Pol unironically judges people on their skin color

>pol unironically judges people on their skin color


Statistics faggot

Race isn't skin color

black skin is unaesthetic

>pol unironically judges groups based on the actions of those gruops

>decide to judge niggers on the base of their character
>result is the same as if you judged them based on a skin color

Nope, i judge people first on what they wear.
Lots of sluts in modern society; not that muh dick is complaining


Britain is 10 times worse and you know that, Khan.

This. Only Sup Forums is retarded enough to think race is eye color.

This,stereotypes are there for a reason and they are 99% true.

People also judge fat people subconsciously as being inferior.

>pol unironically judges people based on how Jewish their nose looks

>t. furry

Blacks and whites in America need team up against Muslim invasion and Jewish money traps.

I judge people on the shape of their skulls, even though it just happens to correlate with skin color 99% of the time.

Yeah well what else are we going to judge people on? Their actions?! Pht everyone knows pigmentation is a thought crime.

Everybody judges everybody, just carry one pussy

>*carry on

So does 99.999999999999999% of the rest of humanity. Kill yourself nigger.


You have a problem kraut nigger shitskin goatfucker?

I'm judging you on your flag
Fuck off


I judge them by their actions.
The skin color thing is just pattern recognition.

The fact that it doesn't fit the politically correct narrative put forth by the very same people who seemingly despise white people (at most) and who want to destroy western civilization (at the very least) is why political activism and speaking truth to power of the progressive establishment elite is needed.

More so the cultures associated with the skin colours or races.

No race is superior but certain cultures are clearly superior and it takes alot for certain races to elevate themselves above their shitty culture and into the better ones.

>fa unironically judges people based on the fabric they use to cover their skin

>implying skin color isn't an absolutely valid way of judging people, pic related