Give me one good reason why the United States should NOT annex Canada
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Cause it’s full of Canadians.
That could be fixed.
Because the US would become permanently democrat.
We should, except Quebec should be independent, or we'll be forced to put French on all our signs and documents.
because less borders means a stronger central power which always ends up bad for the people. Better to break up both Canada and US
you fat fuck
Canadas population aint that high.
Let's just annex Alberta and let the rest of the country cuck themselves to oblivion.
Maybe just Quebec.
Also don't need to give us the vote. Call us the Arctic territory, who gives a fuck.
Because then canadians will win.
because the U.S. would fail and then be in even more debt and become even more of a laughingstock to the world
there is no oil under canada.
As long as they are not permitted to vote. I don't see a problem with sacking them for resources and enslaving the entire population
We have enough enrichment already, we don't need 56%ers bearing down on us.
Republicans are much worse, considering Donny Moscow and Paul Ryan.
I've been to Disneyworld maybe 8 times already. Love you too burgerbro
We don't need more Liberal faggots in America.
A true leaf bro.
We'd let you vote.
Fuck that!
Because we want our tax dollars to go towards things like infrastructure, healthcare, and education rather than wars for Israel.
Because we want to preserve our beautiful nature instead of building sprawling strip malls and McDonalds on every block.
Because we have laws that prevents the country from becoming an oligarchy and we would like to keep it that way.
Because we dont share your values such as avarice is a virtue or your lust for world domination.
I would take Quebec. Its a pretty good place.
Need to set fire to pretty much everything else though with extreme prejudice.
It's kinda like Europe. Norway and a few other places are cool. France, Germany, UK, and Sweden? Not so much.
I hope you get killed by an american alligator next time.
Quit making Americans look bad.
They would make us give them citizenship after a while. Although we can always just brainwash them and control them and make them into Americans, it would take a 2 generations.
Is that Quebec City? It's gorgeous.
No one would ever move here anyway in that event, so no strip malls everywhere.
And kek to all the rest of that nonsense that's not even true. Someone's deep in that "atleast we're not America!!!" identity.
Because what other tundra hellhole do we have for storing the leafs? Antarctica is already claimed by the Nazis.
It leaves no room for the concavity. Nobody wants that shit.
Yes it is my burger, last walled city north of Mexico. Burgers are welcome anytime
Spending political capital on things that matter less than stopping White Genocide. There should be permanent financial penalites for anyone on record promoting the genocide of the white race—call them reparations if you like, it will be a deterrent from White Genocide ever starting up again.
>because the U.S. would fail
How? The Michigan National Guard could probably conquer us over a long weekend.
After all the refugees have fled to Canada you want to annex it. ? Let them deal with it.
You must watch a lot of TV, bud. I lived in the US for over 20 years and am well aware of the differences you silly goy. Canada is better, hands down.
It would be the equivalent of adding another California to the US, which I'd reckon is a pretty big deal.
I want to annex Canada for more Land and a easier route to Alaska
Please take Quebec. They take more federal funding for their shit social plans than any other province. The place is practically a socialist utopia. Free childcare and the highest welfare payments in Canada. I'm so glad I left that place before it was over run by muzzies.
>burger meme
I wouldn't mind my country taking charge of all of the Anglo-Canadian babes (they can be deloused—well, most of them). The Franco-Canadians have to go back to frogland... But, as I've said, there are in fact more pressing matters for American politicians. See --->
it isn't 2072 yet
Doesn't need to be
Vancouver BC, Montreal, Toronto, and Halafax
No you fucking burger; It's Martinique. As you can see by the flag emblazoned on the vessel
It would be rude.
Putting mexicans or niggers there wont work, and asians will bring down country value
Because why would you police me a atrong Canadian patriot when the closest person to my farm asside from my family is fucking 10km away and the next town 58km
>Quebec overran by shitskins
>Ever happening
please do
save us from ourselves
>50 stars and a fucking leaf
Deletes his post to add one word
Dude, really?
>annex Canada
annex Mexico you dumb piece of shit
also, while at it, change your country name to Mexico and make Spanish the official language
>implying that canada won't have a regional flag and that we won't maintain our current one
the flag will be a mixture of the american flag's general design and this flag's design anyways
Hey Sorry Jesus, I'm not up to date on Canadian Flags. Switch to fuckin decaf
How 'bout no
Uh no. But how bout we let you annex California since you are about half way there anyway.
I didn't delete anything.
We shouldn't have to annex cnakanaduh , they should willingly give us their country so we can populate it with patriots and give all the shitskins a free one way ticket back to what ever 3rd world shit hole they came from.
USA must get just enought (OK NOT SO LITERAL) to connect USA to alaska and give the same amount of land area from usa to canada (must be land conected to canada)
dude, telling a Mexican to annex California is the biggest insult you could possibly come with, you fucking bakah gaijing
I hope your mom dies of visual cancer ASAP!
FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!
Why the fuck would we want 10 additional blue states filled with chinks and cucked white people? Just nuke the place
Canadastan gets nothing the US gets what it wants, also show your flag pussy.
The same reason we didnt keep mexico after we kicked their asses and marched into their capitol..
over 20% of leafs are forigin born, and thats legal citizens.
hlaf of the domestic born are chinks, and another 30% are Africans and a mixed bag of other shit skin races.
Western Canada is being oppressed by their liberal government and need to be liberated right fucking now!
Damn Jose, lay off the Taco Bell.
>tfw I get to pay a fraction of what other Canadians pay for school
feels bon
Balls of Steeeel.
>infrastructure, healthcare, and education
all that is only possible because the U.S. protects your ungrateful asses.
your shiny new bridges and roads will be great....for Russian troop transports to transport you to Gulag on
Are Norwegians sad for Sweeden, or do they laugh at their condition?
Annex Alberta
it would be impolite Muppet.
BC comes along mainly because I'm a border autist and want Alaska connected.
Start a movement senpai and petition Trump.
We need Central Maerica (and some of South America) first.
They work.
Canada doesn't.
Bitch I don't want to deal with maple niggers
All those niggers they've been taking in will be ours, then.
Bro Canada is like our resource base. We should just annex them and have all our natural resources and raw materials internally sourced.
Because they're filthy sap suckers and don't know how to American properly.
It is Quebec City don't listen to that asshole. Fucking beautiful city.
Canada has already been annexed, the queen approved.
Cause they still have a Queen, fuck that.
Don't worry; It's even more of an insult to us Californian MexiBro.
You fucking whore; you swarthy baboon. How about you lay off California (dindu nuffin). You flyover cuckold
Because then the right wing would never win another election again fagtard.
They're all liberals, even the conservative party in Canada is liberal.
Damn, Pancho is fiesty tonight.
Yea fuck Canada... fit intelligent people make me so mad! Those fuckers don't even vote against their own economic interests like us!! and their daughters haven't been blacked yet so they don't even hate niggers!!!
We'd rather not be infected by your demographics
It would be a dream come true. This place is so cucked and fucked. Blue pilled to the max.
Damn straight, QC is the coolest part of CA. They can join us anytime. I never met anyone from QC that I didn't like.
You get the majority of your oil from us
Maple Niggers and Islamic refugees,
I live here, Im 5mins walk from those castle. My neighborhood is Disney movie tier. Go look around on street view.
>London police
>doge challenger
I am sincerely confused
It's cucks like you that make me sick. Defeatist cowards, probably french Canadian, like you should just move south.
There is a London, Ontario and we frequently use Chargers as police cars up here.
I am as confused about the arabic as you are.
It's a sovereign nation and an annexation/invasion would be virtually pointless, and would cause major international backlash.
Why would we want to deal with a frozen hell hole full of xe's and xers?
stop trying to racemix with us burger
The land is worthless
Because I don't want to live in a commie shithole like the USA