I'm currently a NEET, why should I work. What does work do for society? From what I see it helps the rich get richer, I have been denied welfare so don't call me a leech. The way I see it is I don't see why I should work for some big corporation who's run by a bunch of unelected douchebags who see anyone without a fat bank account as an inferior subhuman. Why should I help enrich them? It's funny how the entire legal system, cops, lawyers, judges, basically defends the property rights of the wealthy when the wealthy look down at these people as worthless cattle.
Why Should I Work? I see Workers as Cucks
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You really shouldn't so long as socialism is a thing.
You know Hitler put NEETs in camps?
What makes you think you are entitled to food, land, a house, medicine, technology, and internet for free?
No he didn't. Once the Nazis took power you were given a job you HAD to work.
The same reason the wealthy think they are entitled to the fruits of our labour.
I'm currently drunk at my computer watching an absolute construction cuck hold a stop sign. . Poor guy must have kids to feed too. Work fags
Oh I don't know. Perhaps it's because the government you leftsits worship actually steals it from you to give to me.
But please continue to ban smoking. Stick to what's important.
why would i work when the GOV is importing millions of non-whites to work instead
It's sad really, sad
>Refuses to get a job because others profit from his actions
>Makes no money instead
You can't complain about a system if you do not participate.
The non-neets will never know. They have no fight left in them.
>he didn't read it
Those were for people who refused to work their government mandated job. Dingus
You can't complain about a system if you DO participate.
We make your money. That's the part you still don't get.
>from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs
Because you're going to look like a pathetic fucking loser when you go out and try and meet people or a girl
>hurrr I stay at home and don't work
and no I don't mean just slave away at some job you hate. Atleast find something you like that you can make money from. Or not. Be a lonely loser who will probably off himself
>get a job for grills
I'm MGTOW anyway. And it will sound just as bad saying "I work in retail/MacDonald/wendys etc".
>when you get to enjoy the camp's swimming pool and cinema and brothel while wagecucks freeze their feet off in the Russian winter digging trenches
Oh no!
Because you can get big neet bucks driving big neet trucks.
>it will sound just as bad
No it won't. Atleast then you're working. Nothing more pathetic than never trying at all and making up excuses
As an ethnic Kekistani, you should know that many of our kind are great creators of literature.
Women, family, etc.
If you don't need that then there is no reason not to be a NEET
>neet bucks driving neet trucks
Yeah, if you want a family you have to work
Sort of a NEET here I guess. I don't want a job, I want a career. Something I can do daily that I want to do. Even if that means getting a job for now but I need to have something I can do daily otherwise I get pissy and irritable.
If everyone thought the way you do, society would stop working, there would be mass famine, crime, murder, and plague, and billions of people would die. For you to maintain your lifestyle, millions of people must work hard while you leech off of someone without working. "Prosperity & an easy life for me, but not for thee". In your scenario, you are exactly the same as the rich you claim to despise, but you are a hypocrite as well, making you even worse.
Yeah but you need to be part of THEM to get a job doing that.
I don't care, im MGTOW anyways, i don't care about girls
That's true, im bad at writing though. Respect the kekistanis that are good though
Yeah but you need a good job to have a family, in this society only THEM get good jobs.
>If everyone thought the way you do, society would stop working
Why do you want this society to continue?
I'm not taking resources from anyone else though.
You got a passion?
You need to have something you want to do if you want to succeed in doing it as anything other than a mechanical effort.
comfy NEET bread pls
I'm not saying just girls dickhead. Do you not want friends. No one wants losers who don't work as friends
Some of us do have passions, but capitalism won't let us follow them.
€1000 autismbux/month here.
Applied for plenty of jobs that pay more, never got hired.
Then how are you posting on this board?
>Do you not want friends. No one wants losers who don't work as friends
That's just sad, user. Do you have nothing to talk about other than your work? Do you know no one but your colleagues? What happened to your childhood friends?
old commercial about driving trucks as a career.
Make big big bucks driving big big trucks. think it was the 90's.
yeah, one truck driver i know seems like a neet, live out in the middle of nowhere and just drives trucks. barely willing to chat on steam. seriously have to drag conversation out of him.
Do you have food and water in your belly?
A warm house and a solid roof over your head?
An internet connection, an unbelievable luxury, available to you?
A family that you love and care about?
A safe, stable society and nation?
You have much, much more to lose than you think.
Thinking about it. I think I do. Need to devote more time towards it.
>won't let
Even if you find yourself working a wagecuck job for a while you can still follow your passion after work and on the weekend. People don't immediately succeed at the shit they want to do and one must know patience.
Actually. I'd go as far as to say that it's necessary to follow your passion to stay same. Even if your passion is memes and shitposts, stick with it.
>A safe, stable society and nation?
Not one I want to support, no.
I do want friends, but in order to get friends you need a high up job. I had a job before and everyone called me "weirdo", "autist", "freak", and things like that.
All the NEETS I knew are dead or moved on. 2 suicides, 1 overdose and 1 burned to death after falling asleep with a lit cigarette
>tfw glorious state worker
>tfw wake up to go to work and go fishing all day
feels fucking great man
I have friends autist. Never said to talk about your work but it sure shows who you are as a person if you have no drive to work. I don't want lazy fucks who will beg me for money as a friend. I'd rather have financially stable friends who have the funds to go out and do stuff
So you do acknowledge that you have the other 3?
>Even if you find yourself working a wagecuck job for a while you can still follow your passion after work and on the weekend. People don't immediately succeed at the shit they want to do and one must know patience.
Actually. I'd go as far as to say that it's necessary to follow your passion to stay same. Even if your passion is memes and shitposts, stick with it.
Actually they can, capitalism literally passes laws to prevent that kind of stuff.
He's sort of right, but only applies if you have a really good job
My mom pays for internet
If you're a neet and have some money, just play the stocks. It's a lot better than working. I know people who've never worked a day in their life and have made millions off of just playing the stocks.
Stocks are for smart people. Labor is for the not so smart.
One facet of Capitalism is that unless your dream is something obscure or provides no value, you can get paid for it.
Hell, read those financial self-help books (take them out at your library, most of them are trash). They're all memes based around one or two very simple ideas. Any idiot can write them if they understand the basic idea.
Would Netherlands pay your NEET bucks and your job bucks since you're technically permanently impaired/disabled?
Simple solution to that. Don't act like a fucking weirdo
Devoting your time toward it is important. I'm starting to get serious about my creative writing and I know that self-publishing doesn't pay big bucks, but I'm still hopeful that getting a few things published will help.
Wage labor is pure cuckery.
I don't own any property, not a single dollar is in my name
>Even if you find yourself working a wagecuck job for a while you can still follow your passion after work and on the weekend. People don't immediately succeed at the shit they want to do and one must know patience.
Actually. I'd go as far as to say that it's necessary to follow your passion to stay same. Even if your passion is memes and shitposts, stick with it.
Actually capitalism prevents that.
How does me having these things change me being in disagreement with my society on a fundamental level, user? It doesn't.
>Never said to talk about your work but it sure shows who you are as a person if you have no drive to work. I don't want lazy fucks who will beg me for money as a friend. I'd rather have financially stable friends who have the funds to go out and do stuff
I've never begged one of my friends for money though. There are plenty of free or cheap ways to spend your time, you know.
If you can't answer these questions yourself, you are never going to get better. Have fun kysing yourself when you get depressed about doing nothing with your life. Have fun living as a child or woman. Wanting to be a man should be enough incentive by itself. I feel bad for you.
Yeh, being NEET is fucking hard, I'm sort of NEET right now because I got a severance package that pays a fuckload from my last job and it's actually profitable to stay NEET while I work on personal projects. The novelty of waking up free every day wore out the first month and while I remain convinced I love playing video games all day and having no responsibility, I can feel myself slipping into some sort of pointlessness when I'm unproductive. It's not depression, it's just a sort of having no reason to exist, floating around in space and constantly questioning your own existence.
A month ago I did some work on a project and I just remember how everything sorta seemed to shift into focus, even if the work was not enjoyable.
>One facet of Capitalism is that unless your dream is something obscure or provides no value, you can get paid for it.
Wrong. My dream provides a lot of value, get no money for it
>simple solution
Yeah, such a simple solution that i still act weird after taking behavior classes, reading tons of self-help books, and my mom blowing about 20K on behavioral psychiatrists and psychologists over the years
>You can't complain about a system if you DO participate.
>h-how can you complain about capitalism if you still drink starbucks????
If you work you're not a man, you are a women/child.
Christ you're just a lost cause then my man. What the fuck do you do to warrant name calling then
You work to make money to cover your living expenses. This is basic shit. How exactly is that being "cattle"?
life is pointless. normies use career and kids to give themselves a false sense of progressing towards something
I can never think of anything to say in a conversation so I don't say anything. Everyone talks about how quiet I am so i start to talk more but i can't think of anything and end up saying something irrelevant to the conversation and everyone laughs and i get mad they are laughing so I stop talking to them.
Because 50% of your work goes to enrich your boss.
I think he was quoting the bibble.
I have a BS in Architecture but I hate my job and never wanted to me an architect, my parents pushed me into it and I finished just so I'd have a degree.
What else can I do? :(
Go back to leftycucks commie faggot
What's your dream, amigo?
fucking commies are the death of this world as bad as niggers
Explaining the way it works =/= proving it's not a problem.
if you dont wanna work thats fine, no welfare though. good luck!
Give me one reason not to leech off the state when it participates in soft genocidal population replacement campaigns?
Well no shit, if your boss didn't make any money off you, then why would he hire you? Because he's a nice guy? Grow up kid.
>my mom pays for my internet
>b-but I don't leech off of anyone
fucks sake m8, at least be honest. You say that you don't leech off of anyone, yet here you are. A fully-grown man, still living with his parents, leeching off of them for everything, never contributing anything back.
Student here.
Where you even get those bux? Can you keep getting them for your entire life?
>a literal r9k autist
>career and kids to give themselves a false sense of progressing towards something
Yeh, which is better than pointless.
What's the alternative? People give you free shit just because?
There is nil intrinsic value to fiat money. So arguments are null.
>What happened to your childhood friends?
user please I...
Jesus christ. You just don't get it.
not happening unless your in cali and you can see hows thats going to play out, fallout 55 los angeles
Wish I had a job, here I can't even find one.
I always wanted to work in finance or something macro-economically related. However i can't get a degree in anything from a decent school so i can't get hired
you are a commie and deserve death? yeah i get it
im not on weflare
That's why you shouldn't work for a boss, grow the fuck up.
Perhaps none currently. I'm glad in all your intelligence you can see that, oh pragmatic user.
ahh theres the problem, shooting for jobs that are unobtainium. gotta work work before you can play play
>I'm happy being unemployed and fapping to anime games w-wagec-cucks BTFO
I do have autism. I can't cure it though and no matter what i do i still act autistic so...
Customers pay you, not the head of the organization.
The only jobs that are attainable for me are janitor, retail, and macdonalds. Rather not.
Unless you are seriously mooching off of others. What happens when your saftey net breaks? Parents aren't going to live forever sport
Is welfare the one thing where they pay you for doing nothing?
NEETs are merely second-tier normalfags. The true ''NEET class'' are people who work to maintain their own comfy homoeostasis, and then act like NEETs in their free time
I wake up at 4am every day, hit work at 6am and shift stock until either 12pm or 2:30pm. That then gives me between 6-9 hours playing vidya, masturbating to lolis, reading manga, watching anime etc.
I then have as much time as I want (minus fetching groceries, cleaning, washing and ironing - which altogether takes maybe 3-4 hours max a week) at the weekends to play even more vidya, masturbate to even more lolis etc. but, with the added bonus of being independent, buying as much anime merch as I want etc.
Meanwhile Mr. NEET who lives off pirating entertainment and never buying himself treats or presents is just another normalfag in my eyes, just lazier. True, final boss NEETs actually work to fund their NEET lifestyle. It isn't about boo-hoo I can't find a job, it's about being happy living on the poverty-line and being surrounded by onaholes you can cum inside or plushis you can cuddle - all bought by your own coin
What the fuck is your point? Nothing is preventing you from moving to the woods and foraging for berries or some shit.
>wasting your virility on anime games like a wagie wastes his life force on his slave labor
Yeah no.
Get a fucking job you bum
Wagies BTFO as always.