Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

Can any of you explain too this eurofag why Hilary Clinton seems more despised than any other would-be presidential candidate among the Democrats by the opposition in recent history? I keep reading things like "Killary is corrupt and should be in jail" etc. But is that really the case, or is it simply an exaggeration by those who don't like her?

Could anyone tell or refer me to a source that outlines the problems and controversies surrounding her entire political career in terms of facts and not simply speculation or personal bias?

I know the late Christopher Hitchens was a fierce critic of hers, but even his worst criticism seemed to center around her dishonest / pretentious public persona rather than any serious political wrongdoing.

Normal politicians do 80.
She did 100.
Right-wingers she did 800.
Extreme Right says she did 1400 (Clinton body count etc.)
Liberals say she does 85 and the 5 is because of sexism.

The clintons have always been sketchy career politicans, not just recently. This is obviously a pretty polarizing issue in the US so you will get the best answer if you dig a little bit yourself to get a better understanding of not just her, but both of the clintons political history and ties.

>But is that really the case, or is it simply an exaggeration by those who don't like her?

Would she have won if that wasn't the case?


>But is that really the case

It is absolutely the case that she should be in jail.


It's pretty obvious.
Sup Forums doesn't like women.

The underlying cause is probably a lack of cuddles during early infancy, which more recently has been amplified by the rejection by all women of any kind of sexual advance. A possible contributing factor is autism. The result of these circumstances together is that Sup Forums loves to rage against anything with a vagina and especially if this figure stands a chance of becoming Madame President.

Otherwise, I have to say that she seemed like an experienced and competent candidate, unlike the current incumbent, who has the competence of a small child (see the White House daycare comments yesterday).




poor people in America think she's evil for some reason. The rest of us just think shes like any other politician. Some like and some don't like her policies.

>one post by this ID
>le epic maymay kekistan flag xDDD

So she's an elite who acknowledges that she doesn't suffer like the middle class does? Would it be better for her to lie and claim that she's a blue-collar billionaire?

Yeah, seems to be an infestation of faggit communists using meme flags today..
Checked BTW...

Yeah, we wouldn't want her to be disingenuous or anything..


>But is that really the case, or is it simply an exaggeration by those who don't like her?

Not an exaggeration. The desperation of the Clinton's, particularly Hillary, is widely known and often joked about, even before 2008 when she ran against Obama.

They've always had a "Clinton Kill List" floating around since as long as I can remember. I can't name any other politician that has ever had so many close people around them die it needed to be cataloged.

>I know the late Christopher Hitchens was a fierce critic of hers, but even his worst criticism seemed to center around her dishonest / pretentious public persona rather than any serious political wrongdoing.

Then you haven't actually read Hitchen's critiques. He wrote an entire book on the Clinton's, particularly Bill because Bill had all the muscle at the time.

I can't think of any place that has all of their families misgivings archived in one easy to search place, although I'm sure they exist -- I wouldn't trust em.

Best thing to do is read into their families for yourself. The criminality is apparent and they haven't even tried to hide it for at least two decades.

Somethings you can search that involve the Clinton's either directly or indirectly:
Arkansas/CIA cocaine connection
Libya/Syria regime change
Bill's rape victims
Silencing of said rape victims.
Marc Rich pardon
HSBC laundering
Missing haiti funds
Uranium One
etc. etc.

On top of that, she lies about the most mundane thing. Like landing to a bunch of smiling kids but saying she landed under sniper fire at a debate. She's obtusely criminal, but what makes it laughably awful is that she goes out of her way to lie when she doesn't even have too.

Start with "whitewater savings and loan", and "cattle futures". It goes downhill from there.

A simple answer, you shall not receive, but she lost the centrist vote on several critical grounds.

She failed to win over the anti-war crowd with her hawkish stance against Russia, which is farther down on our list of problem nations than our actual aggressors. Her speeches left the impression that she would have declared war within 6 months with any reason available.

She failed to convince voters that she was in it to win. She spent half the campaign in the shadows relying on her star power and many free interns to push her in. She avoided heavily planned appearances wherever possible and likely hoped that the MSM could portray her events as huge when they were not.

She could not demonstrate that she was less corrupt than the alternative. The email scandal, DNC leaks, nods from the Obama administration, and both her and her husband's history and behaviors suggested to some voters that the odds of corruption under her watch would have either been equal to or more likely than the mogul.


>They've always had a "Clinton Kill List" floating around since as long as I can remember. I can't name any other politician that has ever had so many close people around them die it needed to be cataloged.

she stole the fucking silverware and china from the white house last time she was there. what, send her again to steal more?

> a normal person
GTFO of Sup Forums

Just look at how she tried to jam ClintonCare right after her husband got elected, then you'll have an idea of her political acumen.

It's true, it's all true.
But even Watergate, whitewater, etc aside, I would never vote for her because her political career consisted of do nothing political job at a Law Firm while her husband was being a politician, then she burst onto the national scene as his wife during the 92 election, then all of a sudden as first lady, as an unelected official, she's pushing major legislation, then she barely gets elected in a special election with suppressed turnout as Junior Senator for New York, trading entirely on her celebrity status as first lady, then as inexperienced brand new politician Junior Senator she's suddenly sitting in on all the major meetings with Bush, then she does another barely scrapes by election and immediately starts running for president, then the most unlikable, unpersonable person in Washington she gets selected to be the nation's top diplomat, then she leaves over scandal and controversy after blowing up the middle East on the advice of her Muslim whore-of-staff, then she runs for president again.
And in all that time do you know what she actually accomplished?

Clinton has a lot of skeletons in her closet.

For example she was discussing wether embassy guards should ha e uniforms on, because it might upset the locals while a rampsging mob was burning a us embassy to the ground and killing us soldiers, civilians and a ambassador

Add to that

- Benghazi
- Private server felony mishandling
- Lying under oath multiple times
- Openly colluding with news networks


b.b.but, it was her turn!


Robert Kennedy's plane crash left Hillary as the
for NY senate.

This bitch tried to save Nixon from impeachment and then got her final revenge by killing the last powerful Kennedy. Everybody knows she did it but don't also want to get suicided.

Everyone knows shes evil, which is why she lost. The government thought they could shove her down her throats by making her run against a non-politician.

She is still in the news and thus hated because she is a sore loser that won’t shut up.

Forty four guys have lost. They head back to their home and lives and get back to whatever. Kind of like the sports guy that shakes it off and moves on, while the girl complains about her pulled hamstring for weeks.

Now to the questions of jail. There is a guy sitting in prison because he took a cell phone picture inside a submarine. There was nothing classified in the picture but what he did was illegal because he was in a secret space. Hillary was forwarding classified messages through her personal server and CCing people without clearances. So yes, she should be in jail.


My father has been a staunch Democrat normie all of his life, and even he refused to vote for Hillary in 2016. His reason? If he mishandled classified information in the same way Hillary, then he would have been thrown in jail.

Meanwhile, all of this explains the Clintons:


I'd also add that her recent Sore Loser book tour is more than enough proof that she wasn't fit to lead. Instead of gracefully retiring like other failed Presidential candidates have done and being thankful that she's not rotting in a jail, she instead goes on a high-publicity tour blaming everyone but herself. She even blamed her own supporters claiming that "they weren't enthusiastic enough." Even a year later, she STILL can't see that her own behavior and her horrible campaign are why she lost.

THANK GOD she lost.




She rose as a very sharp attorney from a modest background. She thinks herself smarter than the masses because she is, but she can't fool everyone all the time, and she doesn't know that. She's always got a handle on plausible deniability because she is savvy, but her dances with the truth and her arrogance are clear enough to anyone who looks. She is not a well like politician on the personal level. She had a hard time getting people to her rallies. She's a slimy weasel who thinks she can outplay everyone else.

Her father took over the Chicago mob when Capone died, Bill talks about it in his book. It's a crime family in politics with a very high body count.

She's blatantly fake as all hell and had no shame in hurting and killing everyone in her way to get what she wanted. Even when it was Bill running the show, she was always in the background trying to upstage him. As senator, she was seen as a carpetbagger who's #1 priority was to enrich herself and reinforce her political position, instead of you know... serving the interests of the people. She frequently switched alliances with questionable groups that threw her supporters under the bus (after careful assessment to ensure they were inconsequential for reelection of course), injected cronies and shell companies posing as charities into government contracts whenever possible, and basically scammed US tax payers for millions with what we know as the Clinton Foundation. As sec of state, she basically perverted the CIA into what it is now, a partisan shadow of what it once was, more preoccupied with ensuring that only the right people preordained by the Establishment get to govern instead of effective foreign policy. Under her, ISIS became a thing, entire sections of the Middle East destabilized into the mess we see today, and Russia is on the warpath.

For those of us who were paying attention, Trump was pretty much the perfect alternative if you wanted to send her the biggest FUCK YOU!!! ever.

Dare I say /ourgal/?

There is no legitimate reason at this point. There's nothing she's done that Trump hasn't. Sup Forums is full of hypocrites who simply hate how she talks.

literally all of these points are false, fucking kek

If you aren't a shill I'll explain but I'm gonna sage just in case.

Hillary has long been a woman hungry for political power she has tried just about everything to get it. But most people are put off by her time as secretary of state when she had the most power of her career. She enabled the "Arab spring" and was the one who made the final call on killing qadaffi she also lied about Benghazi as well as her entire email debacle.