where do you live anons?
Where do you live anons?
Bay Area, California
right here
Staten Island, the only place in this fucking shit hole half worth living.
are you all italian there? never been
Are you actually a New Yorker or are you a transplant?
Yeah, I'm all Italian. Actually grew up speaking Napoli dialect and everything.
It's actually the nicest borough by far, it's very green, lots of nature. There are deer and bald eagles everywhere.
ayyo i'm walkin' hea.
staten island reporting in.
dude they wanna kill all the deer. some shit in the advance about they're causing too many accidents.
s.i. is roughly 65% italian. they don't call it staten italy for nothin.
transplant 1 year here
Yeah they also are fucking up the environment since lib city council won't allow hunting.
Welcome, I guess. What are you doing here? People who are born here usually hate it and want to leave.
making money/advancing in my career. going to move somewhere else to start a family
Norf Caralina
Not bad. Come to Staten Island if you like nature, decent museums and (not Albanian made) Italian food. Just stay away from the areas controlled by the orc tribes.
ill have to check it out that sounds pretty nice. is the ferry the only way to get there. yes i avoid orc boroughs my neighborhood in manhattan is ok
Wow it must be kind of stressed out to live among such ethnic enclaves. Where i live (North Norway) everybody knows everybody and have done it for generations.
Go with friends or a date something and check out the museums in the North island, or the parks/Italian restaurants down South. There's also Fort Wadsworth in the Northeast (one of the last 18th century forts in the country), and the Conference house down south (where Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin met General Cornwallis to negotiate peace).
well if you want the crash course, pretty much everything on the north shore of the island is a ghetto hellhole zone. this includes the ferry area, all of bay street, pretty much anything richmond terrace touches, west brighton, rosebank, pretty much anything that has a project building. just stay on the south shore, thats where all the woods and parks and white people are pretty much.
Don't you guys have Sami up north , hough? And weird medieval forest Finns?
ty white brothers
Nice try, FBI. Can't you faggots just trace our IPs? If you really want to know where the majority of us are (and thus, increase spying) just do that, you dumb faggots.
Uk, London
>"beautiful rainbows of diversity if diversity were different shades of brown"
Im at your moms!
Thats what she said.
>Whites and Italians
It implies Italians aren't white.
Suffolk County here
Someone please end this misery.