You support a united Spain, right Sup Forums?
You support a united Spain, right Sup Forums?
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yes, but wouldn't hurt her eating a bit less of bread, tomato and jam
>tfw no thicc spanish gf
no with you
Nice r/the_donald flag
No, I don't support a slow death by status quo. Any precedent we can set for regional separation gives us a greater chance of governing our own lands without (((supranational))) communist-run interference.
No hard feelings against Spain but I support Catlonia solely for the reason of how it will fuck up the EU
>this is a white person in Arse-pain
My actual sides. Shitskin Moorish rape bebé out of 10.
I'd like to unite with her
I don't care. If Catalonia wants to split off that's fine.
not really
Depends is Catalonia against all the fagginess going on with Spain, or are they just as pro faggot?
I support a collapsed, fiery former-EU. If Spain disuniting supports that cause, then I'm glad to support an independent Catalonia.
They can treat low-T nowadays
I'd get behind her, if you know what I mean...
Couldn't give 1 shit about these lazy moors, they can do whatever they please.
No, I'm against it.
or are they just as pro faggot?
not at all
I'd fuck the moore out of her.
i wanna eat her jamon
Just as bad. It's not about the actual merit of Catalonia. Imagine if it inspired California to leave. We could either enjoy a new America with 55 fewer anti-American electoral votes or retake the state and give its marxists a bloody taste of "reconstruction".
Achmed, this is not New New Delhi aka London.
I would love to get my jamón in her pan.
They're not as bad they're worse, way worse.
Pic related : The biggest pro-refugee crowd ever (160k)
No, every people should have the freedom of self-governing.
typical manolo lie. Go back to Spain, France already has too much low iq brown subhumans. All anti-racist refugee shit is run by Spanish diaspora in Caralunya
Kill it with a Hellfire.
We could only hope that Kali would go all rebel, and leave. Then we could stop hearing how it is the rest of the US keeping it down, or living off of it.
But then they are not known for living in a place called reality, and when they tanked it would be the rest of the US that caused it.
>Shitskin Moorish rape bebé out of 10.
She also looks better than 95% of your mule-faced women
Then wouldn't it be easier for Spain to set sensible policy without millions of enfranchised Catalonians shilling for open borders? I would much rather multicultists be foreign enemies than voting citizens.
As a pro-EU I do, as a portuguese I don't
Wait! I know her! She took a photo of my asshole in Hanno Lua!
But it's not a lie, Jamal.
i'd tell her "viva Catalunya", fuck her brains out (no condom because they're all commies and that shit is just statist control, man), then leave her a note the next morning telling her to take care of the pro-Madrid baby that's now inside of her
Of course but i enjoy seeing the retarded /r/thedonald crowd support it eventhough these type of catalonians are pretty left-wing but apparently to
everything wanting a referendum are like brexit
Oriol, you cheat nobody.
Catalonia is a communist, degenerate hole. And you have reached that place with the support of the jews.
No, all people have the right to secede.
I don't know a damn thing about Spain, and don't care. I would naturally support any true independence movements, but the Catalan ones are a little too tolerant of communist sympathizers in their midst. I do realize that the fringe commies do not represent them as an entirety, but the fact stands. I do not support it, neither am I against it. I am ambivalent.
I support whatever weakens the EU the most, and I don't give a fig if that's independence or Spaniards Granny clubbing.
Yeah, because ERC and CUP are not leftisth dumbfucks that want a comunist republic full of brown people.
Go kill yourself, Jordi. Nobody supports a catalan race, specially not separatists which are marranos/jews (ex CiU) and antifa/dumblefties (CUP and ERC).
I take back my previous comment, Catalonia needs cutting loose, barcaniggers need roping.
NO, Spaniards are oppressive cunts and must give independence to Catalonia, Basque Country and Galizia. FUCK MANOLOS!
i support a nuked spain
Wrong red flag tovarishch.
Exactly. Don't worry Spain. While most americans seem to support Catalonian independence, we germans know that the whole Catalonian (((Independence))) shit is supported and run by marxists and communists
Oriol, no membership in the EU next to independence.
Your Erasmus is going to end soon.
Fuck off Manolo, seriously
Prepare for balkanization, you greasy piece of shit
The nonfullleftie separatists are very jew leaning (always have been joked over as such in Spain), and the rest are extreme left.
PD.- Tipical old joke: "Who invented copper wire? Two catalans fighting for a coin".
It doesn't need to be cut loose, it needs to be held together. If they get cut loose, all of the Libya ships will have a new place to dock.
Wrong guessed, Manolo
I support chaos for others and order for myself.
I am not Spanish so let chaos be upon them.
You have to go back Bashiir
I support a world where fear isn't worshiped as a god, a world where weakness is not idealized as the supreme virtue.
i'm not opposed to it, spain is a tolerant EU democracy right? if the people of catalonia vote for independence, grow some big boy balls and let them go
please translate or give tl;dr of
>pic related
can't trust googletranslate
That sounds a bit devilish, but whatever destroys Asspain occupants is good
Abdullah, pls...
Oy vey chaim wtf are you doing ?
I support Catalonian & Californian independence.
Ok, shut down the borders then ebola bomb the whole province.
as every spaniard, she looks like a moor
close is the day when we will rid ourselves of this filth
I support whatever outcome that fucks over the EU.
Catalonia is as mine as my city is of any catalan. They can not steal my right to be in my country while in Catalonia.
Are you our greatest ally?
spaniards are in fact baptized moors and jews, there is nothing white about them, except for teeth maybe...
hahahaha, this is not your land manolo
She's hotter than white
Separatism will destroy the Jewropean Union.
that is also the reason why they are inferior and why we catalans deserve our free independent state
I'm german, no idea what Manolo means but i know all about the catalonian leftwing since my grandfather who helped Spain fight commies in 1936 with the Legion Condor and i barely see any change
>pic related awarded to my grandfather by Spain
I hate Spain and I hate the EU. What do?
For your knowledge the manifesto that you have not been able to be admited to form part of the Spanish legion of volunteers.
In effect of your move to Nikolajewska presented you tomorrow at 7 in the door of your building from my PM where I found a truck that has delivered.
I dunno, clearly my Spanish is fucked.
>L O W
>T E S T
you got it
Essentially she is, but yes she has some mixture obviously. Whiter than mos of the other countries surrounding Europe.
From the Colonel to the 2nd Lieutenant xxxx Blasco.
For your knowledge i tell you that you have not been admited in the Spanish Legion of Volunteers.
To be transfered to Nikolawhatever make yourself present at 07.00 at my Plana Mayor where you will find the truck thay will carry you.
(Im on the phone and cant see the pic while typing)
I don't give a fuck about your old fart who followed Hitlers orders like a dog, go fuck yourself, Ikibey. Catalonia isn't spain and will be independent soon, along with Basque Country and Galizia.
Freedom to Bavaria, as well.
Still whiter than Bongistan.
>tfw anglos will be wiped out within your lifetime
Feels good man
I don't want Spain in general. It's rightful Greater Gibraltar land.
Ojala la corrupta policia española fuera a por los que roban dinero publico, el dinero del pueblo español
It is by law. If you want to break the law you are free to try.
Si !
See: I'd put my life on the line for Spain before i'd do it for any other european country because you guys were loyal and even helped our veterans after 1945 avoiding (((Mossad)))
lol you anglos are such cunts, roaches tier
nope. I will go as far to say that I will fight for Catalonia in the event that a civil war breaks out, providing Catalonia gets an Air Force. As a pilot, I will be more than willing to fly for the Catalonian Air Force, cause I don't like spainiards
>this is a white
lol no. These are considered white in Spain. That girl is mixed with north africans. Northern Spain all along the cantabrian coast and northern castilla are true Spain. Madird is also incredibly white for being a big city.
Asturias is Spain, the rest is conquered land.
>this is white in Spain
top kek, I just can't take Spaniards seriously on this board knowing they are all shitskin goblins
Die faggot.
They dont? Then who are the UDEF and the UCO? Who has investigated the 3%, Gurtel, Urdangarin... Etc etc.?
we have been breaking your "law" for months now
In terms of skin colour and blood lines, english are whiter than Spanish, it is evident and I don't know why you would want to be something you are not.
In pais vasco, there are Vikings left over, blonde and blue eyed with pale skin.
The rest of spain is swarthy, black hair, black eyes.
Genetically, you are on average 2% subsaharan african, but then what percentage sub Saharan are the Arabs in Morocco and Algeria.
I'd consider Italy and Spain to be European and on equal footing. Both have had great empires, as with England, France, Germany, Portugal, Holland, Scandinavia.
Speak for yourself, Earzgbörge
>litteraly emulating JIDF posting their "pretty" brownies gypsies half-breeds to try to entice thirsty betas on Sup Forums to support spaniggers
you can't change your semitic ways manolos but you'll have to wake up from your siestas and move your lazy asses when the gibs stop flowing
I'm bavarian, the difference is, Bavaria is the most nationalist, anti-communist and pro WW2 veterans state in Germany. Catalonia wasn't too kind to catalonians who volunteered to fight the commies on the eastern front after WW2. In fact, most assassinations against catalonian WW2 veterans of Division Azul after 1945 were committed by catalonians, as they saw them as traitors
Manolo's damage control, kek
>ready to fight and die for the (((marxists)))
>see meme flag
Good goy.