What was his motive? Without all the conspiracy bullshit

Other then muh false flag, Antifa or ISIS.

Other urls found in this thread:


other than the C word?

>What was the motive without telling me the motive.

Look how yellow his teeth were.

He's a real-life Joker, just wants to watch the world burn.

taco bell worker genocide


>unironically says "conspiracy bullshit"
>clearly doesn't know the first thing about the provable history of his own government, nor any of the other governments that have ever been around for all of history.

>Look how yellow his teeth were.

He could be British?

Paddock is an English surname.

something I noticed. If you switch the eyes in the photo, Steven is sitting down. Steve has the protruding bottom lip and lazy half closed eyes. Eric always does the bug eyes & never closes his mouth

By excluding 'conspiracies' you have no choice but to accept the official narrative.

Enjoy a lifetime of appealing to authority, you fucking cuck.

wh*Te people are just naturally biolent animals

Confirmed Brit with pent-up rage! He just wanted unification

They finally charged him for sushi

he could do anything he wanted, and he did.

Some people want to watch the world burn to make way for something new. Some people want to watch the world burn just to yell, "I'm on fire!"

>"what's motive Sup Forums?!"
>"but i don't wanna hear the real motive."
sorry, op.
legit soviet style false flag operation form mossad.

they did it in the soviet style to shun the blame if suspected.

luckily for them, average joe is uninformed.

>protip: it was not done to "gun grab".
it was distraction chicken.

antifa is funded by "useful idiots" so that martial law can be implemented.

nk is distraction.
nfl is distraction.
"getting comped while you're getting romped" paddock is distraction.

here's the kicker.
it's not because the u.s.gov't wants martial law.
it's because they'll have to.

the antifa funders don't know this.
the antifa members don't know this.

soros and clinton know this.
soros and clinton fund the fuck out of antifa indirectly by funding leftist bullshit groups that become breeding grounds for antifa.

wanna know who's really behind it all?
>pic related


There isn't even an official narrative with this one.

Is that him? How come all the photos of him look different.

I live in Orlando. And I run into Eric Paddock every now and then, I encountered him at a grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle and snort coke-boogers as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen sushi boxes in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the boxes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent them from not being rung up as COMPED” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each box and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by griping really loudly.

>have no religion
>believe in no god
>realize you're getting old and being dead is nothing
>the ride only goes so long
>why not make a splash?

It was a jewish conspiracy to enslave goyims.

Suicide shot @10:32

Also alltogether sounds like 1 shooter. case closed for me.

He’s joker
He’s a smoker
He’s a midnight— ?

ITT plebbit conspiritards who think a lone wolf did this. Can you guys quit the lone wolf conspiracies? It was obviously a team.

I hope to God it's Isis, but could also be boomer rage or """"mental illness"""".

Stop posting this pasta. It is so reddit cringe tier it sickens me

He did it so his brother could give interviews on the motive. Interviews with meme worthy material.

To gamble and maybe sell some weapons at worst.

it's from Sup Forums, nigger.

cringe xD

player of video poker.

hated society and life

No one knows what was going through his mind. It could have been mental illness, it could have been drug related, or he could have just hated taco bell employees that weren't comped. None of us know.

Vegas people are fucking insane.

>Suicide shot @10:32

But there's another at 10:45?
Did he miss?

People kill other people all the time, sometimes indiscriminately and for lulz.

Is it really such a leap to believe that someone might go on a killing rampage without any political motive and/or without some kind of CIA brainwave technology?

For all we know, maybe he wanted to become famous.

this desu

he had no religion, didnt believe in heaven or hell. wasn't going to be remembered for anything, saw his father was for doing bad shit.

now he'll be remembered forever, he'll have his own wiki page.


he hated white conservative america is the logical conclusion.

That didn't sound like a gunshot to me

He was an arms dealer setup as a patsy by the kike circle comprised of Mossad/Saudis/Military Industrial Complex, led by Michael Chertoff to create a demand for increased security.

Unlike some theorists I dont think the FBI was in on this one directly, but because they have an interest in protecting our Saudi/Jew ((alllies)), they are complicit in the coverup of the truth (for the same reasons they gave a free pass to the Saudis on 9/11, flying them out of country while all the other planes were grounded)

A better of putting this is he may have been a psychopath, like virtually all apolitical rampage shooters.

*if you only look at the facts and dont take into consideration all the other theories

Probably the breach charge from the police


His receipt awfully lacking in comps.


What if thats the official narrative

So what is the mainstream media narrative? Whatever the FBI is trying to funnel in this slopped pre-planned shooting.

They're in disarray because they didn't expect to be questioned or disbelieved. It can only be a false flag because there are already too many lies from attempting to cover their ass.


You mean besides he was a Hillary voter, who really wanted Bernie in?
He was expressing himself the only way the Dems know how.

@ 4:55
Where's that elevated position footage coming from?

For some people their faith is a very private and personal thing. They don't wear it on their sleeve or trot is out for show (Jesus spoke to this).

The only ones who know what Paddock believed (or believes) are God and possible some of the people who were close to him.

Closet lib that murdered a bunch of country music lovers because everyone knows they my must be conservative.

Media insists he had no political views but we all know that's BS in today's America and if he were conservative white and male the media would ride that until the heat death of the universe.

why are americans so ugly?

Comp that shit
Hey Steve bomb that strip
Make mom mad rich
Me too so I can chomp jap fish
Drain the swamp? You oughta stomp that bitch
After this song two prong that hick
You want mad clips?
Automatic Paddock King Kongs rap, prick

I heard it too. Did the cops fire at the hotel?

The cops didn't find the hotel room until way after?

If he was Islamic then it couldn't have been a suicide. They only opallow suicide bombings as martyrdom. He 100% shot it out with the police or was killed by an accomplice.

leftist it will come out after November 5th


Story so far:
>JFK document release date approaches
>Media and Russia narrative falls.
>-Jonh makes a prediction about an incident. Accurately describes area and purpose: gun controll and Chertof selling scanners.
>Seth Rich case documents requested by DOJ, previously refused to hand them over.
>Imran Awan first hearing, Goodman and Co. think they can trace the data by router. Equivalent of congress library downloaded.
>Pizzagate investigation gets Harvey Weinstein, connection to Fappening.
>Las Vegas Incident
>Mutliple witnesses, police sources and evidence confirm multiple shooters and multiple hotels being affected: MGM, Tropicana, Bellagio, NY.
>Someone leaks crimescene photos.
>Single shooter narrative. Gun Control narrative.
>Media can't decide over ISIS connection. 50 last claims 3 were false. ISIS servers are in US
>'Calm before the storm' comment
>Chief of police admits paddock couldnt have worked alone. Immediately replaced.
>larps commence and shilling commence
>Trump goes apeshit on twatter about NK
>ISIS capitulates en masse
>John Bailman and daughter dead. FBI connection.
>Aaron Rouse FVI connection to Podesta.
>ABC 'motive'

(larp area ahead)
>LVPDAnon, says paddock escape route was up
>BlackwaterAnon, says blackwater accidentally stopped something bigger, says a vip was escorted.
>MegaAnon, confirms -john and Blackwater user, 'calm before the storm' Seth. Says LV investigation was handed over to DC FBI. Is chased down by shills and nickname stolen. Calls out Sup Forums for not providing OC she doesnt already have.
>DCreporterAnon, Comes looking for MegaAnon, confirms MegaAnon including the part shills say was larp. SethRich, wikileaks, kimdot. Wants to contact MegaAnon for the sake of his 'career'.
>Anon5 says LVPDanon, BlackwaterAnon, and DCreporterAnon are fake. Says to look at MegaAnon timeframe.
>WHAnon commie user, comes out as one of many WHanon impostors. Says leftypol is tying up larps into knots(!)

comped ciggies m8

You little shit faglets need to get a fucking life. Dan Bilzarian is a master of combat. A fucking one man powerhouse. He'd fuck your shit in a heartbeat.
The thought of you skinny-fat permavirgins repulses me. Dan Bilzarian's dick works just great. He fucks models you fags can only have wet dreams about.
Dan Bilzarian has been on dozens of covert missions. He trains 16 hours a day with SEAL reserves and Special OPs.
You faggots aren't fit to lick his boots.
I would have included more of your little fag ID's but reading the thoughts of beta homunculi makes me sick.
KYS retards.

Schizophrenia is the official narrative. Seeing as this guy was a social media recluse and apparently the only people around him are 3rd world prostitutes and an autistic brother I doubt it will ever be discredited.

it's definitely not given the timeline
can confirm this easily even if you dont believe the timeline using that "breach breach breach" scanner audio

>picture looks even MORE like the guy that was found days later in atlantic city playing poker

okay wtf

Join us.
Discuss, believe, transform.


Some men just want to see the world comped.

He was just a patsy.

There were multiple shooters:


Multi millionaire gambler, maybe he bet and lost big, maybe thw mob in vegas is real..... or to that casino, he could have bet one of his planes or maybe it just hit him just how much money he was blowing on rice fish

>picture related is real

holy fuck

That video proves nothing ya dingus. The authorities were still clearly in the process of determining the shooter's location and were doing a sweep of all nearby buildings.

It confirms user's thread a week ago.

Dude was a true clinical definition of a psychopath probably had this fantasy for years but was good citizen until one day he noticed he was getting old and decided to say fuck it and went through with it.

Until this is debunked, this is p much confirmation of what many have suspected for a very long time.

The fact that the fbi is covering for it is pretty disheartening.

No one needs another question until this one is answered.

>the one yelow shirt retard muzzle sweeping everyone in the hotel
every other officer is low ready except the one retard aiming down on citizens

If he was an evil genius he would have set up all of his guns in the windows aimed at the concert, and had them hooked up to fire robotically like Walter in Breaking Bad.

It's real, the thread non ironically exists

Could confirm, depending on who you believe.

That war begins AGAIN

Paddock is an old English word for a toad


this video is great as it shows you the volume of fire he layed out. but are there any direct videos of people being hit?

He should've became a pro csgo player if he was so intelligent. Oh wait, but out of a crowd of thousands he only got 58, so maybe he wasn't that good

Checked and keked

did they ever de-code that fucking note?
should we drink more Ovaltine or what?


He is a fucking redneck. Redneck = loser. Youtube shooting video shows he is a pussy. BTFO!!!!!

wasnt he that guy running away?

Then bump it to oblivion.
This is the one that matters.

Adelson owns the Mandalay. That's one of the bastards pinned officially.

He was jealous of young, attractive people having fun. It generational warfare.
Now go post 50,000 pictures of yourself to facebook before your taco bell shift

>I hear it too user. Sounds like at least one more single shot around 10:43 ish.

His motive was to murder Trump supporters. That is why it is not being reported. How long did it take for Dylan Roof's motives to be exposed? a matter of days, and it was blasted on every media outlet. Because he fit the narrative perfectly. Motives that are inconvenient to the narrative will be buried. Remember the redacted 9-11 calls that tried to cover up the Orlando shooter's allegiance to ISIS?? We already know it is not beyond the FBI to conceal motives that disruptive the MSM narrative.

he came back strapped, in case you didn't know.

hey, at least we're not brits.