One Piece

>I remember training you in the way of the sword
What did he mean by this


>Stay here with me


He meant that he recalls instructing his son Sanji, who he is speaking to, in the art of swordsmanship.

>tfw caesar joins this arc
with him and jinbe the total bounty of the straw hats will rise by over 700 million

Sanji had a hard life


That he has the swoardman skill of a max 10 year old.
So when he never trained that again like Zoro did all this years it's irrelevant

Except Sanji is superior than Zolo. Since he doesn't train and is still strong as fuck. Zolo trains all day for nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if that applies here too. Sanji might not need to train as much as Zolo to be a beast with it.

>Since he doesn't train
he trained for two years in the okama island and before that with Zeff. he is weaker than Zolo because he doesn't train.

>for nothing
not like he might be admiral level already and aims to be the best swordsman

>What did he mean by this
Fuck off you fucking kanker

Doesn't explain before time-skip

>Zolo Admiral level
Jobhawk is Yonko level too right?

he's pretty much a nitoryu master and retains his skills by using them in cooking



>training with Zeff doesn't explain his pre-ts strength

Also, Luffy is already admiral level and Zolo was always almsot as strong as him. We don't even know how strong is he post ts because he didn't hvae a challanging opponent yet. And why yes Mihawk might reach the bottom of yonko level as well but most likely strong admiral.

Except jobhawk is undeniably admiral level

Reminder that the Strawhats don't have a permanent loli member in their crew yet.

Don't worry user. He's coming. He just needs his "I WANT TO LIVE" speech just like Robin and he is set.

>his character is just there to job to Zolo

>Luffy couldn't beat Doffy without Law
Zoro hasn't had a challenge because the Hack doesn't want him to lose until he fights Jobhawk
Don't worry though Jack will BTFO zolo.

and never will

luffy is shanks 2.0 so he'll refuse to take a kid along

i would be fine with them getting jinbei and then a loli with a logia as the final member

i think any unconventional logia would be fantastic, conventional being the boring ones that are just 'shoot x material as every attack'

Gas Gas is the most unconventional then

Let's cut the bullshit, How is Sanji going to get out of this one?
It seems as though Luffy is going to need some backup with this one, but the question is, who can they count on?

I guarantee you that Jinbe is either half dead or one his limbs got amputated or some crazy shit.

Also I doubt that any of his allies can truly defeat the Germa or Big Mom family at this point. What the hell is going to happen?

germa will try to pull a starscream and fail miserably

big mom forgives straw hats because they saved lola

>What the hell is going to happen?
welcome to one piece
welcome to manga
welcome to THE WORLD

>this shit again
Law's attack were weak as fuck against Doffy and G4 vagy a stomp. Luffy would have been able to finish him off with his first G4 if he wasn't underestameting Doffy. he throw everything he had on Luffy, including awoken powers and shit yet he still lost. Also, Doffy isn't a dumbass yet he tried to attack Fujitora. he wouldn't do such thing if he thought he has no chance against him. Doffy is the lower end of admiral level.

lolno, he's probably Doflamingo/Kuma level

I'm really curious to see how Jack interacts with Kaido.

I started thinking about how even though he's ruthless, his drunk-crying moment recently game me the impression Kaido might have a slightly goofy/simplistic side to him, and in some weird Oda twist, maybe Luffy might end up appealing to it.

Then I remembered how one of the mink rulers was surprised about how someone as strong as Jack could be a subordinate to anyone.

I wanna see what makes Jack listens to him

Fuck, Luffy's going to save Wano from Kaido and Kaido sent warning shots. The chances of the first part of my post happening becomes zero...

>Let's cut the bullshit, How is Sanji going to get out of this one?

He can, at least, armor haki up and get out of those cuffs, right? Because I'm still trying to understand how exactly Rayleigh did it...

>Law's attack were weak as fuck against Doffy

No, just no.

I agree that G4 Luffy was above Doffy, though. Whether or not Luffy can take Doffy 1v1 both fresh, I'm not sure. Only due to Luffy's time limit, because Doffy's endurance/durability is high as fuck and he just might survive past a G4 beating.

welcome to ZA WARUDO

time-controlling devil fruit when?

Shanks already ate it.

Either Luffy (or himself, but I really doubt it) releases him from those handcuffs, or somebody uses the keys to liberate him (Pudding? She most assuredly betrayed Luffy and co, and would be in a good position to redeem herself by liberating Sanji, as she might be close to her mother).

I'm leaning towards the former, actually, because I think she lied out of fear of her mother (although she could just be a bitch).

the latter*

Sanjifags baka

Do you think Pudding's puddings feel like pudding?

Why is she's so much cuter when she appears in Cacao island than in that pic.

She ugly as shit. Kek. What was Oda thinking?

he modelled her after you

orda iz a hag :D

women become cuter when they're in love

>the silhouette looks like Nami

u fucking wot

That's not what it means, you're fucking retarded.


>luffy is already admiral level
>lost to GRAVITY
>barely beat doffy with law's help

come on now.

Sanji is an expert with knifes.
I believe we will see him fighting with both his legs and hands when he discovers that protecting his friends is more important than stupid oaths.

it's clearly sanji. when would nami have had time to meet pudding?

fucking PuNafags, i swear...

>more important than stupid oaths
The second he picks up a sword and is any decent with them, Zoro will fuck his shit up.

>barely beat doffy with law's help
see:>lost to GRAVITY
you mean Isho? They just had a small clash but both of them were holding back. how is that a lose?

I think they won't take big mom down, just the germa 66.
Big mom will then see no reason for an alliance by marriage with them.

We didn't get Viz last week. Is Viz user going to deliver this week?

>law attack was weak against doffy
How is shredding someone insides ever weak? That's just your head canon you luffyfag. Oda clearly showed law landing all those potent blows just to show that doffy wasn't at 100% in the battle.and luffy still barely won with all the help he got. Get over it luffy isn't admiral level . You're probably one of the people who thinks he can solo BM



You still mad at us? ;_;

Wasn't mad, I just didn't post the chapter since someone else already posted the Viz notes, so I thought it'd be a bit redundant to post it at that point.

>there are delusional sanjayfags here thinking that he's superior than zoro

can't speak for others, but personally i save the chapters when you post them for when i wanna reread. The notes are better than nothing, but searching through arlong park is more bothersome than looking at my achieve if i wanna know something in a few months.

course i could save the notes too but cmoooon

Literally noone thinks that. I love Sanjay, but he'll always be weaker than Zoro, even if just a little bit.

As long as Oda doesn't dethrone him and makes him almost as competent as Zoro fight-wise, I'm happy.

I agree I use the viz scans for arguments. So yeah the notes are cool but I prefer the scans

We will ever learn how powerful Zoro's senpai is/isn't?


>Thinks Sanji is almost the same level as Zoro..
>You poor sanjifag, Zoro far sarpassed him and he is on another league

>Sanji begins using knives as part of his fighting style
>actually beats Zoro in a Nitoryu duel
>Zoro becomes all moody and grumbly until they get to Wano and he either gets the best grade of Kitetsu or trains enough to beat Sanji again, both of them back to their old rivalry but on another level, closer to Luffy
I'd cum if this happened.

Sensei you mean?

Is Film Gold with subtitles out yet god damn

heaven or hell?

I too have a shounen jump sub, what program do you use to rip the pages?

Is it me, or Shiki and Sanji's father are too lookalike?

Judge looks more like the Nameless King from Dark Souls 3 to me.
His and Shiki's faces are pretty different too, even though they both have long golden hair it seems to be in a slightly different style too.


It means that Sanji is actually secretly very skilled swordman, and him not fighting with sword is just an excuse

If he actually wield a sword in combat it'd be too OP with his precise knowledge of nerves and flesh from cooking, slicing through all tendon and bones, skinning opponents alive and shit


Perfect, both

More lewd goddesses pls

This would be both gay and stupid


Germa is pretty weak,Judge had to struggle to defeat Sanji,i'm pretty sure at this point he would lsoe to both Luffy and Jinbe which Ichiji and Niji will job to Brook and Pedro.

Fukken sl00t

This. A theme of this arc will be that relying on technology and so on instead of natural strength, training, and haki will be the downfall of you.

Big Mom will be unable to beat or eat Luffy because he's too gummy and rubber-y, the more she chews the more nothing changes, just like Enel's fight


The fuck is that from ?

I really wish Oda were less of a tit man and focused on the hips, legs, and ass instead. His artstyle for females is getting pretty bad.



anyone miss her?

only her tits


What do one piece women look like with a more atomically correct body shape? I mean, the middle section nearly being gone is creepy. He should draw them more like Kubo and Mashima do, lots of lickable torsos in those series.

All females are basically nami in a different wig if they're suppose to be attractive

>16 years old

Ass Nami

Too poofy and not enough cheek definition. 0/10, Toei.

Good afternoon. This is your mostly daily reminder that Monet is CUTE, and will be nakama. That is all.

I just realized all the Strawhat girls represent secondary colors in the RYB scale.
Nami is Orange.
Robin is Purple.
And Monet is Green, (well, light green, but hey Franky got in with light blue so w/e)

She was wearing a thong the moment before

Where is it

She gave it to her beloved Sanji-kun


s-she's waiting for them in raftel, just you wait!

>basement dwelling neckbeard who's never seen a 16 year old


I'm not a NEET and I have a gf.
I've seen 14 year olds more developed than Rebecca, the point is she's under 18.

why are you acting like this is up for discussion? stop shitposting. he's objectively admiral level.

You don't need to lie on an anonymous image board, you know?

To be fair most of the sweaty nerds fawning after her are also under 18, therefore under consent she'd be legal.