Also, LS hate thread. Leggo!
Finngolian hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would anyone hate a Finn?
cause they are autistic
just reveal your flag, eternal sven
This looks promising. I wonder where OP will take this.
>mfw our president got his 30 years younger wife preggo
Sale is the top 1 Finnish alpha.
Would bang.
Stop promoting this literal cuck, vitun homo.
Do you have a better candidate? Bible girl perhaps?
>anti Finnish
>meme flag
Oh hi Swede
What did Lauren mean by this?
I love you Finlan
How did she get so fat, user?
Can someone post mummin comics? You know which version.
De-Delete this right now!
For all the shit Sup Forums gives Lauren Southern you guys bring her up more than any other site I know
Thank god the Swedes invaded you and taught you how to carry on their legacy.
Do you even realize that the cuck you are shilling for is a literal (((banker)))?
I might vote vor Huhtis just for fun, but she's not really red-pilled. Having some kind of faith is a positive thing though.
Hei veli, olen tarkemmin perillä kansanvälisestä politiikasta kun paikallisesta politiikasta onko jotain nopeaa alas juoksua tästä?
NO. I need this entertainment. This should get you guys going.
Huhtasaari kirjaimellisesti käyttää Daavidin tähteä kaulakoruna ja ei usko evoluutioon.
Race science is fun. William Z. Ripley wrote this about Finns in The Races of Europe:
>Flaxen or tow-colored hair
>Fair skin
>Blue eyes
>Superior stature and among the tallest of men
>Jötunn refers to Finns
>Long-headed (dolichocephalic)
>Language is primitive but powerful and rich
>High culture
>Part of the Nordic race
Sale is objectively a good president. Not perfect but good.
Fuckin' hell. My thread has been totally usurped by Finngolians.
Why does Sup Forums hate Lauren Southern?
Shut the fuck up, peasant
The ones that gave us the Moomin, spurdo and helper Pepe deserves nothing but love. The smiles of such pure innocent kind hearts must be protected.
Be gone, Sven, rider of the black cock.
>Hating the homeland of The Korpi
This is now a meme flag hate thread.
Sup Forums doesn't
There is only a vocal minority of people who hate her
You've seen nothing yet!
how dare you call yourselves european
Thanks user
I love that "White Night" video. It's fucking amazing. Those elvish waifs, that music, the narrative, the scenery. FUCK.
Ebin splörö spruts :DDDD
Finland will fuck your shit up
Your little grills could destroy most Yankee men these days.
he looks autistic
>Sale is objectively a good president. Not perfect but good.
has lietrally been assfucked by everyone he's met as a president, and in his speeches he sounds like a completely beaten man who's sold his soul for a place at the big table
We were here before others.
He's controlled by an Ayyy Doggo named Lennu. The prevailing theory is that Lennu is from the race that brought Finns to Earth (they're clearly Elvish Ayys) and he has returned to guide Finns to the inevitable takeover of Earth.
The job requires that you act in a certain way. How he acts and what he does behind the scenes is anybody's guess. At the moment we just don't have a better candidate and there's nothing inherently wrong with Sauli like there was with Tarja.
Beautiful. In cultural exchange I offer an American take on Ievan Polkka from one of our Finn Fests (we have a lot of those).
Europe's leading anthropologist has this to say about Finns:
>Asperger is a “diagnosis” alright, and you either have it or you don’t, but the traits that identify an Asperger are many, and you don’t have to have all of them, or all of them to such a degre that you would have been given the “diagnosis” Asperger had you been examined for this, in order to be seen as having a European mind. In Europe we can even see entire tribes thinking much like Aspergers. The most obvious example is of course Finland
Offering accepted. Here's some neofolk:
>Over an hour long.
Saved for later when chilling in the night are with some vodka.
this is actually pleasing to the ear.
Good meme.
They smell bad.
Finns are my favorite Euros though. They're chill posters and they make great memes.
This one is shorter:
>t. someone called Kraut
More like huutis am I right? Besides the whole movement has always been full of Väyrys-level Russian cocksuckers. I really don't understand the mental gymnastics required to equate nationalis with selling your country to Putin.
She is the sex. Ever see her do a strip tease on ice?
Kiitos, glad you enjoy.
jews and other nonwhites. also paid d&c shills and race traitors
Every Finnish Finn I have ever dealt with smells like pine or lemongrass shampoo.
That's not a Rapala...
Or tar shampoo.
Pine tar, right? I like pine tar candy.
Pine or alder.
I've always loved the smell of a fresh vihta.
>tfw 1% Finn
feels good
Finns are bros.
bin the finn
>At summer cabin
>Bathe in sauna with a vasta
>Swim in lake
>Back to sauna and enjoy löyly produced by a kiuas made out of an old locomotive
>Sit on terrace while drinking sima, eating fresh pulla and listening to arctic loons sing
Such is the Finnish life.
>100% Finn
Feels a hundred times more Finnish.
>Such is the Finnish life.
Perkele. Sounds wonderful. How many things do you smash in a hydraulic press every day?
Did anyone mention Matsurei Tsurunen yet, tho?
Why hate the based benis?
We have centralized all smashing and pressing operations to the YouTube channel for maximum efficiency, so currently I don't smash or press anything. It's better this way. We can now expand our business.
Sounds Commie to me, serkku.
Who the fuck can hate Winnland? They created Spurdo Sparde kaksoispiste DDDDDD
The real story:
reminder: till lauren southern has nude leaks shes better than 99% of the millenial camwhores who snapchat and tumblr their bodies
How much does lauren pay you, cuck?
Agreed. Finns are worthy allies.
Super mantlet with the most basic rifle outclasses Chris Kyle though, yikes
Centralized, not socialized. This will free up workforce for future projects. We have several new memes at prototype stage and our engineers believe that the first ones will be ready for distribution in Q1 of 2018, so naturally we can't all be smashing and pressing stuff when the time comes. Spurdo and Apustaja are great products but we have expand and diversify our business to create a more healthy base for our economy. In case Spurdo loses momentum in the future we need to have something to replace it. Serious discussions won't bring food to Finnish tables.
>Korpi nudes
Diversify into Korpi nudes. You have no idea what I'd pay for Korpi nudes.
That's like you selling the original copy of the Constitution.
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
fuck off
Nothing beats sipping ES while listening to comfy music.
For a Korpi nude, you have a deal. I'll throw in the missile Gold Codes for two.
Now that you put it like that, I'd rather keep the nudes. At least I don't need an old piece of paper. Kiira's nudes are invaluable and not for sale. Even the Holy Grail can't compete.
really gomfy musig :DDDDDDD
Reeeeeee. I'm tired of fapping to skating pics.
Sorry but we can't let go of the most powerful thing in the world. We don't even need nukes because of this. Who would dare nuke us, if they risked destroying Kiira and her nudes?
She's currently living in NYC...
Source: I can see her through my telescope now.
We still have the pictures.