Why is this legal? You could feed an African village for over 730 years with that kind of money. It makes me sick that there are people who have this much money. And they never even use it! It just sits there on their accounts. Fucking hoarders, they should all be butchered.
Why is this legal? You could feed an African village for over 730 years with that kind of money...
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you wouldn't understand
Fuck off cunt. You have ZERO say over that person's money. Go suck an african dick, shithead.
Maybe you should examine why your butthurt and hateful attitude has led you to be poor.
Oh wait, I forgot, it's rich people's fault for having all the money. It's not like there's an unlimited supply or anything.
You explicitly agreed to it. That's what makes it legal you fucking poorfag commie.
kek, I just remodeled a house about half a mile from that bank.
The bit I have a problen with is that 2.75 fee there. Those hook noses always gotta get their shekels, what, for giving you the sheckels you own?
Get a job loser
lol losers can't even hit 100M
He's below 100 mill what a poor fag def not getting the sushi comped.
how bigs the village?
do you make farms or just keep sending food for 730 years?
how did you get 730 years?
why are you a cunt?
I would pay that person not to give the money to afric*ns. Sage
Why? So they breed more and then the population spirals out of control and you need to spend even more to feed them? That is the current problem in africa.
the african village wouldn't be industrialized enough to accept the currency you fucking faggot
>it just sits there being unused
That's not how anything at all works.
You freaking loser. Get off your ass and go make something of yourself. Stop worrying about what someone else has.
It's Pathetic that you're green with ENVY.
You might be able to feed them. But you will never be able to educate them into being able to feed themselves
Capital One is like one of the biggest IB's in the USA... They have very large accounts.
why would i want to feed black cattle that don't do anything for me?
get a life fucker
Fake and gay. FDIC insures a max of $250k per account. Only a total fucking idiot would keep over 2fity in one account.
i think it's stupid to keep that amount of dollarz in bank account. or anywhere.
>$100m in a bank account with $250k FDIC insurance limit
yeah no, shit is probably an ATM glitch. people with money aren't this stupid.
It's too bad those African villages can't make more money without having to appear hungry and poor and shot to get gibs from western aid agencies. Come on OP, lift up the white man's burden and send all those poor Africans your bank account. And your next paycheck.
>We've been giving money, aid, and training to Africaniggers for decades
>they piss away the money, destroy the equipment, and un-learn everything they're taught
>regarded Eurofags think that if we keep dumping money into failed subhuman projects, they'll magically become humans.
>You could feed an African village for over 730 years with that kind of money
You shouldn't, though.
Anyone know the name of the documentary where the chinese guy is like "Wow you niggers are dumb, you had all this handed to you and you ruined it"?
I'm with you, man.
That fucking $2.75 to get your own fucking money???
That's outrageous!
>1 post by this id
Fake as a motherfucker. What kind of retard would keep a 100 million dollars in a fucking regular ass capital one savings account? Maybe it was a lottery winner thatll be broke in 5 years.
t. work at a bank with rich old clientele
>You could feed an African village for over 730 years with that kind of money
You don't know about exponential growth, do you?
empire of dust or some shit I think
You're just jealous.
You can get private insurance for amounts over that, but I highly, highly doubt anybody with that much money would use Capital One Bank.. if anything that's a card connected to an offshore account w/private insurance and the balance is $9k on the card not $9gaggillions
I'm still pissed people that think like you even exist you JEALOUS, COVETOUS, ENVIOUS commie.
I can't believe OP would hoard all his holes like that!!! It makes me sick to think he could be fucked by two africans for 60 years!!! He shouldn't be so selfish with his posessions
If CapitalOne folded though, it would be the end of the world anyway
Because you don't "need" anything other than a tin roof, a straw bed, and a heel of bread to live and if you institute egalitarianism that's all anyone will ever get.
Greed doesn't exist, you're just jealous.
we spend money like that on African villages every year and theyre still shit. Its been going on since the 80s. Fuck off Fin.
What's your fucking solution OP? sage
Because they work hard for their money while sit on your ass and drink mead all day like lazy nigger in Africa
It's no wonder you're a nigger lover
You fucking spastic. Even if this were real (which it isn't for the reasons pointed out by other anons), do you think that when you put money in the bank they just keep it in the vault? Do you even capitalism?
>having $100mil in the bank just fucking sitting there
Literally the dumbest shit ever
A true Sup Forums classic
but it DOES get redistributed, by them buying "useless" shit. people are paid to produce that useless shit. also it take bout 3 generations to loose an inherited fortune. so just chill out, that money will evaporate into the market soon enough
t. economical brainlet
I don't have a pot to piss in, but no one owes me shit, you stupid half a chink OP
>You could feed an African village for over 730 years with that kind of money.
...and see it's population increase exponentially due to nigger breeding habits, therefore bumping down those 730 years down to 7.3 years.
>It makes me sick that there are people who have this much money. And they never even use it! It just sits there on their accounts. Fucking hoarders, they should all be butchered.
They earned it, so leave them alone, you communist piece of scum.
Capital One was around 1.25% svaings rates in 2011
That cunt needs $100mm to take 1.25mm in interest rev HAHA
what a fucking loser
Empire of Dust
Somebody with more /biz/ capital help me out here, isn't having that much money in a savings account generally ill advised? Would you be better of spreading it across multiple investment vehicles or going with a gold vault service in Singapore? My understanding is that savings accounts are only insured up to a certain amount and that amount is way the fuck below $99 million.
This, the receipt is fake
The question you should ask yourself is "why would you want to save a starving African vilage?"
Yes, it is ill-advised, which is why OP's pic is bullshit. $250k insurance limit.
Besides, having this amount of money electronically online and onhand.
They cant be this stupid. Criminals will clean out the account in 5 min.
Thanks, I figured no one with that kind of dosh has it liquid for any other reason than a fluke or mistake.
They should be butchered because they aren’t doing what YOU want with THEIR money?
Poorfag defected.
Youre lieing
ikr. poorfags up inn dis hizzy. All dem kangz holla if uz at 100B yo!
Are you stupid? That money won't be lost. When that person dies, it goes to his family or to the State, so someone can always use that money. You should think more about yourself and not about what other people do or don't have.
But ... You can only have $100,000 in a bank account in the US because FDIC. This is fake.
>you could feed Africa
Or they could feed themselves.
the government has more money than that, but I don't see you marching on EU parliament, you fucking cuck.
You think $100million is a lot of money? Sorry, not everybody works at Taco Bell.
Africans are too stupid to know what to do with that much money.
get rekt
Wrong. It means that if the bank fails completely, the guy will only get 100k back off his 99 million
>You could feed an African village for over 730 years with that kind of money.
you cant eat money you stupid underage retard faggot shill kike
Isn't it dangerous to keep that much money in an account? What if they lose your money?
at one point in time there wasn't nearly as many starving africans as there is now.
If you have a problem with it don't use their services by putting money in the bank you fucking mongloid. Services arent free, if you dont like it store all your money as cash.
>Isn't it dangerous to keep that much money in an account?
>What if they lose your money?
They wont, they are "too big to fail"
$2.75 charge for using a cashpoint should be illegal
How do you know this person (how dare you assume this person uses "they" as a prefered pronoun) never uses that money?
That money could be already allocated for something.
only because their populations have been artificially propped up by jews art the expense of white tax payers
Oh be honest. You are just mad that you don't have that kind of money. I guarantee if you did you wouldn't give a shit about any African villages.
Only investors lose their money when a bank has problems.
supply and demand, commie
You have no right to tell people what to do with their money.
Why should my wealth go to some fucking African village when all they do is ooga booga about and just make things WORSE for themselves in the process?
If you want me to spend my money, give me a better reason than helping some negro village that I'll never get even a "thank you" from.
Found the Commie.
Helicopter rides commence in 3...2...1....
O-oh okay haha that makes sense.
thats amateur money.
Their country is rich in resources, but can never get the brain to use them.
>just sits there on their accounts
If that were true it would increase the value of the rest of the money by a porportionate amount, thus making everyone else richer.
But of course, it isn't true, and you are an imbecile. That money is in a BANK, which means that it's just a number. The money itself has been loaned out to other people so that they can start businesses or make investments.
You have precisely zero understanding of finance, yet you have a strong opinion on it. I wonder why that is...
i have more than that, (yes I love /pol) I would never give money to fucking niggers. Notice I swear, and used the N word because. pic related.
Stupid cunt ruined the 100,000,000,00 get by taking 400 out
Thanks bros.
No one can "earn" one hundred million dollars. It's stolen one way or another.
Not everyone works at Taco Bell.
money is flat and made to be stacked poorfag
>$100 million in a fucking checking account that is only protected up to $250,000 by the FDIC and earns like .05% interest per year
There's no way someone with that much money is that stupid.
if i have fat stacks like that when i die i'm going to will it all be used to buy diamonds and have them shot into space just so filthy beggars like you don't get a penny of it
>Keeping $100 million in one account
>There's no way someone with that much money is that stupid.
lol, you don't know rich people then. They have no fucking clue what they are doing and like I said, they didn't earn it.
This is some trust fund brat whose probably depraved as fuck and never hears the word "no".
No, you're going to die fucking poor because you're too stupid to "play the game". You're not even able to start playing, ever.