>50% black
>2% GDP growth annually
>low National debt
>Run by a dictator yet still have absolute free speech, warrant laws, fair trials, and humane prison treatment
>More scientific research per capita comes out than of Europe
>low crime
>Low racial tension
There's no Successful Black Coun
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s the rule, not the exception.
Actually, the English found Fiji...by accident. This nation has built its current culture in the model of a western, civilized nation.
America landed on the moon.
Yes but it wasn't doing them much good. The English imported tons of Indian immigrants to mine resources and ship it back to England. Once Fijans gained their peaceful independence the quality of life went up. Yes the Fiji system is built on British values but it shows that the black race is capable of building a great country
That doesn't make Fiji any less accomplished. Besides they did that before Fijan independence.
fijians arent black. they are poo's
No they aren't. There are a lot of Indian immigrants but most aren't.
>Once Fijans gained their peaceful independence the quality of life went up
Modus tollens, they've done fine because of the white aid which allows them to do fine without direct rule by whites anymore. South Africa is degenerating rapidly as they go against the white population which made SA better than most other African countries. Haiti is an even better example of what happens with whites are genocided and niggers have no idea about how to run a country.
How is it not black?
They don't get foreign aid.
Why do their men wear skirts?
Fijians are not black you fucking autistic kekistani trash
It is literally nowhere near Africa,
It's more akin to Australia
they are literally niggers you fucking leaf
To be fair, neither is Jamaica and yet it's packed fulla niggers
Same reason Scotland does
>56.8% black
RETARD autistic trash
Australiods are negroids under any racial classifcations.
They are Melanesian and gay as hell
They got aid by emulating a foreign nation
>50 percent black is not a black country
>2% percent growth is due to Convergence
>More scientific research per capita comes out than of Europe
This is due to their population being INCREDIBLY minute compared to Europe.
RANKS 63 on living standard.....
this shit is laughable
Forgot this > my friend.
>continuous infusion of tourist cash from white countries
>convergence meme
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, first rule of economics. Same applies with countries
>This is due to their population being INCREDIBLY minute compared to Europe.
Yeah, and yet they produce so much with so little population, that's literal genius
>RANKS 63 on living standard.....
Pretty good for a former COLONIZED nation.
>skin color means ethnicity
LMFAO fiji wasn't built by niggers. The brits injected it with whiteness.
What Jamaica is a fucking shit hole.
>reading comprehension
how is that even comparable? people in Fiji are indigenous to the islands, but Jamaicans are actually descendants from Africa. dumbass
It's only proof of conquest. Had not the British invaded it would be a jungle jigger tier island still. Northern Africa was beautiful in the early 50''s under European control before the muh white devil meme. Also Fiji=black?, come on Op.
Brits were just there for resources
>Indigenous Pacific islanders
Pick one. They're Melanesian, which is closest to southeast Asian and other Pacific/Oceanic Islander peoples from a cultural development standpoint.
>Australiods are negroids under any racial classifcations.
No they're not, Australiods are just as far away from blacks as Caucasians are. They are also the only race to have Denisovan DNA.
They're negroids, which sounds pretty black to me.
They're Australoids, not Negroids.
They're closer to Asians.
Polynesians are not sub-Saharan Africans, you dumb twat.
Feel free to look it up yourselves.
I don't know why people always insist on speaking of things they know nothing about.
>comparing Fiji to Jamaica
>the absolute state of race baiting retards in this thread
Caribbean islands were popular hubs for the slave trade in the Americas. That's why there are so many niggers there now, and most of them aren't natives, they're imports from west Africa.
Fiji isn't black, you stupid shitpile. Melenesians aren't Africans, they have more in common genetically with someone from Asia than an African.
>Low racial tension
You know nothing about Fiji. The Fijians and Indo-Fijians despise each other.
what does that have to do with convergence m8?
you must of not read the link as its a purly mathematical effect
Again since they have had less population than Europe ever has producing one thing puts them above them cuck... this is how per capita works
What is the US
I have.
There is no connection between African and Oceanic populations.
>has niggers
>Fijian scientific research
Fuck off, the whole board is full of kekistani flagged shills, trying to convince me that it doesn't matter that every shaping invention comes from europe
This is all they have left from the scramble of their (((civic))) ideology being blown the fuck out
Wrong. Does pic related look like Africa to you?
>if yes
Kill yourself, because it's not Africa and you have no basis for your argument
>if no
You obviously know they're not niggers and you're trolling at pleb tier.
The fact that its a paradise after 50 years of independence shows blacks can build a pretty decent place
you're a shitty troll
You know nothing about Fiji or race
Economics doesn't work that way, more workers means more production
IDK what your trying to say about workers and production?
convergence is a mathematical effect from going from low gdp to high gdp simply due to catch up of piggy backing on modern economic models and then leveling off.
A comparable example is if a island with zero schools building 3 in a year would have a higher school building rate than a nation with a 1000 schools building 5
Its a paradise for tourists....it ranks int he 60's of living standards fro its residents.
>50% black
can a man go and bum off fiji, or would i get killed and enriched by the natives.
Quick question, you're a nigger, right?
% GDP growth annually
>More scientific research per capita
>low crime
now break that down by ethnicity
>Black Country
You mean formerly white country
Out of nearly 200 countries, not bad...
No, im North African which under the census is white.
You must fuckin joking. Fiji is FUCKED! There has been a war there for years because the Indians moved there and kicked all the islanders to the curb. This is the most retarded never-comped OP of all time.
OK, a nigger. You shits are still have lots of black African blood.
yes he is from the leftypol spam squad
You're trolling right.
Its a D m8
i guess Kuwait is a paradise now
>the rich get richer blah blah lefty bullshit
Successful people behave in a successful way
O shit i fucked up its 91
The indigenous population aren't Africans. The have a large Indian population who have played a significant role in running the country. Racial tension between the two groups have caused major problems including repeated coups.
The UK, New Zealand and Australia have put money into the country. China have also put 100s of millions into the country for geo political reasons.
Almost everything you say is wrong
Says the retard who think Fijians are black
>Polynesians are black
I think it's time for you to stop posting.
You're dumb the indigiouness people aren't white
they are retard
The absolute state of nu-flag cuckistanis. You need to go back.
At like 9% black , definately not a "Black Country"
Get a load of this retard.
>Low racial tension
user, I...
By that logic australiods aren't black
Ok this is a bunch of shit. Fijians are not black they are Polynesian. They may look black but are not 100%. It is primarily a third world country too. Fiji was a bunch of cannibals up until 100 years ago. Even today they are very poor. They have run out of resources and Brits and Catholic volunteers have gone to their islands to teach them how to grow food. They have overfished and didn't know how to grow crops.
It is a very poor country. Close to third world except islands that american or australian companies put hotels on.
>50% black
how is that a black country?
Wow such an advanced society
Black skin =/= black person
Fijians are poo in the loos