Why are Japanese homicide rates so low?
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A bunch of Asians who work themselves to death.
Also no niggers
no niggers
They aren't dead, they are (((missing)))
no niggers
homogenous, xenophobic society. No diversity or multicultural bullshit.
Cause they have high suicide rates. I toured Japan in 2000 and visited the famous forest were lots of people off themselves. We found what appeared to a tent setup but no one was around. You find alot of shit in there if you go looking.
because instead of killing each other they just kill themselves?
Killing people cuts into "draw-your-waifu-hentai-and-fap" time.
absence of negros
You don't get high homicide rates if you register them as suicides.
Japanese police is a joke. A lot of crimes go unreported or wrongly classified.
No nig-
a lot of cases get ruled as suicide.
>thinks this doesnt happen in other countries as well
they use ostracism rather than violence
They kill themselves I think.
By not breeding.
Theyre too depressed to commit crime. And the police there know how to police.
A lot of the stats are manipulated.
Also fuck off and stop making threads about Japan.
they're busy killing themselves
Last I checked other countries aren't mysteriously leading in suicides per capita.
low test
other than the noncery, japs are decent people
no niggers
video games and entertainment
You went to Japan to visit the suicide forest? You're weird.
they prefer to kill themselves
I hear the cops fuck with shit to maintain their statistics. also japanese legal system is a joke, much like italy's.
Japan has 15.2 suicides/100.000 people year, USA 12.6, is not that different.
USA has 4.88 homicides/100.000 people year, Japan 0.31.
Oh shit thats me
Also no niggers
what is the white American rate vs japan
White (Hispanic included) 1.7 homicides/100.000 people year,
suicide in white (without Hispanic)17.61 suicides/100.000 people year.
Because diversity is a strength you bigot
because suicide it high
Don't they kind of make up for it with their suicide rates though?
Japan isn't even top 20 in suicide rates.