what laws has he broke?
Hey. you're going to prison shareblue. enjoy your last few days of freedom.
I don't agree. You gonna kill me for that, libtard?
Your kike masters really have your peabain scrambled, don't they?
International laws
I too think they could legitimately go to prison once the laws are applied equitably.
Isn't it fun to think about?
again i ask, what laws has he broke?
>My Truth
The absolute state of the left in two words
Emoluments, nepotism, corruption, bribery, fraud.
cry harder bitch nigger
oh gee, impeachment any day then i guess, right?
So you cant quote the statutes ...
don't forget muh soggy knee
how has he profited from office?
he even gives away his presidential salary.
not a crime in the united states.
who did he pay off?
do you have proof and not just a meme?
he didn't fake a birth certificate like obongo.
but i'll humor you.
what did he fraudulate?
So you're fine with it as long as its a republican, but if Hillary had appointed her daughter to a made up, netherlous advisory position you'd be shitting bricks.
>nobody's letting us have our way! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
eat shit commie scum
>how has he profited from office?
Every weekend he goes to his own properties where he charges the government for his own expenses and that of his entire entourage. He said that Abe would stay for free but ended up charging the government $1200 for the two night stay. The ss went bankrupt from paying rent at Trump tower protecting his wife and young son. Foreign dignitaries are encouraged to stay at his properties when visiting the US for diplomatic purposes. The list goes on.
>What did he fraudulate
Trump tower Soho
last i checked, he gave his business to his kids when he took office.
Good job Dems. You've reached for the top shelf on this issue. The future of political debate is "remove". There's no more room for give and take. For compromise between brothers. For recognizing eachother as different but equal.
You made your bed. Time to sleep.
Did you actually see papers on that or was it simply another of the many things he's said and hasn't bothered to back up with evidence?
No, you're a faggy cunt, OP.
The best thing about the Trump Presidency is how he so easily triggers flaming retard leftist like yourself. Just keep crying, protesting, and rioting. I would love to see another 4 years of your butthurt.
Trumptards are great at offering nonarguments
That's his high crime? Some nickle and dime hotel bill shit? He's a billionaire. The secret service went bankrupt? You sound like a hysterical retard.
Fuck the world.
Obama would of been impeached and hung as a traitor in the USA pre 1940.
sorry sweetiebums, as long as it makes you mad he could do whatever he wants
Good argument.
Slide thread.
1984 double think.