosperous months line up like the planets. Start filling out the form and you will see what I am talking about.

DON'T go where your average joe applies, my bad.

who the fuck wants to work for the jew? (((bank)))

For those who are drug free and with a good driving record, you need to get your CDL. You need to be 21 for interstate, but you can get a local gig usually.

Unfortunately outside of shit like Home Depot, there don't seem to be many companies preferentially hiring vets, even among Government positions (that aren't Home Depot tier).

I can go to DC and make 140K/year right now, but I don't want to live in DC. I've been meandering in school because for my sanity it's better than working for some faggot who at 50 hasn't done a tenth of what I did from 18-21.

my company hires millenials out of school for most non-technical positions (sales, marketing/content creation). They're all garbage at their jobs and usually don't last a year. The sense of entitlement is insane - they expect a 5-10% pay raise every year while producing shit work. Some of them work out fine but it's definitely a churn and burn to find anyone who is remotely talented. The problem? None of these kids ever worked shit jobs as kids. There's no drive to hustle.

Tech wise (programmers, web dev ops, backend) we can't afford to hire people who need training. We NEED 3-5 years experience (which many grads actually have if they didn't dick around in school) and generally they do just fine. I don't think we've ever fired an engineer, although we do have attrition to other firms.

tl;dr if you want a job, get skilled with programming, UI/UX, or backend stuff. If you have a dipshit degree and no hustle you are going to have trouble getting hired and probably only have shitty sales boiler room jobs to fight over. Or just take something dull like accounting and join a big firm for a few years and then bail.

I will agree though, there are a lot of companies that are meat-grinders. But wah.

>be older millennial
>work for company, start out at $18/hr and now make $90k year + bonuses, six weeks vacation and pay $80 month for healthcare. Nothing spectacular but comfortable
>In a position that basically decides if they stay on through our slow periods or we lay them off
>Company hires four millennials
>Three of them are trash, think that this work is not good enough, complaining about the low pay (22/hr, more than I started at)
>One actually has work experience, see's how this is a decent gig
>Special snowflakes think they should be getting 70k+ starting straight out of a basic state-college with no valuable experience.
>On their phones whenever there is downtime, totally apathetic and not driven at all.
>Slow time hits, lay off the three. The older one that works stays on.

I graduated in 2008. I don't want to hear about having a hard time finding a job. Yea it fucking sucks and it's not easy, I spent over a year eating shit. I had a two job offers in writing turned down 2x because shit was shrinking so fast in my industry. The amount of positions available today is significantly more than what it was 6+ years ago.

If you have no experience or background, the company is taking a risk hiring you. You could be a total liability for all they know.

Stop blaming companies for not needing your skill set, and adapt to their needs instead. Problem solved.

>work at cabelas selling ammo to white trash
>decent money
>called one saturday morning, asked to come two hours early because someone bailed
>end of my shift, going to clock out
>"HEY, can you stay a little longer?"
>i guess
>stay another 4 hours
>next day ask for a day off in a few weeks
>resign later that day

my shoes are ruined, my feet hurt, i had no time for school work, and i had to shower twice a day to not smell like a pig

>work for years and years to learn languages
>multiple projects
>four years of uni
>first good job
>be one year in
>start hearing rumors of outsourcing
>the new programmers they're hiring are pajeets

I was loyal to my most recent employer for nearly 2 years, I was anything but an employee though so he didn't have to do any additional paper work or anything like that.

My last day of the job I worked he gave me some time consuming task and then complained I was slow despite he was MIA most of the time and I had done more than what he asked in that time.

Later I found out through some one else that he had a list of conflicting excuses to get rid of me none of which were true because if they were an issue I would have been fired 2 years ago.

I was drug free for months then decided to say fuck it and get I made anti-inflammatories from canabinoids and misc herbs/spices. fuck the pharma jews.

$140 in DC is like $50 in the rest of VA.

I question your experience in regards to getting recruited as a veteran. UPS will suck your dick for you being a veteran and you will, if otherwise qualified, be chosen.

You need to become familiar with Veteran Preference (5 point and 10 point if 30% + disabled). People think it applies to the government only; it doesn't. UPS for example contracts a shit load with the government, so they are required by federal law to exercise federal preference. Same applies to companies such as Boeing, Lockhead, etc.

They are hiring pajeer scientists in CA too. Of the 6 jobs ive interviewed with, 4 of them were little calcutta

It's your cue to search for contract work and build a customer base.
You never know when rumors turn true, and when they turn true you are on the receiving end of the dick in the arse.

Try Italy, been a year without a job, NOW that's real unemployment.

Hopefully marijuana will be rescheduled one day where it can at least be authorized for medical reasons. The trucking industry is struggling as a whole due to the DOT drug policy, which I personally don't disagree in full on. I would like to see marijuana treated a bit differently under the policy though.

is spot on, DC blows. It's absurdly expensive and full of semi-intelligent kids who are subsidized by their parents. It's like hollywood but for kids who want to play politics instead of act on TV. Avoid.

20 dolla too much money. I do 12 for 8 days a week
fast job, fast work, more money for you!
>every pajjet interview

Oh man, I wish I had a pedometer. Every day we had to sweep the entire fucking store. Let's just say the aisle with concrete mix and sand is a lost cause, and you'd be surprised how small a standard broom seems when you've lifted tons of herbacide and copper pipe for 8 hours and you just want to go home. The worst part about retail is exactly what you just described, the harder you work, the more work they give you, the less pay you get per hemmerhoid and hernia.

This is your online portal to neetbux in California.

you can lookup eligibility for your household number using Jewgle or whatever. usually the info is found in the county training pdfs. if you apply and get denied you an figure out what disqualified you and correct it so that you can apply again in a month.

>get free masters from military
>get government job
>laugh at millennials

> Be Me
> Send in resume to company stating I have no experience and have never held down a real job.
> Get called 5 minutes latter "Please come into interview tomorrow morning"
> Get to interview: "We have benefits, a pension plan, and will give you $16/hr"
> Me: "Why is life so easy"

It blows my mind that people are having problems finding employment. I live in a part of the country that normally suffers from high unemployment, but for some reason at this moment of time, if otherwise qualified and can pass a drug test, you can easily get you a decent paying job for the area cost of living. There is actually a wage war here in Kentucky because not enough people are applying.

whats your degree?

>>According to a chart from Deutsche Bank economist Torsten Slok, it now takes 31 days to fill an open job in America, up from 23 days in 2006 and about 15 days in 2009.
This is bullshit by the way. The reality is that more and more job listings are just bullshit resume farms that companies set up to collect data on people. That data-entry job they'll only actually hire you if you're a disabled black woman with the credentials of Jamie Dimon.

Households have to meet income tests unless all members are receiving TANF or in some places general assistance. Most households must meet both the gross and net income tests, but a household with an elderly person or a person who is receiving certain types of disability payments only has to meet the net income test.
Employment Requirements
Generally able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDS) between 18 and 50 can get CalFresh benefits for only 3 months in a 36-month period if they do not work or participate in a workfare or employment and training program other than job search. This requirement is waived in some locations.