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[Loc J032kf]
main: 11175
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Fuck off shill.
Do you cut yourself on that edge?
Very jewish first post.
Get a software defined radio!!
Software-defined radio (SDR) is a technique for turning a computer into a radio. But not just an AM/FM radio - by using the computing power on your desktop you can listen and decode a wide variety of broadcasts. SDR can turn your computer into a weather-band receiver, a police/fire report scanner, a music listening station, and more! Instead of manually tuning inductors, its all done in software by chips fast enough to pick up and decode radio waves on the fly
The nothing ever happens thread continued.
So she's talking to the Cobra ball that's up there collecting data about the launch that's JUST happened right?
Digits for happening, kek wills it
Nah, that'd be messages in the Skyking/Skybird format.
Find a local club: arrl.org
Go take the technician license test.
Study guides:
Weather in North Korea. Cloudy, some rain now.
I'd suggest upgrading to a Nagoya 771 or 771 clone antenna. The memefang's rubber duck is pure garbage but the radio tags repeaters with a 771 very well.
I already have that and a bendy one
This is surprisingly accurate, my local repeater is like a Sup Forums with retired people. Well worth the 20 shekels for the chinkfeng + 10 for the license.
And the Cali fires are an excellent reason to have a Ham radio. Cell service is down everywhere. With a radio, people can relay evacuation messages to those who need them.
Dude, evidently there's a HF band that's well known to be 14/88.
I just shit post on my way to work and have a giggle.
Also, this is a good reason, muh natural disasters.
theres a message now, closed thread and it started
North Korea says 'terrorist' CIA tried to assassinate Kim Jong-un with chemical weapon.
and some sweet e-e-echo pa-pa-pa
When he says, "Echo," I'm all like, "No shit."
e6hjgt3aq7v7wfjjxuz56z34jfmpcz ??
WTF that is sorta new, they're using numbers?
dont try to translate it it's all encoded.
It's the same story as we had in May.
>North Korea’s ambassador to China said the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and South Korean National Intelligence Service conspired “secretly and meticulously” in hatching their plot to use “radioactive or nano-poisonous substances” to assassinate Kim.
Uh oh, look at the time!
Post yfw it's midnight...
dont try to translate it it's all encoded.
Sigonella with a test count; that's to check to make sure the radio is still working. Routine.
nuclear barbecue in DPRK now?
Andrews test count
Hi Andrews
Bye Andrews
Is it routine to have that many tests in such close time proximity?
Disregard this, didn't realise it was different source.
what if california was already nuked and they're just covering it up with "wildfires"
why would a wildfire put down cellphones
Cia niggers everywhere, let us pray for Terry and hope he runs over some space niggers.
In a few weeks, maybe.
Very. Since there's 5 channels, it's not uncommon to hear a base do 5 test counts in a row.
>MFW no Skyking
>tfw you finally hear, "Klaxon, klaxon, klaxon. Real world event."
Alarm bells all over the world would be going off if a nuke hit CA. Also, rockets would almost certainly be flying by now.
Could this Soros funded wildfire somehow affect east coast missile defense systems?
Probably not
Considering California is on the west coast. kek
I spent fucking days searching UHF for numbers stations and air force broadcasts.
I git a massive fucking hardon when I finally found an unscheduled, totally random numbers broadcast from a live voice.
Fuck off, faggot.
>talking to the ISS?
which one of you is this?
Most of the time, I just like to listen to Russian and Ukrainian bantz on the 20 Meter amateur.
Lmao the ISS. Muh sides
You can. 144.49 MHz in ITU region 2.
Callsigns for the ISS
Joe Acaba KE5DAR
Aki Hoshide KE5DNI
Yuri Malenchenko RK3DUP
Gennady Padalka RN3DT
Sergei Revin RN3BS
Suni Williams KD5PLB
Russian callsigns RS0ISS, RZ3DZR
U.S.A. callsign NA1SS
German callsign DP0ISS
Packet station mailbox callsign RS0ISS-11
Packet station keyboard callsign RS0ISS-3
Packet Digipeater ARISS
By the way, i don't think if something should happen we hear really skykings on those open channels.
you learn something new everyday
i thought the ISS only communicated with nasa on encrypted channels
They do them every so often in a cluster.
EAMs also come out in clusters too or around the same time if few (daily orders and such).
The ISS amateur radio station is not 24/7 or anything like that. I've managed to listen several times, but it's really only a 15 minute window ever so often.
A 25 Watt 2 Meter radio with a Yagi is good enough to talk to them.
There's a ABM location in Cali, and one in Alaska. That's the global defense ones that can actually hit ICBMs in space.
Drop some livecam links that show the Los Angeles "skyline" properly.
All the livecams that I know are shit.
I know that, but he asked about the east coast
So is the one in Cali going to be affected by this Soros smoke?
Evidently meant west coast, I just mis-typed a little bit, don't be a cunt all your life.
Ok skyking faggots, I've purchased a yaesu 550...whats next, how do I tune thus thing for skyking mania
>So is the one in Cali going to be affected by this Soros smoke?
Shouldn't, as you'd want them to be all weather operational, unless fires make the site evacuate.
Yes we would. It's the whole point of this system. Use something simple, low-tech, and basically infallible to transmit the most important messages instead of something complex that can be more easily jammed or hacked.
The content of the messages is secure because it's encrypted by one-time pad. In addition to that pre-arranged codewords are used to shorten the transmissions and further obscure the meaning. They can transmit in the clear without any fear of the meaning of the message being understood even though anyone with a radio can intercept it.
The receiving units also use random dictionary words as callsigns, which change every 24 hours so no one listening can know who they are. SKYKING is immediately followed by DO NOT ANSWER to prevent the receiving units from giving away their locations. The base transmitting the message is stationary and can't possibly hide its identity so they don't bother to try.
So the content of the message is hidden. The identity and location of the units receiving the message is hidden. The equipment needed to receive the message is as simple as possible. Jamming the transmission is as difficult as possible. How would any other system be better?
>yaesu 550.
That's a VHF radio... Skykings are on HF frequencies. You have a great radio to chat with people on 70 cm/440 MHz once you have your Tech license but you can't listen to 11.117 MHz...
Calm down. If you an't take some good natured mocking, you are on the wrong site.
Well fuck, 200$ wasted. Recommend any good handheld HF radios or will I need a the larger base station ones?
>it's really only a 15 minute window ever so often
That's because it's moving at 17128 mph
Sorry. Spaced, It's 2 Meters/150 MHz... Not UHF/440.
It's still a good radio. Get a license for 15 bucks and use it to shitpost over HAM radio
Not wasted. Listen to Ham repeaters in your area and see if you're interested in getting into Ham. RadioReference.com will show repeaters in your area.
If not, you can probably resell it on Craigslist for $200 (they're new for $300).
As for an HF, I'd recommend a Hellicrafter's S-85. It weighs 80 pounds, so not exactly portable.
It's a cool little radio no doubt, working on the license but it's hunting season...radio is fun for hunts. But I would like to listen for skyking and that wierd Russian channel that's been broadcasting for like 40 years. Any thoughts on a solid entry HF radio
I'm having trouble. Is skysking mp3 or FLAC? My iTunes cant run FLAC.
Would really like something portable, saw some cool backpack set ups on jewtube, but it's still a little over my head atm.
How much are you looking to spend?
Would like to keep it below 500$ but I prefer to buy the middle of road workhorse for most products, 1200$ max.
We have voices
11175 is back, my dudes
I swear just based on how they report the codes that they know we're listening :3
Something like this: detroit.craigslist.org
Is probably a good start and not expensive. It's all about the antenna with HF (and most Ham stuff). You'll want a "Randomwire" antenna if you have the room (and good grounding for the set) or an "Active HF Antenna" if you short on space.
Otherwise, look into SDR dongles with the Ham It Up HF adapter mod to let it pick up the HF bands, a 9:1 Balun and a randomwire. Should run less than $200 all together.
I'm getting my general and I have a buddy selling me a TS-590SG, 25 amp power supply, desk mic, 9:1 Balun for an EMCOMM antenna, and a few other accessories for $500 as soon as I'm not such a poor fag ($2800 worth of gear).
he did sound a but of a cutie didn't he
a lot of activity today
echo six hotel whisky victor uniform
standby message as follows
echo six hotel whisky victor uniform lemur five hotel echo tango foxtrot juliet zulu five four three tango romeo mike kilo
charlie tango tango golf six november ??? victor whisky
Did anyone catch that ???, I have no idea what he said
I'm meant to be asleep but this is my first Skyking thread and I'm hype as fuck. Best stick the kettle on and get another brew my boys
He sent a coded string of characters and numbers, so you basically go it. It doesn't matter if you messed up a few, since we have no idea what it means and never will.
Welcome to the thread.
It's all about how many times SKYKING is being said in a row, lad. Nothing more.
Have fun M8 but FYI the cipher is one time use and can't be decided.
its nothing. i would go to sleep desu
>how many times SKYKING is being said in a row
this is a meme poster from the websdr chat don't trust his lies
thx for the education
This was a basic EAM, and you'll hear a few to over a dozen in any 24 hour period.
They're orders of some kind going out from the group callsign (the various stations use the same callsign when they give them, and it changes daily).
Skyking messages start of with that term (Skyking Skyking do not answer), and you'll usually hear 1/2 a day, sometimes more. They have a higher priority than normal EAMs. They go to strategic assets, such as spy planes, nuclear bombers, and so on.
You'll very rarely hear a Skybird message, and that's from a person that receives Skyking messages calling the receiver of them.
I'm currently reading for my PhD in Information Security and one time pads are the bane of my life, frustrates me to no end seeing ciphered messages that can never be cracked.
>calling the receiver of them
Sender that is.
Skybird = sender
Skyking = reciever
>To begin with, HF communications have the potential to move voice and data communications around the world by bouncing signals off the ionosphere, and at a fraction of the cost of heavily burdened satellite communications frequencies. In addition, HF transmissions often can circumvent geographic barriers to line-of-sight communications such as mountains or buildings by skipping signals off the ionosphere at steep trajectories. The benefits of HF radio communications are too good to ignore.
good reading on why the air force still uses ancient radio tech
Well, you're the expert here. I have made the following assumption:
The common 22-24 character messages are likely routine traffic based on the fact they are the "norm."
Based on your studies, would that seem correct?
New call coming through.
47 character message incoming. Very rare.