Clashes between Spanish patriots and pro-independence Catalans in Valencia!
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They make good horchata, not that Mexican horse semen.
Cop-Bloc when?
Mi naranjas!
zaag nie
which side should i support? pls respond.
support the side that lead to war.
The pro independence s case are mostly anarchists who side with the CUP, the pro Spanish are right wing
Support the catacucks.Thanks to them, nationalism and extreme right is rising in the rest of Spain.
Just goes to show that Fransisco Franco did nothing wrong.
Everything about independentists getting smashed are good news.
Spanish Nationalists sure look like a bunch of pussies in that video. That one white knight is holding off like 6 of them, and he's the only one you can see get any shots in.
He worst thing I've ever had was a modelo michelada. It was old tomato rinds in beer watered down by thin tomato juice.
May have been the most disgusting thing I've ever put in my mouth. And that Includes Korean fermented pepper paste and fish sauce heavy soups.
mortal kombat level leg sweep
haha why are punches in spain slaps
So which ones are the commies and which ones are the good guys again?
Yea, I like how he leg sweeps the chick who has her back to him, then runs like a bitch from the one guy who's actually facing him. That guy is a tremendous coward.
For the record I hate liberals, but that guy is a fuckin weasel. I hope he gets his head kicked in.
United States here, don't mind us Spain. Just sliding on into your country to stir up the 'ol pot!
Have few few CIA agents do some stuff and BAM! Revolution brought to you by The USA ;)
Catalonian Antifa against the spanish Police, as an ancap i don't know which one to root for, I wish for city states and destruction of EU as a political organisation and catalonian independence would jump start the destruction of bureaucratsin Brussels (who are btw fat and smell). any ideas?
They cost 600€ a pop.
t. got punched by a gypsy once and received my due compensation
It's spreading, tomorrow Catalonia, soon Valencia and the Balearic Islands will join us. The Mediterranean will soon be ours again.
If that video gets you "pumped", you are a fucking fascist.
as long as the revolution helps us get rid of the separatist cockroaches, you are more than welcome to stir as much shit as you'd love sir.
Remember, americano te recibimos con alegría
Jaja Valencia too.
Nothing can stop Aragon resurgence now.
Didn't get me pumped, but it was adorable how antifa tried to fight back before running off.
Valencia is an interesting region and I want to have a more clear picture of the people there because it is pretty confusing...
Do people there generally feel more Valencian or Spanish? What is their general opinion on Catalonia and their independence movement? I have read that they strongly dislike them despite them sharing a language... It seems Valencia is more "Spanified" than Catalonia and the biggest cities there are heavily Castilian.
>it's fucking nothing
>believes catalan separatism is spreading into other regions
>actually catalan separatists have been beaten the crap out today
Nice autism faggot. Hope you'll like some tanks shoved up your ass.
Modern day Aragon is a lost cause though, they lost themselves, they became enemies with their Catalan brothers, and nobody even speaks old Aragonese, which was another language derived from Occitan. Everybody speaks Spanish there, they dissolved themselves into Castile, it's extremely sad.
Wait! Since when did Mexico emigrated from North America to Europe?
Tell me more about this law
hey, I remember seeing you on Sup Forums yesterday
Anyways, please stop spreading hate betweens Catalans and Spaniards - both are really awesome nations
Thank you valencians for supporting us. We know manolos invaded your lands too and after we get our independence we will help you liberate from the manolo menace.
Hahaha Catacucks btfo once again, Hahaha fucking masonic kikes. I wish a was a spaniard in spain now , shit got me fired up
Aragon here, suck a dick we aren't commie traitors, same with Valencia.
Imagine a Catalonia withouth the cuckoldin that have the best oranges in the world.
Don't larp as an aragonese you filth, Fabla is still spoken in Alto Aragon and we still support Spain while preserving our culture unlike you, disgusting traitor. I'm glad that your days of messing everything up you touch are counted.
valencià(our catalan) is only spouken in the countryside but the law says that every document shoud be in valencià and that every goverment employee should be fluent in both lenguages.
>Back to late 19th century
>Caciquismo -
>A guy with contacts in the central goverment rules over the countryside
>He know Castellano, he wealthy now
>If we know castellano we also will be wealthy, like a class thing
Basically this comes from the fact that Valencia was way poorer that catalonia so the people here had to learn castellano to earn shelkes in madrid and from the central goverment, this made all the big cities spanish speaking, while the countryside remains speaking valenciano, and despite that 85-90% of the people can understand valenciano whitout much problems
We do not support communist traitors here in Valencia.The streets are full of Spanish flags, both in the capital and in villages.
Dude, not even 30k people speak fabla in Aragon, don't kid yourself, it's a dead language, more people speak catalan in Aragon (Franja) than fabla. Yet, it's not our fault you replaced your language for the Castilian one, but you still take us for your more hated enemy, go look yourself in the mirror right now and ask yourself who is truly your enemy, and who has brought you honor fighting by your side for centuries as equals. Catalonia has brought nothing but honor and renown to Aragon, yet you hate us, it's shameful, you have been cheated.
So it has nothing to do with the fact that Valencia was invaded by the Moors and had to be almost completely repopulated after their expulsion with people from the north of the peninsula (not Catalonians btw, see: Cantar del Mio Cid). Good to know.
wtf is going on with catalonia
and whats with aragon why is part of it catalonia and other parts of other places
and wtf is going to happen if they go indepdent
jewil war 2.0 and freemasons vs royalists vs communists vs muzzies vs gorrilas or a big chimp out and parliment dissolved
is that supposed to be an insult you weak degenerate commie?
t. murcian gibmigrant in València
went to zaragoza two weeks ago. it's still the based right wing city its always been
>Catalonia has brought nothing but honor and renown to Aragon
fue a hablar el follamoros
What do you expect?!
Its like us the galicians goe to Asturias to tell the asturians that their land belongs to us...
Those independentards got what they deserve. Its about time someone hit theos antifa silly pig face.
lol its true, catalans are just a buch of manginas lol, thats chad pow
Ally up with the Basque country and conduct a pincer maneuver on Aragon and Navarre
lose the meme flag faggot
We may disagree about Gibralter, but the Bongs will stand with Spaniards.
God spanish men fight like handicapped children, not even like girls.
yep ive had a row with a student they shit at fighthing and try and go for you head with sloppy punches
shh get in here
t. gibmigrant from Albacete in València
why the modylooks type of girls always end up humiliated?
it's Valencian martial art
You're absolutely correct.
>Catalonia has brought nothing but honor and renown to Aragon
I'm telling you to not larp as an aragonese, disgusting lying traitor commie fuck, the one who should be ashamed is you and only you for your actions against everyone of us, trying to destroy a country of such wonderful history because of a hissy fit with the incompetent government that we have now is despicable. Don't reply to me ever again, you disgust me.
Nice try imitate Amerifat sentiments.
Do you really have as much hate towards Catalan people, as you express it here?
also dub check'd
The only thing I care about is that hopefully all of these issues will affect Spain's performance in the world cup making them disqualified really early.
shieet i live there, thats the old part of some city in galicia. could recognize the galician flag ( red star in the middle tho, equivalent of catalan "Estelada" )
here independentists are like 5% only tho. most people are not deluded by identity politics
nice fist fight
Thats how chads deal with commies
I knew this would end badly
captcha: bus lane mexico
Why are you being such a europussy? Let them fight for independence for fucks sake.
We may have our differences, but bongs know something catacuks are not aware of.
It's called honour
One of the comments under the video hints at the possibility that he's a professional agitator.
So yeah, maximum impact, minimum risk
American war pilots must have killed like thousands of women and kids with next to 0 chances of being intercepted and taken down in places like Afghanistan
desu, I would gladly watch americunt subhumans killing each other, but this is whole different case
Now KYS, americunt
Catalonia still gets to be independent with Valencia and the Baleares *eventually*.
>that kick
>that kick to the girl
>that nu male defending her
>that nu male getting rekt'd
>a composite monarchy,[1] also nowadays referred to as a confederation of individual polities[3] or kingdoms[2] ruled by one king, with a personal and dynastic union of the Kingdom of Aragon and the County of Barcelona.
>with a personal and dynastic union of the Kingdom of Aragon and the County of Barcelona.
>He was an important figure in the development of the Catalan language, sponsoring Catalan literature and writing a quasi-autobiographical chronicle of his reign: the Llibre dels fets.
The most important king of the Crown of Aragon, the king who conquered the Balearic Islands and Valencia, not only spoke in Catalan, he also wrote an autobiography in Catalan and sponsored the Catalan language. Modern day Aragonese (traitors all of them to the old Crown) BTFO!
Daily reminder that the Aragonese monarchs spoke in Catalan and descended from the Counts of Barcelona.
Daily reminder that Catalonia was the heart of the Crown of Aragon, most rich and populated zone.
Daily reminder that people from the Crown of Aragon were known as simply "Catalans" abroad.
Daily reminder that the repopulations were made by a majority of Catalan settlers as it was decided by the monarchs due to their desire that it should be the dominant culture.
Daily reminder that Catalan is even spoken in Sardinia and Aragonese is a dead language replaced by Castilian.
Daily reminder that you owe us everything and you should at least be thankful and friendly to us, yet you decide to hate us out of bitterness because you simply hate these historical facts, you hate that despite being called Crown of Aragon, it was more catalan than "aragonese".
Stop YOU larping as an Aragonese, traitor! You don't even speak your "own" language.
Catalogne is French clay.
Catalonia+Valencia+Baleares = Independent Catalonia.
We get Galiza. You help us. You give Gibraltar to Spain and I'll give you thousands of Gibraltars and riches beyond belief.
You'll just have to become based and agree that not all States to need to stroll in our waters without paying us tax.
All waters that matter in Europe are "ours" if we wise up and blow a city or two. Mare Nostrum will soon end. Beware of the Continental Blockade part 2.
Your nation should split in two as well. Flanders and Wallonia, and maybe like a Muslim partition as well.
As long as there's no interruption to my supply of delicious Valencia oranges. Got to get my full day supply of Vitamin C. Mmmmmmm.
Not at all. I love catalonians as the rest of the people from other regions of Spain, but I hate with all my guts separatists commies who want to destroy our old nation just because they are angry about our government right now like everyone else, such profanation is despicable, falling for such baby-proof identity politics is shameful and brings nothing but a bad name to catalonians. I want nothing but punishment for those disgusting lying kikes, you can break all their narrative with a little of investigation no matter how many cherrypicks they spam and how many fake graphs they post.
>amerifag can use the Wikipedia
what would you think of Catalan independist movement if they weren't so left-leaning?
Go make me a waffle Eurocunt.
moldylocks btfo
All is true. Can confiem. Jaime I was a great Aragonese King. That means Catalan King.
Also, stop calling each other traitors.
Aragon was once Catalan, but they converted to Castilla. They are Castillan now. Nothing you can do about it.
But, what about Valencia and Baleares? That's the real question.
Also, stop the degenerancy and islamisation of Catalonia, please.
Also, when you guys get independent... if you invite the French to our peninsula, we will destroy you so thoroughly that Catalonia will never again become a Nation, much less a state.
Also, stop calling us moors. (To Castillans and Portuguese): Daily reminder that half of Southern Portugal was re-conquered before half of Catalonia was.
how original
seriously, you are pathetic mongrel
Also, I'm pure Iberian, so I hope u won't joke about Belgica anymore
Go back to Mexico faggot
>t. Spaniard in UK
Old Nation... Lol
You are not even a Nation. You never were.
Nations: Castilla / Catalonia
State: Spain.
It's that simple, really.
Besides, 500 years is not that old. It's as old as Brazil's discovery for heaven's sake.
Also, if you count from the dissolution of the Crown of Aragon, it's just some 300 years.
Stop larping, Castillanbro. Olé!
Whichever side shoots first.
The Independentist waste is 100% commie
The haste that got into the Catalan government for independence from Spain has a name and a date: the name is ANDORRA and the date on January 1, 2018.
The real reason why the old CIU is in such a hurry for independence is because with the end of the banking secrecy of Andorra, all tax data will be reported to the governments of EU countries, which will bring to light the huge amount of money that the Catalan oligarchy has stolen for more than 30 years (what has come out of Pujol scandal was just an appetizer). Constituting a country of its own would allow them to ESCAPE from Spanish Justice. In recent months the Generalitat has entered 33,000 million euros into Swiss banks for the maintenance of a Catalan republic over the next 3 years. Money that will never return to Catalonia, because it will serve to make the scoundrels who have organized this sedition live like kings when they escape Spain, after having faced and separated by walls of hatred the Catalans.
SHARE this, so that it reaches the knowledge of the poor IMBECILES that are opposing the Guardia Civil and the National Police. It's not about feelings, its about money. The oligarchs in Cataluña are just manipulating the feelings of the Catalan people for their own good.
The biggest idiots are the Mossos (autonomic police) that by siding with the independentists will almost surely lose their jobs and salary.
never been to that shithole and it's shitty northern neighbor
seriously, mongrel, GTFO from this thread